Your Nightmare May Soon Begin...

in ssg-membership •  5 years ago  (edited)

UP-DATED ON March 13, 2020...

My latest SCUM-BAG-AWARD goes to @buildawhale ...

@buildawhale rewards those who Delegate, Lease Steem Power to them, and/or helps to Limit any Competition from Bid-Bots at the Risk of being Down-Voted by Zombie Mobs who don't have time to Personally Down-Vote a Post...

My next SCUM-BAG-AWARD goes to @jacobtothe ...
Check out the way @jacobtothe starts KICKING, STOMPING and trying to KILL @pocket-change...
This is one of the SCUM-BAG-ZOMBIE-DOWN-VOTERS, out for the KILL...

The above SCUM-BAG will witness a Reset in He'r Estimated Account Value to about $20.00... That's right... About Twenty Dollars...

@buildawhale -------------Rewarding those who discourage competition...
@jacobtothe ---------------Steem Power Abuse and Out to KILL Abuse...
@exhaust -------------------Steem Power Abuse...
@anthonyadavisii---------Steem Power Abuse...
@joshman ------------------Steem Power Abuse...
@slobberchops -----------Steem Power Abuse...
@pfunk ----------------------Steem Power Abuse...
@steemflagrewards------Steem Power Abuse...
@chekohler-----------------Steem Power Abuse and Flag Fishing for Profit...
@saboin---------------------Steem Power Abuse...
@azircon--------------------Steem Power Abuse...
@jaguar.force--------------Liquid Steem Abuse
@enforcer48---------------Steem Power and Down-Voting Abuse...
@steevc---------------------Steem Power Abuse...

it was "OVER-KILL" on the part of @azircon ...

S'he sent the Status of @pocket-change from (25) to (13)...

NOW, the "innocent" Post of @pocket-change was ATTACKED by @pfunk with a single 100% Down-Vote...

@pfunk was really after @pocketechange but couldn't get to me, so S'he went after the "innocent post"...

I believe this is another Example of Steem Power Misuse...

@pfunk couldn't Erase any up-votes, so S'he must have been Attacking the Status instead...

So, the Down Vote of @pfunk reduced the Status of @pocket-change to a (6)...

I thought it was a pretty good Post, myself...

I'm Curious, if any of the Down-Voters, actually read either of the Two New Posts from @pocket-change ...???

Did any of them bother to search for EVIDENCE...???

Or, did they head Straight for the Down-Vote Choice, like Zombies Down-Voters...???

Is it possible, they Read both of the New Posts, and hated them so much, they Down-Voted them...???

Is this how the Lynch Mobs use to do it, back in the Olden Days...???

I keep wondering if each of the Zombie Voters, have their own Followers of Zombie Voters...



Along with some Zombie Down-Voter, Team Members and Followers...

@pocket-change did not Buy any Up-Votes... Go ahead and check the Wallet...

If @jaguar.force had read the Post, Titled "GREETINGS..." S'he would have known I was Conducting an Experiment...

S'he's probably still scratching his'er head, WONDERING about the possible OUTCOME of the EXPERIMENT...

Check the Wallet of @pocket-change and you will see for yourself...

And then, there's @steemflagrewards and OTHERS, using Down-Votes to Cover-Up the EVIDENCE...

Perhaps, we need to start Flagging People for "Steem Power Misuse"...

I'm starting to run across very Suspicious Steem Transfers...

Could this be due to Dummy Accounts, "acting on behalf" of their Secret Owners...???

Is it possible, they are used, to Avoid any Sign of Bought and Paid for Bid Bot Activities...???

Time will tell, now that my Focus is now on @minnowbooster , @upmewhale , @deepcrypto8 , and @blocktrades ...

...thanks to a Memo Request from @jaguar.force ...

jaguar.force (70) · 2 days ago (edited)
Look boy, Im gonna be as frank and honest as I can with you, I dont know WTF your post is about, BUT, I noticed you are sending memos to my buddies and not to me, so please, have some fucking codes, I want the memos, OK?

...which lead me to some interesting and suspicious Transfers to @unit102...

...which lead me to some interesting and suspicious Transfers to @deepcrypto8 and @blocktrades...

...which lead me to @bittrex ...

saboin (54) · 2 days ago
Poor @jaguar.force! You mean he left you out!? How can he leave out one of the best at ATTACKING and INTIMIDATION? That's not fair of him.


People are INTIMIDATED with 100% DOWN-VOTES, unless they "DO WHAT THEY'RE TOLD"...

What do you think Folks...???

Do we really want to GO TO WAR, or should we mind our own Business...???

I can understand getting Down-Voted by individuals...

The Organized Attacks, by Mobs of Down-Voters must STOP...

Do we really want to Create Armies, to do Battle, Day and Night...???

My own Personal Down-Votes started, long before I was charged with Bid bot misuse by... @chekoler

No one should be "ATTACKED" with a Status of (58) and an "Estimated Account Value" of 88 Dollars...

Come on now...

I'm still a little red fish, after 2.5 Years and 910 Posts...

Are we really willing to call that Bid Bot Misuse...???

Me and my Post, was "ATTACKED" by a person "Fishing for Profit"...





IT WAS ATTACKED by... @chekoler

He does it for PROFIT and FUN...

Some people call it FISHING...

And then, there's @steemflagrewards who uses Steem Power to INTIMIDATE anyone who Stands Up to the ABUSE...

They use both UP-VOTES and DOWN-VOTES, combined with SCARE TACTICS, to INTIMIDATE people from around the World...

On January 2, 2020 @enforcer48 ATTACKED "eleven" of my Comments in a Row to Show Intimidation...

Notice how his (-10%) up-votes are able to blend in with the other 10% Down-Voters...

In my Book, he will be considered, the SCUM OF THE EARTH, and should expect to see his Estimated Account Value Reset to about $20.00 in the Near Future...

The so called Enforcer is being Backed, Supported, and Awarded by @steemflagrewards and Fellow Mobsters...

Every DOWN-VOTE they use to ATTACK me and others, has an effect on our STATUS...

This was the Final Attack on my Status by @azircon on January 6, 2020...
A One Hundred Percent Down-Vote with over 233,000.000 Steem Power...
@azircon is a SCUM-BAG with STEEM POWER, used to ABUSE and INTIMIDATE...
How come no one is Flagging this Person for Excessive Steem Power Abuse...???

This was the Comment he attacked, on the last possible day...

I need to go Silent for a while... My Comments are now being attacked... It may take a few Months to make them Stop Attacking me and the Posts of others... They act like Bullies, using Scare Tactics and Intimidation... Don't get involved with them... I'll Battle them until they stop "Attacking Posts for Profit"...

December 30, 2019... 6.3 Hollywood Time...

I had to STOP COMMENTING in order to do COMBAT and STOP the ATTACKS...

Is this what's becoming of STEEMIT...???

I'm being ATTACKED, because I am STANDING UP to the BULLIES and their MOB of DOWN-VOTERS...

They think of me as a Source of Entertainment for their SFR (@steemflagrewards) TEAM...

They call it a TEAM... I call it "THE FLAG FOR PROFIT GANG" and their MOB of ZOMBIE DOWN-VOTER FOLLOWERS...

This will not end well for the LEADERS and the MOB who gives them AID...

I will go out of my way to FIGHT those who DOWN-VOTE for PROFIT...

THEY CALL IT FISHING... FISHING for PROFIT, is what I call it...


People are being Attacked (in my view) for trying to make a little STEEM...

I've been watching it going on for years...

Those doing the ATTACKING, found Even Better Ways to Profit from their "STEEM POWER"...

Instead of using their "Steem Power" on others, they use Plenty on themselves and their Greedy Profits...

It was not until my Final Five Posts, that I was conducting an Experiment to see what kind of Profit people were making...

Don't even try to tell me, people aren't always looking for new ways to obtain more Steem...

Would, @chekoler look for Bid Bot Misuse if he wasn't being Rewarded and Up-Voted with nice Up-Votes...


My Final Post was ATTACKED and RUINED by... @chekoler

If I had been doing what he's been doing, my Estimated Account Value would have been Sky High by now...

He's been ATTACKING People trying to turn their Steem into more Steem...

I see a Greater Harm, using Steem Power by either LEASING or DELEGATING Steem Power, Turning Steem Power, into More Steem Power...

Would, @chekoler use his Steem Power to Delegate or Lease, if he wasn't being Rewarded...???

I believe he Owes a lot of People an Apology for what he's been doing...

Same goes for @steemflagrewards and their MOB of Followers...

It seems @chekoler has been using his Steem Power for his own personal PROFIT...

Perhaps he should Decline all of his Lease or Delegation Payments...???

In any case, he shouldn't be Tossing Stones...

I don't like the way a MOB of DOWN-VOTERS are ATTACKING the Posts of others...

@retsik (-10%) upvote one-for-the-money
@milag (-10%) upvote one-for-the-money
@tricmil (-10%) upvote one-for-the-money
@mandraki (-10%) upvote one-for-the-money
@mustrim (-10%) upvote one-for-the-money
@wrossem (-10%) upvote one-for-the-money
@treskiev (-10%) upvote one-for-the-money
@lululo (-10%) upvote one-for-the-money
@lululo (-10%) upvote one-for-the-money
@jufersa (-10%) upvote one-for-the-money
@kromlek (-10%) upvote one-for-the-money
@ceazi (-10%) upvote one-for-the-money
@frirt (-10%) upvote one-for-the-money
@calibrut (-10%) upvote one-for-the-money
@holydog (-24%) upvote one-for-the-money
@aamico (-16%) upvote one-for-the-money
@imacryptorick (-42.17%) upvote one-for-the-money
@joshman (-25%) upvote one-for-the-money
@eonwarped (-50%) upvote one-for-the-money
@saboin (-100%) upvote one-for-the-money
@engranaje (-100%) upvote one-for-the-money
@steemseph (-100%) upvote one-for-the-money
@fermionico (-100%) upvote one-for-the-money
@kingsofa (-100%) upvote one-for-the-money
@bitfiend (-100%) upvote one-for-the-money
@johnwatson (-100%) upvote one-for-the-money
@flagawhale (-100%) upvote one-for-the-money
@adamada (-50%) upvote one-for-the-money
@flugschwein (-100%) upvote one-for-the-money
@trump3t (-100%) upvote one-for-the-money
@pjau (-100%) upvote one-for-the-money
@ilgiaguaro (-90%) upvote one-for-the-money
@rubberhose (-100%) upvote one-for-the-money
@upyournose (-100%) upvote one-for-the-money
@mrkebab (-100%) upvote one-for-the-money
@tuerca (-100%) upvote one-for-the-money

I try my best to Defend People from this ABUSE ...

Is it really that bad to make a little Profit...???

My Efforts are Smashed by Unthinking or Uncaring People using their Up-Votes to Break Through my Defense...

I'm seeing People being ATTACKED from Venezuela, Bangladesh, Indonesia and all over the World...

I need more People to Fight back, by Defending the People being ATTACKED by DOWN-VOTES...

Instead of ATTACKING POSTS, they should start explaining to People how to Earn Steem Power in a more Acceptable Way...

No Wonder Steemit is Dying a Slow Death...

Up-Dated on March 13, 2020... 18.4 Hollywood Time...

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Imagine if you put all this effort into seeing a therapist.

He has potential to be funny. I would only downvote him for buying votes or if he gets nasty with people, but he's still afraid to post. I'm still tempted to get this shirt printed.


@enforcer48 just ATTACKED eleven of my Comments in a Row to Show Intimidation...

I'm doing it for the free STEEM you are sending.


I've downvoted you for Bid bot misuse @steemflagrewards @steemcleaners

Steem Flag Rewards mention comment has been approved for SFR Token Issuance!

Tokens will be transferrred when the flagged content reaches payout.

Thank you for reporting this abuse, @chekohler.

  • bid bot misuse
    Violation of promotional service TOS, use of promotional services for ROI, or overpromoted content.
    Over-promoted content generally points to low quality content or self-aggrandizing trending spot hogging

This post was submitted via our Discord Community channel. Check us out on the following link!
SFR Discord


lol are you whining?

cuz you experimented and now have a result of your experiment?
We don't allow reward pool abuse/ rape


pls just stop crying

I'm powering up all I earn and also bought a lot of steem.

I'm going to buy again. You should also buy some steem. They will never be this cheap again.

Or just continue whining that no noble knight safes you.
You gotta safe yourself.


lol idc

I do what I think is right.
If everyone was doing the same.. it'd be boring as hell.

excuse me, I got things to do and when I have time for steem I wanna try to focus more on posts in the future

Good evening! Quite a week!

I wouldn’t go that far... I do think people shouldn’t be jumping to Conclusions... A simple down-vote and a reason behind it, may of cleared things up... Thanks for your support Tammy...
December 17, 2019... 4.2 Hollywood Time...

I check back often; to see if you posted lately. 03/01/20

Please don't summon the @steemcleaners for this. We do not deal with bid bot use and we definitely don't deal with original posts.

Sorry about that, thanks for the clarification


If it’s not a big deal why are you acting like this? I wasn’t particularly interested in the content I just noticed you bid botting for profit! If you want to bid not to get attention on your content best is to set the beneficiary to @null or decline payout

Or you will attract flags from people not interested in your content and it rather defeats the purpose of getting attention on your content


  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

I’m not using minnow booster I’m using dlease to lease to other steemians who want steem and they pay a fee to lease that steem Lol


Lol I guess you win! LOL


I’m not using minnowbooster I’m using dlease to lease steem to people who want it and they pay a fee for it daily which is paid via the minnowbooster account! Lol using bid bots is lame


Whatever helps you mate! If the steem cleaners find it misuse that’s up to them I just report what I see

How do I profit by downvoting?

I just get satisfaction from helping Steem. Of course it frees up a little Steem to share out, so I may make 0.00000001c more. It seems plenty of people appreciate what I do and I appreciate what you do too.

This guy seems to be scared of commenting, but I wouldn't downvote him just for that unless he gets abusive. Happy to get a tiny bit of extra Steem from the memos :)

Yes! I would also like to know the answer to this question.

Look boy, Im gonna be as frank and honest as I can with you, I dont know WTF your post is about, BUT, I noticed you are sending memos to my buddies and not to me, so please, have some fucking codes, I want the memos, OK?

You're not one of the cool kids unless you get a @pocketechange memo.

Poor @jaguar.force! You mean he left you out!? How can he leave out one of the best at ATTACKING and INTIMIDATION? That's not fair of him.

Look at all the free Steem I got from him.

I even powered it up so I can better ATTACK and INTIMIDATE! Look!

I think he should send many more memos. I think 85,382 more memos should do the trick. Fewer than that won't work, though. It's not enough.

You do realize you’ve been crying about this and looking for attention for 2 weeks now! You should really learn to get over yourself it was 10 bucks you “lost” hardly seems like people are going to be dying or this place is dying

If you don’t agree with what we’re doing the way I see it you have two options! Buy more steem and power up or what you doing now power down and find another site/place where your point of view works

No ones forcing you to be here! Look how you hide your comments and delete them clearly you know your guilt! I was done with this ages ago but you updated your post to tag and slander me lol you must not have anything better to do, it’s 2020 man move on!

I see you’re powering down anyway can’t say I’m sad to see you go, you’re the one harassing people! If you really liked steem and think we are doing harm and your way it’s better, put your money where your mouth is and buy some more stake!

Just like in the real world, opinions are backed by capital!

Anyone has the ability and right to disagree with the rewards someone else receives and use the downvote button. You're overreacting. Remember some random guy was downvoting all my posts for months? It happens, just ignore it and keep on posting. The posts and comments are still on the blockchain in the same state they always were and are just as accessible. Just take my advice, ignore it and move on from this. And they'll move on too.

I have never downvoted for profit, so your assumption that i downvoted you for profit is retarded. I havent made shit and i happily follow the flag trail. If you got flagged you're doing something wrong. If you think I am a bully for standing up to your wrong doing then so be it.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Buddy, I'll use my SP as I choose. And I'll not hold back when I receive threats, whether it's from a mentally ill person or not.

"Innocent" my ass!

Even if you buy votes for an alt account, it still counts as buying votes for yourself, dumbass.

I knew you were doing your "experiment" so you could try to play the victim some more and act like the cry-bully that you are. "Oh look what these terrible people did to my innocent post! Waah!"

Well, I was happy to oblige and give you what you wanted. Enjoy!

Oh, BTW, I read both posts and enjoyed them. If you weren't acting like a jackass, I would've probably upvoted them.

Can you come on Discord and talk to me? Unit102 is one of my pre-made (made before the price of accounts went up) accounts I give people.

No problem. You can post your comments in memos if you want for a while and I'll manually include them in the daily post where I can. It seems Jaguar Force made peace with you so this is a good time to move on.

You really don't get it. Steem would just be wall to wall crap without moderation by SFR and other. If you don't like that the community cancels out votes you buy then go elsewhere. Your threats are empty and will make no difference.

BTW I was able to give out lots of $1 votes to good posts thanks to SFR. I do not profit myself.

Thank you very much for being such a good source of entertainment for all of us on the SFR team! 🙂

Please keep sending me Steem! I'll power it up so I can do more curation. There's plenty of junk that needs downvotes. I do it for the good of Steem.

Peace and love.

Looking forward to your apology as I assume that is what you meant. Need some tips on where to find the caps lock key?

Keep sending the Steem as it all helps.

Hello there! Thank you for the Q post- I would have missed it.
Reminds me of the movie "They Live" (an old favorite of mine). Also Orwell's 1984- if it's repeated enough a lie becomes the truth.

It seemed to fit in well with, "Two for the Show"... I can't wait to see what my Up-Date will be for... ..."Three to get Ready"... And then "Four to Go"... Stay Tuned...
December 18, 2019... 19.5 Hollywood Time...

Hello! I will stay tuned! (Same bat channel, same bat time). . . lol. . .

I never know what I’ll write, until I write it... So, I’ll be just as surprised as you...
December 19, 2019... 10.4 Hollywood Time...

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

That is a great question! It is for great economists, financial experts, and genius minds to answer.
Have a fantastic day! Take care, @pocketechange 🥰🌺🤙

Our western Mainstream economists and experts are awfully quiet about it

Not by you, but I'm told my Posts, lack Good Content...

December 16, 2019... 17.5 Hollywood Time...

I admit, it gets a little monotonous but you had a nice garden.

I love my Garden.. . i can't wait for Spring to bring back all the leaves and Flowers... I planted a bunch of new Texas Sage Bushes... This one is not one of mine... Mine are much Smaller for now...

December 16, 2019... 22.4 Hollywood Time...

Thanks Silver Saver 888... This post needed a nice Comment...

December 16, 2019... 11.0 Hollywood Time...

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  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment