Who thinks about handball in these days? After a long period with red numbers, we finally saw a day with green numbers yesterday, and it seems to continue. Not only has THor Financial had some beautiful days recently, but I actually managed to buy some Fantom tokens yesterday at $2.2, just before it said goodbye, and it is currently selling at $2.8. Of course, now is the time when it could be wise to sell and then buy even more whenever it dumps again, but I don't dare to take that risk, so I guess I will just be boring and hold them.
But, in the midst of this, I have actually written an article in the IP Address Guide about how you can stream the European Championship in handball online. The event will start tomorrow (on January 13th) and it will last until January 30th. The event is arranged in Slovakia and in Hungary, and the matches will be played in Kosice and in Bratislava in Slovakia, and in Szeged, Debrecen, and in Budapest in Hungary. The MVM Arena in Budapest is a brand new arena with seats for 20,000 people, meaning that this is the biggest venue in use during the tournament and this is where the semifinals and the final will be played.
But, who dares to sit in a venue with 20,000 people in the midst of COVID-19? Well, who knows... but, if you either fear being there or if you have no chance to be there no matter what, then you can still read our article dealing with how you can stream the European Championship in handball online and be ready for all the action, no matter what!
And when the handball tournament is over, then we will only have to wait for a few days, and then it will be time for the opening ceremony for the Winter Olympics in Beijing. That will be quite an event as well, even though I am still way to busy watching crypto charts, so I don't really feel like if I have given the Winter Olympics the attention it would deserve. What about you?