40 Great Places To Promote Your Crowd Funding Projects And Sell Your #CrowdFunded Gadgets - Download Ebook

in startup •  7 years ago  (edited)


Kickstarter alone has successfully funded over 100,000 crowd funding campaigns. This means there are many, many entrepreneurs in the world in need of post campaign marketing support. We have researched media outlets, social influencers, bloggers, marketplaces and online marketers dedicated to promoting crowd funding campaigns after funding has been received. We have listed some of the sources below. Here are a few of the post crowd funding campaign—gadget marketing sources.

  1. Outgrow.me

Outgrow.me is the first marketplace for successfully crowd funded projects. It’s a place to discover crowd funded projects currently available for purchase. The marketplace showcase projects from websites like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, and even independently crowd funded projects. As backers of crowd funded projects, Outgrow.me saw a need to create a long-term home for these incredible products. While platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo can be springboards for success, Outgrow.me ensures this success is not short-lived. So whether you're a discoverer or maker, check out Outgrow.me.

  1. GadgetsGo

GadgetsGo sells a variety: big and little gadgets, cool and helpful inventions, electronics and low-tech gifts, boring commercial and industrial equipment, big consumer durables, and other products that you wouldn't think of as a gadget, but are quite innovative in any case. GadgetsGo is now accepting applications to sell innovative products in a variety of categories.

  1. GadgetFlo

The Gadget Flow is the most powerful product discovery platform on the web, helping you discover, save and buy awesome products. Over 3000 customers use GadgetFlow to generate sales, enhance awareness and reach backers for their crowd funding projects.

Download the Ebook free of charge at https://www.cashforexperts.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=1059&Itemid=534

If you'd like to submit your successfully funded project for consideration, please review instructions at https://www.cashforexperts.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=1059&Itemid=534

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