dAppBox review! Oracle-d sponsored.

in stateofthedapps •  6 years ago 

Hello everyone today i will be reviewing Dapp Box which i was using since few days and now hear i am writing this review.


DappBox is a person to person file and data transfer agent which is conected by IXXO blockchain. Every file transfer which takes place are recorded on the IXXO blockchain keeping thing's accountable. All the DappBox folder has a unique addres which is used in smart contracts. Sharing file that too with your ow ruleset has never been so easy.

Using of the Dapp

This Dapp is a service based on website which anyone from any corner of the world can use and it's usage is also very simple. For using it's service you just need to visit there SITE and create a account after that they can easily upload there files on the server and then share it with anyone they want with or without any restrictions.

Advantages or features of the Dapp.

  • Sharing with your own rule
    This is really nice that we can set our rules while sharing our files with anyone as this is really very important due to the privacy issue which we had in the growing era. Even we can share it with a group of freelancer and get our work done easily.

  • Tracking everything

    One can easily keep the track of everthing which they are sharing and even the person to whome we shared the information we can keep the track of that as well and i personally liked it as it is really very important to kaeep an eye on everything we share as it can be missuesd as well.

  • Cost efficient.

    This cloud storage service is really very cost effictive as it has tried to provide you with the best slution at a most affordable price, as the competition is also growing day by day so keeping a service cost effictive is really very important as by that only a project will stand against it's competitiors.

  • Privacy

    The privacy of our data is really very important and as everything is based and stored on the blockchain so this gives rice to a sence os security which is missing among the treditional system.

Disadvantages os the Dapp.

To be honest i am not a tech sevy so i have tried and testec this website the most potential but there was nothing which i did not liked about this dapp though i believe it should continuesly improve it's service and that's how this dapp will reach it's greater heights.


So now we have come to the end of the review so in my opinion this dapp is realy very helpful for the frelancers and for people those who delegate there work to someone and they require some kind of transfering of files to diffrent people to get there work done. Even the fees of the service is very low which make it more economical for even a small budget people. The best thing about this dapp is it's privacy which is driven by it's storage on the blockchain technology making it a secure platform where people can relly on easily. It also has a support system through which you can get assistance regarding your isuues and that to within a short duration of time.

I will rate this dapp 4.3/5.

Special thanks to @oracle-d and @dapplovers for giing us the oppourtunity to show our talent.

All the images and information are took from the followig sites.

State of The Dapps
DappBox Site

Thanku friends have a great day ahead.

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