@gavvet at First Steem Saturday, Johannesburg, 29 Oct 2016

in steem-saturday •  8 years ago 

Since I will be putting up all the video material from Steem Saturday unfortunately you will have to put up with some from yours truly.

Much to my disgust there is some kidding around in the beginning by the MC regarding reputation score so I will say this much...

It is a number derived by the current algorithm... any other algorithm and it would be a different number... That's the way I see it currently and perhaps in the future we will have a reputation system that is far more representative and inclusive of many other elements and aspects of our online presence.

This talk was the second on the day and is about the emergence of the internet of value.

It follows Ned's talk found here

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7 - Questions

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Ned's probably a tough follow, but I'm sure you did well :)

Very nice work and thanks for posting the videos!

Thank you for the updates @gavvet!

Excellent post congratulations, beautiful videos. I want to thank the hard work to improve his this wonderful platforma.Gracias for sharing this wonderful material.

thank you for share=resteemd

Who is that handsome man up there?! ;)

Great job @gavvet!

You may need to clean your spectacles once in a while

Thanks for sharing these videos @gavvet. I only wish more people would take the time to view them!

2 hours in... 279 votes, 6 comments on Steemit... yet only 2 views (of the first video) on YouTube:

Even less views on the other videos.

Message to Bot operators:
Could you please programme your bots to at least click through to YouTube please? Or better still watch the damn videos!!! Events like STEEM Saturday are vital to the success of this platform. It deserves more support than less than a handful of views. Getting the view count up on YouTube will do more for your investment in the long run (by helping grow this platform) than the SP you earn from upvoting. How do we expect to win the battle for the "attention economy", if those invested heavily in the platform are not giving content their attention?

The disparity between Steemit and YouTube volumetrics on videos like this is now getting embarrassing! :)

Thanks for posting @gavvet! Great videos!

Very nice talk! :)

Will be taking a careful look at these videos. There is much to get to know about steem and the thinking behind it. Thanks for posting.

Love this. Unfortionately I wasn't able to watch part 6. Went all wonky on me 😣