Boosting my account - Let's grab all these cheap Steem!

in steem •  6 years ago  (edited)

I'm tightening my belt and trying to grab some cheap Steem at these prices.

Slowly but surely setting up the foundation for a bright future. A 10$ couldn't be that far away I guess.

blocktrades power up.png

And you? Are you taking the necessary steps to boost your crypto future?

What are your expectations here? Any future price predictions? How do you see Steem in the future (+5 years)?

(Soon I'll be writing a lenghty post regarding this matter).

Steem on!


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Bona foto.

Havia decidit no comprar res, que el meu SP creixi de forma orgánica, pero crec que faré una gran compra.

Posted using Partiko Android

Per poc que sigui... ajuda a pujar a poc a poc :)

5-10$ a la setmana sembla que no però puja una barbaritat al llarg del temps (per posar un possible objectiu d'acumulació).

OMG! Creia que abandonaves steem i al final estàs tornant... que t’ha fet canviar d’opinió? Si no et fas res...

Quan tingui un moment t'explico :) Res que no sapiguéssim realment...