Get ready for Steem hitting million transactions per day!

in steem-marketing •  7 years ago 

Checking out @arcange's latest statistics, I noticed that the Steem blockchain is now processing over 700.000 transactions per day.


That's already more than any other blockchain. But what is more important is that we are getting close to surpassing the magical one million transactions per day in the near future.

When that happens, it's time to make sure that everybody knows about it. We should be sharing and tweeting it everywhere, not forgetting press releases to cryptojournals. The goal is to make it the most talked topic of the day in the cryptosphere.

From a marketing perspective, it's perfect. It's not baseless hype (like most of the blockchain marketing), it's the real deal: Steem is the most used blockchain in the world and we are making everybody aware of that fact.

What is needed?

We should have a counter that shows "transactions in the last 24 hours" and also shows what the current record is and when it was hit. And when the million tx line is crossed, the counter should so the timeframe when that happened. Preferably a website or a page in Steem-related website so the link easy to share. It should so the relevant information clearly, not buried under other charts and numbers.

It's not enough to say that "Steem is the most used blockchain". Some people are still skeptical about Steem, so it's best to tell exactly when the record was hit if anybody wants to double check it.

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Hopefully what you're saying will one day become true. And we will remember this day, moving forward and look back with admiration and all just that much richer

Great article, great points to be making and excellent timing. We have much to be proud of in our community and this technology rocks, big time.

These are amazing statistics! Never really cared to look at this, but that's dope :) I'm excited for Steemit to hit over 200K followers ;)

Oh..that will come and more, much much more. that number will just be a tip of the iceberg.

The same here buddy and thanks to people like you working hard behind the scenes in promoting steemit to the world. Like your videos and hope we stay in touch. More success.

Hi everyone! I am a newbie. We are in the #homesteading category mostly. In fact, us homesteaders usually only know about Bitcoin and Steemit. We are all bloggers and YouTubers...we are not cryptocurrency people.

So why is Steem so low compared to currencies like Dash, Ether, Litecoin?

For all we can tell...Steemit really is IT!!! But why is Steem only worth $1.84? And rates it at 32 out of 100?

Again, we are homesteaders riding tractors and chasing chickens. So I guess I need to read more in the Steem category instead of topics about gardening. haha.

Thank you very much for this post! :)

So why is Steem so low compared to currencies like Dash, Ether, Litecoin?

Mostly because marketing has been pretty much non-existent. Nobody knows how great platform Steem is.

That's why I want to make sure that million tx day won't be missed. It's great opportunity to make some noise.

So true my friend, this a really great platform!!!

Steem will be a top 3 currency in 1-3 years.
Steemit isn't even 1 year old.

That's what I wanna hear!!!!!!!!!

$10 per Steem by end of the year write it down :)

And I'm following YOU!

I'll have post and tag you in it once it comes true. Any thoughts on if it is smart or stupid to take a couple hundred dollars of Bitcoin and put it into steem? If it makes that big of an increase then that would make sense, right?

Not so much on giving fiancial advice. I do think there will be a little dip in Steem price maybe down to $1 and then we won't ever see $1 again. I'm waiting for that moment. THANKS FOR THE FOLLOW!

Sorry, I shouldn't have asked that. My bad. You just got me super excited!! haha. But...your thoughts on the dip makes a lot of sense.

And you are so very welcome, you earned it! And can't wait to read up on your posts. :)

Not very many people know about steemit. And I think one million transactions will be a real kick in the butt for people who are on the fence.

Exactly. This is a great opportunity to make everybody aware how great platform Steem actually is.

We are ready, that shows we are growing

Great to see a trend going in the right direction, I was beginning to forget what a rise looked like ;)


Cool! Upvoted and followed!

This is actually really brag-worthy stuff. I'm proud to be a growing minnow on the best blockchain project on the web!!!! :) COOL AID FOR ME PLEASE!!!

Very useful info. This is a great stat for steemit. Thanks for sharing this :)

So there is no direct correlation between volume and priced value? Are you suggesting there should be? I may not be grokking this issue​, though.....

No correlation because very few people are tracking them. But they should be at least somewhat correlated because usage means that the blockchain is actually doing something right because people use it. Most blockchain communities are just making hype that "someday our blockchain will be used by lot of people".

Steem is different. We are making real results instead of hype.

Just go to and you can see the number of transactions in real time.

Yeah, it's there! But we need also the best record and a timeframe when it happened. Preferably on a separate page so that everyone will see it clearly.

Hay @samupaha,
as writte on Steem-Chat I've created a quick and dirty prototype Please let me know all your requirements and I will try to implement them asap. I am currently only counting the transactions of the past 28800 blocks (1 block every 3 seconds -> 28800 blocks = 24 hours).

From what I've read here you also want some kind of highest value and the date when this max peak occured, right? Something more?

Best regards,


One million transactions a day should get noticed.
Yes... We need counters of all types for steem.

Btw. I really like the format.

So, what would it mean that there are so many transactions per day?... I think this can happen when more people join steemit...

Mostly this is about comparing Steem to other blockchains. When measured in daily transactions, we are the best.

Thats a good news thanks for sharing

Definitely a good marketing coup we should not miss ;)

I just find this whole cryptocurreny deal so fascinating

I'm glad you're watching this... yes... one million transactions is very noteworthy and we need not just one person talking about it, but everyone. :)

An achievement for Steemit.

Great stats. Surely going the right way.

May the best chain win!

Any predictions on when this 1m. Tx/day will happen?

Any predictions on when this 1m. Tx/day will happen?

I'll be surprised if it takes more than a month.

Steemit is on the road to greatness!

Nice, and in just a year!

great news

Hi @samupaha, maybe someone could develop a wordpress widget to show Steem blockchain transaction count in real time, that would be awesome.

Awesome!! thanks for this post and much steem & love to all!! <3

wow this shocked me, I never knew steem was so big :)

wow, thos is a good news and beggining of better things to come. Thanks for sharing

Yes, very professional information, I need time to see everything.

That sound a great plan to me. I will share the words for sure.