This site is not very user friendly!

in steem-help •  8 years ago 

I am not very computer literate, but do pretty good for an old lady. This site, however, is very confusing ... I'm reading posts about whales and minnows and feel like I'm swimming in murky water. Even if I wanted to, I have not a clue how to find a way to "follow" anyone. I have limited time to surf entries for bits of info that may or may not be useful to the novice steemer. I want to stay in ,as I really don't like Face Book , but hope things get more "dummy" friendly..
Just a thought.... Even tagging this post requires opening a new tab w/ Steemit, just to see the list of topics.... frustrating!

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I know that it may seem a little daunting at first, but think of it this way:

How did it go the very first time you tried to drive a car?

It is still in 'beta' meaning its not a fully finished platform yet. This link should help you get started. I searched a lot of tutorials when I first started, there is a blog on how to do everything on steemit. I've been on for about a month now and I pretty much got my head around it now. It's not straight forward like facebook yet, the changes are coming. Hang in there, its still very early days.

Read it and replied there.. Good starter info, but remember, I am an old lady who doesn't have time or patience to learn the basic program need to even use Markdown... just more confusing. I might do better as a curator. if I can figure out what the hell that is! This stuff is for the younger kids... I feel less connected ,not more. Still don't know how to follow ........

Click on the user name and then click "follow"

Thank You.. You are now the first person I followed!

just use the more basic editor and use the codes in the links, you only really need to know headers and links. the rest you can work out later

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

As with anything, the more you use it the better you get and more familiar you will get with the platform. Take small steps at a time, start with posting a story or blog by clicking the submit a story link at the top right of this page. Once your very familiar with that then try commenting on things. I see that you have posted a blog with this post already but learn how to edit it in the markdown box to add some visual style to it.

Don't overwhelm yourself by trying to figure out what a minnow, dolphin and whale is at the moment. This will all come in time.

You are completely right. The developers are aware of the problem (you see it still says Beta in the upper left corner) and are working hard to solve the daunting task of making the user experience more fulfilling and empowering.

If you "follow" someone, for example, the tab that says "feed" will show a list of blog posts of those who you follow.

There are off-site tools like that help keeping an overview.

Other interfaces to the blockchain are being developed concurrently.

Some said this integration crash course helped them. It is already a bit outdated, but if you can see past the spicy language, you'll see where this is going.

Well, you figured out how to post. Upvote is for posts you like. For right now, that's all you need to know, I don't know much more than that. if you post something and see $4999, then figure out how to remove the money.