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Honestly, this is why I'm looking at other blockchain social media sites. Steemit has had such a lead, but every day they drag their feet and don't release improvements is another day the gap on the lead they have is closed and someone else will become the top social media platform.

i dont know who @ned is and dont really care to become involved in some bullshit drama.
what i am very interested in is a platform based on free speech, FOR ALL, even the assholes you disagree with, and i cant speak for anyone else, but i have often been that asshole.
but i would be very interested in the basic facts of this situation, and has there been censorship on this platform that anyone is aware of?
not sure i would consider flagging censorship, as i can still see the post.
having said that minus child porn/murders etc, what is the purpose of flagging?
are we not essentially flagging with our votes?
if im missing anything, please someone, school me, i am after all a noob.
and i am willing, able and interested in learning.

@ned is one of the founders of this place...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It can get even worse then just flagging. I made a comment on a family protection post and the lady that runs the site not only flagged my comments she openly stated she wanted to ban me but since she couldn't she'd flag me, then she went and got her buddy over at information wars to whom I had been participating with for the last couple months to flag the majority of stuff I posted over there, then he wrote a article about people who are plagiarist, added my name then said in a comment he would see about what he could do to get these listed people banned. Yes I post stuff from a website, I have the owners permission, I also send her the SBD earned for the post. The next thing I know steemcleaners show up on my blog, I got a hold of them today and I shared with them the letters she sent saying she was thankful that I was sharing her post, grateful for the contributions and new people I have brought to her website. She does not have a interest in coming to steemit so she allows me to share her stuff. Steemcleaners said I was good to go because I had her blessing and that I wouldn't be banned for sharing her stuff. I've been here since January and never had a problem, then after she made that comment I've spent the last two days having to defend myself. They, the lady from family protection, and this truthforce guy along with some dude name practical thought have done nothing but go over all my stuff and follow me around harassing me the last two days. Censorship is alive and well and so is dirty underhanded politics. Can you even imagine that something entitled information wars used the same dirty underhanded tactics that their name implies is used against them? What a complete dirty shot.

Bruh, you aren't poor to the point that you can't afford paragraphs.

lol, they don't pay me enough to do it either.


You know, petty shit like this reminds me of a song by Bowling for Soup. "High School Never Ends".

The older I get the more I see that's true.

Wow! A Steemit theme

what are other blockchain social media sites? I would love to try more out...

Ono is releasing soon mithril. Investfeed. Sola or something like that.

I have a Sola account it didn't really seem to be taking off last time i was there. I want in on the next big thing but also don't want to put a bunch of effort into something that dies out.

yeah sola sucks lol its erc20 based anyway isnt it? no scalability and fees too high. steem just so much more elegant. and current owners are irrelevant as someone will eventually find a fork with distribution that works ... and i bet you this is the one that wins... steem is so much bigger than just steemit inc... whoever makes the killer steem app will get neds full approval and he will be happy to sit back and go along for the ride.

A friend of mine told me about a crypto based content-rewards platform, like Steem and Steemit, search for the soon to be crypto: Uunio.


QOQO, coming soon

  ·  7 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

The best i've found is Narrative. The team is dead serious, their monetization model is quite solid and their business plan looks like an effing LEGIT business plan.

Have you read their whitepaper. It looks like it has more ways to censor content, comments, posting and payouts than lots of regular social media sites.

@gniksivart What other blockchain social media sites are there?

Dmania is the best Steem application to date. Meme is life!

Dear Bernie, please stop your reward pool rape bots. Thank you.

I'm upvoting my comments in response to your flags, Bernie

Upvote own bot comments from multiple own bots and get 100% return from Voting Power. That's how Steem works? Curate good content and get 10% back. Be a good guy, Bernie.

Steps that you can take to stop this reward pool rape:


Check out @mmmmkkkk311 using 78.68% of his voting power on HIMSELF!!

Hypocritical cunt!!

Look at his weak ass response that the self-voting is because of me flagging, you can see it started LONG before I started flagging the bitch.


Actually we need a good move but i am not seeing any improvment on the site from long time Nor sure they dont have good developers or advisor to make better improvment to the steemit,I personally donot want the end to the steemit it changes many people life in a good way and that is better for those who have no jobs but they can get some quality stuff to earn small.

After all we need a postive change on the steemit to see it go up not to get distroyed time by time.

How the heck did @booster get the bernie rep up to 51+ so quickly?

On a side note, @dan came out of steemit retirement unexpectedly a few days ago just to flag a bunch of posts that were critical of EOS.

I and @berniesanders are waiting @ned

Where's the promise? It is getting long now and I can't hold on any longer too :/

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Well, they take up all of his time between playing guitars...and flying to Steemit meet-and-greets...and trolling chat rooms...and taking online personality tests...and whatever else he does that isn't delivering on last year's road map and 2016's promises.

He's a very busy, hard-working guy. He's just not working on things that would improve his company, apparently. I'm sure it's intentional though.

I saw that you said you would only take payment in Steem.

I guess he's just too cheap to pay you in that form since he'd be "overpaying" you if things go well.

But Bernie, your comment wasn't productive like this $50 comment:

This is excellent. An opportunity that very few give. Great idea!
A hug from Venezuela @ned

My comment has also been flagged by bernie. Unfortunately that comment was not good enough to satisfy @ned to give $50 upvote!

You must have written the worst comment in the world


I think so. I should have written something like this man from Venezuela! Now I regret. :(


I don't understand why most Venezuelans (including me) name their country every time they can do it. I'm not nationalist at all, but I've written "Greetings from Venezuela" without even realizing xD it must be in our genes!

Same thing happens to me, I'm supposed to post only in English and I keep mixing up with Venezuelan things haha. Followed you :D


Yeah I don't know why he flagged people's comments that were not 100% overwhelmingly supportive. It just isn't a good look to really do that especially on a platform that is supposed to be about free speech.

I hope they find some good talent but after their supposed hiring in 2016 when they were constantly "looking" for people while the price was drove down to $0.07 I'm not going to put a lot of faith in their hiring process. Ultimately they did hire @andrarchy which I felt was a solid move personally.

Honestly I wouldn't say that Steemit was a failure or failing. It served it's purpose by making the founders and STEEMIT Inc rich. They can now play video games at work all day every day and it wouldn't matter to be honest which would be a pretty cool place to be in.

As for the rest of us it is an economy that we can chose to engage in or not. I'm going to continue on even though things can be frustrating and will also be involved in other crypto projects as well.

P.S. I still think you might be @ned 's alter ego and a way he can battle his inner demons. :-)

I dislike all the SteemIt Inc bashing, not because I think they don't deserve it sometimes, but mostly because it is self-defeating unless you are working on a solution.

I wish I was a big eough person to pass by your comment on andrarchy, but he was hired as a community liaison. How was that a good decision based on any measure you can think of? He disappeared and occasionally writes an odd defensive sounding post. lol. I'm not saying he isn't a good guy, he just didn't seem to be a good hire. :) Shame on me for saying this, there is no reason to point it out.

I know what you are saying on the Steemit Inc bashing. It is pretty hard to get where they have gotten and they have secured their future. If it was easy then everyone would do it. There is a reason why there hasn't been a lot of competition over the last two years of other platforms that reward a person in crypto. There is a reason why VICE and SMOKE still aren't out yet. It takes a lot of money, development, and time.

As far as @andrarchy goes I take a pretty neutral stance on him and his position as community liaison. Back in 2016 I got so pissed off I even e-mailed Steemit Inc because they were always "collecting resumes" pretending to be looking to hire people when to me there were maybe 4 or 5 good candidates already hard at work on this blockchain which I recommended to them and one was @andrarcy mainly because his excitement and willingness to explain the STEEM ecosystem to people at the time. After he got the position he did a few things that conveyed what STEEM was pretty well I felt like.

As of today there are a lot of things we don't know. We don't know how much they are paying him or at what capacity he is working on this. They might not be paying him that great and it could be in a limited remote role. I really don't know.

Also we don't know a lot of things he might do behind the scenes that we don't see. So I'm more talking about him being a good hire when they first did it in late 2016 or early 2017 or whenever. Today I really can't say what the situation is.

If I had the capital resources, technical abilities, great team..... etc I would take what we have learned from Steemit, DLive, DTube, Steepshot....etc and would try to build a platform that had some improvements and a fair initial distribution. I would do it ASAP because we see this is what the future is but it isn't easy.

Simply we don't have the proper foundation to get the job done and it doesn't look like anyone else does either. That is why I give and guys like @andrarchy a pass.

Well said, reasonable and true!

I like andrarchy and it is a bit disheartening that he seemed to actually be more active in the community before he was hired than he has been after he was hired. I almost never notice anything from him now, but before he was hired I frequently would run into something he was involved in.

It's important for a community liaison to, you know liaise with the community.. I have written numerous comments that addressed him directly in the past with salient points to share - and he never even replied to most of them.

I don't really know what to say - except it is pretty clear that there is absolutely no intention to perform in any way that could be called 'world class' (or even average).

Yeah, it is sad. He was active and prolific before the hired him. He wrote and made some truly inspiring videos. He coordinated and ran some communities in chat. He was a generally steem ecosystem focused guy and it showed.

I saw a few things when he was first hired, but honestly it has been a very long time since I've seen anything that was overtly done by him. There may be some covert things that he did through some other name, project, etc. yet those things I don't really know. If that is the case. The overt approach was far better PR.

I have to wonder what went wrong.. Maybe he learned something that changed his intentions.

My friend, I truly have no clue when it comes to that. I don't even have any speculations as I've seen nothing to grab onto for me to form possibilities from.

Sure, yes, me neither.

People come and go. It takes a lot for a human to engage in something. When people focus too much on specific people we miss the bigger picture.

This is true, except when the person is being hired specifically to be the community liaison.

No it's always true. A person is unconscious if they obsess about a person's action. Personal responsibility is what people should focus on. Obsess about external reality is a waste of time.

I don't tend to accept ALWAYS, NEVER, EVERYONE, etc. Absolutes are very rarely true when applied to people, and this is no exception. All it takes is a single case of it not being the case for the absolute to be invalid.

Absolutes are good. We need more of that in the world. People confident in what they believe in. Always I say because that means let's say 99% of times. Of course a person can be a word police and try to do all 100% accurate but for me that is a waste of time and energy. 😉😊

I get what you are saying with that. We did see a lot from him before he was hired and I don't know if a lot of the stuff he does are things we just don't see in a video format of him addressing the community or what. I just really can't say.

Yeah I don't know either. He could be involved in a lot of things he is not getting credit for or that we don't know.

That's the problem I would have expected to SEE him involved in a lot more things with official support.

My expectations could be wrong.

You said, Alter Ego 😂😂😂

Flagging is a form on marketing

Best I can do.

Steem/Steemit's history has been rather disappointing, but I'm really hoping that we can start picking up the steam (haha get it??) to work towards mainly SMTs, and many other features/updates they have in mind.

I was actually very happy seeing @ned's post, as this should increase the velocity of our developments. Hopefully they can get it right this time, but a flag probably isn't the best way to silence someone like bernie... someone who's probably spent the majority of his Steemit life sitting below 0 rep lol

I was very fortunate to have several downvotes of my comment while I was drinking a double vodka...

Haha... You are not alone!

Doesn't it feel great!!

Posted using Partiko Android

It saddens me to say it but, so far, bernie has hit the nail on the head...
how long does it take to get this place ready for SMT's....they keep saying how they focused on scaling before anything else but what do you do all day when you "focus on scaling"? I really hope the team shocks and awes the whole crypto/steemit community in such a way that even @berniesanders tips his hat...until then steem is dead until it is alive again

That is a perfect example of one of the worst characteristics of Steemit. There is a very clear conflict of interests. Ned has way too much power in here. That generates an internal corruption. I don't know how this will be solved, but if it does not, Steemit is just digging its grave.

Mine shows you at rep 52

Its 54 now


I just suggested he should hire some Usability/Human Factors people to work on creating a better end user experience.

That's before I read this... so now I'm prepared to get flagged, too... what-evuh...

Well done on getting a positve rep back!

Good of you to speak truth to power. I want to be in business for myself with my music, ridesharing, and adult care services, and also potentially join a platform Co-op- and all these open source projects and blockchains seem promising, but the way these currencies are valued is quite predatory.

I won't be investing in Steemit any further and will cash out as much as I can. I have lost all confidence in this site, and crypto in general. Perhaps that old turd Warren Buffart was right and crypto is a bubble. I missed the boat!!


Buying high and selling at the bottom. Well done :)

Congrats, you made the #steemitminute for today!

Click the Image Below to see the Video!

Bernie, why your reputation higher than me? Your progress so fast!

It looks like you have a Rep of 48 now ?

Thats got to be a first going from -15 rep to 54. And you actually got a response from Ned he should have a live debate with you really.

You got a 81.44% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @ngc!

Earn 100% earning payout by delegating SP to @upmewhale. Visit for details!

@ned please accept the Truth, take @berniesanders advice and work on it. We all want to see steemit become world number one and I feel that @berniesanders has that same feeling. I knew him for speaking and standing for what will make steemit a better place. Let it not be that because of the exist of @dan steemit saw her fall. I love steemit and I want yo see it improve over time.

I hope my comment wouldn't call for a downvote.

One thing makes me amazed sir @berniesanders, a while ago I saw the reputation of this account at level 7, but only in minutes can climb to level 55+
Congratulations sir, you are amazing

What a loser... Here's a small upvote :*

Oh I am sorry to hear that. But don't worry you will get your high reputation again. Just keep posting and we all will support you 😃

human mind always mess with a negative thought first。 another half minutes remind you why did i say this .this is just . Just happened to uright now @ned

Pull request for ui?
Add another reason for downvote :
" not productive for readers"

Those that flag dissent need to be flagged!

Attacking different opinions is censorship even if it is still available to be seen.

Support of free speech means upvoting content that gives you a black eye.

I don't understand this, 16 hours ago I got upvote from you for congratulating you on moving back to a positive number (4) ...16 hours after you are in 56... wow congratulations again !!!

You have downvoted comments including that of mine in @ned's post. Fortunately enough it didn't cost my reputation which I have build over 4 months. Thank you for that!

Although I don't know who among you is the right guy, I do know that you have done something great for the wellness of steemit including taking a strong stand against haejin. I believe your intentions are good. wishing you all the best!

You have recieved a free upvote from minnowpond, Send 0.1 -> 2 SBD with your post url as the memo to recieve an upvote from up to 100 accounts!

@berniesanders interesting post. I'm a minnow, but I'm quickly discovering the struggles and problems with this place.

On the one hand I read community guidelines about not using opinion and emotion when flagging. On the other hand I see powerful players do just that.

I came across this technical article that is right up your alley.

This post has received a 68.37 % upvote from @boomerang.

@berniesanders hahaha dude you do know how to pick fights! i stopped posting a while back when everybody started sounding all nice so as not to get a downvote and fade in oblivion ...seeing you go hardcore on Ned like this gives me hope that democracy will one day prevail here ...keep up the good fight

berniesanders should take ned up on his offer and do the work to make Steemit a great product. Go berniesanders!

I don't work for failing companies that make empty promises and NEVER deliver.

Also, @ned is an entitled fucking prick.

I actually responded to one of his posts because I feared he was possibly making hiring decisions based on pseudo science (Myers-Briggs). I understand a lot of people (and companies) think it's legit psychology and tested and accurate, so I shared that it wasn't. Wow, he didn't want to hear that, but he didn't flag me. O.o

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Why are you so angry at Steemit? If you don't like Steemit, you can build an app based on the Steemit blockchain.

I don't think he is angry with steemit. He is concerned about the future of his investment. And I don't see something wrong.

@berniesanders Quick question. Why do you invest in failing companies that don't deliver then?
Serious question, not being sarcastic?

I see you sitting at a very respectable 56 here in Florida.
Happy trails!

Bring on the memes for this comment section

Obviously, there is need for more skilled heads and hands come make things go better.. Who will safe the situation?

Feels like I have missed some crucial details on Steemit history, but I hope I can make it up by reading to some of these comments on here.

I have noticed that you are somewhat famous/infamous around here for voicing your opinions about things, so I can appreciate that.

I also like that you call yourself after Bernie Sanders, so that is a win in my book anyway. I will keep reading. You keep your head up and never let them get you down.

Ned lives in his bubble. I do not like a man who does not like Steem. Busy pls

Ouch man sorry to hear that. Sometimes people can’t handle the truth. I’m glad people in the world still tell it like it is. Keep up the good work.

I spoke the truth and you flagged me over 25 times in one day! Now you whine about it when someone flags you? Serves you and your attitude right! Maybe everyone should start flagging you for stealing from the rewards pool!. That is if Steemians will take the time to learn about your thieving ways.

Ned deciding what's productive for readers and what's not. Nobody can decide for anybody, neither in Steem nor in other topics.

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Congratulations! The days of celebrations continue :) I see now you have 51 you will have 70 very soon, because you deserve it.
Can only hope that things get better on this platform before it is too late :(

not sure what kind of choice you have given him.

you basically call him out and say he can't because he is stupid.

that doesn't leave room for discussion. if he is so stupid why are you using the platform he created?

now let see if I get downvoted for asking questions that I feel are valid.

Investors can and do put the companies they invest in to task in their own self-interest. This is not uncommon.

Nothing is solved by flagging or blocking someone or a group...
Everything must be talked about openly/publicly .... Without denying that the other side also has a piece of truth...☕❤

This post has received a 37.41 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @ngc.

I mean Jesus Christ, we are still waiting for a solution for communities or SOMETHING that makes the tagging system somewhat relevant.... Photography is for photography, not because you put a picture in there from google images.... or whatever.

You got a 100.00% upvote from @zer0hedge courtesy of @lightproject!

Honestly, I am not surprised that you were flagged @berniesanders two weeks ago our good old friend who abandoned the sinking ship that is Steemit Dan Larimer flagged a post I wrote criticising EOS, instead of refuting the criticism he just flagged. Fortunately, someone used some proxy accounts to upvote the post and rescue it.

My measly upvote doesn't do much, but however small, it hopefully helps restore some of your lost reputation. You're already back at 56 now, which is awesome. It seems to be a disease that exists within Steemit Inc, they can't take criticism of anything they do and seemingly do not do. Good to know a guy running an allegedly professional business opts to silence critics of his company rather than address the issues.

This place has a bad reputation with its trove of issues already @ned I am not sure what you're trying to achieve by flagging Bernie, but his criticism isn't the only criticism I saw levelled at STINC surrounding the latest mishandled deloyment of the terms popup. That was just embarassing and as a developer I know mistakes happen, but it's clear that this change was not tested because it affected everyone.

His response is so cliche. Actually reminds me of some shit I would see in a movie where it's basically a parody and the person speaking has no idea what he's talking about (lack of experience/knowledge) so he gives some bland answer that's supposed to have some funny / poetic context behind it.

"We can't deliver anything until we deliver it"

The sun doesn't rise until it does.... in the mean time....

Probably pretty hard to hire really right now with the billionaire EOS elephant in the room. Much as I have loved Steemit I think it's gonna end up starved of oxygen in the coming years.

Well, it's not that the competition is all great:

EOS (EOS) might not be the best cryptocurrency for you if you like to HODL it for long or forget about it for years. The accounts of the EOS blockchain members would be terminated if they do not use their tokens to use for three years

Actually, steem finally having a competition might be the best thing that ever happened to steem blockchain. Maybe we'll finally see something more than a font colour change :D

I also think that competition in this area would be good for Steemit.

Holy crap that's absurd

EOS' motto:

Who needs back-doors when you can scam with the TOS?

Rofl, they can make the process of how to use it opaque and just claw back all the EOS they want! Free share buyback.

Happy new Rep score !!!
Courtesy : Steemit team F1
Welcome back to the steemit Race

see you at the finish line

Every comment except yours on @ned's post is flagged and greyed out... Curious. With great power...

this steemit drama and flagging needs to stop.

Interesting article. I subscribed to you. Subscribe to me. Let's be friends

at least...we have steemmonsters now.

Congratulations @berniesanders!
Your post was mentioned in the Steemit Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Pending payout - Ranked 3 with $ 567,16

@berniesanders I agree with you here but what you are doing to @retiredinsamar isn't right man. You are part of the reason the platform is failing also. @ned should be a man and just take that sometimes people talk crap and go on his merry way. Everyone should stop flagging as it is not productive.

@retiredinsamar is a dick, plain and simple. I'll stop flagging him, eventually.

I really hope that eventually Steemit will become a nice place where people can do theyr thing.

As it seems right now.

We are not even close

47 😛

Now catch that Haejin madafucker 😎

I just listed this link on @ned s account jajajajja

Posted using Partiko Android

Speed up to rep 80 :D ! Lol-:
Go @berniesanders

#respect speak the truth always we have the power

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Check out @mmmmkkkk311 using 78.68% of his voting power on HIMSELF!!

Hypocritical cunt!!

Look at his weak ass response that the self-voting is because of me flagging, you can see it started LONG before I started flagging the bitch.


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Check out @mmmmkkkk311 using 78.68% of his voting power on HIMSELF!!

Hypocritical cunt!!

How pathetic do you have to be to waste time commenting repeatedly and responding to a bot?


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Check out @mmmmkkkk311 using 78.68% of his voting power on HIMSELF!!

Hypocritical cunt!!

How pathetic do you have to be to waste time commenting repeatedly and responding to a bot?


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Check out @mmmmkkkk311 using 78.68% of his voting power on HIMSELF!!

Hypocritical cunt!!

How pathetic do you have to be to waste time commenting repeatedly and responding to a bot?


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Check out @mmmmkkkk311 using 78.68% of his voting power on HIMSELF!!

Hypocritical cunt!!

Look at his weak ass response that the self-voting is because of me flagging, you can see it started LONG before I started flagging the bitch.


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Check out @mmmmkkkk311 using 78.68% of his voting power on HIMSELF!!

Hypocritical cunt!!

How pathetic do you have to be to waste time commenting repeatedly and responding to a bot?


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Check out @mmmmkkkk311 using 78.68% of his voting power on HIMSELF!!

Hypocritical cunt!!

How pathetic do you have to be to waste time commenting repeatedly and responding to a bot?


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Check out @mmmmkkkk311 using 78.68% of his voting power on HIMSELF!!

Hypocritical cunt!!

Look at his weak ass response that the self-voting is because of me flagging, you can see it started LONG before I started flagging the bitch.


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Check out @mmmmkkkk311 using 78.68% of his voting power on HIMSELF!!

Hypocritical cunt!!

Look at his weak ass response that the self-voting is because of me flagging, you can see it started LONG before I started flagging the bitch.


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Check out @mmmmkkkk311 using 78.68% of his voting power on HIMSELF!!

Hypocritical cunt!!

Look at his weak ass response that the self-voting is because of me flagging, you can see it started LONG before I started flagging the bitch.


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Check out @mmmmkkkk311 using 78.68% of his voting power on HIMSELF!!

Hypocritical cunt!!

Look at his weak ass response that the self-voting is because of me flagging, you can see it started LONG before I started flagging the bitch.
