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I think the another Dan scam is a big factor I hear as the reason people stopped paying attention even though he has been gone for a long time.

The lack of any real marketing is another factor. Dan spent 30M USD for the domain for Voice alone. I think this is a big one. We are mostly onboarding our own users in the form of alt accounts rather than new users. Steem is complicated and it is hard to quickly explain why someone should be here.

Finally I believe a lot of people see it as a ponzi even though it is kind of like a different form of mining. It’s all a method of distribution to get the token out there.

The fact a lot of witnesses are nowhere to be seen is likely a small factor but chains like EOS they make over 30x in rewards for being a block producer last time I did the math.

Technically, Steem has a lot of good qualities, rc protection (needs work), three second transaction, one of the best scalable chains if not best, easy to develop on, proposal system (which is unfortunately largely dominated by a handful of voters), escrow system (rarely ever used), multi factor security (almost never used). Instead we spend most of our time worrying about other people’s rewards or trying to get away with getting a ton ourselves with as little effort as possible.

I think the another Dan scam is a big factor

It is. Of all the big crypto persons I have heard commenting about Steem, only Hoskinson offered a somewhat neutral opinion, and stated that the network will have many hurdles to go over if they wish to hook users.

The others consider Steem to be a scam meant for the founders to earn more BTCs.

I also agree with the lack of marketing. A lot of it is what has been mentioned before: bunch of amateurs pretending to be professionals.

Maybe, there's just no reason to buy and stake Steem? Rewarding others, that's fucking stupid, right?

There isn't, in terms of ROI. Every vote you give to other people is at your detriment because it lowers your relative stake level. Hence, self-voting and burning became huge things.

There is no guarantee the post you voted on bring value to Steem down the road. But, I imagine that only matters more to whales.

Well said

Posted using Partiko Android

easy to develop on

I added a comment to this main post with this factor in mind -- but maybe there are some unanticipated drawbacks?

I wonder if the fact that it's so easy to develop on is kinda-sorta detrimental to seducing larger investors. Having systems that are only accessible to larger players, in some shape or form, has to be alluring to larger players, right? I've wondered if the "ease of decentralization of development / startups" (not that there aren't issues with token distribution) has been a negative factor in terms of seducing investors / projects.

escrow system, i dont even know how to use and i am 2 years here....

Frond Ends sucks, because there should avaible to easy use the Shit....

Old data?

Steem is in the wild, it doesn't belong to dan, it doesn't belong to eli, it doesn't belong to any witness cabals, we are a collective now.

Eli has a pretty good grasp of the reins, dan and ned, et al, probably still have enough stake to crash price and may hold that sword of damocles for a while, but, at some point, we free ourselves from their bs, spit out eli's bit, and begin to run on our own.

That could've happened by forking the bastards out instead of hinting at it and allowing them to entrench themselves, but at this point, it is what it is, steem.
It will be what we make of it.
It only fails when the last true belieber turns off his witness server.

So, we got that going for us.

Why would rich people want to support the slaves freeing themselves from their best bait, fiat currencies?

We either get a handle on those farming us for rewards now, and support those building their accounts, or we continue to be cattle on the farm for those scavengers.

It is up to us to free ourselves, outside help will only come after we don't need it anymore, iyam.

thank you @freebornangel for your sensible comment
Yes it is right it is up to us to do something about it

After all, most of the other comments here are just complaining
How to turn it around And ask yourself the question. What can I do to make Steem better?

Thank you for your kind words.

What can I do to make Steem better?

Join @steemflagrewards and flag some spam?

HI @freebornangel

Join @systemflagrewards and flag some spam?

yes, it makes sense if it only gets flagged when it's SPAM

Join the collective and manually downvote, if you don't trust the trails.
This collective has been running for awhile, it isn't often when mistakes are made, and they get called out by the membership.

The only responsible adult thing to do is to use the downvotes given to you by the chain to protect the pool from scavengers that are only here to strip value and watch steem burn.

I have seen a lot of flagging abuse from other users, but I will consider in future what I do with flagging.
And I'm of the opinion that no matter when the flag / downvote provides, there should also be a message that comes with why I do it.

@steemflagrewards has you covered, our goal is to correct behavior, not burn accounts to the ground.
We often counsel newbs on proper uses of the pool.

Follow a trail, speak up if you disagree, and stop dodging your responsibilities as a stake holder, imo.
Until enough stake follows us we can't take on the bad big accounts.
Though we are starting to tackle them anyway.

You, of course, have to do what you do.

  1. shit marketing
    2)whats the point of marketing if on-boarding isn't as simple as everyone else
    3)no volume for traders
    4)you get downvoted by whales when they don't know you and don't like your self vote/vote for others ratio
    5)no one likes to lock their money up for 13 weeks

I am worried that SMT's will finally launch and no one cares

4)you get downvoted by whales when they don't know you and don't like your self vote/vote for others ratio

or if you disagree with anything they say.

agree on 5. fucking 13weeks is stupid. didnt help to keep the price up.
should be easy .

you got steem , if you lock it you can vote. or even better if you just hold it in your wallet you can vote, if you want to transfer you have to wait 1 day. something like that. but 13weeks?

  ·  5 years ago (edited)
  • impossible to create many accounts at once ( like if only a little forum wants to join Steem with all Users, for example 10k is fucking expensive or slow)
    If Some bigger Site wants to join Steem " Good BYE".
  • poor Documentation or guides to build on Steem ( like Step to Step guides and marked them)
  • Bad Steemit Front End
  • Bad Marketing ( Why not something like coinbase earn? Answer some Question and get instant an account + Delegation/ later maybe Rc Delegation)
  • Bad Onboarding
  • Not easy to Use and no real Benefit for normal Users.
  • No easy way to protect new Users for Scam Sites that phishing keys....
  • 13 Weeks Look up
  • To Complex Curation System
  • Weired Community Votings Rules

Edit: SBD are also Useless and broken and easy to abuse....


This list can be endless.... And all points Suck for Users and Investors.

In my opinion SMT change nothing and make things maybe more terribly because of many Scam and useless Shitcoins popping up. I remember Dlive...

Why im here? i think some points are only for normal Users. I think Computer Gamer are perfect to oneboard because they share Gaming Guides or Discuss and many Read. They also have often the Problem to Tranfer Money for ingame Items. And the Content only have a worth for some Time, after nobody read.

And it would be so easy to onboard them, that it is pain to think about.

To Sponsor some Tournaments and Youtuber....

If I'm not mistaken, the Coinbase Earn thing is the aim of @steemonboarding. They have a bunch of videos already created. I was involved in setting up their SSL and may help them figure out how to autoprovision accounts that pass the course.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

it is easy, let them log in with normal social media like Facebook. Then they need to put in Email.

Now there watch 5-10 Videos and answer questions ( with rotate to make it hard for abuse).

After they do all steps they get a Mail with Account Data and Keychain link.

its no magic.

If I were to make something like that, reservation would be sending keys in the clear.

I kind of like how does it in the front end but the sensitive data doesn't leave the client.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

And i can tell you normal users dont save there keys. With E-Mail there can look again. E-Mail is better with some notice there should change keys.

Security is less important then coustomer expericene.

Edit: or autoinstall Keychain with auto Import keys + Backup download.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Well, as I understand it, Elizabeth Powell is now the Managing Director of Steemit, Inc. or so says her LinkedInTM Profile and STEEM Profile. I have seen in some places that she has been described as CEO (e.g., crunchbaseTM), but I am not sure if that is accurate.

She was in the Witness Chat in The Ramble Discord Server earlier today. @shadowspub hosts a Witness Chat every month. Many times representatives from Steemit, Inc. attend these sessions. I am sure that it was recorded. If you would like to see last month's (December) witness chat, you can watch the video here: (I did not embed the video as not to clog up your comment section. Am I not considerate?).

I noticed that most of her STEEM is liquid, but have not dug very deep. Maybe she has another account where she keeps her STEEM stake. In any case to see that her main account is mostly liquid STEEM is not very encouraging.

Oh well, I like to comment on posts to which I give up-votes. So; now you have my two-cents.

Have a nice week!

Managing director of STINC: doesn't know how to power up. Seems about right.

Well, in my short time as a one man marketing department for an Office Equipment Company, I understood how the equipment worked, and actually would make minor service calls on some of the equipment (e.g., digital duplicators, copiers, mailing machines and labelers, etc.).

Pretty hard to market a product that one does not have a basic understanding of how it works.

If indeed @ackza had to lend her RCs to be able to post back in July, I am even having more FUD. (Reference:

Maybe I will break even? Who knows. It is what it is. I will just try to keep a positive attitude (with the help of hemp oil, the occasional spliff), and supporting positive projects like @steemterminal (had to give them a plug, great folks) and others that are doing their best to make a positive difference.

I guess it boils down to an old saying...

Lead, follow or get the hell out of my way!

If I want this to work, I need to be part of the solution not the problem. So, I have invested way too much emotional and financial resources to quit now!

Highly agreed!

Bacon Steem.JPG

Maybe they are afraid that Steem is better than them, and they don’t want anyone else to figure it out.. We are the ugly girl with cooties in middle school that turns into the prom queen in high school (figuratively speaking of course).. So it’s the whole first they laugh, then they fight, then we win situation.. Steem is not the witnesses. We are the community that believe in the technology and what Steem is building.

So creators and projects don’t come to Steem.. because they are jealous of it?

I would not say jealous

This is the closest thing I can see to the truth about the whole thing.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Have 4 cents!

Posted using Partiko iOS

What I felt is most of the users whether it's big or small players came here because they wanted easy money, and nobody to blame for that because it was advertised in that way. I don't hesitate to admit that I came here for some free crypto, as somebody referred me in that sense.
When I was here the price was little higher and that only got higher, and you know how those so-called steem-angels were shilling the steem(but only on steemit).

But in reality, they never cared for steem or its progress, but only profit and as much free money as they could suck. And you know most of those have already abandoned the steem with all of the money they robbed.

Even today the trend is almost the same, besides hypocritical circle-jerks and handful of envious users, I managed to find only a few 'normal,' real people here.

Today we live in a world full of greed and con actors it looks like this free economy structure has no place.

A single rotten potato could damage the whole sack of potatoes, that's what happens here. Some good users work hard to earn a $ while in the meantime other circle jerk makes $$ with no effort, which surely kills the motivation of hard-working ethical guys.

While I am in no way qualified to talk or even have an opinion about the things you mentioned, I do know that I'd love to read more posts from you. Being one of the first members of the platform, you certainly have a lot of knowledge and experience to share with us. Keep them coming dude.

Agreed and likewise

Posted using Partiko Android

Personally I think it's because once you have your post paid out you can neither edit it or delete it which is a very tricky issue to many bloggers.

Plus the current steem price is low and the future is unpredictable, so many folks are having a tingling fear of losing their cash in this platform.

Plus steemit is yet to face malssive competition from other platforms that pay folks to monetize their content.

I believe that it is now possible to edit a post after seven days, Well at least with Steempeak.
I agree that there is a lack of competition but that should all change with Voice on EOS coming in February. It will be a big challenge for Steem to stay ahead but it does have first mover advantage.

first mover advantage is temporary. If things don't evolve, it doesn't matter in the long run.

I think your right. Instead of companies with funding our witnesses are individuals just looking to liquidate as soon as they get their block rewards.

Not sure how to draw in companies.
But maybe the recent move in the witnesses by the Korean community is a positive sign.

I think ultimately it comes down to the userbase and its growth. Perhaps we as a community failed in steadily and continuously attracting new users, and retaining those who came.

i would love to work more on all my crypto projects - but alas, i'm half disabled and helping my half disabled wife - so it takes two of us to do what one person can LOL

i just don't have the time or resources ($$$) - i think there is a ton of devs out there willing - they just happen to be mostly broke and have to work full time.

It's some harsh truth. At least it's not Bitconnect?

I wonder if it some of it stems from the fact that, kinda sorta, realistically anyone (myself included) is able to spin up a server and start a project that interacts with the blockchain with relative ease -- rather than developing a system that is somewhat convoluted and only accessible to those with deep pockets and ample time.

I'm a relative newcomer to open-source projects, but the entry-barrier seems relatively low and welcoming to hobbyists. Maybe some combination of blockchain-transparency, and low-barrier to entry/startup has put most "traditional investors" in a position where they don't feel they could adequately protect / differentiate their project?

On the flipside -- I've heard (no firsthand experience) that it takes a rather large capital investment to corral the virtual resources required to develop on EOS, which would have some kind of natural "filter" implemented that gives an advantage to those with capital to invest.

Long story short:

  • It's a collaborative ecosystem where you do better if you reward others (theoretically);
  • It's (relatively) easy for ANYONE to try starting a project;
  • It's (relatively) easy to try to figure out how anyone else's project is working (or at least glean some information from blockchain transactions) -- which may make it easier to copycat? (same can likely be said for any other chain though);
  • The above factors, I imagine, would go a long ways towards removing the edge that traditional capital investors would have...

That said -- I don't know my asshole from a hole in the ground. So who knows.

"The experienced avoided it like the plague" and us inexperienced have the worst time getting on board. The lack of effort bridging the communication is surreal.

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm new to Steemit. I don't even know who the Steemit CEO is. But I experienced that. Steemit is a very difficult environment for newcomers.

Maybe, there's just no reason to buy and stake Steem?

I think this reason is very important.

Hmmm lemme think



All of the above prolly

Exceot for that one.
Yeah that one.

STEEM is the financial Booby trap of crypto. Too many issues to list that aren't visible upon first glance.

Posted using Partiko Android

I will stick here to the end and see what will become of steem but hopefully, I'm on the positive side that the era of *"things fall apart for steem will be over" and then an exponential rise on all sectors will hit us

I know that Steem has lots of flaws, but is addictive. I´m still here, maybe I´m a crypto junkie

Dan's reputation, STINC's constant selling looks too shady, plus the difficult UI

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I would say all the above have some part in this...

But there a few other possibilities to add:

  • too much power in very few hands. This make steem waaaay more centralized than any other blockchain project
  • those holding that power spend too much time shilling the system than actually improving it (with a few exceptions of course)
  • steem was never "marketed" (is that a word?) The right way since the begining. It was always about "how much money you can make" and not about "how useful can this be"
  • the ascendency of (even if for a short time) of characters that clearly had the objective of sucking the reward pool dry (can I already say it's name? Or we are still receiving flags for that) and with the support of some big stake holders
  • 2017 price spike was way more damaging to Steem image than anything else. At the time, using steemit = free money
  • a CEO that was pretty incompetent, more worried about making his old partner look bad than improving what needed to be improved
  • a endless circle-jerking among big stake holders
  • some witnesses that dont seem to understand what their actual role is supposed to be
  • probably a lot of other stuff I can't remember right now.
  • oh yeah, I remembered another one: compared to other platform, steem is way worse to professional content creator (why the fuck would I choose to have only 7 days to receive from my work if I can be paid for life as long as my content is up?)

Ouch, the last point hit the nail on the head and it hurts alot 😨

Posted using Partiko Android

  • No marketing.
  • No proper plan for retaining Good and valuable users.
  • Circle-jerking
  • favoritism
  • Lack of ability to address mass users
  • No more interesting community to be around
    and so on...

because most skilled people quit and there are only leeches left as witnesses. no i dont mean 100% but like 80% of top20 are leeches.

Ya know. One of the few benefits we have of not write erase + reloading this entire chain is because of the infrastructure of which one thing you mentioned (assuming

The other things like keychain, SteemConnect2 and I guess SE would make it difficult for us to cut over to a new chain. The "cool kids" chain.

I'v had it in mind to try and salvage what we got going though as it would be a bitch to lose all that shit I mentioned..

Not a showstopper entirely but take a lot of time to build comparable services to include front end interfaces. It can be done.

I'm planning something big with my content moderation stuff. Would like to give people the option to start fresh on a pristine chain or continue on the leaky bucket that is Steem.

SFR has been trying to patch the holes as we find them but our capabilities are limited and stakeholders with the power to do something meaningful are messin around w potatoes and burnposts as well as other things we should not be worrying about until we "clean house" so to speak.

We really need to get a handle on those rewards going to folks not increasing their stake.
If their accounts are not growing, despite being among the top earners, we need to stop sending them more, imo.

I often wonder if anyone reads anything here.

They used to have how many page views we had on our posts at the bottom.. I had a post about how to change your profile pic that had over 100k views and that was a couple of years ago so could be a lot more now. Wish there was a way to still see how many page views our posts have 🤔


I still don't get it why remove it... maybe to hide some disparities between views x rewards?

Folks were gaming the f5, and only steemit views showed.
Esteem, partiko, steempeak, and busy views didn't show in the count.

Anyone have any idea about the financial update?

could be a lack of communication

i have no idea.
Is it because this is yet another "Dan scam"? well it is a working scam, and it works without him for years. and tone of people were all waiting for the Voice, maybe people like new scams. Or maybe no one in steem is throwing around crazy amounts of money. they spend 25mil for ram to be prepared to announce possibility of requesting beta access account for voice.

maybe steem is blockchain social network for the poor. or maybe it has to much non HC crypto people on, so it has user base but not all go around spreading steem gospel.

i have no idea, i am just an user that clicks on steem front ends few times a day. never made anything great on/for steem, and never will...

This platform has several dialects, one for the big ones and one for the kids. It is hard for children to understand what happens above and we only work, day by day. I hope that at some point we can see more of all this. They are so many questions and no concrete answer.

Well @berniesanders I have great news for you. If you upvote posts, you will see the value/price of Steem dramatically. Why? Lucky for you, God creator of all, has decided to raise the price of Steem commensurate with mainstream social platforms. So, Although technically you don't have vote me up, it will speed up the process greatly. I could explain it to you but the explanation is technical and as added bonus writren within the secret tomes of posts. Good luck and I upvoted your rant

Its all of that.. but mostly because we don’t have a dedicated marketing machine. In the core steem is cool but in the frontline it is a lot of gold diggers. And yes is am also a long time steemian

Posted using Partiko iOS

It's probably because it's not very easy to get an account for free and some big stakeholders downvoting.

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree with your reasons. I think the low steem prices are also effective.

I've been asking those questions again and again and I'm thinking it's somewhat delusional at this point not to deal with the answer. So much potential wasted.

Posted using Partiko Android

Why is it Steem has never been represented at any major conference?

You are very right on steemit and steem is very unknown. I don't know why it's not promoted.

Coz Ned is a grade A++ idiot who doesn't have any original thought and can't deliver anything , just look at his twitter account ; he only likes other's tweets or retweets has no original idea !!

With a prime stakeholder like that others can't find a lot to get excited about.

Maybe the CEO and our witnesses are just cheap charlies?

I totally agree with you

Honestly, I'm new here.
I am still learning, but I feel that all this time we have been suppressed and imprisoned by lies and falsehood and controlled, it is difficult to get the opportunity to be free and feel the true democracy.

It is undeniable that to encourage the growth of the Steem Blockchain, investment is needed, but if those who understand and understand it will be fully aware that the value of money is more meaningful in investing here. The greatest and biggest reward in investing in Steem Blockchain is not also in the form of money, but change. Money can run out in a flash and even though you have a lot of money still continue to be trapped in an era of all-difficult darkness and many problems.

Is it because only a few people know who the CEO of Steemit is?
honestly i don't know him

Is it because so many get downvotes from big and bad @berniesanders?
What I know is that you are a good person and can be my role model, I'm sure you're a good person.
Thanks you so much

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

We're too busy swimming in our own pool and using niche-taggings, but thinks take time to grow nevertheless. If you check global trending keywords, they won't appear here.

Posted using Partiko Android

It becomes increasingly difficult. And not only do many good people leave, but no new people come.


Hey @berniesanders, here is a little bit of BEER from @eii for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

Payout limited to 7 days is the biggest deal breaker in my opinion.
The highest quality contents no doubt are the the ones that are not time sensitive and stays useful after a long time especially if it's on an immutable platform. The payout time limit make high quality contents can't ever hope to get the compensation they deserve so contents here naturally devolve to be only be relevant for around 7 days or even less (pretty shitty)

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Nobody likes to power up and have their own and volatile crypto asset frozen for 13 weeks. I can't imagine how STEEM even worked when the power down period was 2 years. That's just too long!

Shit comments like my earn too much xD
But wait.. post on steemit are the same shit xD

$9.00 Steem is just a distant memory now sigh

Ahh, the memories!

will probably always be only memories...

If you don't know what's going on, it's about money. Steemfest 😀👏👏 Why we dont enought curator on dtube? Only 2?? Why? Why? And why! Why tokens on SE price drops regularly? I also have a bad day more and more often!👊

Posted using Partiko Android

Look this nice high numbers. Like some little Facebook groups or Forums :D

Some private chat groups have more Users :D

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

That's quite the cop out.