STEEM Price - Now Is The Time

in steem •  7 years ago 


This is a price worth living for. IMO, this is the time to buy STEEM if you want to. I know I am.

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Can I have one?



Might pick up some more soon. STEEM has been one of my most wanted buys for a while and I'm running out of reasons not to pick up a little extra. The only problem is I'm going to be stuck at my girlfriend's this week, so I'll have to pull the trigger soon and hope my bank is compliant.

I could definitely see it slipping a little lower. Looking at things realistically, my gut instinct is that waiting for anything lower is a case of trying to time the bottom. I don't really believe anyone is capable of doing that without a healthy amount of luck and I don't typically like leaving financial decisions up to luck.

I got a few hundred at 27300 and it's already back up to 28110. The very long tested stable price of STEEM has been 31000~33000 for as long as I've been tracking over the last few months, so anything under 30000 I consider a steal, let alone 27000~.

Fiat price can always go lower if bitcoin continues to dump, but I'm not so certain. We'll see....

Either way, at this point it's a matter of great versus very good when it comes to a buy in point. I'd rather choose either of those against "meh, it's alright" as a buy in.