Make way for the new king - Asia - led by Seoul and South Korea

in stats •  7 years ago  (edited)

It been weeks in the making but the graph trajectories predicted it would be inevitable.

This week it happened. Asia is now the largest region by traffic.

Asian traffic has now surpassed all traffic from the America's. That's all site traffic from North and South America combined and the exponential growth curve predicts that it wont just past the Americas but will blow past and continue right on upward on the coming weeks.

Most of the Asian traffic is still coming from Eastern Asia.

The Eastern Asia traffic is dominated by South Korea.

Seoul is still the steemit capital by a huge margin and there are six South Korean cities in the top 25 cities.

What is interesting to note is that London has the edge on New York this week.

Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane have all made it into the top 25..... go OZ.

Amsterdam is the second largest European contributor to traffic... cheese anyone?

Lagos continues to hold the fort for Africa... just wondering when the 419'ers arrive?

Together Seoul and Busan constitute more than 10% of all steemit traffic.

There are a couple of other regional tussles on the go.

Brazil and Venezuela are wrestling for top spot in South America.

West Africa and Southern Africa are trading places in Africa

Overall just continues to forge ahead and upwards.

Hard fork 19 and the flattening of the rewards curve has come just in time.

The fact that minnow votes will now be more meaningful and that the long tail of the rewards curve will be even longer should go a long way to helping to retain and consolidate all of this new growth.

With great retention will come a solid foundation from which to launch STEEM to the MOOOOOON.

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Come on Latinos! We are slacking! Que pasa! Vamos Mexico , Colombia , & Venezuela for having at least some traffic lol

Go latinos

woah, all along we had our own flippening and we got there first

Asians took over haha :-)

africa need help as usual :p

woah, all along our had our own flippening and we got there first


thx, corrected typo

was wondering the same lol, there's some typo there somewhere which won't let me figure out its meaning.

Maybe he means we won't understand anything on the site soon :p

this situation regarding the "flippening" seems an awful covfefe to me...

followed @stackin @fulltimegeek @acidyo... this convo was great XD

yes, you're our new leader.

That's my crew. I mean I'm part of the unwise crew who mostly post on site that don't pay them.

yup, the flippening has arrived early on steemit

ha ha!

hahaha @trafalgar hope ya well brother

Total eclipse

Not surprised at all that Asia and maybe Korea might lead the way since the blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption in Asia is huge and also the number of " PC- bans" where you probably can find many Steemers in Korea after or before the Soju bar :)

1 in 8 of us are Asian - how soon before it is 1 in 2 ???

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What I don't get is, how do we have such high Korean traffic while kr tagged trending posts still have fairly low view counts (hundreds at best)?

It's clear there's loads of Korean activity, but I don't understand that in particular.

It's possible the UI doesn't reflect all views, that was the case in the past. There is also plenty going on outside of trending.

Useful data, steem adoption is picking up nicely. India should come next.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I hope this hard fork really does end up helping minnows as I've had a couple of friends excited, posted a little then seems like they're a little disillusioned and have gone off. I think it's when people put in so much effort with quality posts and then they see other people getting thousands for the same or worse. But like you have to do with anything, I know you have to work at it so those who stick at it will get success in the end, hopefully a bit sooner now.

Will definitely be a lot sooner now, the economics of steemit has always been skewed, this will help straiten it out a lot

I didn't even know this information was available. This is very interesting! I would have never imagined most of Steem traffic came from Asia, but I had noticed that there was a lot of people from Venezuela.

Nice data!

Capture _2017-06-17-23-48-41.png

Seattle represent! We made it guys!

Great Data

so that is why LA is in 6th place ;)


Thanks @gavvet for sharing these amazing statistics... i was amazed to know that Seoul is leading in terms of Steemit traffic....I feel that other major world cities are yet to find and dominate Steemit....Incredible growth can be expected in future. Steem ON!

Other cities have had their time at the top... Seoul has just overtaken them and now has an almost unassailable lead.

Just when I thought us Nigerians had overrun steemit 😯

Not yet, but give it your best shot.

Well, I guess it's time for me to take my steemit evangelism to the next level

And the great thing is, it's not a race. Cliche time: a rising tide lifts all boats.

Really interesting data. I could get a lot of Australian's on.

Heyhow, there is a German city on it. Just one though, but nice nevertheless. WTG!

Asian Girl here.Go Asia! LOL 😂 Hope you could mind if you'd like to read an article about the deadliest disease in the philippines. Thank you 😊

Which areas are the most highly represented in comparison to their own total population size of each geographical area?

Great analyse, good to see my capital on the second spot in Europe. Cheese? Yes, please <3

Nice... Asian Tigers, Dragons and Elephants are rising to take Steem higher...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Your Elephants have been upvoted and followed...

Good for them and Good for STEEMIT! We want this to be a global platform with an opportunity for people all over to Mind some coins so we can take over market from other social media. I think the important thing is to keep posting and keep using the app often and seriously trying to get friends to join and use the app. I ponder what is the ideal person who is ready to make Steemit a better platform and I was thinking writers in the making, future artists, political people who love to give editorial and opinion, these are the people who will want to write articles and I think we should be promoting STEEMIT on College Campuses. If I went to STEEMFEST that is ehat I would be selling. Local STEEMIANS going down to the Colleges and Universities around them and holding up sign in stations to help create their accpunt and boom they have an account, possibly an eSteem app, and they can see money (value) in their accounts. I think this demographic is the one we should be looking towards especially because they are much more likely to use social media and are more likely to have heard about cryptocurrencies. Just my $0.02

Go go go...

What is the city and number representing

Number - is number of sessions... kind of like pages read.

Props to South Korea!

The sun rises first in the asia, it seems that technology will not make an exception

wonderful post :)

I am brainstorming of ways to properly spread SteemIt here locally and my town actually has a lot of Korean Americans here! I don't know too much of the technical stuff of HF19 - but it's good to hear that it does help new members, as myself I just joined not even two weeks ago.


Haha, Imagine the lead Asia takes when Steem becomes famous in China, India, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Who knows what steemit can become?

Can't believe London is up there at the top, but it is dwarfed by Seoul

Seems like the longer the Post is, the more followers and votes you get...

Glad to be a part of something this fantastic

Great job

Very informative, thanks for sharing :)

Really a very cool and informative article.
ReSTEEMED + FOLLOWED+ upvoted as I like it@gavvet

Impressive, most impressive

I live in Vietnam right now from USA.


please follow me and I'll follow you back :D


Alright, very nice article and intresting stuff!

You predicted it, and now it happened, great for Steemit!!

Koreans are so dominant. No wonder there are many of them in our place. Both living and on vacation. English schools are slowly rising because of them. They choose our place, especially in Visayas Region because it's safe. Safer than Luzon and Mindanao. I have seen a lot of Koreans in the malls, markets, clubs and beaches. Some put up some business while other enjoying acquiantances from Filipinas. They simply love our place!

steem traffic, good news for me

a couple of points here they have the fastest interent in the world as well they have internet pumped into their veins after 20 hours in school all day its a tough life as a korean. when you could get nuclear wipe out at anything

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use this code for discount 5ZEQWb

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Your post is so valuable.
I wanna translate your post to Korean with the link for KR community
Is it fine?

go for it...

Thank you, Gavvet. You are so sweet!

Where can these stats be found?

Not in the public domain, I compile the charts from Google Analytics Data but there are some sites that will have similar, just not to the level of granularity.

Thanks I'll follow for updates then

I hope Estonia soon to there :))

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

That impressive men nice!Follow back!

Interesting stats @gavvet . What is the source of these stats?

Create a great day,

Some how this is great, I think that in Asia Specially Korea where E-sports are a big thing they have already recognize the value of technology as the new era. They understand that the world is changing and they gave an opportunity to Steem and other platforms and online currency.

I am a little sad tho that my country isn't like that, we should open our eyes DR.

No love for us Europeans!

Great Stats !

If Seoul is the Steemit Capital, better watch out for the Steem Price.

It could explore higher.

There are reports on the internet already quoting korea for the exponential rise in Ether Prices and the Bitcoin Rally as well.

There should be a direct fiat to STEEM option on Korean exchanges soon, unless it has happened already.

That would nail it.

yes, definitely

Thanks for taking the time to put this together mate. Very interesting facts

Yes,Asian people are so hardworking.They struggle so much and show their effort in every task.I really appreciate them.
Great post and info.I really appreciate it.
See it to know me:

Not Set aint no country I never heard of; they speak English in Not Set?



Proof that Google doesn't know everything... ;)

It's why I gave up using Google analytics; I was sick of seeing the unknown comment, for my top search term.


couple of TOR users, VPN users and ones with high privacy settings set, I suppose and lots of traffic that just can't be pigeon holed.

I know, but it was always the top search, never number 2 or 3, it began to get really irritating.


Thanks was wondering about "Not Set" :-)

I am from Asia and happy to see the huge users from Asia, Love Steemit. long long live Steemit and STEEM .

go Asia

I think, Jakarta (Indonesian Capital city) is the world urban with the worst traffic. Typically, I took 2 hours to drive 25 miles to the center from Bogor, the biggest of the satellite metropolises, where numerous office workers live. I learned that, the average driver starts and stops over 33,000 times in a year.

Perhaps we have a different kind of Traffic in mind ;)

great report @gavvet! :)

Excellent work dear friend @gavvet as always very outstanding, I'm petrified with these statistics, I knew that my country Argentina has no incidence, but that Seoul is leading, I am anxious with the new change, we hope this is healthy for the platform and Its members.
Have a beautiful weekend

Thank you for this information; it definitely help us newbies to this platform figure out the landscape and different target markets/segments on Steemit. I wonder if countries with poor economic conditions such as Greece, may benefit from a Steemit public awareness campaign. These countries still consume news and content and need the money. Wouldn't this be a win-win for Steemit and countries in poor economic climates?

STEEM works anywhere.

That is awesome, but some of these countries are not aware of this awesome platform and would benefit immensely if they did. Hopefully, Steemit puts some money in marketing so they can bring awareness to these suffering people.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for good analysis. I am trying to list Steem on the Korea Exchanges. This article is a great support. Help us, support us, and watch us. We want to make steem great.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Good luck in all your efforts... are you seeking assistance from @ned?

everything got its ups and downs, btw if someone is interested to look at some crazy ways to gain fame in steemit, here's a useful post

Very interesting study...

Thanks for good news

@gavvet great post yes i noticed lot of koreans involved with steem its great get the word out spread the message keep on steeming guys

I am not surprised at the timid growth of the curve in Africa.

just give it a little time, when it catches on it will be a wildfire.

Wow! It is interesting! Thank you @gavvet for sharing!

Faker, D.Va, Boxer, Ryujehong .. South Koreans recognize and enjoy fun programs.


Very proud as a korean

Great article, thanks for sharing

I am happy to hear this because it aligns with Korea being the top crypto adoption country

From Malaysia.Still new to steemit

It is so funny that Seoul and Busan carry 10% of steemit haha

amazing, I didn't aware of that despite of living in there,,

These are really helpful statistics and indicators :D Thanks for your good posting and referring to Korea ! :))

That's crazy how much traffic South Korea is bringing in! Give it a few more years and I could see most of South Korea using cryptocurrency as their main source of payments, incomes, etc.

good sharing..
thank for you..👍

very interesting post... thanks for sharing good information @gavvet .... ^^

thanks for sharing :)

That's very interesting as I had no idea where the users were coming from. I'm glad I found steemit early enough to get in before the masses! Thanks for this info and I'm following you :)

you're still an early adopter.

didn't know it was so popular in korea! wow

It was very informative, for as long as it was translated by my translator. Thank you.

we're taking over steemit, one asian at a time


Ether will make a big play in asia!

Wish more Africans would use Steemit, with their troubled economies they certainly can use some extra income made just from writing, I bet they could just post photographs and make good money here.

Noted: I should try to meet some steemians when I will be in Korea next August :)

For sure

nice all this is great information :D thanks for sharing.

Woah, maybe I should start translating my posts into korean haha and posting 8 hours earlier haha

I joined Steamit three days ago.^^ I live in Busan of South Korea. I think I also contributed. Your post is a lot of help tome.Thanks. Have a good weekend!!

thanks for stopping by

Interesting info @gavvet

Have a nice day :)

That's great news~!!

To the moon! :)

and beyond...

I am surprised to find Kuala Lumpur ( Malaysia ) on the list. nice to see people from home are interacting with new technologies.

I wonder why.

Love the info. These things were bound to happen especially when you have a people who are hard workers.

steemicon_c_3_never better.jpg
That's great news!

being a kangaroo in Tokyo we are bouncing our way into the a new reality ! i predict in 5 years Steam will be a house hold name for red pill conscientious types ! 100 dollar of steam coin will be worth a million dollars ! go steam and lets rock this community to till our dancing shoes wear through to the socks !

lots of enthusiasm here...

I am all for it, it really show how hip and with it they are in Asia!

Nice stats. SouthAsia still has a long way to go. As for the release 19, I am afraid that 4x voting impact may actually worsen things. It's just a hypothesis. I made a post regarding this, which you can find in my Seemit page. Just don't want to spam the post link here.

Truly amazing stats about Asia there! I've been learning Mandarin for the past 5 years and hope more will come from mainland China :) I'm still a newbie but am super excited about being here.

One challenge right now is the great firewall of China

True, Taiwan for now then.

Hong Kong is 16 on the list

That's Cantonese, different speech, but the writing is about same though; the Chinese say a Mandarin speaker talking to a Cantonese speaker is like a chicken talking to a duck. Sounds about right :D