⏺What my 23 year-old millionaire mentor taught me!steemCreated with Sketch.

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

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It was about a year ago, when I had quite a long, in-depth conversation with one of my mentors. It's funny, because at the time, he was only 22 years old. There was, and still is nothing special about the guy. In fact, his belief system was so low for me, that he told me to my face that I will never be able to be a Billionaire (which really pissed me off, but anyways).

He taught me quite a few lessons, but I wanted to cover mainly one of them today.

He told me this nifty little acronym.. K.I.S.S. - Keep It Stupidly Simple.

From that moment, I have been pretty addicted to it! It keeps me on my edge, and constantly helps me be productive. The reason he is so successful isn't because he is the smartest guy (he isn't). When I talk to him about figures, he cringes. Yet, he rocks around his university in his black Rolce Royce Ghost.

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So what characteristic allowed him to be able to make his fortune? Let me tell you.

He never over-thinks anything. See, he stuck to his acronym.

Most people never finish what they set out for themselves to do, because they talk themselves out of doing the task before they've even begun. What my mentor did was he came up with a plan that he could work on at anytime of any day, and then he did it! He did it for 16 hours a day for like 2 years. What he did differently is that he made sure his action plan was stupidly simple, so he could never have an excuse.

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Now, I get it. Some of you will say, "But I don't have a plan so simple that I can use...". Yes you do! By thinking that, you are over-thinking! Keep things simple.

Let me give you an example if you want to become great on Steemit.

Steemit K.I.S.S. Plan:

Step 1: Make at least 1 blog post per day.

Step 2: Comment genuinely on as many posts as you possibly can in a single day.

Do those two steps every single day, to the best of your ability for 2 years straight, and you will have a 99% chance of success. (1% in case the entire world decides to explode or something like that!)

See what I mean? There you have the best formula ever created. Now just go and use it.

Every time you feel like you are taking too long on any given activity, just remind yourself to keep it stupidly simple and then adjust yourself accordingly.


I hope you guys took some value from this post. Actually, who am I kidding? Of course you did! So leave your thoughts in a comment below. I enjoy interacting with you all!

More than how much this post can make, I care far more about getting my content in front of newer faces. So if you would like to show your appreciation, it would be awesome of you to resteem this, and share it with others!

Talk soon guys.

My main Instagram account is currently at 36.1K+ Followers.

You can follow your boy here @ENAZWAHSDARB (470+ Amazing Followers Strong)

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I have a similar moto that helps me accomplish a lot more. "Never let perfect get in the way of better"

Making small easy changes will always improve things.
Spending too much time on looking for perfect often results in nothing getting done.


Darryl (@dadview) resides in Canada. He is a loving husband and father who enjoys spending time with his family no matter the activity.

If you enjoyed this post, please up-vote and/or Follow @dadview on Steemit

That's a brilliant motto. I like it a lot! It's true, the reason for that is because perfect simply does not exist, so we will never be satisfied.. We just need to get at it!

Nice comment. Thanks for stopping by :) Talk soon.

That's how you do it! I see big things coming your way 😎🙌🏼

Hey my dude! I can say the exact same (plus some) for you! Let's go! These are some really exciting times.

Thanks for stopping by. Talk soon.

Man this is spot on! I find myself overthinking what post I'm going to write and exactly how to say everything, when in reality, I just need to put my ideas on a page and go to the next post. The biggest downfall of people these days, is they overthink stuff. Whether that's in relationships, business decisions, making friends, working out, etc. They doubt themselves because they aren't confident. But that's the thing, be confident, keep it simple, maintain a positive attitude, and STAY CONSISTENT. Consistency is the key in everything. Thanks for sharing!

Awesome comment my man! Very well said.

It's true, I mean I was regarding to Steemit in this post, but the concept applies to absolutely everything! Another valid point you made was about confidence. It's so true. If you were confident in your abilities, you would second-guess things for even a second. That's as simple as it gets hey!

Keep things up! You are awesome. Talk soon.

I've always heard it as Keep It Simple Stupid but I like this one better. Stupidly Simple seems to make it sound less negative. It's definitely something I need to do more often and I think it allows you to just take action.

Yeah I heard of that one too.. I just don't think "Simple Stupid" makes much grammatical sense at all.. :P It's 100% there to motivate you into action! Thanks for stopping by once again my man!

Wow great advice. Very simple and does not take too much to commit to the two steps, even during crazy working days. Keeping things simple makes it easier to move 1 step forward each day, and by the time you know it, you have moved the mountain! Great post. Upvoted and resteemed.

It's exactly that. Even if you are making small efforts each day, as long as they are easy enough to do, you won't get too tired.. And like you said, eventually you have moved a mountain!

Now let's move our mountains!!

Thanks for stopping by my friend :) I appreciate your resteem. I have given you a follow. Talk soon.

Thank you @enazwahsdarb! Looking forward to more posts from you :)


Hey @ionlysaymeep - thank you for meeping my post 😊


Ey, what you say? Don't come meepin at me lol :P


Lol 😝

Right on thanks for sharing! Upvoted,Resteemed,followed:)

I really appreciate that. Thanks my dude. I will give you a follow for resteeming :)

Thanks for stopping by. Talk soon.

Appreciate it, looking forward to hearing from you!

Yessss. Praise. ❤ and love your "thumbnails"

Good to see you again my dude @sergiomendes! Thanks brother. Really appreciate that. I am trying to be unique with a few small things to build around from the beginning.. One of them being the thumbnails, and the other being the blue square in each of my titles.

Thanks for stopping by my bro! Talk soon.

Yeah that is great ❤ i hVe noticed that before. But havent yet comment with you. It is a great choice by the way.

Thanks brother. It was actually a little risk I decided I would take.. It could either go pretty decently, or quite terribly, so yeah awesome :)

I think it was worth it. I am probably follow your example. Cause i thought about it as well. But havent

Nice post. In the Army we used the KISS acronym but we called it keep it simple stupid. Same thing I guess.

Haha yeah, I meantime it before, but Simple Stupid just doesn't make sense to me.. Like grammatically it's incorrect.

Thanks @Hoss403. Appreciate you leaving your comment. Talk soon.

Really great post and I love ur K.I.S.S so simple but means so much😊
I think we have a tendency to make things so much harder than it has to be......we get so blinded we cant se whats right in front of us.
Dont just look....open ur eyes and see
Thx for sharing

So true! It's such a common thing for people to over-complicate things.. We just need to do it!

Thanks for your comment :) I trust we will talk again soon. Take care!

Ur welcome😊 u are so right...lol
Yes I belive we will talk again soon.
Have a godnight and great week

Thanks! It's actually almost 3am here, so it's morning :P But wishing you a fantastic week ahead as well! :)

Ok its the middle of the night here😊
Good morning then and have a great day..lol

Sort of where my name here comes from. I believe creating wealth isn't that hard. There is always a simpler way for things. If something seems too hard, there probably something one can do to make it simpler. With wealth creation especially, there are simple ways, which will most likely guarantee you'll create wealth. There however is always a trade-off. With easy and simple wealth creation that is, time. It takes time to create wealth. It might take a decade or two to make a million, or even more, but once you hit a million it'll take less than a decade to hit the next million, if you so wish.

So I take it a step further and eliminate the factor of much effort for stupidly simple wealth creation. Wealth creation is actually so stupidly simple that you don't even need to see much effort. Unless you need to learn how to save from your income.

It really is that simple. You are the only one to ever discuss that concept directly with me. It's the main thing I believe in with wealth. Not sure if you have seen it, but I actually made a post of this very topic 10 days ago. Check it out. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

⏺How anyone can become wealthy with as little as even $1!

Add a drop of water each day in a bucket, and by the time you know it, the bucket will be full! The K.I.S.S plan is a perfect example of this analogy... Effortless, simple and effective! Great advise @enazwahsdarb to fellow Steemians!

Upvoted and resteemed!

I love this analogy. I know quite a few analogies, but never thought of this one! Really awesome.

See if you put the bucket under the tap, and simply turn it on to drop one drop at a time, it doesn't matter how long it takes, if you forget about it. What makes so many people fail is when they try and watch every single droplet. Eventually they drive themselves insane, and simply give up.

It's much like when we make a post on Steemit, and then spend the following 30 minutes refreshing the post to see how much it's made.. Versus making the post, realizing that you now have no more control over the upvotes it receives, and rather spending that 30 minutes engaging with other users! :)

It's consistent putting and forgetting that has the most impact.

Thanks for your comment. I appreciate your resteem. I have started following you because of it :) Talk soon.

I love that plan. It's very doable. Thank you for sharing and resteemed! :)

Exactly why I love it so much :D It's so doable for anyone who's willing to put in the work.

I appreciate that. I have given you a follow :) Welcome to Steemit. Keep your work consistent and your will do great by using that plan! Talk soon.

I will. Thank you again! :)

Only my pleasure! :)

No, it's definitely my pleasure, too! :)

Thanks for an interesting article!

I keep things too stupidly complex, I think... Overthinking is a problem.

Found you via @merej99's challenge... Steem on!



Thanks my dude. I Appreciate that! Overthinking sure is a problem sometimes.. I suffer majorly with it. I have been forcing myself the last few days to stop thinking, and just doing. It's tough, but I think eventually it'll become second nature, allowing me to be a ton more productive :)

I love that challenge. Thanks for stopping by! How have you done so far?

Thanks for asking. I think I'm closing in on the finish line! Just a few more comments... < huff, puff, huff, puff> ;)

Awesome stuff! Good to see you kept things strong. I am very curious to see how many people actually completed the challenge.. And the prize pool has doubled haha! :P

Yeah... we might get a few SBD? ;)

It's quite crazy if you think about it because the price of Steem has literally more than halved in the time from starting this challenge.. And now the pool is doubled, which means our prize value is in actual fact quadrupled! Crazy to think hey :P

Hmmm... You've confused me with the math...

Haha all good.. Let's just keep thing stupidly simple rather ;) I just made my latest post by the way. Let me know your thoughts. We can move the conversation to there :P

Thanks for the advice, although I know that I must have patience some veecs I am very discouraged but I will follow! regards
I invite you to go through my blog may be to your liking!

Yeah it is far easier to get discouraged rather than to stay strong.. That's why we need to just make things easier for ourselves to handle :) Thanks for your comment. Stay in touch.

I went through your blog, only thing is that I don't understand one bit of Spanish :P

Thank you for your words, I appreciate them, I will also publish in English in the same post :)

My pleasure. Really? I didn't notice.. I will give you a follow :) Talk soon.

a catchy phrase, thats also what seems to catch peoples attention on steemit, i thought i would be hearing about a 23 year old USD millionaire in a inspirational way,

is this how you see yourself with a billion USD?. posting atleast one blog a day and commenting "genuinely" on as many posts...............if so am starting with this :-)

Thanks for taking your time out to make your comment. I appreciate that!

Well, in theory, yes you can definitely build a billion dollar foundation from this platform. Like, say for example over a 5 year period you're able to scale your account to around $1 million, which is quite possible.

And then you can diversify from there just like you would with any other capital.

But that's not necessarily my main plan.. But in theory it would be possible from Steemit.

really?, thats great, i'll stick to following you?,

Haha you are welcome to my dude. I think some of the things in the future are going to be really awesome! Talk soon.

Simple words with profound impact. I've heard of K.I.S.S before but it was usually said as Keep it Simple Stupid or Keep it Stupid Simple

I figured sometimes less is better hey :P Yeah a few of the guys in these comments have different variations.. I suppose it's all about what it backs that matters at the end of the day.

Thanks for your comment. Talk soon.

Great advice, and its applicable to anyone… I actually learned this in theatre in high school from one of my favorite directors!!

That's so awesome. It's quite interesting seeing the comments right now.. A few of you know this acronym but all found it in completely unique ways. Really cool :)_

Thanks for stopping by! I trust we will talk soon.

Consistency is the key. KISS, it is a good one. Let's continue steeming.

Damn right. Consistency is power!

Go at it. Agreed, let's continue :) Talk soon.


Thanks my dude.

ur on the right fucking track here, very inspiring honestly, i'll sharpen my steemit game

Thank you my dude! Appreciate that dearly. It's these meaningful comments that have the best impact. Now let's go work at something great! Talk soon.

consistency, and work makes a lot of things happen and when we over complicate things it gets in the way for sure. What's you mentor do?

Definitely. We over complicate far to many simple things, sometimes you must just stop, take a deep breath, and look at things with a clear mind.. He's a residual-based commission distributor for a software company.

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your comment! Talk soon.

love to here about what ur mentor did

He was actually a residual commission-based distributor for a soon-to-be multi billion dollar company. He learnt and mastered his trade, and maximized monetizing his efforts.

I think that´s a very good strategy for Steemit!


Only my pleasure. Thanks for that! Talk soon.

That's pretty much what I've boiled it down to as well: posts and comments. So I keep ticking away and maybe will get there one day...and maybe not! Keepin' it stupidly simple :)

Haha I figured you might stand for something along those lines considering it's in your name :P Keep at it! You will do great :)

Thanks for your comment. We can talk again sometime.

I know, right? My name gives it all away!

It really does haha. But the simple life is the best life :)

K.I.S.S. I love it. Its amazing how the universe works. I needed to read this post to confirm some actions i had just begun. This furthermore lets me know im on the right path. I set up a system t try and go by for myself with this platform and so far so good. Full steem ahead

Yeah I couldn't agree more. Law of Attraction brother! Well I'm glad you gained from this. That's what I strive for in these posts.

Thanks for your comment. Let me know how your progress goes. Good luck! Talk soon.

This post received a 4.4% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @enazwahsdarb! For more information, click here!

Motivational post! We always dream of becoming millionaires but never actually take the initiatives.. time to put the efforts!

You Got it - Keep Rolling!

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Thank you my dude :) Keep it up!