There was a little "media literacy" war over on Twitter about the meaning of the movie Starship Troopers a couple days ago.

in starship •  last year 

On one side were the usual suspects dunking on the chuds for being too dumb to get that Starship Troopers is a satirical critique of fascism as well as framing the bugs as blameless victims.

The other side were mostly saying "yeah, we know, it's still a fun military scifi action flick," "yeah, we know that was the intent, but it fails in the execution," and/or "well, it actually offers a more nuanced satirical message than Verhoeven intended."

Paul Verhoeven didn't even read Robert Heinlein's book. I think most of those who view the movie as brilliant satire haven't read the book either and the few who have misunderstand it. It's amusing to me how fervently that crowd insist on authorial intent as gospel when it suits them, as in this case with Verhoeven, and ignore or disrespect authorial intent when it doesn't. What makes it even more amusing is movies like this are not the product of a singular vision of a single author.

Here are some highlights:





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