Our tree is growing the first roots and we so HAPPY
Follow Me To Unravel A New CryptoAdventure!Let´s make some dirtycash. Starting from very little WE will build a safe and rich environment to see our hard earn cash grow! Join Me, Help Us With Your Insides and...
Let´s get Rich or Die trying!

I have decided to start this journey with all of you, not just to show you what I do but also TO GET ALL YOUR HELP, help that would be shared all around this wonderful community.
Let´s get started...
1.-Golden Rules & Path to Follow
2.-Blockchain.info wallet & First Cloud Mining
3.-Cloud Mining--> Hashflare, Genesis & Wixminers
4.-High Risk High Returns: Iota & EOS
5.-Introduction to Bittrex
6.- Back From Holidays - Wixminers SCAM
7.-Coinreum is giving the desired results
8.-Hashflare mining and how to maximise discounts
Several months past and I have been SOOOOOO busy
Ok, so we are here today as to review our investments and to let you know how to keep track of everything. Three main subjects to talk about, in three different posts:
1.- Coinreum
2.- Hashflare & Genesis-mining
3.- Keeping records DO HELP
3.- Keep Records, keep a cold business mind
We have just reviewed our Hashflare investment, now le´t see how we should maximise our investment.
Stay Focus: What should you do know?
Really important to keep a cold business mind:
1.- We have to get our investment back in one year (ROI 12 months contract)
2.- We have to be able to grow the investment: Re-invest in mining
3- Enjoy the benefits!!!!
1.-Get our investment back
Hashflare offer us a year contract, so it is really important to plan to get our investment back. It could not be any easier:
If we invest 0,5 Bitcoin, after one year WE MUST HAVE 0,5 Bitcoin.
WE must keep at all costs every month 0,0417 Btc (0,5 Bitcoin / 12 months = 0,0417 Btc)
Do NOT plan to spend this money.
2.-Growthing the tree: Re-invest
We have to take into account our own personal needs and preferences here:
- Do you wanna spend it all to pay for the rent?
- Do you want to re-invest it all to earn as much as fast as possible?
-Do we keep a balance?
I just recommend you to keep the balance...
If we invested 0,5 Bitcoin, we should be mining... 0,126 Bitcoin a month
We keep 0,0417 ROI, so we have left... 0,0843 to play with.
My Balance: 70% enjoy, 30% re-invest (flexible, depends in my needs)
0,05901 goes to my Xapo card for daily spends (413 euros at 17/11/2017 prices ;-)
0,02529 to re-invest as to earn more next month and keep with increase difficulty.
3.- To enjoy the benefits, this is what I do: (and there are a thousand ways of doing this)
1-Get my own XAPO card and wallet.
2-Try to get a wallet starting on 3: it is a sewit compatible wallet and so lower commissions.
3-Withdraw the necessary balance from Hashflare to xapo
4-Spent spent spend
Enjoy Life To The Fullest
Before I go, you should look at theses too
Other Great articles to study...
From @jen8
From @slywest
From @jonboka

If you decide to follow the link: THANK YOU but let me know in the comments, I know how to reward my friends