Personal Experience Of A Celiac Person

in steamit-health •  7 years ago 

As a person who has grown up being misdiagnosed for many years, I feel most people's frustration. In America it has nothing to do about health, but more to do about wealth. We as a consumer always should look for best practice. Which a lot of people now are too brainwashed to understand how we are nothing more than a money making scheme.

I personally was diagnosed with Celiac disease when I was 19 years old. Prior to that age it was always me having a G.I. virus, or having terrible migraines. I spent most of my youth years on some sort of zombiefied medicine. My parents and I both thought that the doctors really knew what was going on. Believe me I was taking more medicines than any person should take in a life time. I am not sure what was worse, the suffering from the sickness or from the toxic cocktail of pharmaceuticals.

Once I found out that I had Celiac disease, I was able to change my diet. It was almost too late for me. I was producing cancer cells in my small intestine. Because of this, I had malabsorption and was not getting enough nutrients for my body to function. Almost all of my vitamins and minerals were depleted. (In a later post I would like to go more into detail about why we need these specific vitamins to function not only as a celiac but any person.) My body got to the point were it was shutting down. I went from 250 pounds down to 133 pounds. I developed peripheral neuropathy and completely lost the ability to walk. It took me almost two years to gain function back. At this time I was starting to produce nerve pain throughout my body. I did the whole doctor pharmacy drugs again. It put me back into a zombie state.

Me at 250 IBS. Not being able to walk. Age 19.

Me at 133 IBS. Age 21.

Me at 165 IBS and holding steady. Age 27.

In 2012, I said to myself there has to be another way to get healthy. I quit everything the doctors were telling me. I decided to take matters into my own hands, since you know it is my body. I have completely turned my eating habits into almost a paleo diet with a splurge of gluten free cupcakes every now and then. There are plenty of legal and unfortunately illegal medicines that are far more superior and safer for us. Plants are very valuable medicines that heal us physically, emotionally and spiritually. We become what we consume. Meditation has been a big help in calming my body. It's helped me through some of the worst times in my life. Nothing like sitting on the beach and absorbing mother earths vibrations. I live free just by changing my mindset. Anarchy is up to us individually.

Peace and Love, Jwiggly.

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