in stach •  7 years ago 


Look here! You, yes I'm talking to you,
You that feels like you are not beautiful enough,

You that feels like your friend is better than you just cause you think she's prettier than you and you let everybody take you for a ride just cause you think you ain't good enough.

You, yes you! That's always allowing people's opinion to get you worked up, that's always giving yourself low expectations. Yes you! Stop it today.

Now is the time it needs to stop. Maybe nobody has told you how beautiful you are or how amazing you are. Trust me, YOU ARE. from someone who has gone through a whole lot, I'm still here.

Don't ever let anybody tell you what you are and are not. Believe in yourself, be proud to express yourself without having doubts cause life is too short for you to later in life find out how much amazing you were and now you regretting not making everybody know how amazing you are.
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It's an honor to hear that from someone so beautiful themself ^.^ I feel like I've been waiting for the day I actually feel beautiful. Every compliment is another chance to shoot myself down, as if everyone must be lying to me. Every insult is just a reminder of how vulnerable that person must feel about their own beauty, that they feel the need to establish their place on the pedestal by knocking someone else off.