I'm a Dolphin finally! [Giveaway 30 STEEM as celebration] | 海豚升级之庆祝活动

in steem •  6 years ago  (edited)


"A dollar that is not working hard to generate another dollar is a bad dollar." Powered up 200 Steem that has been idling for quite some time in the account this morning and the sense hinted me that might mean something at my current SP level. My total vested vest just climbed over the golden line, 10 MVEST

which is approximately 5k SP.

Imma Dolphin now!


I guess this is my first time writing a post celebrating personal achievements in Steem, because nothing else is worth celebrating here.

Shed a tear for gaining over 1000 followers? You must be new here.
Dance over the reputation 60? Cycle 10 SBD through voting bots is another great alternative.
Hitting 100 upvotes in a single post? C'mon, @smartsteem can get you 200 upvotes easily with minimum vote buying.

However, status upgrade from minnow to a dolphin is something else. That means I now have more SP and more influence in the voting, more power in the network after all. Either I earned those SP back via writing posts or buying with real cash, that's still a solid achievement that actually impacts my status in the network.

Predict Steem price and win 30 STEEM!

This is probably my first and only celebration as I do not see the possibility of achieving the next Orca status(which requires 50k SP according to this definition).
And since this is some celebrations on top of Steem, I think something more related to the very platform itself would be more suitable here.

First of all, there are 3 prizes:

  • First place - 15 STEEM
  • Second place - 10 STEEM
  • Third place - 5 STEEM

The rule is simple, predict the Close Price of Steem in term of USD on 4 Nov 2018(UTC time). Closest prediction wins the first prize, the second best prediction wins second prize and so on.

  • The result would be based on Coinmarketcap's historical data. chrome_2018-10-30_22-15-54.png
  • Game expires at 2359, 2 Nov 2018(UTC time)[Edited: shorten the game to 3 days long to improve fairness to early predictors.]
  • One prediction per account.

How to participate?

  • Vote on this post. Resteem is not required but would be very much appreciated if you do.
  • Leave a price prediction under the comment section below with precision of 6 decimal digits. For example, $0.812230 or $3.235543 (LOL).

I hope I have made things clear enough. As I don't usually get good user engagement in the post, I would still give away the prize even if there is only one participant with a ridiculous prediction like 99.123354

as that would be the closest prediction.

Let's get the prediction game started shall we?

今天刚巧 power up 了 200 Steem,直觉告诉我有点东西起了变化,尤其是我现在这个敏感的 SP level。点开 Busy 一看,果然,


在这个 Follower, Reputation, Upvotes 数量可以被操纵的平台上,SP 的的实质变化是我发现唯一值得开心和庆祝的里程碑了。毕竟变成海豚,意味着更多一点的话语权,更多一点的影响力,更有力一点的点赞!这不是比那些突破 1000 追随者什么的有意义多了吗?

有鉴于这是我第一个也非常可能是最后一个在 Steem 上的个人里程碑庆祝活动(毕竟看不到变成杀人鲸的可能性,那要 50k SP 啊我的妈),就来一次Steem 价格竞猜游戏吧!


  • 第一名 - 15 STEEM
  • 第二名 - 10 STEEM
  • 第三名 - 5 STEEM

再来玩法很简单,那就是预测 Steem 在 4 Nov 2018(UTC 时间)的收市价格(close price)。

  • 游戏结果将基于 Coinmarketcap 的历史数据 做出决定。
  • 游戏截止时间为 2359, 3 Nov 2018(UTC 时间)
  • 一个用户只可以参加一次。


  • 点赞此贴。不需要 Resteem 但如果你坚持,我只好说声感激万分咯!
  • 在此贴下留言你的价格预测,预测精度必须是小数点后六位数。例子是,$0.812230 或是 $3.235543 (哈哈).


, 首奖还是会如约送出的,谁叫那是最靠近的答案你说对吗?!


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Congratulations. My prediction: $0.932

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

What a bold guess.

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Damn, it's now 0010, 3 Nov 2018 (UTC time) ~ 11 min late... Anyway, congrats on your achievements! It's not easy to keep creating quality posts here. Keep up your good work! :)

Thanks gal, actually there is a lot of shortcuts for such achievement and we know it. Cash is the king here. Thanks for the kind words and here's the bigger vote for a little compensation.

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Thanks gal, actually there is a lot of shortcuts for such achievement and we know it. Cash is the king here. Thanks for the kind words and here's the bigger vote for a little compensation.

Posted using Partiko Android

Haha, true! Thanks for your compensation!

Darn... I missed this contest! Lol.. Anyway, congratulations on becoming a dolphin!

Thanks buddy. Its alright, a slightly bigger vote for you as compensation haha.


Congrats for being Dolphin :)

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Congrat! My guess is 0.812560

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  ·  6 years ago 


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  ·  6 years ago 


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  ·  6 years ago 


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  ·  6 years ago 

congratz and wish to see you head to the Orca!!

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  ·  6 years ago 


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  ·  6 years ago 


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  ·  6 years ago 


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My prediction $0,823632

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Thanks @partiko! I'm a fan of your cool work, keep it up!

Congratulations for becoming Dolphin

My guess 0.8564

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Thank you so much @fr3eze & here is my prediction- $0.804980

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BTW, congratulations on your Dolphinhood! ^_^

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  ·  6 years ago 


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I think from November it will start rising and therefore I want to keep it on a higher side. here in my prediction.

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My prediction is 0.775861

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my predicition: 0,874271

Congrats on your Dolphin Status. I personally hope for some bull market within which the Steem Dollar value will temporarily multiply the steem value so that I can jump right into same dolphin Status. We'll see!

Soon you will be there. Your prediction has been noted. Thanks for taking part.

Great news on becoming a dolphin.

My prediction: $0.796357

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my prediction $0,818632

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My Guess - $0.813862 per STEEM

and Congrats Dolphin!

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Thanks for the swift reply.

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Congratulation, finally you become Dolphin

my guess would be 0.788888

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Hey, congrats for achieving dolphin status!
0.818657 my prediction :)

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My guess: $0.839801

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  ·  6 years ago 


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  ·  6 years ago 


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Mi prediction: 0.789476

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What is the last date to predict the price, don't you think that if you keep the prediction open till 3rd, it will be easier to predict for people on 3rd than today?

I intend to keep it running for 3 days, but maybe I should shorten to 2 days. If you want to predict at the last moment, just bookmark this post up and do so?

Ok. I will predict now.


  ·  6 years ago 

可喜可贺,继续朝鲸鱼方向前进 我的预测 0.855555

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Wow! This post looks very interesting one. Good way of promotion friend. let me predict steem price so that i'll have a chance to win the contest.
My Prediction for Steem coin is $0.82.

Thanks but the entry should be at 6 decimal digits.

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yay congrats!! my guess


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$0.808008 per steem
Safe Guess :P

Well, congratz to evolve into a Dolphin.
Waiting for my turn... it takes so damn long.

Well, you know where is the shortcut😏

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Shortcut = buy in? haha
Thanks man ;)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


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Congratulations! On your achievement
It is really worth celebrating
My Prediction is 0.789277

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first of all congrats and the following thing was so damn true!

Shed a tear for gaining over 1000 followers? You must be new here.
Dance over the reputation 60? Cycle 10 SBD through voting bots is another great alternative.
Hitting 100 upvotes in a single post? C'mon, @smartsteem can get you 200 upvotes easily with minimum vote buying.

Hmm my guess will be 0,8056121

The sad truths I've learnt on the platform so far.

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  ·  6 years ago 


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I will guess $0.772214

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$0.793434 恭喜!

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0.852375 USD

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  ·  6 years ago 


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