Will the REAL Olivia please stand up? - Steemjet Artist ICO almost complete!

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

Whoever made this deserves either a 1 year contract extension or a job with SF7 if they are not already a Space Force member, because it is simply brilliant. We need this level of talent on our team.

I was pleased to learn that @olivia-xo is not some girl who is too busy with her own personal life to check her steemjet account more than once a month, but that she is here among us regularly and able to help more frequently as a member of the space force.

Some of the geniuses that have helped us in the past are too busy for a space force day job, which is why I did not even bother to ask the pure art geniuses. They saw what I was doing, and asked me for a job and I was glad to see that they even WANTED to give us their valuable time.

Whoever made this art, indeed has valuable time, and I want to purchase that with either a guaranteed contract extension or spot on SF7. I pour over so much crap art here, that if I had this person secured on our roster then I would sleep better at night AND BE MORE CREATIVE AND EFFECTIVE personally knowing that I do have the best team in the world.

In the future, our art contests will only be open to our exclusive Space Force team, and not to the general public. The public can enter, but should not expect anything except a seat on SF7 if they impress us. This way we will cut down on the art spam here. We have business to accomplish, and securing the genius behind olivia-xo would really ensure that our art team is capable of the greatest interpretation of any idea.

You cannot argue with beauty, and this art has it!

So please everybody, let's give a warm welcome to the NEW hardest working artist on the Space Force, the artist who can handle the work load of 2 people!!

Or please welcome our newest member of the Space Force! (I can't believe that we really get to have this person on our team!)

dromzz brought this to my attention (and the odds of her being online the other day at the exact same time as me was a clue too for me).

But I don't care, in fact, I am even MORE empressed and enlightened!!

This is the type of hard working initiative I am SEEKING to reward here!

Nobody was harmed, and they were just trying to make more money by working multiple jobs like I HAVE DONE ALL MY LIFE! I know that employers don't like to pay people twice for doing the work of 2 people but I am not a typical employer. I am an EFFECTIVE employer!

Talent is talent, and I am paying for a specific job, and if one person can perform multiple jobs then they deserved to get paid multiples as well.

So if you have enough time and initiative to work twice as hard, then feel free to let me know that you made this work, and I will give you a contract extension, because this is pure genius, and I want whoever made this on our team no matter if you are man woman or alien. Some Space Force members don't even have an avatar, and I don't care because this is a job and I would hire robots if they could produce this level of inspired creativity on command:

dromzz brought this to my attention first. Anybody else know anything?

Yes,of course, this deserves praise and accolades, but who will accept them?

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello @dimimp

I really love the idea of SF7 you are currently trying to enact, it will go a long way in building a real community around the steemjet project you are trying to build.

I will love to give some recommendations for SF7 membership

It is well known that virtual every great idea in the crypto space is built around community and without community such project will not see the beam of light, my suggestion is that for the membership of SF7 should be those with already proven tract record of community building within the steemit blockchain, this will facilitate a quick upsurge of the steemjet community in terms of numerical strength.

my suggestion is that for the membership of SF7 should be those with already proven tract record of community building within the steemit blockchain,

If I may ask. Who are these people that you are recommending?
steemjet is open for everyone and it will be really nice if you say everything in full. Thank you

Did I say I am suggesting anyone in specific
I was merely referring to what cateria and quality the membership should possess

Before dimimp should give any one position, I think he has access the credibility of that person, he is good at what he does. Steemjet has one purpose, delegation of steem globally not just to the SFs also to whom have help /contribute the purpose of steemjet /to the world at large ,if am not mistaken.

Before dimimp should give any one position, I think he has access the credibility of that person

Credibility should have some atom of tract record as a cateria, you need some sort of expatriate you know to get things done,

Or don't you think so too

If you also want to be a delegate I will suggest you submit your proposal to @dimimp and he will give you a SP delegation. That is it

You seem to misunderstand what I am getting at, I do not need a delegation what so ever

Okay, sorry about that

I only thought that could be a solution to your suggestion


Remember the Gospel is for the poor
Not people that are well to do

ifioklee - logo - 5

Hello boss. I hope all is well? I have a major setback to my execution of duties and it pains me seriously. I want to hereby plead if you could grant me a token of steem or extend my contract review in order for me to get back on fully. I am currently one of the sponsors for the #steemjet photography contest @steemjetcontest and i barely have the means of acessing the contest blog.
Here is a link to my blog which carries the full gist. Kindly consider this sir.

now those are really Pearly..
nice design too sir

In the light of the launch of SMT's soon to come up, I will like to suggest that we have our own token for steemjet and we can call it jetstar

A jetstar will be used in our steemjet community as tradeable tokens for rewards and comodity.


so finally, we get to have our own token and the world leaders too olivia talked about...

This is part of my plan and contribution to the steemjet project with our discord server management also.

Hoping for some accolades in steem for coming up with this...
Will need it for discord server management and also to support the development team. Thanks.

I'm also in discussion with other developers on hownwe can get our own SMT.

Yes, I know that an SMT is inevitable, and have not thought of a use case for a steemjet smt, but calling them stars instead of jets is obviously better marketing . So, I agree that we shold try to purchase those 2 SMT domains as soon as they become available "star" and "jetstar"

We could sell swag in stars.

If you guys want to try to make it a valid currency, then I will support it.

we can make a third called jetcoin or jet token

i suggested this long ago

seems like you ddnt get to see it
anyways jetstars is nice

we can make it a valid currency

we gat numberd

it is great sir i want to know what is the new story's name i wanna work on it
see my latest photo here
my new design
PicsArt.studio new by inzz_05-12-03.11.19.png

It's never too bad to have a couple more suns hahaha))

You've been warned plenty of times. NO images.

abdt - 5

i am glad sir you liked my work

The security department had warned that the steemjet space be kept free from posting designes. Can you be true to follow the command next time?

see upward then tell me

Please this is my entry for the Gold contest sir........am![words & steem.jpg](https://steemitimages.com/DQmV3ezKLssrVrCPx9frmn9XvB7xPnQKHxHVLSTCFasxnfA/words%20%26%20steem

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Sir @dimimp I propose to you a new designed Logo for the Steemjet community


Image for use.
Here is a link to my original blog post about it sir.


Steemjet in the moon

Yeah.... On the wings of superstars we are words and steem

great piece, I just hung it high on the home page!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow boss @dimimp thanks so much for that sir..........
I guess I'm on The pay roll now
Any amount in liquid steem will be appreciated sir.....
Thanks for appreciating my effort sir...
God bless you abundantly

I do think the design is an incredible one @dimimp sir.
And also please you have not checked my post on space force design.


this is actually a FUTURE initiative (off planet Space Force = Star Wars)!

but I don't want to kick that one off until all others are complete. Kind of like a maiden flight voyage contest!

But feel free to work ahead!

Sir @dimimp i know you are too much busy i entered many entries i know patient is the key of success so hope after long time now you look my entries too

Hello boss. I hope all is well? I have a major setback to my execution of duties and it pains me seriously. I want to hereby plead if you could grant me a token of steem or extend my contract review in order for me to get back on fully. I am currently one of the sponsors for the #steemjet photography contest @steemjetcontest and i barely have the means of acessing the contest blog.
Here is a link to my blog which carries the full gist. Kindly consider this sir.

nice work!

Designs for steemhigh @dimimp. I think I got the concept. How does this look?


gutzygwin - steem high

Hello sir @dimimp please visit my blog https://steemit.com/@blaqboyikott
My steemhigh logo entrySTEEMHIGH-Recovered.jpg

Nice concept

love the concepts school and our url


designs for steemhigh with Olivia hope you like it. this design will definitely go well for target audience such as kids and this will help the community. @dimimp

ZomboMeme 19052018162922.jpg

i 🤔 think i got the concept

what's your say @dimimp?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

this concept is both brilliant and complete, well done my friend! I am putting it up on the home page. Great work.

You are right sir

In the light of the artist ICO almost ending, I will like to display some designs for steemhigh for you. How are they @dimimp, do they deserve some accolades?

ZomboMeme 19052018173205.jpg

the image above is also my last entry to steemjet gold design

here are some steemhigh designs

ZomboMeme 19052018162922.jpg

ZomboMeme 18052018204528.jpg


guyzygwin - time - valid

Perfect one

I am giving you a 1 year contract extension for all the hard work you have been putting in lately, I saw your video, and can see the thought process that your team is dealing with!

Thanks sir, I'm glad to always do more.

Sir i need extension too

Work hard for it

Here's My design for steemhigh with Olivia. Grand Masterpiece For Steemhigh Flyer. Hope it's explicit.

ZomboMeme 18052018204528.jpg

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

The layout, fonts, colors, shading, picture, is all brilliant, but the slogan is hard to digest - "incisive" "programme""home" "cause" are all difficult, busy, confusing, distracting words to digest.

Try this:

Steem High - Learn how STEEM can fill your dreams

also, make sure you center (instead of right justify) the slogan

other than that, it is a brilliant concept

and one more thing, try to use shrazi's olivia

put her in the same location but mirror the image. Very impressive work !!! I think you are right, this WILL be a masterpiece!

You have been very impressive lately!

Thanks @dimimp. I will do that as well and improve more.

Back to work on my computer and I delivered this masterpiece. I edited and made the right adjustments to it.

Gutzygwin - curator extraordinare
Technical and development team.

ZomboMeme 20052018082553.jpg

Go on boy


Above is the link to my final steeJET Time entry

nice improvement!

@dimimp I'd be so happy if you could give me an encouragement to help sit up in my steemjet design I made

Working with a genius like you is an achievement

Good day Sir. I made a steemjet time entry 17days ago and you've not recognized it.
Here is the link

Also, I made another freestyle as a result of boredom and brokenness. Here's it
Hope you like and recognize them.

yourmercury - time - valid

After digging and discovering she isn't who she said she was. She admitted and made a post with it.


You can check it out sir @dimimp.

But, since you said it doesn't matter if you have multiple accounts, it's fine.

Its fine since @dimimp has cleared the air, let's just move forward and take this jet off the ground.



einsteinkid - 5

Boss @dimimp, this is my timepiece entry. I hope you find it nice

prospy - time - 5

@dimimp, do check out the music department proposal for recording gears and instruments, https://steemit.com/steemjet/@mrprecious/steemjet-application-for-sound-equipments-and-gears-for-the-music-department its an apt rundown of what , ,i and @etemi needs for the now to kick start the department running, we have passed it through @lordjames in our last meet up and he approved it .

Have you considered my proposal to help in ways I can. After all I produce Music

sure we could use some help with mixing and mastering , and chalk you up some steem.

Of course I mix and master. I expected your opinion on the instrumental I made for the steemjet anthem. I haven't gotten any reply from you since then

This will be very lovely and a major plus to steemjet. I love music and wouldn't mind doing my best if @dimimp adds me to this department. I feel it's better to work where your passion belongs.

You have been doing a great job...tbis is the best way to make Steemjet viral around the world.....
SF6 appreciated your work....

Its a good thing the department I love is moving to the next level

Sir, you have not seen my previous post. I would be very happy to see


Went through it
Keep it up

Good work my friend... Seen it too.

i have seen your post great content see my post here


Well Sir,

I must confess that i was the one who asked @dromzz to dig up fake accounts and present them to you especially olivia-xo i had a very strong suspicion, I felt it was wrong for someone who calls himself a superstar of "steemjet" to get rewards using multiple accounts when he can still do that using his main account. I saw that as extortion, taking advantage of your kindness. That was what prompted the security team to pry into accounts of delegates. I should have listened to my teamleader @lordjames but i was too annoyed to do so. I'm sorry if we have in anyway offended/misunderstood you, i take the blame for the course of action we took. Please punish me if i have done something wrong by not minding my OWN business.

Thanks a lot Sir.

I am promoting you both. dromzz has been burning a lot of votes lately curating.

Thank you boss!

It's okay @lifeofdarlington, well I knew lots of people keeps multiple accounts here for different purposes. Some to separate their activities from one account to others and some people to reap the reward system. But what ever it is, just let it be, I do not want a situation where we start having too much rules that we turn back to the days of central government dictating what people do.

So don't feel bad if you had done some work that turn out bad, you do what you think is best and here you have the freedom to do as you see fit.

Okay boss, i clearly understand now. Thanks for not reprimanding me. I & the other boys will keep doing our best.

Thank you. I agree with you, we shouldn't act as some sort of government looking at the action of space force members. This is a decentralized platform after all.

I see nothing wrong in what u did. Is quite bad for some one to fake identity, why must such happen? Even image that is not ur own creation the author deserve some credit. Every body is after money, if money is not involve I wonder what am doing here, some one shouldn't be bad because of his /her predicament period.

True we shouldn't let situations take advantage of us.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I love the pleasantness of the design to my eyes!
Thank you once more @dimimp for the steem gift, with it I was able to take care of my mom's hospital bills and but sad to say , I eventually lost her in death.
Still with the steem gift I was able to take of the funeral expenses...
I'll remain eternally grateful for your kindness in a large way.
What would I have done if not you... because the economic situation of my country hasn't been friendly with my family..

You are a gem @dimimp

Am still thinking seriously of how to be useful to the #steemjet community in my own way...

That's the only stumbling block steemjet has (death) With God in our side all is well
Sorry for the loss
Steam on

hard times, I feel for you, I will send you another 100 steem tonight

@dimimp thank you for been there for broke student, I appreciate your efforts towards the welfarism of steemjeters . God bless as you make people Happy.

@samal sorry for the lost. God will be with you.

Thank you @ninoh22. I appreciate.

Hello boss. I hope all is well? I have a major setback to my execution of duties and it pains me seriously. I want to hereby plead if you could grant me a token of steem or extend my contract review in order for me to get back on fully. I am currently one of the sponsors for the #steemjet photography contest @steemjetcontest and i barely have the means of acessing the contest blog.
Here is a link to my blog which carries the full gist. Kindly consider this sir.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Everybody, come read this,
With the most grateful heart on Earth at the moment, I express my heartfelt and profound gratitude to @dimimp for his soft heart towards helping friends around him.
Out of a grateful heart, I appreciated Sir dimimp for the steem gift some weeks back and what the gift was able to accomplish(mom's hospital bills and funeral).
Now, he has blessed(steem bath) me again(by 2 times what he proposed).
I'm literally in tears & short of words at the moment..
Everybody, please thank @dimimp on my behalf

Sorry for your loss. I sympathize with you and your family over your loss and pray that her soul rest in peace.

Thank you @lordjames

Accept my condolence @samal.
Jehovah will comfort you, you will see her again in the paradise.
I also appreciate @dimimp on your behalf.

Thank you @joanhay

yeah we pray for the resurrection day to come quick

Well i'm glad you had to talk about this, i and @udembahenry have personally have been dragged, literally attacked and accused to be the ones behind the account. But like i told them already, i don't own the account neither does @udembahenry, i only shared the word of steemit to a cousin of mine who got back to me to say a friend opened an account, so i helped guide them through and introduced them to the Steemjet contest.

it was after the comment by @drommz that i contacted my cousin and he confirmed the person on the profile isn't the same person behind the account for personal reasons. i have explained so much today and it was irritating at some point.


lol! of course, shartzy must be the phantome masterpiece maker!

That design was incredible. It came in second place only to YOURS, so if ANYBODY could do it, YOU could, I'm sure. Either way, we have a hidden talent among us, or an artist with more promise than we are giving them credit for. If your image wasn't just so damn

then olivia would have taken the top prize for such perfection.

Lol, an Apple logo?? Surely i don't deserve so much credit for that. Guess its a honest mistake. Sir please do visit my blog for my recent designs.

Lol. You and your words.
Can't remember you using the world 'lol'

Glad @dimimp cleared all this.
This was getting annoying now

In the future, our art contests will only be open to our exclusive Space Force team, and not to the general public. The public can enter, but should not expect anything except a seat on SF7 if they impress us. This way we will cut down on the art spam here. We have business to accomplish, and securing the genius behind olivia-xo would really ensure that our art team is capable of the greatest interpretation of any idea.


Great designs and amazing efforts by everyone.
The latest design also deserves credit @dimimp

I hope we can be in touch again since it is a few days since we spoke and i want your opinion on the longer version of Olivia.So here is the link from Page 1.
I want your opinion since you are the boss so I can procceed to the next pages

Story is based on the existing images

This is great, weldone @mbj, you are really working hard.

Simply the only steamit way can make our talent! Because we can learn a lot in the post like you!!!@DIMIMP sir

Aesthetic design that is!!
Amazing stuff. That's what we crave here. Pure talent!

Road cleared for destiny

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It's a wonderful design @dimimp and the artist must be commended for a job well done. That's a pure masterpiece. The lines, design and the proper placement of colour is top notch.
Message clearly passed at the same time in the most beautiful way.

@dromz how market?

Great one brother
You make me remember our blackboard back then in nursery school

I saw this artwork and was impressed.... Some accolades for her mehhhnnnn

Yea.. Deserves some accolades

Sound it

Lol, you this man sef.

I support the motion too

@enolife i think you have a good point there .....mbok let support him

I love the gif banner...awesome work @enolife ....
SF6 upvoted your work

Thank you @obaidb2

Awwwn! Lovely

Awwwn! Lovely

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What do you mean by "how market"? :)

@dromzz, I mean how's the market?

Oh okay. Everything is going fine I think :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for addressing. This has been a topic of debate among the space force members for the past 8 hours, with some people throwing stones and some people being on her side , that's if Olivia is actually a 'she'

But I don't care because talent is talent

This particular line settles everything.

Now undercover Olivia, you are good undiluted. So please stand up and receive your accolades 😎😎

Steemjet-on the wings of superstars, we are words and STEEM

Nice concept man!

Olivia will be brave and resilient for a "SHE" and I'll love Olivia that way.

Don't let the feminist hear you say this o...lol..women are equally brave and resilient

Please do not post images.

Says who?

Me, @dimimp, Steemjet security team which I am part of and every mobile user. These comments become impossible to read if people keep posting images. Just post the link to your post here.

@dimimp, if you could also look into our proposal in technical and development team, that would be nice and the progress we've made so far https://steemit.com/steemjet/@gutzygwin/steemjet-development-team-review-analysis-on-discord-management-and-web-server-host-and-proposed-budget-plan

In there are some ideas to move forward and with our smt as stars as suggested, that would really be a step further....

I edited the design as requested and the masterpiece is complete @dimimp...
This is for you

ZomboMeme 20052018082553.jpg


I would really appreciate it if you just take a look at it @dimimp

absolutely it does, very abstract, yet prominent and heavy, and humanly boldly asymetrical.

very cool stuff man!

you just made the cutoff, as I am ending and grading this contest this week!

Thanks alot... Really appreciated

Talent is talent, and I am paying for a specific job, and if one person can perform multiple jobs then they deserved to get paid multiples as well.

Your words are fresh baked wisdom fuel.

welcome to join this community. I hope this community grows and more and more people join

yeah sir this is real talent, we need this person to join SF community, SF7 will be best spot to offer him, the person who made this please show up and receive reward from @dimimp
here are few of my designs sir hope you make a look at it...

Black spot will easily be spotted.
No course for alarm

Helo boss, i hope you would like this

And this

Longlive steemjet!

remove your photos in comments section, make a post of them and post link here, images only slow down the comments section..
regards #SF7

Remove the images. Only post them with a link to your post.

@dimimp sir.. That is a very good design..whoever that did it deserves an accolade.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is a masterpiece. I did not knew that she was here within us. But is is absolutely stunning work. And I agree with you that if a person does double hardwork to make something happen he must be rewarded double.
I appreciate the type of person you really are. You are an inspiration @dimimp
And you sure know who to reward and how to reward. We all want to contribute to this amazing project steemjet. Steemjet is going to touch the stars. Steemjet to the moon and back.
Here is some of my work on steem High. I hope you like it.

You just got upvoted for quality comment
SF6 ,greetings from @obaidb2 .....
Keep steeming..

Thank you mate. I really appreciate it.

This is a link to SteemHigh designs that I worked on. Hope you like it.

You have been broke all your life, until you eventually had the opportunity to taste wealth. You didn't just taste the wealth, but lived in it. And what did you do with it? invest all the proceeds (your life savings) to community development.

Rather than create a fixed deposit account and dump them all there as most people would, you used them to hunt for talents. Raw talents, crude as they are, in a bid to refine them to superstardom while spreading smiles across the entire platform.

And when the blessings seemed too hectic for just you to share round, you looked round, made yourself disciples and blessed them, with a strong commission to bless the ones who may not be privileged to get their blessings directly from you.

And the blessings are bettering lives on a daily.

You have a vision in line with your commission, and that, we take as our mission - ensuring global STEEM adoption.

Your name is @dimimp. The Lannister and Steemjet Boss. The once-upon-a-time broke man who has come to raise the hopes of broke boys through liquid Steem empowerment.

Steemjet is ours, and it's our mission to give it the publicity and adoption it deserves globally. As a passionate member on board, I pledge to serve in any possible capacity as I can to ensure that this jet STEEMs HIGHer.

That being said, I present my STEEM HIGH logo to you Sir, @dimimp (link to the post >> https://steemit.com/steemjet/@derovict/my-steem-high-logo-entry-short-eulogy-on-the-steemjet-boss-dimimp)

I'm a writer, not an artist, but I hope you like a thing or two about this.

Thank you security team...the room is perfect now.

Thank you for everything, I wish you well in all you endeavors. @dimimp.

Nice post my friend, creamed.👍

He is stocked filled with ideas
Nice post brother


This level of dedication to the steemjet network is the special ingredient that is leading to the major development of this great community.

This piece of art is world class and I see why dimimp is really in love with the design. Designs of this class deserves great recognition and reward.

I composed a poem for the boss last night and I hope @dimimp will love it because he deserves even better.

This is the link to the poem:


Jet in a fishy form

Amazing participation Master @dimimp Fine art is the language of peoples welcome and excellent in facebook group and thanks for the catalytic support

I love the artwork @olivia-xo and with what i read so far @dimimp is really impressed with your hardwork and dedication to the community.. keep the good work....

This art work is amazing and deserves recognition.
Long live steemjet

It's recognised already

Very nice work, Glad to be a part of #SF7 , I have a few examples on my page please if anyone gets time let me know what you think.


@dimimp sir I make an awesome logo design for Steem high. plzz check


those were the images that put you over the top, welcome to SF7!

Thank you for adding me SF7.

Nobody was harmed, and they were just trying to make more money by working multiple jobs like I HAVE DONE ALL MY LIFE! I know that employers don't like to pay people twice for doing the work of 2 people but I am not a typical employer. I am an EFFECTIVE employer!

Thank you for explaining this to everyone.

I love what you are doing sir. Hard work and creativity should constantly be rewarded and that's what steemjet is all about. Welcome @olivia-xo.. The boss is highly pleased. This is a huge motivation to all space force member gender is not a barrier handwork and consistency is key to success here.

Exactly, really a huge motivation, weldone boss!

@dimimp has really been a motivation to young people around the world. Thanks for contributing @cherylsonty

Great work, many of us have several skills, and the trick of the winners is not to remain limited in a single field ... we must seek to expand the horizons and contribute everywhere. People like those who mention @dimimp are those who get better short and long term recognition ... there I'm sure there is a lot of hidden talent.

i try to make avtar of @dimimp sir. please check sir


Lol...you are placing a bait lol....

Not a fan of that piece, but the steem high and space force logos you put together won me over and landed you a job. I will delegate the SP to you today!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

xinese - logo - job

Thank you @dimimp.

Being here makes me discover that all perewinkles has cap on their head but some cap are more bigger than others. (Creativity pass creativity) thumbs up to whosoever that made that design am seeing on the boss post. Thank God accolades has started falling on you already through contract extension or a position on SF7

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@olivia-xo has already been crusified by many in our WhatsApp group and I kept telling them that steemit has nothing against multiple accounts and so since this person has decided to run that account to the benefit of steemjet them why don't we let it be. He/she hasn't scammed anyone. He/she does a good job which is approved and appreciated by you @dimimp so I wonder why people are making so much fuss out of it. Many people here arnt as active as she is so I think she/he (who ever is behind that account) deserves some accolade.

It's good that you have addressed this and I am happy to know you follow the trend of things going on in this great community amidst your very busy schedule.

Permit me to go a bit religious, I remembered a story in the Holy book where a blind man that just got healed was told told that the person that healed him was a bad person, he answered that he doesn't care who the person was but all he cares about is that he has been healed. Sarah. I love what the man or woman is doing, I wonder why people will be castigating and not even consider how working the "individual" is always staying tirelessly to make steemjet a better place.

It's good that the truth is out there now. People can move on and we can accept him/her in the community.

This is undoubtedly a masterpiece

I agree on that ,it is simple ...
I guess sometime simple ideas make masterpiece...
SF6 upvoted you

I am telling you @marvel1206, the human that designed this is a superhero or maybe a genius, Lol. I just love it and wish to know the name as well.

The boss has made the final speech.. More arts coming up

Excellent once

Me also waiting for that....

i also respect your work @dimimp
Robots do a lot of good work, I believe a lot
and i like your design ..i am try you can see sir

thank you for participating in steemjet. we really appreciate your efforts to comment here.
but it would be more fun to make a post on your blog with a series of creative sentences and a steemjet logo and you can use the steemjet tag. and you can paste the link to @imimp's blog. and you can use thumbnails images above your link links. so the comments on @dimimp blog will look more presentable.
for more information. You can ask us. we are ready to serve and help you.
welcome to join our community

ok sir I'll start working from tomorrow.Today I will make design.
thanks a lot for help me

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

hehehe.iya thanks too. Welcome to the steemjet community
steemjet members are a good example. I did not flag you.

Please remove the image from your comment and post the link.

@dromzz any problem?

We don't allow images in these comments because they slow down the loading times. Please post your designs with a link to your post and not as pictures :)

ok thanks

I'd also gladly join the space force but I just don't have time because of the university... eh! Could hardly find time to participate in the previous contests lol.
Congrats to the new members, I guess :)

Yes @sadpotato am always happy when you are around, I will wait for you.
So far you haven't missed anything, takee your time well at school.

Thanks, I'll try my best :)

School is very important too. Take your time and start working when you are ready and feel like it :)

Yeah, if I don't study well I won't be able to look my parents in the eyes, who paid almost for the half of my education.
And then I can start doodling as I want. I hope steemit will be safe and sound at that time.
EOS ONO is troubling my mind a lot and how can it effect the whole steemit ecosystem.

At a time steal time to the money club

This is "simply" nice.
It deserves some accolades.


Hey! This is more than an accolades but a very nice and classy seat inside Steemjet. I call @dimimp attention

Plenty of accolades, you mean??

Yes brother, have you done any work....i can upvote your work...
From SF6

Not sure about what you are asking but I did a post yersterday in which I used "steemjet" as my tag. This is the link to it:


But you didn't use the steemjet tag?

The creativity is quite commendable,i love it,congrats to the artist and welcome on board.

Sharp, sharp
No gates fee

OMG! I love this design.
The designer deserves a great place in the steemjet force.

When you see excellence in design, you just know it! Yes. This is excellent.

White is white

I have always maintained that we need more of @dimimp on steemit. Without you, many of us would have given up on steemit

Thank you for this mission you have embarked on

I would have hanged my boot since platinum

That is very true! Many people are here because of Steemjet

Wow!!! This response is genius!! I was getting scared that the Oliva guy or girl was going to get fired. Thank goodness!!

@dimimp for president!!!!

Lolzz...are you @olivia-xo?

Lol. Maybe. You got a job for me?

wow! Sir @dimimp I must say you really appreciate talent and you have a good heart!


You are welcome to be in any department..... Just drop your work of music or art or photographs... Will will add it to the previous.

Thank you @sheriffakin, I'll do that.

Wow is a great challenge to meet your expectations! But if you're looking for someone like that, I'm sure you will find it and more if you are willing to pay for your effort

Listen to the aim
It's global adoption
Meaning that the capacity is there

Wowwwww.. that looks amazing.@dimimp sir This is a great design. I always love to read your content and love your post.waiting for your next post.

This is the best design @dimimp sir

The best is yet to allive

I like the concept too..i mean we have now ost thousands of entries of logos ..even me but this one is simple and catchy....i love the work too...but if you give her this job of SF7 she would have to work here continiously ....
If that happens
.we always here to welcome anyone....

As a matter it does have all the things to represent the project and the logo fit sin perfectly.The design is indeed great .

Hard work deserves reward. When someone is right for the job. You hire and keep moving forward

Congratulation for the Man, Who create this :D
SteemJet rewards all Art Work

Steemjetters are very talented and these contests always brings out the creativeness of Steemians. Still learning stuffs abouy graphics will drop my design soon.

This design is outstanding wonderful ,an impressive one.
I think sir @dimimp should look into it.

congratulations, you are hired!

Lost my luck of being hired all because of examinations

Well you still have a chance, just keep working hard. You may be added to sf8 or 9.

Thanks your words are assuring

Congratulations to you
Welcome on board SF

This is simply class... Exceptional.

The boss has eye for awesome things

For sure the logo of steemjet is worthy @dimimp

I also want to get abroad with steemjet..



@dimimp sir i don't know you see my post or not. but everyday i made some new design for you sir. My todays work for you sir.




Creativity is contagious, thus, if you have this fellow on steemjet then we should be expecting more creativity and innovative explosion. I loved the art work at first sight.

I join @dimimp to welcome this fellow to steemjet team. I am free too.

Me too welcome @Olivia-xo you are now a superstar.

Simple and beautiful logo. Clever idea and very creative design. Hope more and more talented individuals offer their services to this project!

This is beautiful. Great job

"Steemjet Bangladesh" is a charity club of steemjet biggest family

Steemjet Bangladesh Member List


This is a nice move, I hope this will bring more glory to steemjet

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Nice one

yes sir brilliant design with steem logo just incredible. WARM Welcome to you Friend From ALL SteemJet members <3 we are Glad to Have you with us . We are one community and like a family.STEEMJET.... We ARE WORDS AND STEEM

Sir @dimimp today is My entry a new poem about steemjet you and your whole team.

Poem No. 03:
Sir @domimp i can not get reward on my previous two poems

Thanks Sir @dimimp

Okay this is exceptional

wish i was the owner of the @olivia-xo account . i ll gladly stand up here and indicate.

whoever owns the olivia-xo account should indicate so that @dimimp eill reward em.

This is great design.

This look professional with every detail in the choice of colour.

Sir @dimimp

The work really looks impressive...
It's deserves some accolades

Boss @dimimp got great wisdom......
"talent is talent"

Even when hidden it will be fetched out

Thanks bro

It's an original idea, dynamic and fresh, I like your choice.

Wow that looks awesome :)

Get some artwork and bring more here ,all of them will get upvotes....
From SF6

This is absolutely amazing, this extraordinary. As you’ve said commander @dimimp. This person deserves a contract . This is totally amazing.

Immediate employment

Here's an explicit design for steemhigh with Olivia @dimimp. I've been designing a lot lately because none of my past designs were ever compensated for @dimimp. I wish I had someone to show for my designs but nevertheless, I won't relent in designing a masterpiece for you.

here's another for you.

ZomboMeme 20052018190749.jpg

It is really a wonderful art work. I support this @dimimp. It is worth credited. I am here. To give my contributions effectively when i see a great work.
I AM @cjoffical


ZomboMeme 19052018162922.jpg

Hi @dimimp, so prior to the video done by the development, courtesy of @yhaulez, I came up with an audio and narration for the story. I narrated the story using my smartphone and I compiled it by merging it with the video using my smartphone. There are two audios in this video. One is the background music and the other is my audio narration of the story olivia and the superstar.

here's a link to the post https://steemit.com/steemjet/@gutzygwin/audio-and-narration-for-olivia-and-the-superstar-self-made-plus-project-stars

This is simply a masterpiece for you @dimimp. Judgemental criticism is allowed and I will be willing to make edits where necessary. This is the first narration ever to be made for olivia and the superstar and I would like to open the floor with these. I hope i managed to touch your heart with this brilliant piece @dimimp.

Olivia and the superstar is written and designed by @sharzi, a lover of cartoons and a good innovator. I also can't wait for @dimimp to finally draft out the full story on his blog, would love to see that but meanwhile I've designed this classic design.

Don't also forget the name we're giving to our token on steemjet - stars which would really be a wonderful idea and a great innovation.

What do you think about stars and the audio narration @dimimp. Hope I did touch your heart.

ZomboMeme 20052018190749.jpg



1. A design showing a meter for STEEM at a HIGH point/reading. (STEEM HIGH)

DONE 1.png

2. A design showing a school bus with students/spaceforce members on it going high up on steem

DONE 2.png

3. A GIF for steemjet/medical team showing a steem doctor testing how high a member is on steam 😁


well that's all for now more are yet to come and a quick reminder @dimimp hope you still remember the promotion to sf5 you promised for the complete video I made for Olivia and the Super Star unless the story is not yet completed tho.
But I would love your remarks on this contributions I just made.