Steem Music : We Leave No Note Behind (New Project)

in steem-music •  7 years ago  (edited)

I think I can say this on behalf of almost everyone who just started their journey on Steemit. We all felt kind of lost. It takes some time for you to find a community that has the same wavelength as you do. That is provided if you manage to persevere that long.

The Minnow’s Struggle

In the short stint that I am in Steemit, I’ve seen far too many talents leaving the platform after a few unsuccessful posts. But to be fair, we all have limited resources, be it time, energy, or voting power. The script is pretty much written out, it’s either you ride on bots, you ride on whales or you build a long and sustainable relationship of trust and interdependence​.

I come from a music background. I teach and I perform. So naturally, I tend to gravitate towards people who are from a similar background. I know what it feels to to live the life of a musician, breathe their air, understand their dream and struggles.


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Musicians and artists, we are a bunch of people who want our work to be appreciated. And for most of us, we love the spotlight, it just depends how comfortable we are with the ‘size’ of the stage and how ‘bright’ the spotlight is.

My Idea of Music

Before we proceed to introduce my project, my idea of a musician includes whoever that makes music, either professionally or as a hobby. This circle also include music enthusiast ​and people who want to eventually pick up music either composition of songs, or pick up an instrument. To me, music is all-embracing​g. It is never limited by scope.


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I found my place in Steemit and I have my fair share of support from the good people that operates within the Steemit community. I believe this is a place where musicians can both express themselves freely and be rewarded in the process. But the path isn’t always paved with gold and the journey can be treacherous. That is why everyone needs their community.

Creating Our Community

I will not call this community my community because music is universal and it is meant for everyone. This is our community. I want to make it your community as well. This will be the community that you can count on for support, guidance and upvotes (quality is paramount).


Image source - @zhusatriani

Through @perennial, I’ve got to know @zhusatriani and @papisaxy, both excellent musicians themselves. @zhusatrini has been on this platform for quite some time, and has been consistently coming out with videos of his guitar playing. He’s also the winner of Steemit Openmic Week 53!


Image source - @papisaxy

@papisaxy is a saxophonist and he has performed in different parts of Asia and Europe. He just joined Steemit and pretty much like myself, he is a newbie. I perform in local events and shows, and just getting the hang of recording covers and posting them in the Steem Blockchain. 3 of us are music educators as well, sharing the same passion to pass on our musical knowledge and also earning a living out of it.


@perennial is a classical guitarist but he is very much into his legal work but has helped us tremendously with this initiative. In the end, as diverse as we are, coming from different backgrounds, music is the common thing that brings us together.

Our Reach Through Steem-Music

Allow me to introduce a new tag called #steem-music. This shall be our​ home and our community. Our aim is to see every musician succeed in this platform. We believe in hard work, creating a sustainable and solid platform for all musicians. Let’s enjoy ourselves and make some money in the process.

I wish to also announce that through this platform and through this community we shall be holding a series of outreach programme that will be specifically aimed at the following groups:-

· Institution of Higher Learning – School of Performing Arts

· Music schools

· Music enthusiasts

· Existing artists/performers/musicians/composers


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Who says only blogging earns you money. Our tagline is what we pledge to our community,


So if you’re reading this, and you’re a musician by my previous definition, you’re more than welcomed to join us. We’re all about the music!

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Good post. I am a community musician from the UK. I founded in 2015 using music to empower communities that face challenges. The steemit platform has opened so many new doors. Your post was positive for me and showed me that there are others out there fighting the same cause. Thank you.

it's always awesome to hear people fighting for the same cause somewhere on the other side of the world! it somehow gives you strength​ to pull through​ difficulties and challenges in front of you. will definitely read up what you're doing over there in UK! :)

I'm not in UK anymore, i left for the US. I have done some work in NY with inner city kids from poor neighbourhoods. That was with an organisation called mima music. I'm following you now, so I can keep updated on your work and lets see what idea's the future brings.

alright man! will be following you as well. :)

Great to know many talented musicians joined steemit. Jia you @calebleelj! Giving you my fullest support on your personal music journey & also to build a music community on steemit. Will put this tag whenever i can on my future posts yah. Upvoted & resteemed. :)

your support means a lot to us...thanks michelle

Yes, i've just changed my tag for my post! Just recall i can amend the tags behind. Haha newbie prob 😄 thanks for initiating to build this music community @perennial @calebleelj 👍

Yes u can. Within 24 hrs. U cant ammend d 1st tag

@perennial Ok got it! 👍

This is awesome Caleb! Please let me know if there is any way that I can help. The Musician's Guide to Steemit project may be helpful for your new users as they onboard to steem - and perhaps I can include some info about this new project IN the book?

Let me know if that is interesting to you - maybe send me a message on Steem Chat if you can :-)

hey man! thanks for dropping by. just read up your post. chapter 5 itself was good stuff. will definitely find the rest of the chapters later. feel free to include anything that you think is helpful and appropriate in the book. it'll be an honor for #steem-music!

have not used Steem Chat before. all the while it has been Discord. but I guess this is a good chance to learn ;)

I think @heymattsokol will give #steem-music a good boost. would be great to work together and perhaps we can do some collaborations.

In case you are interested in collaborating with electronic producers and vocalist, SMA @ Discord may be something you like the check out:

I'm actually in that Discord! hahaha. I have gotten in touch with @djlethalskillz. hopefully we can work something out! :)

Kudos on an Amazing initiative! Let's build holla on Discord when u around. Salute!

Yup... its a painful journey at the start... but once u found your niche, have fun doing it and get many people appreciate your creativity... its worth it...

yes, ​it is painful. and it's really sad to see too many talents quite just because they were undiscovered or unappreciated. hopefully, ​with this community, ​we can give more support and people start to see that it's worthwhile to stay onboard :)

Awesome stuff my friend...its a long journey and lets make this worthwhile.

thanks man. let's do this together! :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I am very excited to see a post from #steem-music community. It would be very interesting

It will be quite an exciting journey. Talks of collaboration is on the way.

I'm sadly not musician by any stretch of the imagination, but am so very appreciative of those who are are think that this is a great initiative and can't wait to see what comes to fruition through #steem-music. 🎶

aww. thanks for your support! but I'm pretty sure there's music in all of us. you've just yet to discover yours. in due time :)

This is great! This would make it easier to look for musicians here (I've been for them for quite some time). And, I must say, as someone who's aiming for better music literacy in my country, I definitely will support the outreach programs in whatever way I can.
Keep up the good work!

thanks for lending your support so soon! I'm very excited as well! still trying to figure out which country were you referring to ;) well. not that it really matters. can't wait to see how we can impact our society collectively! :)

Philippines. We have a lot of great potential for music, but little in way of support for music education. It's actually my concentration, music literacy of the underprivileged. I'm hoping that being on Steemit, I can share on the importance of music and music education. So I'm excited about this new project, because this will mean meeting new people and learning from them.

awesome! welcome aboard #steem-music! you guys are seriously​ a talented bunch as I've replied you on your blogpost. can't wait to hear more from what you're doing over there. and hopefully inspire others as well! :)

Your initiative will definitely help musicians here in Steemit. Looking forward to great things!

Always nice to hear about musicians supporting other musicians. That's what it's all about!

I agree that it takes time to build on Steemit, and the reliance of whales can be somewhat discouraging at times. But at the same time, it's just like anything else - sustainability comes over time. There's no reason why Steemit should become your only venture, but rather should be added to your list of stops throughout your day to build and interact.

Anyone looking for a quick buck would be disappointed. It's about making friends, supporting each other, and listening to great music from around the world first, and getting paid second.

Great post, thank you!

hey man! been following your stuff for quite some time. like what you're doing as well!

that's a good point about Steemit shouldn't be our only venture. indeed should serve as one of our expansions.

It's about making friends, supporting each other, and listening to great music from around the world first, and getting paid second.

couldn't agree more! and it's really how this Steemit ecosystem works. just like the real world. give, then receive.

see you around! and hopefully one day we might be able to collaborate on something :)

Thanks a lot dude, very much appreciated! And absolutely, we'll see where the future takes us! Cheers!

So cool! Now, no more excuse of not allowing your cat or dog to play your piano with you ! I think Ginger (Perennial's cat) would have fun tapping on your piano .

hahaha! you and pulling people's heartstrings​. well. I'm not pretty like you so I guess I really have to resort to that :p

@calebleejl Music is universal indeed.

I like what you are proposing. Along with the others and other people here, we have our purpose but it doesn't mean that we don't get to meet other peopel just because we're not in the same category. ;)

I hope to see more of your music and get to listen to it! Good luck!

hey! of course I'm open to making friends with anyone who's sincere and genuine! :)

thanks for dropping by and hope to see you around more often :)

This is fantasic for musicians and learners! As inspiration and tutorials can be hard to come by and to find someone with the same music taste that you want to play.

Also by being able to earn potentially from learning and playing is a true incentive.

I'm going to hang around in the new #steem-music as I play a few instruments not very well and never push it any further from Brass, Guitar, Didgeridoo so any guidance on these would be awesome.

Yay for community!

You are into cats too? and cats are my kinda thing....

Awesome job Caleb! I'll support #steem-music as soon as I can create some music :D

you definitely should! school band rocks! hehe :)

Right on! Good work my man. I want to shift the focus of my page primarily to my music as well. You may be the reason i ultimately will. Lol. Are we allowrd 2nd accnt?

You made a follower out of me brother rock on.

he made a follower out of us all...he sold me the idea of #steem-music

This is super, @calebleejl! Way to go to start this community. Am sure it'll grow big in no time!

thanks for being so encouraging! you guys are my inspiration. :)

Great article. We are in the same topic, I am looking forward to reading more from you. Bye for now!

We hope to hear from you too. Take care my friend.

so, I set my first steem-music tag today - let's see what happens :)

Hello, your post was nominated for an upvote by a fellow within the Sndbox incubator. Thanks for sharing and introducing us to this fantastic Steem-music initiative @calebleejl! Steem on :)

wow...great support @sndbox...will give this community a good boost. can't wait to see their talents strutting their stuff.

thanks so much! we are excited for what is in store! your encouragement really means something. so pumped up for this initiative already! will keep you guys in the loop :)

Nice article. I might use that tag with my next post about music!

awesome! can't wait to see your post! :)

A great initiative! Go go #steem-music, go go @calebleejl!!! 💪💪💪

thanks my faithful friend! looking out for you as well. let's do this together! :)

Really awesome Caleb, it's through initiatives like these that the Steemit music community can grow and thrive. I personally would love to see more representation here from less advantaged communities and young people. I've been spreading the good word amongst the DIY music community here in NYC and will continue to do so. Thank you!

you've indeed brought up a good point. I really see Steemit as a platform to help the less fortunate. it's unconventional but at the same time possible to take up. I've also learnt that in order to survive on this platform we not only need talent, but also network. hopefully with this initiative we can really give good support to all musicians and music enthusiasts​ !

you're doing a great job over there yourself. will definitely look out for your updates! :)

Thank for introducing #steem-music! A really good platform for musicians! Looking forward to more from this! :)

wuah. thanks lah for dropping by! :p

Good initiative. Can't wait to see all the talented musicians debut on #steem-music

I can't wait as well! this is going to be exciting! :)

What a huge courage you have to initiate something new,
My full support to you :) may this platform dig out more hidden talents and create endless opportunities and possibilities regardless of generations.
Cheering for u caleb! So proud of you :)

thanks so much for your support lah. means so much. indeed it's a huge step into the unknown. but knowing that I've got friends who's going to support me. I'm sure we can do this together! hope to see you be a part of #steem-music! let's do this together! 💪

Let’s do this!!!!!!!

That sounds like a great idea to start a new music community ! hopefully it will spread all over the world and u guys can produce more great music with the world

thank you! you're doing great yourself. seeing your volunteering​ work and the impact you make. very admirable. keep up the good work! will be watching your space! :)

Your passion for people and music is admirable! No notes shall be left behind because of the community you built hehe


well said. really inspired by ur heart and passion in this !!! cant wait to see more n more people are being reached out through this great platform with great opportunities ! you're really inspiring

thank you! do join us soon! :)

Great..let's support each other up thru this community!!and may the force be with you :D

hehe. I see a Star Wars fan here ;) let's do this together man! :)

How could I overlook this post? 100% upvote for you and resteem. So proud of you starting this new community. In the future if i hv chance to play keyboard and sing I will surely use the tag #steem-music. :) Go Go Go!

no worries about it! please join us! all are welcome! :)

Feeling so proud that you are starting such a wonderful initiative!! Will support you and your community and wishing you guys the best!! :D

thank you so much! how have you been doing? haven't seen you in awhile. perhaps we can grab a drink with @perennial when he's free as well? :)

Sure sure!! :D

That's amazing. Thank you for creating this e-community. I am a practicing accountant and an amateur jazz vocalist. It is unfortunately difficult to know any good musicians out there that I can make good covers with. Yet, it also boils down to chemistry with other musicians. But I still hope, that I'm able to find a place where we can make music together. Cheers!

hey man! never to late to hop onboard. we just started off as well. you know what. I'll hook you up for our next gig. let me know if you're even keen to put up a number ;)

@calebleejl If you're in Malaysia, residing around PJ, sure!! Caveat: I sing jazz, and I do ad lib most of the time. I understand music goes beyond metronome, it goes down to chemistry. We could do some simple tunes for a start!

hey! I stay near PJ. D'sara Heights actually. you know what. our next gig date is set. the 24th. you happen to be free that night? :)

Beautiful! I might, depends on other ad hoc. Care to give me your FB link? I shall contact you there. Cheers!

Dropped you a message. Cheers.