... it's just how they want to impose them on everyone else that's crazy.
Some of my personal preferences are the same as the personal preferences of most statists. Like them, I prefer peace, comfort, and safety. I don't like chaos, problems, theft, or aggression.
However, I'm not willing to impose my ideas of peace, comfort, and safety on others by breaking their peace, comfort, and safety.
I realize my ideas of what constitute chaos and problems may not be the same as other people's and I'm not willing to impose my standards on them.
I won't endorse institutionalized theft and aggression in order to combat freelance theft and aggression. Not a chance!
While they believe one form is OK, to the point where they often even deny what they advocate is theft and aggression, I don't.
I don't believe it's possible to throw an orgy to promote chastity. They seem to believe it is. I consider this convincing evidence that statists are delusional.
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