SOLD everything for STEEM Power... again :)steemCreated with Sketch.

in steem •  8 years ago 

YVhXDJ = 3% discount @

Those with a hard complicated life can't accept life being simple, easy, and fun, so when they encounter someone who's living like that, their mind sees something scary, and they tell scary stories.

The only thing that can ever happen in my life is what I think my destiny is.

Being now, 'gonna' is a curse word.... Craig :)... read more


ROYALTY (put your glass up)

NOW = 01 @

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Congratulations Craig you did that again you made profit and then you changed to Steem, I don't even want to know how much your account could be worth now if Steem would be cost $10 :)

my account will be worth 2 million when steem is $10 :), and my upvote worth about $200

I am interested in knowing how you estimated your upvote to be worth about $200 if you had two million dollars worth of steem. Is there a straight-forward way of doing this type of estimation? Please explain. I am also thinking about powering up more.

my upvote is worth $3 now, could be worth $12 after hardfork 19
steem is $1 now, so $10 steem my upvote is worth $120
right now I have 140K steem, but I project to have at least 200K steem when steem is worth $10, so my upvote would be worth $200 :), and I can upvote 10 times per day without losing voting power

I get it. Thanks for the explanation.

This is obsolutely positively Crazy :)))
"when steem is worth $10, so my upvote would be worth $200 :), and I can upvote 10 times per day without losing voting power"


BTC, ETH, and LTC feel like a hot potato. Gotta hand it off quickly... into the safety of Steem.

If I ever think the market is near a crash, I may put most of it in Steem. Earn my rewards during a bear market... and Steem at $1... how can it ever go below that? Even if crypto tanks, Steem has a better chance of holding value.

I got lucky and got back more steem, as steem price took a deeper dive during my exchange

Omg, upvote my stuff pleaseeeee hahahahaha ;-)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Why don't you just payout your ETH in steem on genesis?

yes, I made that change, but I forgot I did while making the video, the .005 ETH minimum has haunted me for months

Now my FOMO is divided again :( Buy steem and upgrade on genesis. Can't decide where to put my money...

A good problem to have!

But still a problem :P

Excellent and wise decision to sell everything for steem... you are very correct that steem is under priced now... I can clearly imagine you at 1 million in steem power very soon.

Your words these days motivate me @craig-grant could you refer to this statement being similar to the law of attraction?
"Those with a hard complicated life can't accept life being simple, easy, and fun, so when they encounter someone who's living like that, their mind sees something scary, and they tell scary stories.

The only thing that can ever happen in my life is what I think my destiny is.

Being now, 'gonna' is a curse word.... Craig :)"

your words :)

Yes damn you really are bold in steem! Following your foot steps.

I'ill also get more.

Can't go wrong with more Steem Power!! = decentralized exchange created by Dan running on Graphene

been about 9 months since I tried openledger, did not like it back then, but I am sure they have made improvements

Same here they have updated it and it looks like many new people are joining. Chatbox is pretty active on there. I am going to start using it just to support them. It is decentralized as well brother - so no worries about funds.

yes, opened a new account and it looks good, will trade there next time I am ready to trade, also a reason to buy bitshares tokens and keep them there

Exactly what I was thinking.

Thank you two for all the useful info. I've been just lurking watching and rooting on @craig-grant from the sidelines. Making moves and just being generally pragmatic haha! And I want out of Polo so I will begin the switch to open ledger. Decentralize > Everything! Now if only Ripple (the centralized mistake I made) would go up just a bit so I can get out and I will go all in on steem too!

Really, really cool song! Never heard this before. Is it your own?

yes, my song

Great voice my friend!

Hopefully one day my steem skills will be up there like yours.... Im starting form scratch just trying to put out good content....thanks for the upvote earlier!!!!

How much ether do you get from 50MH? And is it pr. day?

right now about .075 per day, but that can change to be less or more

Thanks for responding. I will think about it :)

The only thing that can ever happen in my life is what I think my destiny is.

Seeing how you are going all in, I am pretty sure you are designing your destiny, isn't it? :)

All the best!

Then I made the right choice to invest some of my hard earned money in Steem just 1 hour ago 😀

Thanks for the great post. I was waiting with some ethereum to sell for steem. But i guess i'll wait a bit longer until the increase in ethereum stops and the % on steem starts to win and go all in like you. Thanks for the tip :)

Congratulations Craig. I am watching and learning much from you. Thanks for your easy to understand tutorials.

craig you gonna be rolling on the floor full of happiness
when steem hits $5 or even $10.

not really, but $100 steem is party time

will i be invited to your party if then?

you made very good points and i thank you for your post

More STEEM! More!

Iam just starting to use poloniex and i think its been great so far what made you stop using it? @craig-grant? would love to hear your opinion as you have more experience, and also how good is block trade?

in regards to poloniex experience, in time you will know

I'm Bullish on STEEM too, but something about putting all of my eggs into one basket really puts me off going all-in on STEEM.
I hope that it works out well for you ☺️👍

resteem and upvote for you....

Craig just hold your steem and keep doing bitconnect loans...that's your flow!