in steem-pocalypse •  8 years ago  (edited)

Oh Tom! Why did you have to kill so many of them?

In the last round, “Tom” came back. In each season, there has been a round featuring a recreational vehicle with some canned goods under it. The players never know what is going to happen, but usually there is a good amount of death involved. The last round was no different.

Was the sign real, or was it a trap? Let’s see what happened and who survived.

To help @papa-pepper run this game, please DO NOT reply if you are not already playing this game. If you are playing this game, please do not reply to this post either, reply to my comment below that contains the option that you want to pick. I will provide a separate comment for each option given. If players do not reply to an Option Comment, they will be eliminated. Thank you.


OPTION 1 - Try to run away as fast as you can.

The players who chose this option are some of the very few participants that survived the last round. Great choice guys, your competition is dwindling.

No items were gained for players who chose Option 1 last round, but they are still alive. Those who needed to eat by the end of Day 4 and had a backup food supply ate it to continue. If anyone chose to run and needed to eat but did not have a backup food supply, they starved to death.

OPTION 2 - Try to call out and make friends, if no one answers grab the cans and go.

Some of the players chose to call out and attempt to make friends. When they called out, a gentle looking man appeared out of the bushes.

“Good afternoon friend, are you hungry?” he asked.

The players were glad to see that the man was being kind. “Yes, sir!” they answered.

“Yeah, me too,” the man replied. “Why don’t you pick out a can and we can have dinner?”

The players walked over to check out the cans. As they did, Tom shot them in the back.

“Sorry about that, but food is hard to come by around here. You look tasty enough, so I’m glad that you dropped by for dinner. I’ll get the fire ready.”

Tom then came over to the dead body of the players who chose this option and dragged them off to cook them for dinner.

Sorry to see you guys go out like that, but such is survival. I am so excited to see you all join, and so sad to see you choose options that are predetermined to lead to death. I hope that you’ll try again next season. Thanks for playing.

OPTION 3 – Try to sneak up quietly and grab all the cans.

Some of the players chose to try to sneak in and grab all the cans. Tom patiently waited in the bushes until he had a good shot. Soon, he lined up his scope and pulled the trigger.

The players who chose Option 3 last round also got to join Tom for dinner, as the main course.

OPTION 4 – Try to sneak up quietly and quickly grab one of the cans.

The players who chose this option also fell for the trap. Tom shot and ate them as well.

OPTION 5 – Try to sneak around back and quickly grab a can.

Not drawing as much attention as some of the other players, a few sneaky ones snuck around back. Since they only grabbed one can quickly and quietly, Tom did not even notice them. If a team chose this option, they each got a can.

The players who chose Option 5 got a backup food supply. If they needed to eat in order to avoid starvation, they ate it. Otherwise, they have 1 Backup Food Supply added to their items.

Be sure to include this Backup Food Supply in your replies. If you already had one (for example) now you have “2 Backup Food Supplies.”

OPTION 6 – Try to sneak around back and grab all the cans.

The players who chose Option 6 were able to get behind the camper without being detected. They even began to grab the cans unnoticed. However, when there was only one can left, Tom noticed the change.

Tom snuck around back too, as after the players grabbed the last can and attempted to make their getaway, Tom decided it was his turn to get dinner instead.

Tom shot the players who chose Option 6 to death. In order for someone to win this game, everyone else must die, but it is still sad for me to watch you go. At least there is always next season.


After the “to Tom or not to Tom” adventure of the last round, the players are fast on the move. As they cut through the underbrush and race across clearings, they begin to hear gunfire from behind them.

Obviously, it is too early to tell if someone is on their trail or shooting at something else, but the players speed up anyway. As they continue, they can now hear indistinct shouts not too far behind.

Suddenly a barbed wire fence is seen stretched out before them. They can either attempt to cross the fence, turn left, turn right, try to greet the people behind them, or try to shoot the people behind them. Whatever they choose, they must choose quickly.


There are a few more options this time, so choose carefully.

* OPTION 1 - Try to cross the fence and continue running away on the other side of it.

* OPTION 2 - Try to turn to the left and follow the fence that way.

* OPTION 3 – Try to turn to the right and follow the fence that way.

* OPTION 4 – Try to stay put and greet whoever is shooting and shouting.

* OPTION 5 – Try to take cover and shoot the people when they arrive (for those who have both a pistol and ammo.)


Each player must reply to my comment below containing the Option that they wish to choose within the next 24 hours. If they do not reply to the comment of their choice, they will be eliminated. Also, any players who do not reply in time will be eliminated from gameplay and have to wait until Season 6 to try again.

Also, if your player has found anything, you must mention it when you reply or you will lose it. If your player found a pistol, then reply with something like the following:

I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition, 1 Backup Food Supply, & Water Purification Tablets, I'll choose option 1 this round.

I will post an updated list of current players later. Thank you.


The current Prize Pool is 250 SBD.

A Special Thanks to @liberty-minded for Providing the Title Gif and the GAME OVER GIF.

Until next time…

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* OPTION 2 - Try to turn to the left and follow the fence that way.

I have a pistol with ammunition & 2 Backup food. I choose option 2

This post received a 4.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @rkrijgsman! For more information, click here!

Today was a really difficult day to decide. I shall go with Option 2 - Go left. and hope for the best.

Just like the rules of the road says... For us here in South Africa..

Inventory: 1x Loaded Pistol, 1x Beef Jerky, 11x Bullets for Pistol

Image Source:

After learning about and eating the clover looking plant that the old man gave to me I only need to eat again Day 5 Round Two and still have my backup food supply.

I hope to get another chance of meeting up with fellow survivors, but shooting and shouting people don't sound like a good option.

Thanks @papa-pepper ...not giving much information about our options, this has been the most difficult day so far to make a decision. Hahaha

Edit - Side note: Good luck to all contestants still alive... If those shooting, shouting people happen to be other fleeing survivors, then I wish you all of the best hope what ever you where shooting at did not manage to kill to many of your friends.

@novaatebatman I am sure you are still actively busy with the spreadsheet and appreciate all the hard work you are doing, I just had a quick look at it and I see my inventory items not listed.. Just a head up..

teamed up or not...@resistancemedic and I take a hard left while the majority of the remaining masses hurdle forward or right drawing the closing enemies in their direction.

option #2 for @liberty-minded

I'm bedded down making as little noise as possible.

I have 11 rounds for my pistol and 1 backup food supply of beef jerky. I ate wild edibles and need to eat again before the end of Day 5 to avoid starvation.

I have an unloaded pistol, water purifications tablets and... nothing else I believe.

I ate my jerky while running away from a madman last round.

Im betting theres a minefield or something on the other side, so I wont take my chances crossing the barbed wire.

I choose OPTION 2

I have a Magnesium Firestarter, one backup food supply and water purification tablets. I got another backup food supply last round but I had to eat it to avoid starvation, Which leads me back to one backup food supply in my inventory.

I choose option 2 this round and hope for the best.

I have a fire starter and a backup supply of food (beef jerky), I'll choose option 2 this round. My goodness that was a lucky can of SpaghettiO's! After stealing the one can from Tom and eating my canned pasta I heard gunshots in the distance. Running as fast as I could I suddenly reached a fence. I consider going straight. Fearing I'd get tangled in the barbed wire or those with guns would catch up to me I decide to turn left. Since my left rabbit paw is luckier than my right paw I took my chances.
steempocalypes fence 2.jpg

Magnesium Firestarter, 1 backup food supply, and Water Purification Tablets. I ate the beans b/c I was starving and wouldn't eat one of the many dead players. Or would I?. I decide to take the left route. I believe who ever is shooting at me will catch up to me and get me if I climb through or wait for him. I think he is more likely to go right if he doesn't see me. So I pick OPTION 2 - Try to turn to the left and follow the fence that way.

I took a can from Tom and ate it. Hence, I still have one backup food supply from the beginning, a pistol with no ammo and water purification tablets. I choose Option 2 and go left.

Option 2--I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds of ammo, 2 backup food supplies (both cans of beans), water purification tablets, and at clover two rounds ago, so don't need to eat again until the end of Day Five.

Oh, thank goodness I was able to lift that can of beans away from Tom's RV and get away safely. I knew approaching from the back and not being greedy were good ideas. I'm just thankful I was able to get more food for my people, and lead them away with their lives. As we moved deeper into the woods, it sounded like other groups coming up behind us weren't so lucky.

You're really taking a chance on trusting strangers in these strange times. We got lucky with a calculated risk regarding the guy in the tree. It's not an option I'll be making again soon, and if and when I do, it certainly won't be made lightly.

That is why I am determined we avoid the shooting, shouting group we hear behind us. Nothing good can be coming of a group that is shooting and shouting. Either they are trying to get away from someone/something, or are chasing someone/something for nefarious purposes. We don't want to get involved or in their way in either instance.

Going through the barbed wire fence isn't really an option. It's obviously there to keep something in (or possibly out), and we don't want to go in there and potentially meet up with some dangerous animal or herd of them. We also don't want to risk getting shot for being on someone's private property. There is also the danger of one or more of us getting injured by the wire (in a time when we have no first aid supplies), or getting stuck on it (and left at the mercy of whatever is coming toward us in the woods).

We're also not going to try to hide and shoot at whatever is coming, because we don't know if they are friend or foe, and wouldn't want to shoot friendly people or those in need, and also because we only have one gun and 11 rounds of ammo, and we have no idea just how armed these other people are. We could be way outgunned. It's not a risk I'm willing to take, aside from the moral issue of it.

That just leaves two options. Go right along the fence, or go left along the fence.

We don't know what is in either direction, so it really is a coin toss. Either direction could lead us to disaster or salvation (or at least one or more useful items to use as supplies).

After some deliberation, we decide to go left. It is the natural inclination of most Americans to turn right, based on the driving laws and unspoken walking rules in crowds. Always keep to the right. So, the violent-sounding group behind us will likely turn right, too, if they get this far. It isn't guaranteed, but it is the most likely action they will take if they get as far as the fence.

We need to make sure we take every opportunity to avoid them.

Therefore, turning left makes the most sense. It is against the natural instincts of most people. While we don't know what is to the left, we don't know what is to the right, either. At least by going left, there is a lesser chance of us being followed. And, in these weird times, that is about as close to a guarantee of safety as we can get (there is no real guarantee of safety in these times, but we take the one with the highest odds we can get).

Hoping we made the right choice, based on our knowledge of human psychology and our desire to avoid unnecessary risk, we turn left and march on into the woods.

I have 11 rounds a magnesium firestarter and need to eat by the end of day 5. I choose option 2 and am hoping to find water down the hill somewhere.

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food supply (beans). I last ate my jerky at the end of day 4 to avoid starvation. I will choose option 2 this round.

I managed to sneak round the back and grab a can of beans which I ate. I still have a backup food supply (beef jerky) and water purification tablets. I choose option 2 this round.

I have an unloaded pistol, a backup food supply and water purification tablets, I'll choose option 2 this round.

The person who is shooting has ammos, i need ammos... but let's play it safe.

I choose option 2.

I had to eat, fortunately I had a back-up food. Fortunately, I managed to get another one.


1 Pistol (Day 1 - Round 1)
1 Water Purification Tablets (Day 3 - Round 1)
1 Back-up food (Day 4 - Round 2)

I have an unloaded pistol and ate my backup food supply. I don't want to get snagged on the fence, so I'll try to find a safe way to cross to the left.

I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds, 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), ate the bush, ate some roaches and ate what looks like clover; Now I choose option 2 - turn left at the fence.

I have an unloaded pistol and water purification tablets. I choose option 2.

I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition and water purification tablets. I ate beef, I'll choose option 2 this round

Option # 2

After about an hour of deliberation and antoher 40 minutes of asking everyone we knew, right or left was the general consensus. Then after a failed long distance coin toss (3 ties in a row) we decided to either call a psychic or just pick one. We don't know any psychics so.... Option 2 it is...
250 On Black (or left in this case)
Spin It

Team Hootie Hoo

Brothers United


  • Pistol (22 Rounds)
  • Magnesium Fire Starter
  • 2X BackUp Food Supply
  • 2X Water purification tablets

    Last Meal

    • Day 3 Round 2 What appeared to be Clover
    • Need food by D5R2

Hey, what's your inventory? (Yours specifically, not combined with @lokii's.)

Making sure I have it right.

His was..
Pistol (11rounds)
Water Purification Tablets
1 Backup food supply

Part of what I was wondering was specifically what the backup supply was.

I have managed to figure out the error that occurred. I had found his name, clicked on it, then I guess didn't click the cell where I needed to put your name as his teammate.

I ended up with two players named @lokii. I figured out which was you and which was him. :)

Awesome, glad you got us seperated lol. I can't even remember what my back up supply was.

Thank you for your work on the spreadsheet, definitely a nice added feature.

Haha, yeah. I'm glad I was able to sort things out fairly quickly.

Thanks! I'm hoping the spreadsheet really helps!

I have:
1 empty pistol,
1 backup food supply stolen from Tom
& Water Purification Tablets

I ate:
The limes from the tree
The insects from the board
My first scavenged backup food supply

Crossing the barbed wire is too risky, one can get stuck.
Talking to these people is suicide and I don't have ammunition to defend myself.
Right is not always right, so I will follow the left fence!

I'll choose Option 2 this round.

I have an unloaded pistol and I choose Option 2 this round!

I have an unloaded pistol and I choose Option 2 (try left and follow the fence that way).

I have a Magnesium Firestarter, and 2 a back up food supply (jerkys and beans), as well as water purification tablets.

I ate beauty berries and i choose option 2. Try to turn to the left and follow the fence that way.

Maybe chase will turn to the right (as often happens). Behind the barbed wire can be wild beasts or to mines. While I climb I can get hurt. People are catching up me, do not seem to me good. Pistol ammo I also have not.
This remains an option.

I have a pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition now,besides I have a backup food[beef jerky] and some water purification tablets with me.I also ate those plants in the last round that the kind man gave me so now I need to eat before end of day 5.In the last round I got a can of beans.Now I have two backup food [beef jerky+can of beans].I will choose OPTION 2 - Try to turn to the left and follow the fence that way for this round.

I have a pistol with 11 roimds amd a backup food supply. I hope my luck holds up and will be taking option 2

I have an unloaded pistol, some beans and water purification tablets. I choose option # 2.

I choose option 2 this round making a hard left. I need to eat at the end of day 5 as I ate clover looking Plant. I have a pistol, 11 rounds of ammo, 2 back up food supplies (jerky and I was able to swipe a can from Tom), and water purification tablets.

I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition& 1 Backup Food Supply(beef jerky).Last food I ate was the clover like plant. I'll choose option 2 this round.

I have an loaded pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition. I have a backup food supply(beef jerky). I have a water purification tablets. I ate berries and roaches and the plant. I'll choose option 2 this round.

I have magnesium fire starter, I have water purification tablet, I have one backup food left(can beans), I ate beef jerky last round in order to avoid starvation. I'll choose option 2 this round

* OPTION 3 – Try to turn to the right and follow the fence that way.

I have an unloaded pistol, and just ate my backup food supply. I'll choose option 3 this round and go to the right.

I've got a pistol, 11 rounds, and a back up food supply (jerky)
I last ate clover. need to eat D5R2
Choosing option #3

Like dad always says.." you can't go wrong if you go right."

I ate the food I took from tom. I still have a firestarter and water purification tablets.

Im turning right. (Option 3)

I have a pistol, 11 rounds of ammo, water purification tablets, beef jerky! I choose Option 3 this time.

I have a firestarter & some water purification tablets & a bachup food supply. I choose option 3

I have a firestarter, ate 1 Backup Food Supply that I got from the Tom to stay alive, & Water Purification Tablets, I'll choose option 3 this round....P.S That clutch sneak was vital and going to take one desperate act after another now.

I am still alive after managing a pallet shelter, eating bugs under a board, eating a plant from the man who gave me 11 rounds of ammo, and now, managing to grab one can of beans from Tom. I ate the beans, but am now in a new dilemma.... (I have 11 rounds of ammo after eating the can from Tom)

I Choose * OPTION 3 – Try to turn to the right and follow the fence that way.

I have Fire Starter, back up food supply from Tom and I choose option #3

I have a pistol and 11 ammo. The last thing I ate was the plant that the man in the tree gave me. I choose Option 3.

I have an empty pistol & 1 backup food supply (Ranch Style Beans), I'll choose option 3 this round.

I have the firestarter, water tablets, 11 bullets, and 1 backup food. I was last fed plants by the friendly guy (not sure if I need to eat my beans or not).

I choose option 3. I don't like the shooting and yelling happening behind me so I'm hanging a right.

Pistol, bullets, beef jerky, turn right

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I ate the beans I stole from tom to prevent starvation
I choose option 3

Backup food supply (beef jerky)
Magnesium firestarter

Hi papa, I got Tom's beans and I ate them. I choose option 3

Backup food supply (beef jerky)
Magnesium firestarter

I have an unloaded pistol and water purification tablets. I choose option 3.

I chose OPTION 3 - Try to turn to the right and follow the fence that way.

I have: a loaded pistol (11 rounds); backup food supply (beef jerky); water purification tablets

I must eat prior to the end of Day 5

It's really just a gamble. I don't want to meet whomever is making that noise, friendly people don't make a racket like that. Crossing the fence looks like a good option, but maybe it's there for a good reason? It's really just left or right, and I hope "right" is the right choice :P

No team F-Art this episode, @fraenk... I met Tom. Should've known better. Good luck, bro!

Dang! I also missed the chance to team up... but Tom, man, you should have known!

There's always next season!

Yup, I was going to run as I had lots of stuff and ate enough.. Then decided to be friendly. :-/

Next season it is, hang in there!

I have an unloaded pistol, water purification tablets and 1 backup food supply. I choose option 3 this round!

One thing I know is that I do not want an injury climbing over the barbed wire fence.
I don't think my enemies would be shouting and shooting, sounds like it's one of us . . . Yet, I can't risk just standing in the open after the Tom ordeal.

I have 1 backup food supply (beans), 11 rounds of ammo and water purification tablets. This round I choose to continue running to the right; Option 3.

I dont want to risk injury by climbing the fence and I dont trust any strangers after barely surviving the Tom encounter so I turn right and run.
Carrying: pistol, water purification tablets, 1 backup food supply and the last thing I ate were some beans I stole from Tom

I have a pistol and one backup food supply. I'll choose option 3 this time and put some distance between me and Mad Tom...

I have a magnesium fire starter, ammo(11 rounds), 2 backup food supply, Water Purification Tablets, ate some roaches and ate the kind man's plant; Now I choose option 3

PS: I am not sure If I have to consume one backup food now due to I have eaten the kind man's plant, can ether @papa-pepper or @novaatebatman help me with this ?

If you ate the plant, you have until the end of day on day 5 before you need to eat your backup supply, if you do not find more food.

I have: a pistol (11 bullets), a backup food supply (beef jerky)

Last time I ate was on Day3Round2 (clover like plant)

For this Round I choose OPTION 3 - Try to turn to the right and follow the fence that way.

I have magnesium firestarter and one backup food supply. I'm going to turn to the right and follow the fence that way as option 3.

I have a pistol(11 bullets), 1 backup food supply(Jerky), and water purification tablets. I will choose option 3.

I creeped around the back of the RV, grabbed one of the cans, and got the hell out of there. I ran as fast as I could, and when I felt like I couldn’t go any further, I then forced myself to run even faster. Eventually I came to a point where I had a minute to relax and I took this opportunity to eat. I pulled the jerky that I had been saving and demolished it. Arguably, I probably ate it a little fast but I couldn’t help it. My stomach started sounding like a recording of orca whales. After reaching to bottom of the bag of jerky, and being a little disappointed there wasn’t more, I heard something. It was music. There wasn’t any instruments just humming and for some reason it sounded so familiar. Something about it gave me chills. It echoed off the trees. The rattling of leaves above me sounded like percussion. Then it clicked. It was Kai. Memories of her standing in our kitchen, watching her doing the dishes and humming that song came to mind. Honestly, I didn’t even know the song but it was so beautiful coming from her.
Leaving the empty bag of jerky behind me, I jumped to my feet and started screaming her name. KAI! There was nothing. The humming intensified and seemed to move through me. I could literally feel the notes piercing my brain. I spun in a hundred circles, looking in every direction, searching behind trees and boulders. I didn’t even realize that I was crying again. Why does this keep happening to me? KAI!! I screamed again, my own voice over powering the humming for only a second. Still there was nothing but the breeze whistling its way through the leaves. The taunting and haunting humming continued until the gunshots started and then screams followed.
They had heard me, I knew it, and now they were coming. I started running again. The humming was gone and replaced by my own heartbeat and the sound of mayhem behind me. Gunshots overwhelmed every sound in the woods. They were close and getting closer. I didn’t know if they were hostile but they sure as hell didn’t sound friendly. My feet almost floated above the ground as I ran. The jerky gave me one hell of a boost and I could feel the energy emanating from every part of my body. It’s funny how, when you’ve gone without food for a little bit and then you finally get to eat, it makes you feel like you’re super human.
The mayhem behind was closing in, when I came to the barbed wire fence. Go right. A voice, no not just a voice, it was Kai again. This time the words came from nowhere and everywhere. They bounced around inside of my head and if I had more time, it would’ve freaked me out. Without having any time to think or lose any speed, I followed Kai’s word and turned to the right. I followed the fence in that direction. I hope that whoever is back there thinks that I went through the fence and doesn’t follow.

I have an unloaded pistol, water purification tablets, and one back-up food supply(Beans). I ate my jerky last round. I will have to eat by the end of day 6. I choose option 3.

I have loaded pistol with 11 rounds and backup food supply I do not need to eat until the end of day 5. Im heading right. Option three it is.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I have a magnesium fire starter (I ate my only backup food supply yesterday). I choose Option 3.

Still wary of other people, especially ones shouting and using guns, I decide to run away. I don't want to get caught on the barbed wire, and right or left seem equally safe (or equally dangerous). So I choose right.

* OPTION 1 - Try to cross the fence and continue running away on the other side of it.

I grew up surrounded by barbed wire,
I got jerky and a thing to make fire.
I got some bullets too, like eleven,
I dive through that fence to heaven.

Option 1 - Do or do not, there is no try. 11 bullets, fire-starter, jerky, last ate with friendly guy in the woods.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I have a pistol (no ammo), water purification tablets, i choose option 1

I have firestarter🔥 2 backup food supply 🍖 And waterpurification tablet. OPTION 1🤞

I'm going over the fence and choose option 1, I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds, jerky, and water purification tablets

I'll just quickly hang a couple fliers on this fence, then duck through and keep going.
I have an empty pistol and Water Purification Tablets. I just ate my backup food supply. I choose option 1 this round.

I have an empty pistol and Water purification tablets. I just used my back up food supply and I choose option 1 this round.

You were eliminated last round for failing to reply before the cutoff time.

Additionally, in future games, please reply directly to the option comment, not to someone else's reply. I've asked you politely several times.

I will not be held responsible if your game replies are missed for replying to a reply rather than directly to the option comment.

Sorry for that ,papa called me and explained all that ! Will be more careful in the future God bless and have a nice day!

Thank you for understanding. You have a good day as well.

I have an unloaded pistol, 1 backup food supply, and water purification tablets. I ate the can of beans I grabbed from Tom yesterday to avoid starvation. I choose option 1 this round.

I have a firestarter, a beef jerky, 11 rounds of ammunition and yesterday I ate the plants. I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have a firestarter, 1 backup food supply, and Water Purification Tablets I'll choose option 1 this round

Option 1 <

-Pistol with 11rounds of ammo
-Water purification tablets
-Backup food supply (beef jerky)

Next meal should be before the end of day 5

I choose Option 1.

-Pistol with 11rounds of ammo
-Water purification tablets
-Backup food supply (beef jerky)

*Next meal should be before the end of day 5

11 bullets, firestarter, backup food supply -option 1

  • Need to eat by end of day 5

Hoo was Tom, and I lived, nice :) Beans or beef jerky...gotta eat...beef jerky it is, it's been calling to me for too long now, and my last meal must contain something jalapeno-y.

I choose Option 1, I have an empty pistol, water purification tablets and one backup food supply (Can'o'beans) and I can scoot thru that fence like Satan was behind me.

I have already informed you that you were eliminated for failure to respond to the correct comment on Day 4 Round 1.

You have not been playing the game since then, despite your efforts to continue playing it.

Well darn, I must have missed that somehow, gonna have to go back and check, thanks for letting me know :)

I have a unloaded pistol, water purification tablets, back up food supply ...not sure if I have 1 or 2 supplies....I choose option 1.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I have a pistol, 11 rnds ammo, a can of beans from Tom, and water purification tablets and knowledge of a clover like plant, which I ate. I will need to eat by part 2 of day 5. I choose option 1.

check out @essentialoilmom and I's strategy discussion video here.

I have a Magnesuim Firestarter, Water Purification Tablets, Backup Food Supply, and I choose Option 1 this round.

* OPTION 4 – Try to stay put and greet whoever is shooting and shouting.

I choose option 4 (pistol with Ammo, backup food supply, need to eat before end of day 5)

I have a pistol with 11 rounds and one backup food supply. I have eaten 3 of the last 5 days. I choose option 4 to try to greet the shouting humans as they may be warning me of impending danger if I proceed.

Good Luck survivors!

well thought, I hope you can made it, good lucky ! ^^

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

It will not let me delete this comment (the comment below is ridiculous & rude - not what I joined Steemit for...)

@novaatebatman is helping me keep track of this game. I wrote in my post that only people playing the game should reply, as we had almost 300 players to start with. That makes enough comments to sort through without others chiming in.

I am sorry that you think it is rude, but I hope that you can understand.

Because commenting on a post that says not to comment unless you're participating isn't rude at all.


Yes sir - my head has been spinning with all that is Steemit so forgive my enthusiasm. I work and read hard to understand what is going on here and missed something here. For that I am sorry, I felt the response by the guy above was improper in tone and unnecessary but wish you the best in this post's effort good sir.

Thank you for that.

You're not playing the game. The post very clearly says not to comment on game posts if you're not playing. To play, you must have signed up prior to the beginning of the current season.

I have an empty pistol, water purification tablets, and ate my beef jerky last round. I'll choose option 4 this round, because doing something this stupid just has to pay off. Loving this season, Papa and Nova!

I'm tired of running away, and as papa-pepper once said - "you can't outrun the bullet"... Also I don't wanna play in lottery and choose between right/left/over a fence, because I feel that there is too less information on these options to choose right.

So I'm standing right here and greeting whoever is coming. I have to believe that these are good guys!

I have magnesium firestarter, one backup food supply and 11 rounds of ammunition. I choose OPTION 4.

I don't want to see your little Jigglypuff of a man riddled with bullet holes!.......or do I?

Maybe they are good people, just hunting in the woods with friends :)

Yeeeeaaaaahhhh.....the only kind of hunting that involves a lot of running, shouting and shooting is when humans are being hunted. Think Jurassic Park or Predator.

Ahaha :) Well, I don't know. It could be anything. Like a lot of weddings in Eastern countries are just like that :) A lot of shouting and shooting :)

Or maybe they hunting Tom!

I have a magnesium fire starter I ate the backup food[beef jerky]in the last round,I have some water purification tablets.I got a can of bean in the last round ,so I have a backup food[can of bean]For this round I will go with option 4- and try to stay put and greet whoever is shooting and shouting.

* OPTION 5 – Try to take cover and shoot the people when they arrive (for those who have both a pistol and ammo.)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Day 19

Dear Diary,

I walked into the woods for what seemed like ages. Every noise seemed like a threat, every shadow was an enemy and every movement I thought I saw was an attacker. I came to a large bush and my worst fears seemed to come true. I thought I saw someone walking behind the bush. Everything in my gut told me to turn and run but some small voice deep down inside said that I should stay. The thought flashed across my mind that if I did happen to run into someone who was friendly I would have a much better chance of surviving. So against my better judgement I decided to call out and hope they were friendly. If they weren’t friendly I was hoping my pistol would scare them off. To my great relief a voice called back and said they didn't want a fight and they came out into the open with there arms raised. I stepped into the clearing the same way and that is when I met @dtbahoney. He introduced himself and I instantly found him to be an extremely friendly gentleman. Amazingly we seemed to have found similar pistols along the way. He had run into a friendly traveler a day back and he had given him 11 bullets and fed him some edible plants. He had also managed to find some water purification tablets as well. He was nice enough to share a few of his bullets with me and we loaded up our pistols and set off together with a newly renewed sense of humanity and hope.

As we walked along I began to get hungry and was seriously thinking about cracking open my beef jerky but not long after we started walking we ran into an old RV with a sign and what looked like canned goods under it. It seemed like a trap but those canned goods looked too good to pass up, even if it was a trap. @dtbahoney had the great idea to sneak up behind the RV and quickly grab a couple cans. I covered him with my pistol but it wasn’t even needed because before I even had a chance to get in position he was back with two cans of beans! He must be some kind of survival ninja. I was hungry so I chowed down immediately but he had eaten the day before so he saved his beans for later. We decided to leave the area and head deeper into the woods.
As we were walking into the woods we started to hear gun fire behind us. We took off running and it seemed like it was getting closer and closer and someone may have been following us. We quickly took cover and pulled out our pistols. We are going to face this head on and battle for our lives. I hope I can survive this so I can see her again…


Team @dtbahoney and @starke choose option 5 this round
We have 2 pistols, 11 bullets, 2 water purification tablets, 1 can of beans and 1 packet of beef jerky. I ate today and @dtbahoney will need to eat by the end of today.

Fantastic, man. It really puts me in the picture.

I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds of ammo. I also have 2 backup food supplies, and water purification tablets, and I choose option 5!

What I am choosing this round


What I own in my inventory

  • 1 pistol
  • 11 rounds of ammunition
  • a food backup supply
  • knowledge of clover like plant

When do I need to eat
Prior to the end of Day 5.

On DAY 2 ROUND 2 I have eaten some bugs and creepy crawlers
On DAY 3 ROUND 1 I headed into the woods and got nothing.
On DAY 3 ROUND 2 I have eaten a plant and know how to look for it
On DAY 4 ROUND 1 I didn't want to know who is in the bushes, quietly sneak away ..oh well...
On Day 4 Round 2 - still alive and kicking

I don't know what to do!

Me too! Right/left : flip a coin?

Me and my brother tried this over texts from 1200 miles away and came up in a dead tie 3 times in a row. Damn law of averages

Death by Tom...dang.

Congratulations @papa-pepper!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following category:

  • Upvotes - Ranked 9 with 399 upvotes

This is dope Papa. I love how you're utilizing unique ways to engage. Very inspiring.

I try to have creative and entertaining ways for people to interact and have fun, with a chance to win prizes too. So far, this one is a huge hit and others are enjoying creating some spin-offs too!

Well keep it up. Hey pops, can you give me the link to that STEEMIT RAP BATTLE. I keep getting like fake links to it. I need the official.

Check the @rondonson profile.

Nice post

Upvoted & RESTEEMED :]

duh..wrong option...thanks @dwells

You commented under option 4. I think you need to comment under option 2 to avoid being eliminated or forced in to an option you didn't choose.

Unless option 2 leads to certain death and option for leads to continued life, then in that case I'm more like an executioner.

I would have died's always next season!

The one time i dont run away and i die😢

Never trust Tom! Haha!

The thing is i kept running away and i saw good things happening 😂 so i was thinking maybe its friendly. Then after making my choice i thought to myself I'm going to die arent I

And don't distract me I know you fed my leftovers to nova 😢

Never trust Tom.

Nope. You haven't been fed to Nova. (Yet.) So many deaths these last couple of rounds, I've been forced begin curing and preserving all these corpses. Far too much to eat right now. But it'll keep us nice and fed for the next couple years.

People taste like bacon, did you know that? :D

Well since i am dead i will now never know...

Wait i thought only nova ate the people but you said "us"

If I feed people to Nova, Nova won't eat my food. Meaning I'll be fed as well because he won't be stealing all my food.

The players walked over to check out the cans. As they did, Tom shot them in the back. C'mon there's two of us, he can't possibly be that fast. Is Tom a ninja??
@foodie.warrior we did our best!

You can outrun bullets suddenly blasting at you from somewhere in the bushes?

Are you a ninja?

Thanks for playing though, hopefully you will do better next time.

Great game!! thanks for all the effort you put @papa-pepper and @novaatebatman, It was great while it lasted.
Today I'm an angel, next time I WILL be a ninja! 😉

LOL! I'll be glad to have you back!

@novaatebatman how many of us survivors areleft ?

As of this morning? Eighty-two.

K, thanks...

Still a lot of survivors XD

Yeah, but we started out with two hundred and eighty-six. So it's already one third of what it was.

The players who chose Option 4 got a backup food supply. If they needed to eat in order to avoid starvation, they ate it. Otherwise, they have 1 Backup Food Supply added to their items.

You mentioned that players who choose option 4 are dead so I think there is a typing mistake in the sentence-[The players who chose Option 4 got a backup food supply].I think it should be Option 5.I am bit confused maybe I am wrong here so please have a look and let me know @papa-pepper.Thanks.

Without doubt, it is a typo. It should be Option 5 and not Option 4. Under Option 4, it clearly says The players who chose this option also fell for the trap. Tom shot and ate them as well.

Yes, typo, fixed it now. Thank you.

Typo, it was Option 5... fixed now.

thank you .

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So sad to have died at Tom's hands, especially when i was trying to be friendly. Oh well, better luck next season. It was fun while it lasted. Thanks @papa-pepper!

I die early every season. he keeps it pretty random

You know what they say, no good deed goes unpunished.