in steem-growth •  2 years ago 

1 Thessalonians 5:17 says PRAY WITHOUT CEASING

Jacob insists that he will not take NO for an answer. And he wrestles with the angel of God and things change. Show me a man that insists through prayers and I will show you how mighty the result will be in the end.

Act 12:1-10 was talking about James and peter. James died because nobody could pray for him, nobody could stand and say NO.

And he was killed. Herod saw that it pleases the Jews and he too was happy, then he took peter too.

And he wanted to kill him, So Peter was kept in prison, but fervent prayer for him was persistently made to God by the church (assembly).

This means the church had a passionate, heartfelt prayer for peter that God needs to hear, Which means when we pray to God and it looks like there is no answer, it means we are not passionate about it.

It means we just pray for praying sake. It means that thing has not hit us up. That means we are ok with the situation around us.

That means that the poverty issue is ok. That means that the health issue we have, we are ok with it.
That means the delay in our marital life is ok.

That means we are comfortable with our situation, isn't that is happening to us right now?

Those who take NO as their answer to their prayers are those that can not TARRY IN PLACE OF PRAYER.

They are those that PRAYER ALTER IS DOWN. They are those that DOES NOW KNOW THEIR GOD.

They are those that THINK GOD DOES NOT EXIST. They are the one THAT prefers GOING TO an HERBALIST. Where exactly is our father?

The Bible says that THEY THAT KNOW THEIR GOD.... 🔥🔥

It's because the church knows its God that was the reason why they call on Him. And God saw that the church had a very restless prayer for a man and He came through for peter

And another thing is that they were persistent. They did not stop. Many of us( of which I was in that position before) pray for 10mins o🤭🤭 just for money issues and before we pray again, 3 days later.

Don't think you can get results in that way, NO sir. If that situation is above our capacity, we must not cease praying.

Consistency is the key

The church never stops, they continue, till something happened
The question is HOW DO WE PRAY?

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