Pathan is an Indian action thriller film directed by Siddharth Anand and produced by Aditya Chopra. The film features Shah Rukh Khan in the lead role, along with Deepika Padukone and John Abraham. Released on January 14th, 2022, the film has been a massive commercial success at the box office, grossing over ₹500 crore worldwide.
One of the main reasons for the success of Pathan is the star power of Shah Rukh Khan. The actor has a massive fan following across India and around the world, and his fans eagerly awaited the release of Pathan. The film also features two of the most popular actresses in the Indian film industry - Deepika Padukone and John Abraham - adding to its appeal.
The film has been praised for its high-octane action sequences, stunning visuals, and a fast-paced narrative. The storyline of Pathan is centered around a spy mission and has been described as a thrilling and engaging experience. The film has received positive reviews from both audiences and critics alike, with many praising the performances of the lead actors and the technical brilliance of the film.
In addition to the star power and critical acclaim, Pathan has also benefited from its release during the festive season of Diwali. The film was released on the first day of the five-day festival, which is one of the most lucrative times of the year for the film industry in India.
In conclusion, Pathan has been a resounding success at the box office, thanks to a combination of factors such as star power, positive reviews, and a release during a lucrative time of the year. The film has been well-received by audiences and has cemented Shah Rukh Khan's position as one of the biggest stars in the Indian film industry.