in ssg-membership •  5 years ago 

CM in a Bubble....JPG

Below are some of the Comments I post, that very few people ever return to read...'


I've been around all along... Just haven't posted anything but Comments lately...

December 2, 2019... 19.3 Hollywood Time...


“Sound Money” will be a “Game Changer” for “We the People”...

December 3, 2019... 8.8 Hollywood Time...


The Price of Gold and Silver "will be" set by "We the People"...

Gold and Silver "will" become "Stable"...

The Price of Items, will continue to "Fluctuate" to "Fair Market Values"...

In order to Return to "Sound Money" we must have "Stable Prices" for Gold and Silver...

Both the Melt Value of Gold and Silver and Face Value of our U.S. Bullion Coinage...

If We the People determine that $35 Gold and $3.50 Silver Prices will work better than other Numbers, that's exactly what will happen...

I say those are the best Prices to make i"Sound Money" work...

Prepare for the Return of Sound Money...

You ask how...

Federal Reserve (Debt) Notes will be removed by Executive Order, in the same manner Gold was removed by Executive Order...

We all know the "so called" Dollar is about to Collapse...

I'm confident we have a Plan for that Outcome...

And I believe I figured it all out in advance of our U.S. Monetary Reset to "Sound Money"...

December 3, 2019... 11.2 Hollywood Time...


Gold and Silver will buy you "Sound Money"...

That's why so many people are buying Gold and Silver...

Just keep in mind, that we won't be bringing our Gold and Silver to the Store to Purchase Items...

We'll turn in our Gold, Silver and Debt Notes for "Sound Money" and use that for our Purchases...

Gold will have a "Stable" melt value of $35.00 per ounce and Silver will have a "Stable" melt value of $3.50 in "Sound Money"...

Common U.S. Coinage is about to become "Sound Money" in my opinion...

December 3, 2019... 11.7 Hollywood Time...


That’s right...

Prices will still fluctuate to Fair Market Value, but our Money will be “Sound” and “Stable”...

December 3, 2019... 14.8 Hollywood Time...


We made a few mistakes with our Gold and Silver Coinage back then...

I do believe we're now about to head Back in Time with the "Activation" of our "Spending Power"...

We have a couple adjustments to make on our U.S. Gold and Silver Bullion Coinage...

But that shouldn't be a Big Deal...

So yes...

The "Spending Power" of "Sound Money" will be much Greater than the "Spending Power" of Fiat Debt Notes...

December 3, 2019... 19.1 Hollywood Time...


My Vision says, that if a Person is currently Earning 15 Dollars per hour in Fiat Debt Notes, that will "Reset" to 15 Cents per hour in "Sound Money"...

All Items will continue to Fluctuate to Fair Market Value, but "Sound Money" will remain "Stable"...

December 3, 2019... 19.2 Hollywood Time...


It's not easy, trying to hold in, what I have to write...

To me, it's all as plain as Day, but for obvious reasons, most people just roll their eyes...

They don't usually put that much thought into it...

Everyone here should realize, that I have written and re-written and edited close to 900 Posts...

I've Read and Pretty much Replied to most every Comment...

I've been very easy to Reach if anyone had Questions or Advice... An yet, I'm still a "little red fish"... lol...

December 3, 2019... 19.6 Hollywood Time...


“Sound Money” will be a “Game Changer” for “We the People”...

December 3, 2019... 8.8 Hollywood Time...


You'll be able to Obtain "Sound Money" is the same places you're currently Obtaining Fiat Debt Notes...

Many Dealers will gladly buy your Gold and Silver Coins, Bars and Rounds and hand you over "Sound Money"...

They will still make their usual Profits, if that's why you're concerned...

When you get Paid, you can Deposit your "Sound Money" Pay Checks into your Bank Account, or ask for Physical "Sound Money"...

What's about to change, is our Monetary System...

The Transition into "Sound Money" should be very Smooth...

December 3, 2019... 20.7 Hollywood Time...


Banks and Governments will need “Sound Money” as much as anyone...

Their Employees will want to be paid...

Everyone needs “Sound Money”...

December 4, 2019... 2.2 Hollywood Time

December 4, 2019... 4.0 Hollywood Time...

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My friend, you are proposing the Sound Money for the USA. Today's economy is a global one. How do you think the USA government will convince the other countries to accept it?

If not the USA, some other country will start the sound money switch first. I would speculate it will be the first country that can't keep their zombie banks animated will have to exit fiat first.

Since the United States currently "has" the World Reserve Currency, we're in a very good position of Control... I'm sure other Countries will also want their own "Sound Money"... I'm fine with that... It's an ongoing Battle between "We the People" of the World, against the "Central Bank Owners" of the World... I believe we have the "ODDS" on our Side...
December 4, 2019... 6.0 Hollywood Time...

As we Remove the Fiat Debt Notes, (World Wide) we will be Replacing them with our "Sound Money"... The Redemption Period will give the World ample time to Transition into the New U.S. Monetary System...
December 4, 2019... 5.7 Hollywood Time...

And do you think that the World will want to transition to the new US Monetary System? Have you asked China, that owns a major part of US debts?

Do you give Physical Up-Votes, or just the ones from Precious...???
At Present, China is holding Debt... Soon China will be holding "Sound Money"... Everyone is going to want to "have and to hold" U.S "Sound Money"... China and the rest of the World, will Gladly turn in all their Debt Notes for U.S. Debt Free "Sound Money"...
December 4, 2019... 23.5 Hollywood Time...