The price of steem can go a lot higher, here's why:

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

And it has nothing to do with or steem specifically!

To fully understand why I think that, let me tell you a little about my experience last week trying to set up a crypto account for a friend of mine...

A friend of mine contacted me last week and said he wanted to get into cryptocurrencies. Not necessarily just into steem, but instead buy a well diversified basket of different ones.

The first thing I instructed him to do was set up an account on Coinbase.

Should be simple enough.

Create an account, transfer some dollars in, buy some cryptocurrency.

This is where things got a little tricky...

He was having trouble setting up an account on Coinbase so I told him to try a few other exchanges where he could transfer some money in and buy some coins to get started.

The first one he tried after Coinbase was Gemini, the exchange set up by the Winklevoss twins.

I had read a little about it and it offered a lot of the same things Coinbase offered.

It lets you link a bank account directly and they insure your holdings, two big pluses in the crypto world. Also, it's one of the few exchanges that keeps holdings in cold storage which makes them much less vulnerable to a hack.

The only drawback is that they only operate in 42 states.

Lucky us, we just so happened to live in one of those 8 states where Gemini is not currently licensed.

So, our option to use Gemini? Move to another state...

Considering that was not going to happen, on to the next one we went...

Next we tried CEX.IO.

On the surface it looked like it would be our next best bet, however, upon visiting their page we were met with this:

CEX.IO is currently not accepting new customers, lovely.

Back to the drawing board...

Next up, we would try Kraken.

Again, the exchange looked good on the surface but when we actually tried to sign up it was very difficult.

For one, getting a name and password created and actually creating an account was like pulling teeth. Everything we tried wouldn't be accepted, whether it be our username or our password.

Then finally when it was, we were told we would be receiving an email to confirm our account. Except the email never came!

A few hours went by and we tried again, still no email.

Finally an email showed up, which we tried to use to confirm our account, but when we tried to confirm our account with that temporary password, we were promptly told that the password given to us in the email had expired.

Are you kidding me? The email takes hours to get there and when it finally does the temporary password is already expired?

Aint that a kick in the shorts!

Needless to say, we gave up on that one.

The search continued...

Next up, we took a look at Poloniex and Bittrex.

Which we found out right away that neither offered fiat support. Meaning we couldn't get dollars in or out without also setting up another account on another exchange with fiat capabilities.

All of this was becoming majorly frustrating to say the least.

Next up we tried Bitstamp.

We were able to create an account but soon realized it was based in Europe and was pretty difficult to get dollars into, at least according to our initial impression.

Luckily, right about this time we finally got confirmed by Coinbase for an account.

But our troubles did not end there...

Now that we had an account on Coinbase, it appeared that trying to get money into the Coinbase account was not going to be an easy task either.

For one, they only offered small deposit maximums unless we verified the account. So, we did that.

After verifying some basic information the deposit and withdrawal limits increased slightly, which was helpful.

Next we tried to link our bank account.

The struggle continues...

My friend uses a local bank offered by his work, which of course was not on Coinbase's accepted list of banks to link to your account.

Which means he had no way of transferring dollars into his account from his bank account.

So, here we are again, with an account finally created but no way to get dollars into it, apart from using a credit card and only purchasing a very small amount each week.

Which, using a credit card was not even really a long term viable option anyways because then we would not be able to get his funds out after he got them in as there was no way to link his bank account...

So, we figured the best option for him was to go out and open a new bank acccount with a well known Coinbase accepted bank, and then transfer funds in and out through that.

Yes, you read that right, our best option is for him to go out to a well known bank, open a new checking account and then link that to his Coinbase account in order to get funds in or out. The entire process will take days/weeks depending on which route he decides to go.

What I learned through all of this and how it might affect steem...

People can't get dollars in or out of the crypto markets!

Which is why they aren't going to crash any time soon. The money that is in here currently is just sloshing around from bitcoin to altcoins with no ability or intention to leave the markets.

Also, many in the markets (rightly or wrongly) believe that they don't have to pay taxes on their crypto gains as long as they don't turn it into fiat.

Which means they just trade it back and forth in the crypto markets depending on what the hot coin for the moment is.

Which means that with the crypto market cap currently being around $816 billion and steem only being around $1.6 billion of that, with the right news/momentum, some of those billions could easily swing towards steem and propel it many multiples of where it is currently trading.

Basically is what I am saying is that given the current crypto dynamics, steem (and many other coins) could easily trade many multiples of what most might consider their actual worth. Though that in itself is a hugely debatable topic.

As long as money keeps sloshing back and forth like this, we could see steem hit some ridiculously high levels.

Just need some momentum. ;)

Also what happens when these things become easier for people to get money into them? Just something to think about...

Stay informed my friends.

Image Sources:

Follow me: @jrcornel

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Wow, that is such a headache just to get some crypto exposure. It is hard to get money out, so it makes sense that a mass run out of cryptos would take some time and slow down the supply side, causing less of a slide.

see me at yankee-statman...MUST own silver/gold NOW!!

Thanks for your writing, I was always afraid the price of steem will drop very soon. As they are pumped by KR exchange but now KR government is banning btc.

But how about SBD?

Very nice, thanks for sharing.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I believe steem price should be 100 USD in 1 y from now. Why because of the limited supply and the low Market capitalization at the present time, Steemit is the only crypto that solves all the problems in one platform. Smart contracts via bots, media, social, video, audio, decentralized voting, Leaders with influence like ned . All of this suggests that Steem is the best and is not under the radar of any crypto trader. as the price fluctuation is very low. That is the only reason steem is so low. To stable to be profitable for short-term position.

I agree with all of the above, and I also agree that it could hit $100 within the next year, but it could be for none of those reasons mentioned. :) As I mentioned, it could be just because it's the hot trade at the moment and people pile in.

The high demand to power up should be a driving factor in the price increase.

some people will power down if the price is to big they will like cars and houses instead of power. Every person that knows my steam power is tealing me to power down because i made x8 times the money i invested and i refuse and explain that if i lose all i'm cool with the decizion .

STEEM will never hit zero, so you don't have to worry about that.

STEEMIT will reach 40$ then 400$ in 2018.

I think you mean STEEM

I think that's the best thing to do, since in all probability Steem is an even better investment in the longer term extending beyond 2018.

some people will power down if the price is to big they will like cars and houses instead of power.

Best decision!

In fact I have touched upon it in my recent post, Ten Ways You Can Use Steem When It Hits $10 , after I observed that the Steem price could be here to stay.

yes I agree with that. People are so concerned about making money rather making good contents.

Which is why fiat could be the one to implode.

you heard it here...silver..(divirsify) see Yankee-statman.

Considering the fact that there are projects out there with market caps in the billions that have just a whitepaper and no working network, I'd say you're right about Steem being undervalued.

that is what i wanted to say, but steem i very bad just because of the stable price, and is not profitable for day trading. Steem is a long-term investment. IS like buying a house not choing a holiday destination. Is more like a wife not a one night girl.

Yes - Steem is ripe for an increase if the overall market continues to grow.

i have only bch (bitcoin cash) to spare for buying more steem, i love bch as the low transactions fee :)

valid points on multiple fronts, but i agree with @jrcornel, could be other reasons for driving such a surge in price. and even if it were, there has to be a wide adoption of STEEM for it to hit 100. Ripple for example has a value proposition beyond its XRP status. it can potentially replace SWIFT, which is a banking system. STEEM would surge if it was viewed as a viable substitute to Facebook.

steem will become a bank with a plastic card that is accepted everywhere very soon, that will drive the price x5 times.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

until present time , i predicted iota will go up, omg , ripple, civic, and others , the point is like this nxt will get big emc2 and others
The point is that predictions are made as the market changes at this point i can just tell you that there is a team that will build this technology and it will be legal .


It's accepted via the payment gateway that I use, Living Room of Satoshi. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if someone does a plastic card for it, depending on the popularity of the site.

STEEM would surge if it was viewed as a viable substitute to Facebook.

That while is possible, needs a bunch of extra features, like better content discovery and chat messages.

video message chats and file share is what is needed, for this we need server network around the world first will be steemit bank and projects will rise

But if something needs dedicated servers, then I'd argue if it's really decentralized?

dPoS while a decent solution is already setting up some centralization. We shouldn't add more centralization to the Steem ecosystem.

Absolutely agree. We shouldn't add more centralisation.

However, now that WebRTC is widely supported by browsers I believe videochat can be done without the need for centralised high-bandwidth servers.
For decentralised file-storage there are also some interesting projects live already. IPFS (which i think is used by or blockchain based like Sia or Burst.

If you ask me, chat messages shouldn't necessarily be stored. It can be session-only or DOM-only. It has its drawbacks UX-wise but I'd consider it safer than permanent chat recording like in Facebook.

I hope you are right! I follow your logic though.

I totally agree with you, Steem price can easily reach $15 very soon.

Yes totally agree. I live in one of those US states, Hawaii ... which the dumb state of Hawaii doesn't support cryptocurrency. Loss for them, as they lose out on tax dollars anyways.

Agree too that the market won't crash so soon because it's hard for people to move from the cryptocurrencies to/from fiat anyways. Besides, we should make it so that cryptocurrencies stay within the same sphere.

Great read! Follow me at @corpdetoxbliss

and I believe the momentum is in 2018 !

I've participated in the Bitcoin space since it was $100. No I am not rich because I wanted to learn the technology not just invest in it (big mistakes all around). However I agree that steem gives people to invest in the space ... this time with brain equity not just with dollars. While I think some people have posted NSFW videos, I believe that posts talking about personal experiences (@sweetsssj) have been most beneficial.

Personally while I might repost a video from youtube (not my own content), I try to related it to my own personal experience or to draw people's' attention to it if I feel it needs to be repeated. My recent post on How the USA is killing the people of the Marshall Island is an example of that.

@jrcornel Yes, I too think so this coin has got all potential to go that predicted score or even lot higher. But, I want to know in case STEEM reaches that $100 mark say in one year down the line, would SBD price be still at $5 to $8 mark??

that is so obvious brother, it's so difficult to move, and a great deal of the organizations like Ripple, Chris Larsen has all his cash stopped there, he can't move any of that at any point in the near future.

also the general population vested from the earliest starting point, most are devotees, and the majority are attempting like hellfire to pour more cash in,

in spite of the difficulties.i think every one of the positives of the blockchain are there in addition to now it's really getting pool and trendy to be in crypto,

and the business analysts can't value that either.the future is splendid ...

Carry on dear...

Sounds like a damn headache, Coinbase and all these other exchanges are a hassle. This is why Steemit’s ease of use will propel it to new highs.

I think you are right. The fiat world is a huge bottle neck right now. Steem will only benefit from this issue.

Thanks @jrcornel for your post. Thoroughly enjoyable and I can corroborate your story. I tried to register with may exchanges and I quickly discovered that it was not as easy as I thought. The processes are getting longer and more difficult to get through. And when you try to use other third party sites that allow you to convert from crypto to PayPal and vice versa, you will find out that you have actually lost money due to fees both ways (buying and selling) as well as Paypal fees. Sometime ago, I was trying out an exchange, by the time I was done, I had lost about 25% of my investment. For one to make headway and make profits with these other third party sites that charge fees both ways, then the value of your investment must be substantial.

For Steem, I am sold for life. This platform introduced me to what I know today about crytpocurrency. With my first set of earnings over a year and a half ago, I had to research how to convert my SBD & STEEM to dollars and boy, the research has proved invaluable. Even at $8 for 1SBD and $6 for STEEM, I believe it is still grossly undervalued and the correction is coming soon, so get ready everyone to ride on the crest of the Steemit wave.

Thanks once again @jrcornel for your post, truly insightful.

Nice post, beautifully presented and explained. Detail oriented with nice pics. thank you for sharing this with us. This is very helpful Update. Keep it up... Upvoted

if you mind checking out my blog for latest posts and updats @kingjan

very nice

yes, STEEM

i think steen will reach to 1004

I agree 100%.

Great post dear with super analysis.
'The price of steem can go a lot higher'- I agree with you and I believe this also from the heart.

Hi how are you,im jordan from uganda,am sorry to ask but what has he really meant on his post,?please tell me more if you dont mind

I agree that there is a lot of money circulation between the different altcoins.

But also the number of altcoins is increasing and therefore it is in an ongoing process to attract potential investors/followers for YOUR coin (in our case steem)

I think the main reason that steem is going to rise is not the circulation of money or the fact that paying out the money is related to huge effort.

I trust in the rise of steem due to the unique business model. Social media platform have found many different ways to create and retain a well working business model. Steem has understood the power of social media and combined it with reimburse the contributors.

At the moment we approximately 500k accounts - nothing related to big players like Facebook, Pinterest and Co..

Let's open our hands for a bright future

The whales will always find a way to get their money in and out of crypto markets.

I don't understand. Everyone wants to invest but can't because they can't set up crypto accounts. Wouldn't that keep prices artificially low since this is an inhibitor of demand?

It works both ways. It keeps money in and prevents some new money from coming in as well. However, I would imagine going forward it's only going to get easier to get money into these markets...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Another good use of SBD could be for interexchange transfer. For example, in one of my articles I showed that just moving BTC from Bittrex to Bitfinex could cost you around $37. Now the withdrawal fee of SBD is only 0.01 SBD on Bitrex, which is the cheapest I've seen of any currency. Now lets say, I want to buy some TRX from my BTCs in bittrex. Since Bittrex doesn't support TRX while HitBTC does, I would simply purchase SBDs from my BTCs and send them to HitBTC to buy TRX. Since HitBTC has no deposit fee, it would cost me just 0.01 SBD (around 8 cents) to do the interexchange transfer. Amazing, isn't it?

Lets get rich together :)

This new things can make a better world for everyone... Regards❤💡

Steem will continue to grow guys. A great platform for creatives and crypto-investers. A group of people that I believe cross over so very well. I for one am here for the long run. I love this place.

steem top rise up
great analysis on steemit,i like your post
thanks for informational post sharing

agree with you bro

no one can ban cryptocurrency, the blockchain technology is making waves. many people are adopting it. Cryptocurrency have come to stay.

Selling crypto for fiat is not a good idea!

excellent vlog, friend

Steem has the potential of going above the predicted price. I think we should hold on for the ride

I don't use a traditional bank account for my buisness. I strictly use paypal and it seems to be quite the challenge to purchase any cryptos with only that form of payment. People say it's the wave of the future, but it's gonna have to be more user friendly, if that is gonna happen. We need the crypto a.t.m. machines everywhere....

I think governments and the banking industry will continue to make it hard to get fiat in and out of crypto. This will be to their own detriment because an economy will grow inside the crypto world where fiat is never required. Products and services will become available in this eco system and the only thing you will ever need fiat for is to pay taxes.

You are exactly on point. I wanted to post a similar comment, thank God I read other comments before. Well done. Banks will annihilate themselves.

Thanks... there's always room for more comments even if they are of the same opinion and its good for the Steemit!

Yeah, but I like to be original. If i posted the thing that was on my mind someone would probably say I copied it of you. But I got your point. Steemit has to grow!

Many of my non-crypto friends are interested in getting involved in the coin markets, but don't have the experience or patience to try. We are missing a huge market. They need an easy and safe way to simply transfer fiat into a platform. Whoever does this first will certainly win the race. For me, Coinbase was the simplest. Thanks for bringing this issue to light!

I agree, told most people that Coinbase is a fraud too. You are charged fees on a non acurate market price. Well i got in and I'm going back. Crypto all the way!


InshaAllah the steem price will go more high and thanks for sharing

The demand for steem power will determine the price of steem. As we see that people are investing lot on bots to get more steem power daily so its obvious that everyone needs steempower and investing money on it. When there is demand, supply will increase.

Have a look at the NZ exchange Cryptopia

It's good!

It is a very interesting post. You are rich when you can exchange crypto to fiat or goods. Without real exchange all crypto is a bubble with future price 0$

That's why it's smart to cash out some, or to buy some 'traditional ' stocks with them. As long as the companies won't go bankrupt. Those stocks will never go to $0. The interest on them wouldn't matter much. Since their mostly a backup plan.

Thank you for an informative article. As I am new to Steemit and cryptos, I try to read all available information about the subject. Some posts are difficult to understand, yours is well written and makes sense to a newcomer.

The congestion in exchanges is really becoming a problem. Being a long time user of Kraken, i usually get my money in and out (relatively) easy. I do agree that this problem acts as a large block on people who are new to crypto not being able to buy the entry coins, never mind diversifying their portfolio. You should take a look at OMG's planned decentralised exchange, which plans to support FIAT and crypto. I did a post two days ago overviewing the coin and how the exchange will work, if you are interested.

Steem could be reach at 20-30$ in 1st quarter. And the reason is now traffic at steemit is almost double as compare to 2018. So just imagine high rate of steem will blast everything. So it will up slowly according to the market capacity. By the way this article is worth sharing so I just resteemed. All the best Sir @jrcornel.

I was lucky enough to have a pre existing paypal account with debit card attached. Coinbase is the only way I have found to get $$$ in (with those limits). The fees are crazy in and out. We need a better solution!

Woderful post! From the analysis you gave here which is your expertise and indebt knowledge of cryptocurrencies, I totally agreed with you that sooner or later steemit will rule the world.. I follow and upvote you.

When you think you can achieve something no matter how difficult it is, you always get a way to make it possible

Steem coin is undervalued at the moment. But the future looks bright! Thank you for the information.,

The easiest way for him would probably get on steemit, start posting and then send the SBD to BlockTrades and transfer into another crypto that way. It’s a small start. I know it can be frustrating getting started especially when you can’t even open an account for days and you watch the price of the cryptos going higher and higher. 🤨 I’ve also seen where some exchanges aren’t even accepting new people.

You cold just sell him some yours crypto for cash.

Thanks for the info, great post!

Exchanges that you can sell your crypto to and get fiat currency deposed in your bank account is the best bet. I use in my country.

Im still kinda confused on why people outside of steemit would buy STEEM at all.

How many buy BTC who never have the intention to use it as a currency?
Steem is good tech, even if you don't want to use it. Then it's probably not a bad investment.

Steem has potential as an active crypto. We all hope that it will continue to go up!

many in the markets (rightly or wrongly) believe that they don't have to pay taxes on their crypto gains as long as they don't turn it into fiat

Does this include the USD as well? I expect 'colleges' will begin to capitalize on degrees specializing in crypto-tax law. Right now, I presume the average tax consultant might be a little fuzzy on how to record gains and losses for crypto, considering it remains an intangible asset til withdrawn.

This is my perception. If STEEM continues to grow, as projected, this will be valuable knowledge in the future. I do not mind paying my fair share according to the laws of the land. Knowledge is power; thus, something to research.

Today, on logging in, I couldn't help but notice the huge drop in gains. Hopefully, the habit of keeping an ongoing spreadsheet will be enough documentation should it be required for factoring on taxes.

Even though it's decentralized, I can envision someday, 1099s being issued via blockchain markets. I'd like to think not; but, there's a lot of info collected for 'good' reason.

Btw, Bittrex allowed me to sign up a few weeks ago; but kept giving an error message when trying to complete transactions.

One last thing, please consider a post detailing what 'novices' should do if/when the value of STEEM surpasses SBD. Right now, it's only a couple dollars in difference. Will that just mean more of a reason to power up?


I heard the taxes in America on crypto are pretty strict already. Which is ironic, because Americans usually have lower taxes than most European Countries.

When Steem is worth more than SBD, it might be a good idea to 'burn SBD' with essentially means that you turn your SBD into Steem. But I will have to look into the details on that later. Until before, it was just easier to sell the SBD on a exchange and buy 10 Steem back for it. Too bad those times didn't last very long.

Too bad those times didn't last very long.

I so agree with you on this one! ;+)


It is highly possible for steem to go a lot higher, even though I wouldn't bet it would go as far as 100+ USD as some people in the comment section suggest. Surely this current situation is bad for day traders and good for others (like me), that want to keep steem for a long run. I see a great potential in this, and I believe we will all succeed. Wish you all good luck!

Steem will soon hit momentum with the current work been done by @starkerz and @stephenkendal as they are creating a promo-steem/steem-ambassador website .

This will help promote Steemit massively,hope you guys support it.

Why the shortage of exchanges? Are companies scared to start trading it? I've been wondering about this the past week or so. Vertbase is supposedly launching and that will give another place to turn fiat into crypto.

Steem's price should rise when Steemit rolls out planned 2018 new developments, when new platforms (like launch, when sites like gets additional traction, when content developers ditch legacy platforms like YouTube & when more people read informative posts like this. Patience is a virtue for things like this....

Sounds like a nightmare. Luckily, I was able to easily sign up for an account for all those exchanges.

congratulations bro
upvote me @tonyy01

I've just got to get my hands on some steem!

Bitcoins are really getting so fascinating these days that people are crazily into it. I wonder among here got rich by buying and selling bitcoins coz, I WOULD LOVE TO LEARN from him/her, hehehe.

Great post Resteemed.. Do you see STEEM at $1,000?

I had 0 problems to open and validate an account on Coinbase, but I had the same and painful experiences trying to open an exchange to buy some XRP (Bitstamp, Kraken and Bittrex). So frustrating!!! Let's see what happens in the future when (I hope) these kind of things will be much easier. Good post!!

Exchanges that you can sell your crypto to and get fiat currency deposed in your bank account is the best bet. I use in my country.

Steem is the best thing that can happen to the world. It is absolutely amazing❤👏👏👏🍻

I completely agree the price of steem is set to really move higher. Thank You for the fantastic post.

Yes it will increase.

I am happy that I have registration with some exchange earlier. But is it good sign that people are not welcome to crypto world easily ? can be short term growth. Well, I am happy with the recent price though. And hope it will raise more one day too :) Thanks for sharing the experience.

Tough luck with finding the right exchange. Even It took me a week to setup account with Binance and even after I successfully signed up, it took me another 2-3 days to login properly because the site was slow.

That was wonderful explanation. I read articles about the Fibonacci patterns and estimated Steem Price and all the pointers are hinting at one thing: the cover image of this blog post - A Rocket being propelled into the Space :D

Good blog @jrcornel. Thanks for sharing.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

What are your views about Hitbtc???

No tengo mucho tiempo en el sitio amigo @jrcornel. En realidad el proceso de afiliación y verificación de la cuenta me pareció super rápido. Steemit acumula todo lo que necesitamos en una red social, buena información la facilidad de cambiar la moneda y aparte las recompensas, todo esta información al exponerlas al usuario llaman la atención.

nah dude you all have it wrong steemit will skyrocket simply because it fucking rocks

when our Indian exchange koinex has refused withdrawals and deposits owing to crazy payment transfer app problems, I did the above as you have described. coinbase unfortunately does not allow Indians to do anything except make an account :p.

I transferred my coins to bitshares wallet and am waiting for koinex to restart otherwise I have to continue my search for crypto to fiat exchange which includes India. Is hitbtc one? Please let me know if you are aware

Well if you check coinmarketcap for steem

you can see that it's currently at an ATH (all time high), so I would not advise to buy it now.

A good entry point would be around 3.5$ USD. But since steem has a legitimate product behind it (, I say it has room to grow.

Converting/comparing the price of STEEM to BTC, which is the price of STEEM 6$ USD x (STEEM calculating supply 246,246,336 / BTC calculating supply 16,789,325) which brings us to the price of 88$ usd compared to 15549$ USD that bitcoin is currently trading.

We can see that STEEM has the potential to go big in 2018.

Before you know it steem will be $100

surprised you didn't mention the fact that as steem goes higher and higher, they amount created decreases, on my recent posts i've been getting paid out under 1/6 the steem that i do SBD and I think this could make people realize it will be harder and harder to create it which will increase demand

More people --> reward pool get's split over more people ---> Steem and SBD become harder to obtain --> Value goes up --> more people want in.

It will for sure!

Your right it is frustrating at times when you see the price dropping and you try to take some profits out or see a dip and try to buy in, when there’s a mad rush in or out it overwhelms the system. Normally everything works smoothly , but when bitcoin, or litecoin starts shooting up to new highs,might not be the best time to get in.
But I feel your frustrations, took me a while to get coinbase after chasing the rest asking for all kinds of verification such a s Gemini , but again coinbase worked out.

Great post, there is some logic in your statements. I think that will also be the reason that decentralize exchange platforms like bitshares will reach the moon. Because they do accepts anonymous accounts.

I think I have one more reason, as more and more people get to know about steem and competition rises among general users, more people would start investing in Steem for steem power. Plus they will start liking the project and word of mouth will play its role taking steem prices to the moon. HODL your STEEEEEEEEEEEM

True story! It´s still way too complicated to get fiat into and out of the market. Although it gets easier once you set up everything. Also due to the strict AML and KYC rules, people have to make huge effort before they are able to invest and then will most likely stay with their chosen platform for some time. Interesting to see, how sluggish this market is in the end, when every coin is promising "instant" money transfers.

I think the value of steem grows only if the community provides descent value.

That is a nice opinion and concept. I am holding some litecoin and a bit of other cryptocurrency. I can't really sell them immediately like what you mentioned which is quite true. I did invest a bit of steem even though not much but I am posting and commenting daily to build my steem. This platform has potential and I want to be an active member here!

Let it grow please

Thanks for the information great post. Have a Blessed Sunday.

I totally agree with you, Steem price can easily reach $20 soon.
Steemit is the only crypto that solves all the problems in one platform.

@jrcornel - I really hope Steem and SBD are adopted in the Binance platform before long. They provide good service at low rates without all that melodrama around account opening.

HOLA ,toda una odisea ..éxitos en el futuro@pedrolavado

that is so true bro, it's so hard to move, and a lot of the companies like Ripple, Chris Larsen has all his money parked there, he can't move any of that anytime soon. not to mention the people vested from the beginning, most are believers, and the masses are trying like hell to pour more money in, despite the difficulties... i think all the positives of the blockchain are there PLUS now it's actually GETTING COOL & TRENDY to be in crypto, and the economists can't price that either ... the future is bright !!

I'm with you

I'm interested to hear your opinions regarding the right or wrongness of inter token exchange being a taxable event. Personally, I think it is a ludicrous law. Just shows that the people running the country have no idea what is going on. your thoughts?

The Steem ecosystem is the most developed social media blockchain solution. I think Steem will be like the Digg of the 2000s before something more intuitive comes along and we see a decline. But I predict that is at least a year out and the price will increase until that time.

as someone new to the cryptocurrency world, this was really informative. Thanks

Tell your friend that his billing address CAN NOT be a P.O. Box.
Coinbase does not accept debit cards or accounts if the mailing address is a P.O. Box.
Anybody interested can read more in this post:
I just learned that Coinbase keept their promise!

nice article, thanks

For people who understand the power of Steemit based on a new era of blockchain, this is just the beginning. Investing in it, in my opinion is a sure way to grow your investment and be a part of something that will represent a strong segment of our future.