Heartbreaks and Hopes: Considering Endings and New Beginnings!

in spirituality •  6 years ago  (edited)

It's a normal and to be expect part of life that things come to an end. And sometimes we have to face the fact that even good things come to an end.

People all have different ways of processing endings.

Choose the way of the Light

Some seem to have a natural ability to simply look at the new possibilities ahead, without giving any thought to "what was." Whereas that is a fine characteristic — at least on the surface — we should also be mindful that we are staying honest with ourselves about what ended.

In taking the road to only focusing on the new opportunity, are we choosing to ignore and bury how we actually felt about whatever just came to an end? In many cases, endings do involve some sense of loss, and when we lose something, it is only natural to experience a mourning period... even if it only lasts a couple of hours.

"Pretending" that we're not sad serves no purpose... and can actually become a ticking emotional time bomb that might explode at an unfortunate and inappropriate completely unrelated moment.

On the opposite end of the scale, there is the risk of being so bogged down in the "loss" of whatever we were involved in that we become immobilized and unable to move on from the ocean of sadness in which we are sitting.

By all means, we should fully experience a loss, when it happens... regardless of whether it was the end of a job, the death of a pet or the loss of a relationship. But let us not forget that life continues to happen, regardless of whether we move with it, or not.

Recently, I have experienced a number of endings, some of which have been very difficult to deal with. I have certainly felt tempted to fall into a pit of despair, but things have to keep moving in my life... and there are new opportunities that have presented themselves; opportunities I would miss if I were too deeply trapped in the despair of losses.

Finding balance matters!

We must be emotionally honest about our heartbreaks without allowing them to take over and totally define our lives. At the same time, I am very much a proponent of the idea that grief — such as the grief of a loss; of something ending — "does not come with a schedule."

Even so, we must stay mindful that we deal with our endings honestly, but not at the cost of losing ourselves in loss.

Thanks for reading, and Bright Blessings to all!

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