If resources are scarce and there's no assurance of sponsors, every small-scale sports promoter faces an arduous uphill struggle. However, some strategies can tilt the odds in their favor. CXSports, a new company that promotes sports, is coming to the market with a unique solution. It promises to assist sports promoters, teams, leagues, and athletes locate sponsors, connecting with their fans, and ultimately getting compensated.
Getting off in the air as a modest sports promoter is no easy task, mainly since there aren't any guaranteed Athlete sponsorship solutions. A lot of people attempted, but nearly everyone has been unsuccessful. Failure to keep an event running isn't always due to a lack of knowledge or expertise. In reality, a glance at the field of sports promotions quickly shows that new events and leagues tend to be the creation of experienced business and sports experts with decades of expertise.
While experience and knowledge can make a difference, it's only a small amount of payment for the other obstacles new sports promoters have to contend with when trying to get an event or league up and running.
On closer examination, the biggest obstacle that sports organizations confront in their do-or-die period is the absence of human and financial resources. There's only a certain amount a small-sized team with a modest budget can accomplish.
However, it's not meant to mean there's no solution. Locating and landing a sponsor, for example, is a sure way to boost credibility, increase resources, and increase runway -- all elements which can make a significant impact. However, this is a lot easier to say than do. It was, or at least it was.
CXSports Offers Guaranteed Sponsorships
Recently, CXSports, a sports marketing company, has entered markets with a bold offer to provide sponsorships to any athlete, Sports influencer monetization agency or team, league, or promoter. This is a bold promise that calls for a more serious inquiry.
The answer is, naturally, "how?" How can an organization guarantee sponsorship, given that most businesses offering subsidies wouldn't typically be willing to take risks with an untested company?
The answer is, in part, straightforward. At the very least, it appears at first glance. However, like many other tech products, the simplicity on the surface results from a thought-out product that conceals the layers of complexity it has from the user. In other words, although the idea is quite simple, the implementation will generally require a lot of work.
CXSports Offers Guaranteed Results for Sponsors
The most significant difference in CXSports' CXSports sponsoring model is that it does not ask sponsors to pay upfront for anything. Instead, they enter into contracts based on performance, where the worth of the sponsorship will be determined by the outcomes CXSports and its partners produce. That is, companies can get exposure without risk to thousands of sports enthusiasts.
Of course, this idea isn't new. Performance-based marketing has been in use for quite some time, possibly having its roots in the traditional door-to-door sales system where representatives earned a commission from the items they sold.
Naturally, the translation of this model to sports promotion or athlete sponsorships is a different pot of water. Even the largest advertisers struggle when it comes time to determine where their marketing budget has been allocated. It's just too difficult to trace the customer's process, starting with "I saw a logo" to "I bought a product."
Leveraging Technology for Deep Performance Insights
As the internet grew in popularity, it wasn't long before advertisers recognized they had a new and powerful tool at their disposal. By making use of cookies, personalized links, and other attribution methods, It became an easy task to know where sales came from.
The approach has become so popular that whole agencies have been constructed around the model. Some of the largest firms also have internal programs, with Amazon being an excellent instance (excuse this pun).
However, there are always more challenges. The issue is how to generate identifiable brand impressions that can be tracked. It's nice to have an attributable link, but it's not enough to solve the issue in all situations.
Applying the Performance-Based Marketing Model to Sports
While we ignore that placing an advertisement on an athletic jersey is not just uncool but also not memorable, it is still an issue with the model based on performance in sports that is the Google issue. Also, the typical sports fan, when they see the logo on a sports shirt, is likely to Google to search the brand and skip the link that is sponsored entirely. Goodbye, the attribution.
This could have been a problem if the internet were just Google.
The truth is that the internet has become more than a basic listing of companies' websites. It has evolved into the primary source of entertainment, communication, and engagement. It's the same for athletes, sports teams, and sports marketing. Most sports fans are spending their time online, which is the perfect medium to put up attribution-based hyperlinks.
Finding Sponsors and Putting Them Infront of Fans
If it seems like a lot of fun at first glance, it's because we've only glimpsed the surface of the Iceberg. Anyone can post some links on the web. The biggest challenge is finding sponsors and convincing fans to click on their links.
This is where CXSports' CXSports solution can make an impact in resolving the problematic issues of managing sponsorship and engagement with fans.
The solution starts with Money Pages, intended to be an avenue for fan engagement. These money pages will then add sponsored links from its carefully curated database of sponsorships. Then, it optimizes the content to match sponsors with promotions for sports, teams, and athletes to ensure the best results for all who are involved.
from Theory to Practical Triad Endeavour Sports & Entertainment
Recently, CXSports has announced the agreement to add Triad Endeavour Sports & Entertainment to its platform, giving an ideal example in practice to understand how and why this is working.
For background information, Triad Endeavour operates as an independent sports and entertainment promotion company in the United Kingdom that is best recognized by its Ultimate Fight League (UFL) mixed martial arts competition. Although it's had some initial successes, the event is at its beginnings, with both human and financial resources stretched to the limit.
This is why CXSports Platform offers an attractive solution from the start as a pre-built platform with sponsors pre-sourced that are all provided at no cost based on rev-share.
The most important thing that Triad Endeavour will get from this arrangement, naturally the most important thing, is its Money Page on the CXSports network. But, in addition, it will be able to have a unifying platform from which it can control its online presence -- a site in which it can include its social media bios and captions, for example.
But, an organization with multiple functions, such as Triad Endeavour, doesn't need to limit itself to one page of money. Instead, it can roll an entire web of spoke and hub pages that will have specific sponsorships. This will ensure that the fans are engaged and enthused. For instance, Triad Endeavour will be in a position to create specific money Pages for each athlete participating in the ULF promotion. They will then create a web of interlinked pages in which, for example, fans of one athlete can go to the website of another.
This type of interaction is obviously to be expected. Fans would like to see the other athletes and discover who's competing in their favorite competitions or against their team or athlete of choice. Money Pages makes the most of this by ensuring that all interactions are within the same group of pages. This offers a different approach to the traditional method in that fans are split between multiple sites, such as social media sites, which are more likely to fail (or cannot even be placed).
A First in Sports History?
In addition to providing a platform through which teams, promoters of sports, and athletes can locate sponsors and connect with their fans, the main advantage for CXSports is that it can do everything at no risk to both parties. Sponsors can be exposed to a risk-free audience of millions of fans across the globe. Sports promoters who need resources teams, athletes, and teams receive a low-cost, no-cost option to locate guaranteed sponsorships, connect with fans, and be paid.
No need to worry about finding sponsors and devising methods to encourage customers to interact with sponsors. The days are gone when sponsors were forced to be restricted to reputable companies. Also, everyone is a winner. It could be the first time in the history of sports.