in steem-cartoon •  7 years ago 

Thunderbird & Kid is a Steemit Exclusive Comic Strip about a boy and his magical professional wrestling doll. New comic every Wednesday!

Welcome to part 2 of 3 of the Golden Jones Trilogy.

In Part 1 Kid and his dad (and Thunderbird) watched an old video tape from a 1980's professional wresting promotion (HWA) called Wrestle or Die IV. Golden Jones destroyed his opponent, Giant John, in a steel cage. Kid's mom told Kid to go play with Billy the Bully who had a newrestling g doll. Thunderbird realized the doll was Golden Jones and was disturb by news.

Welcome to Part 2 of the Golden Jones Trilogy. . .

TB Issue 7 pg 1.jpg
TB Issue 7 pg 2.jpg
TB Issue 7 pg 3.jpg
TB Issue 7 pg 4.jpg
TB Issue 7 pg 5.jpg

See you next Wednesday for the CONCLUSION of the Golden Jones Trilogy!Steem Cartoon Logo.jpg

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I don't get it, thunderbird was not a doll?

There is a real life wrestler named Thunderbird (in our universe), then there is a toy based on the real wrestler. The toy is magical and sees itself as the real Thunderbird.

oh nice! and then the bad wrestler toy is also magical!

Great stuff as always. Really enjoyed it :)

Thanks Chase!

That third installment better be a double length feature to contain the epicness of the match to come! And I wonder, do Billy's abrasive fashion choices go hand in hand with his abrasive personality... or does his mom dress him that way thereby making him angry at the world?

Hahaha. Thats how the wealthy dress their kids in our universe.

that golden jones!!!!! he will pay!! nice job bro.

Thanks! Golden Jones is what we call a "heel" in the wrestling business.

Hahah! Nice plot twist.. Can't wait for the next battle.. ;D

: D

Elliebong! :D I just hope its a fair fight.

Uh oh I smell something is going on..

Wrestling is a tough business elliebong. You never know whats going to happen.

hahahah Golden Jones has got it coming so bad. Love the backstory. Can't wait for next Wednesday. Thanks Thunderbirdcomic :D

I hope so. We are anti bullying. haha

hahah yay!

hahahaha..great plot bro..

Thank you sir.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hahaha so great, i want see more!

Thanks! There will he plenty more 😎

I love it! Can't wait to see the rest!

Thank you. Hey, I just just checked out your webcomic. Lol at the Hitler Devil. I'll be keeping up.

Thanks so much! :)

I'm liking this so much. The sun glasses and fanny pack on Golden Jones was great.

Hahaha. I've been to the last two Wrestlemanias and over the weekend there is meet and greets with all great wrestlers from the past decades. There are still fanny packs everywhere. If the Rock wanted to, he could bring them back the rock.jpg


That little stick sure is some stunning stuff xD... Golden Jones has done nothing wrong !

LOL. are you implying wrestling is fake?

I... i would never say that !! It's just that... Hits doesn't seem to land on their faces from time to time... It must be these damn old 1980's cameras they are still using, they have some weird parrallax that makes it seems the hands are slipping on cheeks instead of hurting with impact and punches misses entirely their jaws... dunno mate :( haha


Lol I like these characters.

Haha that's hilarious, probably my favorite one.