Essassani Direct Contact - 2-21-018 -Star Race

in starrace •  7 years ago  (edited)

awesome stuff guys! yea i actaully met the essassani last night on my street i even heard footsteps felt there energy, talked telepathicly and whatnot i even saw leaves move behind me when i turned around halfway! i even with my higher awareness partially saw several beings teleport around me was only a couple. lol at one point i even took my underwear off cause i was hot . it was like 70F 2-20-018 . shreveport ,louisiana. was really amasing! i loved hearing the speech as it helped me vaildate this tuff!

i sat there in my yard most of the time kinda of trying 2 comfort myself and not drop into a lower vibrational fear state as best as i could. I kept doing a postive affirmation about myself and them. Really we are all one with the infinte creatoion though.
Was really fucking amasing! as ive never had a contact that deep before until now !

i kept saying like there beautiful im beautiful man im beautiful dam!
its abit much there vibration honestly even with me being in a rahter good mood last night compared 2 other nights. there vibration is like a whole enitre octave higher overal for the most part then ours
2-21-018 i found out threw talking 2 them more they sent out mostly the lowest vibrational beings in there ships they had overhead for the most part. as that way it would be more comortable 4 both all of us! which it was ! very smart! i really love there vibration though its like beings that just literally live out there bliss 100% of the time and all of the things we may regulate to dream state or the what if spectrum of our selfs. even though we are living all of those things out 100% anyways just perhaps not in our waking physical reality bodies.

There so smart and so loving its so cool! i love telling them i love them and cool stuff like there vibe reminds me of the day i energticly opened and halfway met unicorns on earth. I loved that energy so much i never wanted it to end it was like the kind energy u wanna marry or spend the rest of your life feeling overall for the most part of marry u know! kinda gives me a boner thinking about it! LOL

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