Star Trek Replicators Are Real!

in star •  7 years ago  (edited)

i like sub atomic- frequency matter modifiers to maybe alittle better. sense thats actually how they work. everything at the basic tinest sub-atomic level is frequency. Qunautm- String theory backs this up. Although thing is its only a theory if u think it is!
quantum matter restructurer.png

Esseentialy all or the vary least the vast majority of all races on a higher frequency or what we might call dimensional level of awareness figured this out a long time ago. or alternate verions of ourselves.

oh fuck i figured out why the annuaki couldnt figure out how 2 make gold this way lol. they vibration wasnt high enough ! so because gold has such a high vibrational frequnency silver is quite high to. they couldnt percieve how 2 do it sense they enjoyed manipualting others using there own free will 2 do stuff for them. aka have slaves n shit. there's many other races out there that not suprsingly!

Earth's 3d printers are a stepping stone 2 get to this technology. Although the only way 2 really get there or just get the information is u have 2 raise your vibration be more positive 2 yourself and others. As with greater power comes greater responsibility. I mean you probably could get a race 2 just gift you the tech for fun. If u believe in it enough but most higher vibrational beings will not do this as they know if ur potentially negative a little you could use this for very dark things quite easily.
Though karma is a real thing so you really dont "get away " with anything it might seem that way trust me we all know but yea.
Anyways tell me ur thoughts!

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