in splinterlands •  5 years ago 


splinterlands post

Hello friends, this post is my participation in this week's share your battle. The card chosen was Goblin Mech.

  • Why did I use these cards?
    • To tell you the truth, there was no reason why I simply chose my monsters with the highest level I had available and completed with two ranged.

Porque usei esses cards?
Para falar a verdade não teve um porque eu simplesmente escolhi meus monstros com maior lvl que tinha disponível e completei com dois ranged.

  • Did your strategy work?
    • Not to call it a strategy I just used what I had but it worked.

Sua estratégia funcionou?
Não da para chamar isso de estratégia apenas usei o que tinha mas sim funcionou.

  • Do you use the Goblin Mech?
    • Despite having a high mana cost, the goblin mech is a great card and I usually use it in several battles because I like the card very much.

Você usa o Goblin Mech?
Apesar de ter um custo de mana alto o goblin mech é um otimo card e costumo usar em varias batalhas pois gosto muito do card.

Goblin Mech Game



This mechanical monstrosity is a recent creation of Gurklies Gobson, the wild and wealthy Goblin scientist. As with everything the Goblins make, it runs on Goblin power, meaning that it’s full of Goblins, turning cranks and pulling levers. The Mech is run by seven Goblins in addition to the pilot.

barra 2.png

Battle Details



barra 2.png

Follow me @abdias101

Splinterlands user abdias101

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@tipu curate

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 16/20 - need recharge?)