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1 - Stand down from your hostile takeover and remove those fake witnesses.
2 - Retract all your Twitter insults calling us hackers, we're community elected witnesses.
3- Stop spreading lies and misinformation on Twitter, it's only hurting your reputation. The whole world is watching you.
3 - You dragged your friends at the exchanges into this. It's not our job to fix their mess with shorter powerdowns. You compensate them.
5 - You didn't do your due diligence when Ned sold you. Your problem, he should compensate you, not us.
6 - Educate yourself and learn more about our community and blockchain mechanics. Your lack of understanding and disregard to your community is making things worse.

Meditate, reflect and do those things, then we'll talk.

I DO NOT WANT your vote because that stake you bought was NOT MEANT TO VOTE.
I DO NOT WANT the exchanges vote because they were NOT MEANT TO VOTE.

For those who re just catching up right now, that s how this post looked like before editing.

Oh my gosh, this is the first nice thing I've ever seen you do aside from high level moves, thank you!

Back peddling like a MF lol...

I think this should be saved so the community will not look bad. It's a blockchain and anything edited stays here forever :

What an idiot this guy (child) is, it is on the blockchain forever fool, lmao! #steemISNOTtron #savesteem #SteemHostileTakeOver #SteemNotSteemit #SteemitIsDeadLongLiveSteem #wheresoursteem

we're community elected witnesses.

Well, elected by the oligarchy/kleptocracy, anyways.

You dragged your friends at the exchanges into this.

Yeah, that was bad.
The exchanges need to made aware that severe consequences come from hijacking stake to take a political position.

You didn't do your due diligence when Ned sold you. Your problem, he should compensate you, not us.
Educate yourself and learn more about our community and blockchain mechanics. Your lack of understanding and disregard to your community is making things worse.

Yep. +1

Thanks for staying in the struggle to free us.

You forgot to answer #11 hahahaha

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I'll let others do the fucking.

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

ROFL to that gif!

:) Good One!

Since you are the top comment (at the time of writing this comment), I'm adding a link to the history of the original post for anyone to see what the comments reacted to.

Coincidentally using your service.

We have got more attention with our "We Dont Accept Tron Anymore" Ad than any other ad we have run for SteemVPN.

if item 1 is done , I am sure 50% of problems will be solved.

Actions speak louder than words

Justin talk to the witnesses and ask what can you expect in return of item 1?

??? I guess I didn´t get you right, who had taken over in the first step the stake from Sun ???

At this present time this discussion don´t leads nowhere, there will be more damages than benefits for Steem, the community and Sun.
The witnesses had taken action without any need and playing God like many times before, nice try !

Come back to earth and think about the other side and their situation, what would you do when you come somewhere buy a part of the asset and get frozen you asset on the next day by people you already not now and you even don´t now that this is possible. How would you feel than? Good? I don´t think so.
At this time you blame yourself as a person who claims from the other side to educate and learn, this should be some thing what needs to be done on your side too, so its not a good advice ;)

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

you're not a pirate drakos? no way! XD
Well I posted my opinion down there I'm just a mere content creator though, I recast my votes yesterday, still 2 to go. But I hope it is ready as a statement that this is not the way and parts need to talk.
hope this all pass and we can all grow. Who knows he may even like this place :) if bothering to know us, we're a sassy eclectic tribe, flaws and all.


  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

The fact that you say "steemit witnesses" shows how uninformed you are.

Steemit is not a blockchain.

It has no witnesses.

The point is that cooler heads need to prevail here. Anyone writing on Steem, wants Steem to thrive. I for one hope the finger pointing can stop (from both sides) and we can figure this out.

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

LMAO, the fact that you are calling me out on a typo shows me how pathetic and bias you are!! Wanna lay out any real facts to this comment or just be a fucking prick?

Funny that was the only thing you read. A typo.
I see bias all over this chain, and if people are not ready to reach an agreement to make things work, we're all fucked.

@moderndayhippie is right. Witnesses have always been centralized on here. back then, it didn't matter how many people voted. Some of the best witnesses were never at the top. Just a group of friends voted in by 2 people freedom/pumpkin.

It's an outcry now because Sun is doing the same thing.

I'm in no way justifying what he did, but have we all completely lost our minds on here? When has retaliating hostility with hostility ever worked?

Hi @lukestokes

That is simply game of words. i cant remember how often did I make mistake saying steemit instead of steem and the other way around.

one doesnt exist without the other.

And also @moderndayhippie had a good point. Soft fork was first low blow and shouldn't ever happened.

We pre-emptively acted to prevent something like this, then it happened, point proven. His plan was to dump and exit, or haven't you heard?

Oh, I must of missed that memo... So you know for a fact what his plan was? You have insider information? Can you please reference this material and tell me where you got it from?

Oh yeah, and great job on stopping him from doing exactly this! ;)

So you're telling me that because the witnesses made a malicious pre-emptive strike on speculation, period. Then Sun retaliated, period. We don't know if one wouldve happened without the other.. So how does that make you "right" on knowing his actions for Steemit? DO YOU REALIZE HOW STUPID YOU SOUND? LoL..

I have watched every podcast, read every tweet and kept close watch on all of this... Just cuz your bias doesn't mean your right ;)

god you are thick. freezing that money was the only proper play. he was testing out his coup on tron right after he bought steemit. freezing the accounts wasnt an attack and everything would be fine right now if he talked to the witnesses before centalizing the chain.

you done got fooled by the biggest scammer in the space. in ten years youll feel like a fool for defending him. every decentralized community will banish people like justin sun in the future. cutthroat capitalism has no place here.

Dear @edicted

god you are thick. freezing that money was the only proper play.

I respect you, but are you saying that since witnesses and group of people around them assumed that this solution is the only solution - then those who disagree need to be insulted?

I voted on witnesses, but I have no trust that they will change. It's so sad and obvious that they do not care and never did about "small users" and communities on steem blockchain. And it's sad to see that anyone who disagree is considered and threated as an enemy.

every decentralized community will banish people like justin sun in the future. cutthroat capitalism has no place here.

and yet, we do not have decentralized community. It's just group of powerful people who are part of one party, which is absolutely rulling this blockchain. And whoever oppose them -is being destroyed or silenced. Sad but true.

Yours, Piotr

Hey @crypto.piotr, here is a little bit of BEER from @moderndayhippie for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking.

Bro, thank you for explaining that! I am so tired of trying to explain my shit to bias steemians.

I honestly hate the witnesses just as much as i hate the tron buyout. However, instead of being bias I just try to look at it from each side and then make a decision. No one seems to remember how the bidbots (the witnesses owned) nearly destroying steemit/steem before the fork. They definitely don't have our best interest at heart.

Thanks again for your support. You deserve a !BEER ;) Take care friend.

that's actually something we can agree on. I've stated multiple times any witness who developed a bidbot is a leech.

The problem with hating on the current witnesses is that there aren't really any other devs that are bringing a ton of value and deserve those spots more.

I shouldn't be insulting, I'm just mad AF that so many misinformed people are spreading their misinformation and coming to completely bogus conclusions. No one cared that much about this situation until the exchanges attacked us. Once the exchanges attacked us everybody cared. Most of the people lambasting the witnesses started at the attack and worked there way backwards looking for someone to blame. They completely ignore the events that led up to 0.22.2, which is absolutely absurd.

Steem is a gold mine. There is a ton of money to be made here, for everyone. The witnesses aren't stopping anyone from making money. It's just that the gold is laced in solid rock and extracting it takes a lot of work and development. Once this place has more development you'll see how many jobs it spawns for the community.

I'm Thick? LMAO, i don't even know what that means, but it sounds as stupid as your reasoning... Hahahaha..

I didn't get fooled by anyone.. I hate both sides equally and just want witnesses that really care about the community, not just getting rich off of scamming everyone else on steemit/steem blockchain.

I mean seriously bro, how can you not see how the top 20 witnesses have been fucking everyone on this platform for years?? (think bidbots, ect) How could you miss this?? Apparently you are the only getting fooled here.. LoLz...

You're really not mad at me, it's called transference, its ok bro, I still love ya ;) Why don't you put your aggression towards something that matters, not towards other steemians?? Just a thought.. I wish you the best. Take care..

If we actually had real programmers bringing real value to the network they'd be upvoted to the top witness spot immediately. We don't have that yet. Get over it.

I agree bro.. IF we had REAL programmers.. Seriously, we are on the same side you just dont realize it.. i have no issues with u.. i hate the shitty fake ass witnesses that have done nothing but rape this beautiful platform and i think their recent actions prove that they are self serving assholes.

i think steem could be the most powerful blockchain around but everyone is more concerned with raping the community to enrich themselves.. thats why im mad.. i fucking hate this whole tron thing, i really do.. i just like seeing the witnesses who fucked us for so long get a taste of their own medicine.. maybe that makes me a fucking prick, but i guess im ok with that cuz im tired of getting fucked by the same people who are suppose to be "on our side".......

Acted for yourselves to protect your witness positions, without telling the community about it.

With the way that witnesses/steemit inc meeting went, I don't think he had any motive to vote in witnesses. He did it because he wanted to protect his stake. That fact is as clear as day.

Also, some of you have zero negotiating skill and have no business being in such a meeting.

Sun wasn't going to dump steem. He's a businessman, he'd want his steem to be profitable and he'd sell them for profits.

Acted for yourselves to protect your witness positions, without telling the community about it.

Is this why 95% of the witnesses adopted the soft fork 0.22.2, why the biggest takeholders endorsed it, and why the community has been rallying to vote for us to restore governance?

Sun wasn't going to dump steem.

He literally said he wanted to make money and exit, that's a pump and dump if you don't know how to read between the lines.

You do know how to select words to make someone else look bad...
Steemit inc basically highlighted things they'd like to do for the community, yet everyone conveniently left that out.

As far as I'm concerned, when he said he was here to make a profit and then leave, he wasn't talking about dumping at all. That was his poor English getting in the way.

You chose to ignore everything else he said, and settled for the ones that sat well with you.

and why the community has been rallying to vote for us to restore governance?

As far as we're concerned, the community is rallying to support you because we don't support what Justin did by taking over the chain. Which should have never happened if you knee-jerkers didn't freeze his stake for your selfish reason in the first place.

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

OMG, I'm honored to get a reply from THE @BERNIESANDERS! holy shit, i feel privileged! But wait, where is the downvote that comes along with it?? LoL..

I guess I don't see the issue? Yes he is going to use his vote to stake now, but how can he trust the top witnesses after the pre-emptive strike? To me it seems like he wants to put people in there that have the same ideals as him to help push steemit to the next level.. This may have never happened if he didn't get his funds frozen, so i guess we reap what we sow.

honestly the top 20 witnesses have never given a fuck about me, i have seen them rape this chain and the community for nearly 3 years.. they are just mad they are loosing their power and free lunch.. The witnesses fucked people for years with bidbots, but we should be fine with that right? Cuz they are one of us??

Don't get this confused Mr. Sanders, I do not like justin sun or tron one bit, but I am sick and tired of how the top witnesses have fucked over this chain and done nothing but profit off of it.. Maybe we need a shake up in management.. Maybe Justin Sun does want steemit to do well so he can make money off his investment.. I honestly don't know or care in all reality... All i do know is that top witnesses did something really fucking dirty and now we are all paying the price for it.. But for some reason, i am supposed to still have their backs?? I think not, they won't even answer my comments.. LoL

Be mad at me all you want, thats ok, it's called transference and I am here for you buddy ;) Downvote the fuck out of me for having an opposing agreement, cuz let's be honest, that's what you do ;) But you know what, that is alright, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and actions.. Take care friend.. I honestly wish you nothing but the best with all this cuz i know you are much much much more heavily invested in steem then me.. Good luck.

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

I think your approach is harsh and cold, but I agree with the general premise you are asserting.

In a nut shell, Sun bought steemit inc, and yes that did include the ninja stake. Like it or lump it, thats his, and however ned operated, or whatever hand shake deal he had is not applicable to Sun.

If we wanted that stake to be unable to vote, we should have codified that into reality, not trusted the key holder.

In the end, I hope the witnesses see that Sun wants this to succeed too. Help him, help Steem.

My response is pretty shitty, you're right there!! I hate being this way but I have been nothing but berated for the last week so I have lost all of my "niceness".. Sorry friend.. I'm just beat down at this point..

It wasn't a hostile freezing of assets. It was a pre-emptive enforcing of previously arranged agreements with Steemit, when Justin bought Steemit, he was bound by the agreements of Steemit.

OMG, you are so brilliant! How could I ever fight this dumb ass remark?? LoLz..

Please send me these references that everyone keeps quoting about, cuz I can't find them! There were some "promises" by @ned, that is in no way, shape, or form of a binding contract! But you are a lawyer that knows so much right? So please please please tell me all about this "promise" law, cuz apparently I missed that while I was in law school!.. So I would love to hear your expertise on this situation.. Lmao.. Until then, FUCK OFF!

Sarcasm followed by hostile and foul language, no point in trying to respond reasonably with someone who clearly just wants to be "right" and has no interest in an actual discussion. There is zero need to be so rude, have a great day!

I find it convenient that you want to back out of this conversation because you have no real proof of @neds promises or this "promise law" you brought up. Blame it on me for being rude or whatever you helps you sleep at night, I really don't care.

To set the record straight I honestly don't give a fuck about being "right" or "wrong", I don't know you and your opinion means absolutely nothing to me. But you can tell yourself whatever makes you happy..

I just want people to actually use their brains and see what is really going on here.. we have two terrible factions fighting over steem/steemit and the top witnesses (who have raped us for years and got us into this mess with a pre-emptive strike) now want us to join "their side"... I choose to not support either side, they are both wrong, it's really that simple.. You can agree or disagree, I don't care. After this, there are no winners here.

Write back, don't write back, whatever suits you is fine.. Take care.

You started with sarcasm, mocking and ended with telling me to "f#ck off", why would I take anything you say seriously?

I actually agree with you @moderndayhippie, that soft fork was nothing more than provocation (first low blow within this conflict).

Thanks @crypto.piotr, It's nice to know other steemians can see things for what they are.. I have been getting downvoted relentlessly since I started speaking out against the witnesses/whales.. It honestly is so bad that I am going to power down and cash out because I can't be on a platform that lies so bad about being "decentralized" while obviously being a totalian regime. It's basically go with the status quo or be destroyed by them.. LoL.. Not quite the "decentralization" I was looking for.. It's really sad considering I have been on this platform for over 2.5 years.. But at least I can see things for how they really are now :/ Take care my friend. I wish you the best of luck!

Are you willing to support Steemit, Inc. in accomplishing their job to increase our token value

You mean the company that all of the developers who built Steem quit from, because they couldn't stand working for you?

Why would any intelligent person support that empty shell?

Nice job mismanaging it into the ground within just a few short weeks.

ROFL. Good luck.

Nice job mismanaging it into the ground within just a few short weeks.

He's definitely better than @ned in that regards.

Yes you could call that "more efficient".


Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:


All the developers not able to step away from Beta?
For 3 years?

What a developers...

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

I think that Sun's account on Steemit has been either hacked or someone else from Steemit Inc has access to it and wrote this bullshit.
It's hard to believe that he would write such vulagar and ignorant bullshit after the live talk with witnesses just over a day ago. This post appears like he didn't listen to them and all he said there was bullshit, and he has not made an effort to explore and understand further how STEEM blockchain really works.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

It's hard to believe that he would write such vulagar and ignorant bullshit

Check your hero worship. I can confirm from very reliable sources that he posted it himself.

This post appears like he didn't listen to them and all he said there was bullshit, and he has not made an effort to explore and understand further how STEEM blockchain really works.

^ This

I have never worshipped this twat, obviously. Neither have I ever liked and supported anything about this guy (which you can see by the upvoting actions taken by SC to support anyone who is against him).
I was already told that it is him.
I had not known his history of behavior, only his conduct during recent conversation with witnesses which seemed more less stable.
So I suspected a hack as it appeared like a complete retard wrote it.
So conclusion is: He is cognitively deficient and emotionally unstable.
I said the same to Ned in his ridiculous script-reading Discord chat that he opened 2 days ago.

Well said. Sorry for the misinterpretation.

As a so call business man, is this the language and attitude you normally use to conduct business correspondence? Did your mentor not teach you any manners? Drop your ego and attitude and you might gain some real friends instead of those losers on wechat

I think you're responding to the wrong thing.

The problem of working on mobile and an active post

manners??? did you listen to how the steemit witnesses talked to him in the most recent podcast? It was pathetic! They have zero tact, zero manners and were whiney little bitches cuz they lost the fight. Maybe you should listen to that before you make assertions about him being disrespectful.. This was all the top witnesses fault for pre-emptively striking and you wanna talk about manners?? LMAO..

I thought that for the most part, their manners were fine.

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

Well you have obviously never been in a business meeting where shit needs to get accomplished.. Thats ok tho, most people havent been.. ;)

LOL. Obviously, you've never been in a business meeting where multiple sides have opposing viewpoints. Contentious business meetings happen all the time and often lead to very productive outcomes...eventually.

LoL.. Damn Moe, you are brilliant! 😉 whybwould i ever argue with a moron genius like u? You obviously know EVERYTHING! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂👍😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Take it easy there, buddy. We're just having a conversation. I treat you in the same manner you treat me.

Yeah that´s true they give a shit on his side of the view, he bought a stake and its totally equal what the stake is named or what its for, stake is stake, and if there comes some stupid anarchist round the corner and freeze it (his and not their) stake like hostile to justify him and teach him how the community here works, this might be the biggest mistake ever.

Better think twice before acting in a wrong manner , its cheaper ;)

Hey thank you @itflagtrash, yeah I noticed that directly after publication, this is just the reaction on the shit what happend before (I did mention that this will happen) when the old witnesses took over (or freeze) the Ninjastake from Justin.
So for me this is nothing surprising at all.

Yes, the above post by Justin is a true masterpiece of strategy, tact and wisdom.

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

stop spamming dude

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

C'mon, he could still pull a rabbit out of that hat, iyam.

Thanks for staying in the struggle to free ourselves from slave masters.


I am Justin Sun and I bought 70 million STEEM with my hard earned money.

You brought Steemit Inc.
The trust that was put into it's previous owner to secure the community's pre-mine is not transferable.

The funny thing is, at least ned had some semblence of a community outlook. Justin on the other hand:

'Wow the majority of this scum want things done differently? I will stamp them out and rule over this empty blockchain until its FILLED with casinos and Korean milk cartons mwhahaha, fuck the people I spent millions on trying to own'

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

Couldn't agree more and never trusted him from the first time I saw him doing the live interview. Shady as hell and wriggles too much and never sits still.

That will be the anal beads, he's mad for them apparently

It has crossed my mind why so much wiggling and that makes more sense now. Thanks for clearing that conundrum up.

I live to help!

It would also appear that he doesn't discriminate, he's allowing everyone the chance to "get down and dirty" with him, regardless of age, if they don't like him.


I saw that, for a moment I was all like well, I will literally fuck anything... but ultimately there are some lines that should never be crossed. ;0D

Just about spit out my tea when I read this. LOL.

This is funny as fuck.


I'm so sorry man. Please don't even consider it again, it makes you look bad.


Not as bad as it works look of I was literally doing it

Will need to dig out my spurs and hat...

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

I agree with this, but Bernie you have such an extreme lack of basic communicative skills that nobody wants to take you serious anymore.

Who are you? Oh right, nobody that matters. Move along boy.

I thought the community always mattered in this situation. Gogreenbuddy is part of this community. Hmmm

There you are, perfect communication skills.

People take time to realize. But, You were exceptional! Always...!

100% this.

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

We’ve all been getting fucked over by @ned for four years. This is @justinsunsteemit’s first time, so he’s working through some feelings, lol

Hard-earned VC and ICO money, oh how this man slaved

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

Poor little steemy...

Just more slave wages not paid to the slaves,....

All hail, crapitalism!

You have a strange logic.
So, there is a pool right?

a) To sell it
b) To save it until forever

If the answer is b)

  • why was it ever produced
  • why wasn't it hard-locked
  • why wasn't it burned
  • or redistributed

Take your time...

The trust? If you can trust him, then he won't convert the trust to cash

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

Hard earned washing dishes or something?

So the "not transferable" part is only...let's say a "gentlemen agreement" on trust?
Or is it a clause in a contract, to be hold accountable for?

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:


@pfunk please explain. @justinsunsteemit is openly trying to buy witnesses using the ninjamined stake. He is like nuke-bombing the community. If the community survives, fighters should be rewarded and not neutrality.

The witnesses are not interested in plunder and I'm confident most of the community isn't either.

@pfunk how can the Steem community continue to exist with Justin TRON controlling the ninjamined stake? He broke the non-vote contract already (as well as some exchanges).

Should a hard-fork exist, I understand that stake will NOT be part of STEEM cap (else Justin Sun would be part of the new fork as well).

So this would create a "deflation" in the post-Justin Sun fork. That could be seen as "plunder" as well (benefiting from the evaporation of the ninjamined stake).

So in my view it's not a question of plunder o nor plunder. It's just a question of rewarding neutrality or rewarding active involvement.

PS: I really hope you are not naive to think a fork including justin sun ninjamined stake wont result in him using that stake to disrupt the newly created chain.


When I hodl them, I want to vote for witnesses with good hearts who truly care about our community.

First you said you don't want to have anything to do with governance and now this? You're constantly lying!

Here is the proof:

Working together relies on trust and your constant back-paddling makes this nearly impossible.

was thinking the same. you can't make this shit up

Even very young babies lie, don't you know that?

We need to get a signed contract out of him telling not to vote for witnesses it seems. That way he can't easily back out the next day.

Next time, play this:

why you always lyin.jpg

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment



There is NO WAY you will ever exert the kind of control over STEEM that you have over TRON.

Not a single person here will bow down to you.

There is only 1 thing you can do if you want to make your investment a lucrative one. Listen to what the witnesses have to say. If you drop your ego and accept our terms you WILL GET YOUR MONEY BACK, YOU WILL GAIN COMMUNITY SUPPORT AND YOU WILL BOOST YOUR INVESTMENT. Remove your sock puppet accounts! If you do so we can talk

Not a single person here will bow down to you.

One comes to mind...

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

You have 0 technical knowledge how steem code works so your questions are inaprioprate and inadequate because you don't understand what you ask for.

For example you dont understand how disastrous and exploitable 3 days powerdown could be on technical and economy level.

You lost steemit devs, who have this knowledge.

Good luck trying to tell anybody what to do here.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

How many with working free transactions and a community that will throw down?

My own bank has free transactions...

It's really nothing special...

If it is something special, someone would recognize it, after 3 years.

Your bank charges fees.
How many poor people has your bank jerked an extra 40usd from because they were too poor to maintain a balance?

F**k your bank.

My bank cost 1,5 EUR per month, it works.

Fcuk the poor. If they are worth something, they would be paid more

I lost brain cells reading your comments.


I lost a lot of them while working on a project that had free labor force and managed to earn 0 $ in a year :D

What a great project it was, with so many dedicated professionals

And so, so many valuable open source project that changed the world

LOL ^ 2

Exactly, so when we rule over you, you can just get used to it, yes?

Fortunately, you communists with 2-3 neurons are not able to actually do anything

I'm not always a fan of your style. But when a common enemy appears, this always brings a smile. I've enjoyed the Haejin episodes, but this is truly the best show so far.


  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Here is the original post from @justinsunsteemit:

But @berniesanders, he worked so hard to create that scam-ICO-Shitcoin that enables so much gambling which was already being done in other ways 😂😂😂 how can you question Justins hard-work? 💩

Are your 4s in reverence to death in Mandarin?

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

I'm not a witness, but I would like to stop the war so that we can move forward. We all lose unless we all take a step back. We don't need further escalation, we need an agreement asap

  1. I believe in the sanctity of private property.

  2. Many Witnesses consider 7 days as acceptable, this is probably the best possible chance for a joint agreement, so yes, 7 days.

  3. We need downvotes to balance this blockchain. Downvotes should be able to be removed from communities with SMTs, but not from the main chain.

  4. Yes.

  5. I'm willing to keep a good relationship with prestigious exchanges.

  6. I'm willing to protect the rights of the community members.

  7. I'am willing to support Steemit, Inc.

  8. I'am willing to increase STEEM token value.

  9. I'am willing to welcome new investors.

  10. I'am willing to always stick to the truth.

  11. I welcome Justin Sun to this community.

Fully agreed!


Your post was downvoted for offensive language.
Never mind your points, you have obvious emotional and anger management issues.

  1. Are you willing to keep a good relationship with prestigious exchanges and increase our STEEM token value or do you just want to fuck them?
    8.Are you willing to increase STEEM token value that benefits the whole community or do you only care about your own interest and don’t give a fuck about the real community?
    9.Are you willing to welcome new investors in the future and include everyone into our community or do you just want to fuck those new investors, freeze their investment and kick them out?
    11.Do you like Justin Sun or you just want to fuck him?

You use the work F*CK in 4 of your 11 points. This language is unbecoming of a community leader.

Please calm down take some anger management and speak to the community you are trying to buy out when you learn some manners.

Here I thought I used vulgarity a lot when annoyed at someone.

Well then, I certainly wouldn't want to make you angry or annoied. Have a warm glass of milk and a nap next time you get upset to avoid using profanity.

Don't tell me what the fuck to do you little coin skeptic piece of shit!

Don't tell me what the
Fuck to do you little coin
Skeptic piece of shit!

                 - acidyo

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I'm on a roll.


Here I thought I used
Vulgarity a lot when
Annoyed at someone.

                 - acidyo

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

And here's @haikubot with the perfect timing!

Yeesh. Should I go censor my response now?

It's quite unbecoming of a business professional. Naughy.
Censorship is up to you. I cannot edit and censor your posts until Justin gives me permission to be the official morality and social cohension enforcement officer.

I used to deal with a lot of disgruntled employees. When you're in a leadership role, one of the best ways to get through to someone is to show them you're not perfect. It helps them relax instead of viewing you as some kind of idol standing high on a pedestal. A few f-bombs, when used calmly, and a no bullshit attitude often puts the disgruntled employee at ease. Sometimes they'll laugh, and some of the angry emotions they were experiencing dissipates. Then you can get down to brass tacks and talk to these people as equals. They'll open up more instead of making things worse.

Personally, I don't look down on people when they choose to speak their own language. But hey, I was only joking with my response to you. We don't need to fight about this shit. We're far too cool for that.

I just felt like taking the moral highground. Im not Justins manager, but if Inwas I would tell him to take a cold shower and a nap.

Maybe later I'll get higher than Justin and consider his offer no. 11. There is a k-pop song by a band called Twice with the lyrics "you have two choices....yes or yes." It is sung by people more attractive than justin.

Moral highground. You know what dude? I want this community to settle these matters. I'm not going start acting like a troll. I want to say I wouldn't even fuck him with your dick, but is this the right time and place for jokes? ;)

I think we all hope for a positive settlement. I don't think there will be much in terms of morals or ethics left. If those are qualities you look for in witnesses good luck moving forward. Perhaps 20 proxy witnesses will be right as then there is only 1 soul to manage.

Hmm, this kind of thinking may best be reserved for after the dust settles. Or is this an oppertunity to work out age old issues on Steem.

There is never an inappropriate place for human on the Internet. That's what Al Gore invented it for after all.

There were be a beneficial mutual agreement soon. That's my prediction. Win win. But not the bullshit kind of win win we've been hearing lately. A real win win.

Additionally, this post should have the #NSFW tag.

Good call, but I don't look at those posts.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Ok. Found it. proceeds to think about Justin I'm losing it. Hold on. nsfw activity Alright done.

Great answers, but I can't stop laughing after no.11. :D

Good answer for 11. LOL

Dear Users from Korea,

I think this post is aimed mostly at you as it is in line with some of the ideas that you would like to see, like no downvotes.

Now, I totally see why some of you would like to have a single person in charge - in most cases this is far more effective type or management. Also Sun is mostly know for having money and I'm sure that a profitable return from your STEEM investment is what you would finally want to see.

Yet, just please do a quick research about Tron:
Do you see any Tron dapps here?
So let's look further:
That's... sad. Only few generic gambling apps with very low number of users (bots?).

Tron is an empty, centralized blockchain managed by one person. No one uses it, no one wants to use it, no one wants to build on it. Do you want STEEM to meet the same fate?

Sun will eventually run out of money. I know, he's great in making noise about himself but that's pretty much it.

As for STEEM - it's gonna take time for crypto industry to realize how much potential STEEM has thanks to it's greatest value - us, the community. With Justin in charge this will be lost.

I totally agree that STEEM needs a viable economic model (ads, financial services, gaming?) but sadly, none of that can be provides by Justin.

PS. Tried to set @steem.dao as beneficiary but the comment didn't go trough with this setting :(

Thanks @cardboard for nicely provide useful informations: as always, you're very polite!

!BEER !giphy many+thanks

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

This is another bribe, plain and simple.
You're pandering to the Korean community.

Aside from copy and pasting some of the Korean community's requests you're not saying anything constructive in this post. Nor does it seem that you have a plan on a way forward.

If you really care about "the community" you should stop talking and start listening. That's where real communication begins.

Good job spotting this one!

Dude will never ever listen.

Setting up ultimatums will just make things worst, break the community and make everyone losers, you the most.

Seat down and talk with a limited number of community representatives. A win win solution can be found.

Also this post is quite immature from you side @justinsunsteemit

Put your emotions in place.

29 is the new 9

Yep only 29 ... I guess he had a rich parents

Lol, what do you think of witness down votes now?

Not sure, I'd have to think about how that would work out when there is someone voting with 75M ninja-mined non-voting STEEM, plus access to vote with customer funds on corrupt and/or incompetent exchanges.

Them are long odds to prevail on.
How about symbolic down votes just to register community displeasure?

Aah, they'd just automate them, and casual users would misinterpret them.

Exciting times, lots of potential in the air.

When I saw this, I thought you were coming with a nice proposal to gather our communities.

But now you are pushing your own agenda and not caring about what we have built on #STEEM !

How can you be so oblivious to see that the value of Steem is its community !

And we do not want a 3 days power down or anything else listed.

Sorry but I believe this situation might worsen.




Thankyou for posting, Justin. The value of this community goes where the community does.
If we have to hardfork, then we will; and almost everyone will move to the new chain.
Many of us meet in person to buy/sell, and in time the strength of this community would mean new exchange listings.
The old witnesses did what they did to avoid this hardfork, for your sake.
Not theirs, not mine, yours.
My stake would go to the new chain, their stake, their witness positions, their followers, all moving over to the new chain. The only person left behind, holding a worthless coin would be you. They didn't want that. I don't want that.
When they froze your stake, they knew the clock was ticking. Many of us would vote for timcliff, blockbrothers, etc (witnesses opposing the fork) if they failed to actively pursue a reasonable solution that would maintain and increase the value of your investment, because we don't want anyone to regret investing in the chain we love.
If you want to profit, trust us; work with us.
The world is watching this drama unfold. Let's show them what we're capable of.

Won't work

too reasonable


This is just ridiculous.

To be honest my long reply was overkill because this is correct.

and just when people in last nights MSP waves were talking about how to give him an out and find a compromise, lol pretty sure this post is 2 or 10 steps back

I just exceeded my daily allowance of salt lol

Holy shitballs

Lol well we got hit with our first case of Corona today so fuckit who cares about steem or anything anymore, get me some seeds and let me live in isolation im out bitches

Justin Sun,

when you purchased Steemit, Inc and their ~70 million SP the very first thing you did was to announce to world that you are going to dismantle the Steem blockchain and move everything and everyone over to Tron.

Do you seriously think that was a good trust building move? Did you have any idea whatsoever what you bought into?

If I had been in your position, I would've taken some time to take stock of the community and the other major stakeholders on Steem - before purchasing the company in the first place.

I don't think bribery will get you very far. Neither will violence. You are not the PRC and we are not your Hong Kong. If you burn this house down, we'll set up shop elsewhere without you.

All that said, I think there still could be a mutually profitable way out of this.

  1. Let's hire the developers who quit to do one more job: finish testing and fixing SMTs. Roll the SMT protocol out.

  2. You use your influence and connections to market the SMT protocol to websites that can benefit from tokenizing their user experience.

  3. Market the shit out of the ecosystem.

  4. When the STEEM price goes up, you sell your stake at a very good profit. You are a businessman. We all like money.

  5. We let bygones be bygones and part in good terms.

What do you think?

Justing :

Can't compute

Too Sensible

Need my way or highway ...incoming tweet storm

Hey with my hard earned posts I generated thousands of STEEM tokens before you showed up and just bought them. Don't fuck this platform up, we love Steemit because it is decentralized and fairly un censorable.

Work on on-boarding new users and stop fighting with the users who have been on this platform through the good times and the down times here.

it is decentralized and fairly un censorable.

Sure, a rookie has 20 power, strong members 1000-10000 and top dogs have millions
So decentralized :D

Screenshot from 20200305 180930.png

That's obviously a tough question to answer !!!

  1. Are you willing to remove the down-voting policy of STEEM blockchain?

This really sends home the message of your alignment w spammers, scammers, plagiarists and other forms of token manipulators.

If you dislike negative curation, why didn't buy a token like WhaleShares? Oh, I forgot... Because that token doesn't have meaningful value to be exploited...

Whereas Steem does and much of that can be attributed to negative curation / moderation activities (such as our group at @steemflagrewards) that would be impossible without the downvote feature. We help minimize downward pressure on token value by engaging these manipulators which is often a thankless task. Under your leadership, I have little faith these activities will resume in the capacity they ought. This post solidifies that in my mind.

Indeed, it is a feature which you readily express intent to discard perhaps because you disagree w some instances of it's use.

Every heard the expression "Don't throw the baby out w the bathwater". That's precisely what you are doing. Not wise for your investment to be perfectly frank.

@justinsunsteemit - I think your accounts been hacked, by someone quite sweary.

Might be :p

Either that or he hasn't slept for 5 days. This doesn't sound like the product of a rational financial brain.

True. Not sure it was working properly before either tho :D

That was my first thought. But then being hacked is almost as embarrassing as this message

Probably those damn witness hackers are behind it. 😎

Lol.. I was about to say the same. Was never a fan of Justin, but I did not expect him to write so poorly and vulgar

Lol, that's exactly what I asked him




This is how you make peace, Justin, with fighting words? Why delete your words, if you stand by them --- that's what gas lighting dictators do?!

Show more humility, man, and respect for the rich and diverse community you’ve ‘partnered’ with.

We are not here to be bought and sold, or lied to or bullied.

We are willing to walk through fire to protect the community we created through hard work and love.


Justin Sun talking about "our community" makes zero sense since he has and never will be a part of this community.


That really does say it all and speaks to me about the sincerity.

Did you have a chance to read the original post? It’s much less diplomatic.

Why yes I did, I happened to be present just as he posted it. Immediately knew this would be a very entertaining day in steem land.

Original Post

@Justinsunsteemit witness voting policy
My idea came from @proxy.token.
I am Justin Sun and I bought 70 million STEEM with my hard earned money. When I hodl them, I want to vote for witnesses with good hearts who truly care about our community. Also they have to be a true believer of the sanctity of private property and love our community!
So here we go!
The witnesses I vote for need to upgrade to 22.5 hard fork.
Request opinion to witnesses

  1. Are you willing to believe the sanctity of private property or do you just want to take innocent people’s hard earned money under toxic “consensus”?
  2. Are you willing to shorten the SP power-down period to 3-7 days from the current period?
  3. Are you willing to remove the down-voting policy of STEEM blockchain?
  4. Are you willing to introduce smart contracts into the STEEM block chain?
  5. Are you willing to keep a good relationship with prestigious exchanges and increase our STEEM token value or do you just want to fuck them?
  6. Are you willing to protect the rights of the community members or do you just want to hurt and destroy those you disagree with?
    7.Are you willing to support Steemit, Inc. in accomplishing their job to increase our token value or do you just want to stab them in the back for your own interest?
    8.Are you willing to increase STEEM token value that benefits the whole community or do you only care about your own interest and don’t give a fuck about the real community?
  7. Are you willing to welcome new investors in the future and include everyone into our community or do you just want to fuck those new investors, freeze their investment and kick them out?
  8. Are you willing to always stick to the truth or will you just spread rumors to generate misunderstandings in the community and poison our community culture?
  9. Do you like Justin Sun or you just want to fuck him?
    We will vote for the witnesses after reviewing witnesses' public answers to the above questions ASAP!
    Do you have a dream to become one of the Top20 Witnesses? This is your chance!"



Thanks for putting this up. I have an odd feeling his next move will be to say something like, "All I said was hello and they attacked me!"

No, no, no. Absolutely NO.

@justinsunsteemit we talked about this and YOU said you do NOT want to be involved in community voting for blockchain governance.

I personally think you should quit contradicting yourself in public; rethink this post; edit it and recant your accusations of a malicious group of "hackers" taking over Steem.

Then show the community that you want to grow the value here. Don't just say it; do it.

LOL I can see this ending badly for you!

Dude doesn't even bother to hire someone rephrase for him anymore.
Such way to do business, how can anyone fall sheep like that?
Clear your eyes!

He got less than half the price of the market price by scammer @ned, someone who can write a post like this would probably also be ready to dump everything soon as possible.

Proof us wrong, Justin. Share your real plans and thoughts.

Hey! When I caught that meeting yesterday he was pretty clear. He said that he already had an exit planned. He said he wanted to boost the price and then sell enough to get a return for his investment. He also followed up that comment by saying that because of all this mess with the Steem Witnesses he is planning a quicker exit. haha why would he want to stay


Are you willing to remove the down-voting policy of STEEM blockchain?

Total madness. Let everyone publish plagiarism, hate speech, illegal content, and the only community response will be "ok, it's his right." Pool rape? "Ok, that's his right." Welcome to the world's most dumpster blockchain. Thank you for such a vision of the future.

I want a decentralized community and consensus witnesses.

Posted using Partiko Android

As a so call business man, is this the language and attitude you normally use to conduct business correspondence? Did your mentor not teach you any manners? Drop your ego and attitude and you might gain some real friends instead of those losers on wechat

Korea approves


If you don't understand what is happening around you, read the below to understand it.

  1. You have been cheated by @ned. Obviously he is sitting somewhere and counting the money he got from you. Go and grab it back.
  2. You have a good reputation among your followers, don't spoil it with continuous lies.
  3. Not a good idea to remove the downvote policy of the chain. If it was bad, it would have not got implemented.
  4. Before buying something, I would strongly recommend knowing before you pay and purchase. You would have bought 70 million steem but that doesn't mean that you can buy the entire community and rule them.
  5. You should reduce the number of F words you use in an announcement post. That will not make you look nice or get you what you want. Learn to be polite when you are talking in public.
  6. You should have a basic understanding about this chain and the consequences of reducing the power down period to 3 days. That gives me a 2 times chance to rape the reward pool. Not good for the chain at all.

Final note, everything in this world cannot be bought with money and control. You have to understand that.

The only solution that I can give you right now is to give Steemit Inc back to @ned and get your money back and get out of Steem Community. This community is not for you.

Well said without swearing at him :)

Well said without swearing at him :)

words are cheap, show me the code of 22.5
the most uptodate release should be 22.1, and our witnesses have communicated to us clear enough what changed with 22.2.
We trust those witnesses, and the ones running 22.5 are completely unknown to the community.

  1. your "toxic consensus" is also called decentralization. if consensus is not your thing maybe stop being on the blockchain.

  2. Powering down should not be shortned, and in the Witness meeting the witnesses have already told you what issues the short powering down period can do. you can find a copy of the video of your conversation on 3speak.

  3. downvoting is a part of the proof of brain consensus, to forexample prevent people from profiting from identity fraud and hate speech.

  4. have you heard of steem-engine?

  5. ye but if these exchanges help you attack our blockchain then fuck them. perhaps its better if we anchor steem to stellar and screw those exchanges.

  6. destroy you? do you have masochistic tendencies? pervert.... its also unhealthy to hate someone just cuz you disagree with them. seriosly please get some counceling.

  7. steem!=steemit

  8. how about you start to cooperate and work with the community and not against it. we will remain a separate blockchain with our own witnesses we trust period.

  9. we told you the stake you "bought" is owned by the community. ned had no right to sell you this stake. you cannot sell what you dont own. your legal battle should be with ned. leave us out of this.

  10. spreading rumors? sounds like the doctor who discovered Cov19? he was spreading rumors of the existance of this new virus and the CCP was asking him to stop his illegal activity. he died.

  11. this post right now makes me want to fuck him. he wants it his way or no way, without regard of other investors. this is very selfish of him.


You keep making these mistakes over and over. Just shows your lack of respect/care for Steem, the community, and decentralization overall. You have demonstrated lack of knowledge and integrity.

This situation can easily be resolved if you stop acting in a hostile manner and keep damaging your own reputation.

I would suggest to hire an adviser from within the Steem community who is knowledgeable, competent, and connected. This advisor would guide you through this drama and help you achieve a win-win resolution. It is not that complicated.

Clearly, you and your advisors have no clue about Steem, the community, and blockchain technology overall. Otherwise you would not have made all these mistakes.

Good luck!

P.S. If you are willing to buy witnesses, at least make an offer they can’t refuse. lol.

He had @andrarchy, but he's gone now due to @justinsunsteemit's bullheaded actions and unwillingness to listen.

I think all the parties should calm down, sit to the table and negotiate a minimal consensus. To continue our struggle means to enlarge losses on both sides.

It must be hard to realize this, but @ned sold you a worthless company. Now that most of the employees have left, you only own a toxic brand, an open-source code repository, a mediocre website and a pile of coins that doesn't give you the power you expected. If you managed to regain the top 20 spots again, Steem would become a centralized database, and that would make it worthless.

Are you willing to shorten the SP power-down period to 3-7 days from the current period?

You're still clueless about Steem technology if you think less than 7 days is possible. It's not our problem that Binance, Huobi and Poloniex used their customers' funds to vote for your fake witnesses. They're free to buy Steem on @blocktrades or @bittrex if they can't satisfy withdrawal requests.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

IMO, this post shows that you're starting to learn a bit about the ecosystem that you have entered, so I'm glad about that! It's more than just blockchain, and it's more than just social media. The two interact in a unique way. And you're still only scratching the surface. Please continue. I know it hasn't seemed very welcoming, but if you persevere, I am sure you'll see that there's still sooo much unrealized potential for Steemit in this ecosystem.

Although I don't run a witness, I'll respond to your questions:

I don't agree with 3-7 day powerdown because (i) it could enable people to get curation rewards twice with the same Steem; and (ii) it would weaken security by enabling hackers to power down their victims' accounts before the account recovery mechanism could be engaged.

If you're serious about removing downvotes, I'd suggest coupling that with a rewards mechanism that's modeled after a second price auction in order to discourage overvalued rewards. I'd also suggest finding a way to try it out with an SMT before deploying it on the base chain. I wrote about the 2nd price auction, here.

A second price auction may be an improvement because:

The theoretical nicety of second price auctions, first pointed out by William Vickrey, is that bidding one's true value is a dominant strategy.

There's no need for downvotes if natural incentives encourage people to avoid over-bidding.

With the current algorithm, however,I think downvotes may be necessary (although abusive downvoting is a very real problem here, and it's not clear to me whether the cost outweighs the benefit).

FWIW, I am strongly in favor of private property, raising the value of Steem, and welcoming investors & exchanges.

Please continue to interact with the community like this. I honestly think it can benefit Steemit's bottom line and the Steem blockchain to have you engaged here!

I think the value of downvotes outweighs the risks of them being used maliciously. We need some way to counteract those who abuse the platform with self-votes and paid votes or other schemes. I see you vote for some of Justin's puppet accounts. The other witnesses are not blocking his Steem any more. I think we are better off with a diversity of witnesses to decentralise as much as possible.

I think we are better off with a diversity of witnesses to decentralise as much as possible.

I agree. So I'm voting for enough witnesses on each side of the dispute to give each of the factions veto strength over the other. I don't want to be centralized under an allied group of SF 0.22.2 witnesses any more than I want to be centralized under Tron.

Fair enough. We need to be aware of how many people follow our votes. I think if Steemit/Tron/Justin manage to keep control we are in serious trouble as they may care less about the viability of Steem than the witnesses who have maintained it for years. Despite what some people say I think the old guard do care about the platform and are not purely self-serving. I have met a fair few of them.


Justin Sun or you just want to fuck him

The question is not if I want to fuck you. The question is how much are you paying.

<3 to SUN, Fcuk NED and all the morons

Man I have to admit this post is pretty cocaine-hilarious

The fact that you are even considering shortening the powerdown to less than a week means you don't know much how Steem works.

Posted using Partiko Android

He doesn't care, all he cares about is making money and with the current power down period he can't keep his word given to exchanges.

Like my old boss. "What do I care about my yesterdays gossip?"

Sorry Mr. Sun, but if you want to settle with anyone here, first get rid of your fake fucking witnesses and deal fairly with the top 20 real witnesses. What we need is a democratic community and not a dictatorship with you at the top.

Get the fuck out of here with your blackmail & bribery.
You got scammed by @ned. Go take it up with him and leave us alone.


The most immature post concerning a business I've ever read from any crypto entrepreneur.

Are you 12?

Even worse, you're very aware of the reach you have and the publicity such an inane post will have, yet you chose to make it anyway.

Wen fork?

Stop playing with this childish individual who's only love is for money and get the fork away from this clown. He's even worse than Ned. Ned may not know how to spell words properly, but at least he wasn't cursing at the Community in posts, so he had that going for him ... not much else, but he had that I guess. #bone

... so he had that going for him ... not much else, but he had that I guess.

Don't forget the hair. @ned has the Doo!

@justinsunsteemit, thank you for actually contacting the real steemit community not just the top witnesses who obviously don't have the communities best interest in mind. I want to take this opportunity to personally apologize for the actions of our "leaders" (top witnesses), I promise you they were not speaking for a lot of us steemians. I believe whole heartedly that freezing your assets was wrong and they created a toxic environment for all of steem/steemit. They have created a civil war that most of us want no part of.

I have been sick to my stomach watching everything unfold over the past few weeks, especially the most recent podcast with the witnesses, that was incredibly disrespectful how they spoke to you. Trust me when I say they do not represent many of us steemians.

The amount of FUD and speculation and straight up lies that has plagued our blockchain since we heard of the buyout of steemit by tron has been ridiculous to say the least. Most steemians have no clue what's going on so if you continue with posts and being pro active in the community many people will be willing to listen and trust you.

The true problem here is everyone on steemit wants steem to be decentralized, so as long as you have everything centralized you will be faught. I am fine with a whole new top 20, but let the people decide don't just steal the spots because you have the Steem Power to do so.. Maybe only elect 5 spots to start, so you have pull but at the same time it's still decentralized in nature.

We have to come to some common ground on all of this, once we do we can stop arguing and make steem great! That way the token price goes up and everyone wins! I know it seems impossible right now but the truth is some of my best friends in the world were people I initially hated. So I know we can get past this because everyone just wants to see steem and their investments do well. And to be honest I think that you could play a huge roll in that with your connection to exchanges.

So lets all just put this bullshit behind us and start over! Let bygones be bygones. Everyone did some shitty stuff, lets just leave it at that.

Just one crazy hippies Opinion

BTW, I know the whales and witnesses are going to be downvoting the shit out of this comment. I'm ok with that. That just goes to show they don't have steemians best interest at heart, only their own!

Hello @moderndayhippie if you look at how all the former top 20 witnesses have voted you will see they have all voted for each other just one big circle jerk and steemit has suffered because of them . Justin has to vote in all top 20 or the same old group will just vote themselves in again and if the former top 20 get control again Steemit will just continue its slow death .

Nah, I agree most of the top 20 are rent seeking lazy do gooders, but they do want to profit some of the rest of us.

Neither side is all good, nor all bad.
This is what makes consensus amazing.

Neither side should bulldog the voting simply because they can.
Create witness down votes and let's discuss electoral colleges, if we must, but to divide into two polar opposites is suboptimal, to me.

In agreement

Que interesante sería leer las respuestas en un foro abierto, quizá podamos tener una visión 360° de lo que significa construir ese modelo en el que todos cabemos.
Sigamos con el sueño @oneray @dobartim

Hello Justin.
I am from Germany and have followed all theese things the last few weeks with interest.
Huhh, why and and another WHY, why are you so agressive and anxious in this post.
I am just a very litte user, and i do not understand this utter aggression in this "your" post.
You are a highly educated person, but still playing around with this kind of emotional writing.
You must have understood what fear does to people, and your agressive tone in this post makes me fear.
You are so young and I think you do not want to end like all the rich people do.
You surely will be wanting to be able to communicate with the little ones, not loose conscience, staying in touch with the roots out of which all new things come forth.
Please watch your brains and doubble check, try not to threaten ME with this kind of post.
I fear you now #IFEARYOUNOW, it makes me nearly weep to read such a Post after having listened to your last communication with the community representatives.
You may believe in the power of money , but please do not believe in money itself.
It is art that makes everything go, please be a money artist,
leave this anxiousness behind, use your wisdom, please.


Nice words!

I don't think you should do version 0 22.5. And I think you should wait time before considering voting. And perhaps it is best to use this balance in a different way to maximize your returns? You should take advantage of this golden opportunity. I hope you take time to calm. I am still hopeful for everyone to gain value from this. This is a community. Many different viewpoints. It takes time to discuss things. You should stop trying to force them. They do not want to steal from you. I do not support theft. However, your aggressive actions on here are making me reconsider my Tron smart contract and tool development. I was initially excited about Tron joining Steem development. And I hope you pick yourself back up. I know you can with calmness, consideration of others and patience. But you must dig the well before you are thirsty. 一口吃不成胖子

Posted using Partiko Android

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I can't believe my eyes. Is this coming from a man who calls himself a businessman and wants to be respected? Is that really you or has your account been hacked?

This kind of language is not tolerated, not even on the streets. Respect must be earned but this is not the way, definitely not!

So many "fucks" written there!

Do you like Justin Sun or you just want to fuck him?... What type of question is this?! Aren't you supposed to be a businessman? Why are you behaving like a 5 years old kid?

I hope this was written by another person cause if Justin Sun wrote this then, oh boy.... the struggle is real!

I am very much with you in hoping this is not real

Yeah, cause if he really wrote this... jeez!


go choke on rice dipshit

Protect those who were in power and screwed up everything

Lol. You are just a pump and dump merchant who got tricked by another sleezebag into buying a stake that was never his to sell.

Your greed will be your own downfall. You can buy Steem but you cannot buy the community.


Ned vs Justin

We want decentralization. We Don't want to see you ruling our chain. Better you come up with some good ideas, not this!

You should have done this survey a few days ago or maybe even better before buying Steemit Inc. You cannot sell and buy the Steem community without consulting users first ...

In addition to your investment, many users have bought STEEM and as minor stocks we have the right to be informed about a community that without us authors and editors, would not exist at all!

Posted using Partiko Android

Imagine how much money and trouble he would have saved himself if he asked these questions first?

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

11.Do you like Justin Sun or you just want to fuck him?

Are you cereal ...

I was thinking about avocado :D

The avocado has nothing to do here.

If you read what I was responding to then you might get it.

Wow man this narrative though. You can't simply come here and demand to be respected without giving respect back.
We are willing to die for this shit and you trashtalk our witnesses since day one.
In regards to everything what happened lately you still got nerves to believe you are in charge? This is decentralization and act accordingly.
Not to even mention the talk between you and witnesses the other day where you clearly said that you dont have any governance tendencies. LOL

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Justin with you voting with 70 M Steem , it is almost a one -sided vote and it throws the "de-centralize" nature of blockchain for spin.

I am sure witnesses currently/ and in future do not mean to "steal" your tokens.

You want to sort out the whole situation : repeat these words after me and see the magic work

I , Justin Sun , holder of 70M Steem tokens, ( as stated previously) is not interested in governance of chain.

It is to this effect I am willing to put one restriction on my account that it is a non voting ( for witnesess) account and it can be codified accordingly in the blockchain ( i.e decline voting right).

I will not accept any other condition on my stake - to sell/to vote on content/to support projects of my choice etc.

Buying a stolen car doesn't make you the owner of that car.

This whole post is about centralization.

You people, THINK!

This man offers nothing in return for decentralization.

You all will be silenced a few days later. It's their policy.



So you will let old witnesses govern you?

I will vote on the ones I see fit at a given moment and that deserve my trust. From time to time I analyse and change the votes if needed. I don't care if they are old or new. They not being (s)elected by a single individual is a good way to start.

I can bet that the old band of brothers is a closed network of the people already knowing each other.

Just see who created which account and you will understand


I burst out laughing when people called you "a communist": does your action seem more capitalist than the neoliberal Soros, @justinsunsteemit? Or am I wrong?

Money doesn't buy people who are free inside!

It seems you entered our community like an agitated elephant inside a glassware, LOL!

A huge hug, my capitalist friend!
!BEER !giphy elephant hug

LOL, Steemians are free?
Kissing asses on Discord to community leaders?

We are all free inside, dear @alexs1320: and you, how do you feel? ^_^ !ENGAGE 10

@alexs1320 you have received 10 ENGAGE from @amico!
View and trade the tokens on Steem Engine.

This tip bot is powered by witness untersatz!

giphy is supported by witness untersatz!

Is this an attempt at replacing your centralized sock puppet witnesses with real human beings to gain some credibility? I'd say it backfired.

Hi Justin. I can see both sides of this and I think you are tackling this totally wrong. Everyone here wants Steem to realise it's true potential as a block chain and as a valued cryptocurrency holding real value.
This can happen but the 3-7 day power down is unrealistic. The rewards take 7 days and you cannot shorten that process. The powerdown over 13 weeks is a massive selling point for the masses as it is a safe haven from hackers. It took me months to learn this place and please get your team to study exactly how Steem works. Too much fiddling will just wreck it for the worse and I am being honest and this is not a lets fuck Justin move. No one wants that as this can work well together if the correct time is taken to understand both sides and meet somewhere in the middle. There has got to be some common ground starting with Steem itself. If you want value added to the coin then you need to understand exactly how this place works. Two weeks is not enough to get your head around this as it is not that straightforward. Take the time and think with a clear head on how to move forward as that is how your investment will grow.

Offer your tokens to the Steem community at a reasonable price so you are not out of pocket. This would be a win win for everyone then.

So you couldn't get what you wanted for days, so you whipped your wallet out again and now want to bribe us? Yea, you fucking suck and I don't even want to fuck you, you Elon Musk wannabe. Dream on xD

Such language!! 🤣

"Are you willing to shorten the SP power-down period to 3-7 days from the current period?"

  • No. We should rather extend the SP power-down period to 3 years. We want investors and Steemers who rather invest little money but intend to commit long-term. We don't need pump'n'dump schemes like Tron.

To any witnessess reading this:

Yes, this is a copy + paste and sound aggressive.

But here is an opportunity to start do drive the negotiation to a common ground. Instead of taking an aggressive stance in response to this post, use this moment to make reasonable arguments of why these demands can't be accepted.

When I am met with ultimatums I always vote for scorched earth.

You could also learn to decline rewards.

I thought he learnt, he were asking, either didn't figure out or forgot ...

11.Do you like Justin Sun or you just want to fuck him?

Lol what?


My response to your #11 question.

I will need some more details before I answer:

Will you look back over your shoulder at me and push back or are you shy and lay down like a dead fish?

Do you spit or swallow?

Once I have these answers I can respond properly.

P.S. condoms are a must because I only have SAFU Sex.

There's something poetic about a sweary, abusive post demanding an end to downvotes...


as long as it's original content...

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I am a mere content creator (singer/musician/blogger) I'm not even much into crypto, I've never cashed anything, I just enjoy blogging and the community I found here. I just want to say (as RANDOM user of the platform who I believe post high quality content) the charm of Steemit is precisely that we gather, we discuss, we do witnessess pannels, we as users carefully vote for those who align with our thinking, they are always reachable, and usually go to these pannels to explain. For me as an USER entering and seeing overnight an unknown top 20 was scary. I actually started on Steemit doing concerts on Dlive and it was super fun, but they detached so SUDDENLY I did not even have a chance to download my streams or migrate my account... so when I read of a change of hands I feared... (I don't post that often) do I need to do a swap, what's happening...? as I say I come here when I can as a BLOG and I'm not updated with all the news as others do, but as me many others... I think the community trying to restore their top 20 to "known names" was kind of statement to say, this is not the way things are here... you are now part of Steemit! be PART of this! And I tell you the community is real and some have endured seeing the value go down but people return cos they made friends here, I as an artist I come because I do get feedback of my work, simple as that.

This is not a about countries, politics or a coup, I hope all is resolved and we are all ready to move forward, I'd find sad to see this place gone wrong but I only have but a voice here. Many of the witnesses that did the softwork have acted always in the best interest and have been in touch with users whenever, so it's logical the community will be scared if they see an unknown top 20 and more even will assume that what's done was also done in the interest of protecting "us". So there is steemit and there is "us" the community, and there will be unruly people, and creative people, and trolls and peaceful ones... but first, join us, be PART of this, show your vision, join the discords, be patient. Most of those witnesses that you name as hackers have backed us a long time and know a LOT of this place. I don't know if this is a dicotomy a or b, I hope not, I hope as naive as I am this gets solved and maybe then you realize that with all its particularities, there is a "real" community. I haven't even checked the price of steem in ages... but I tell you the community is there and you may even enjoy and love it if you give it a chance to get to know it, I'm kind of hopeful it may happen so we can all grow together.

but some of the people you have called malicious and hackers, I tell you, they are elected by the community.

I'm not into drama, wars and fights... but if this is the beginning of something, assume you should first BE PART OF THIS and understand how it works and what makes people return to it. Cos it's not a number (most of the times)

With this, good luck to all parts to the crisis to be overcome for good.

I'm also seeing kind of racist comments from fellow people here and I don't like that either... this is something we build together, Steem has no country, so not in favour of using the crisis for slurs about politics or countries or threats or whatever... it's not about that but you can't pretend everyone behaves the same, precisely in a place where "free opinion" rules.

Now I hope you understand the position of mere users (I'm not involved in the politics of the chain or even crypto much) I just return to a place I found interesting as a creator. Now give it a try... you may be even love it.

this post does not look like mutual dialogue. I wonder who likes such an attitude to oneself

Why does your writing sound so threatening?

I'll explain why I think you're the biggest fraud in history regarding Steem's "future".

First of all, you haven't bought Steem's blockchain and you should be very clear about that. You bought a company to improve the blockchain.

Ever since this whole mess started you've had a bad concept that the decisions of the blockchain should be made by you, or decided by you. Steem doesn't work that way, steem works democratically and it is the COMMUNITY who decides who will be the witnesses in charge of deciding the future of the blockchain, not you. After this you simply added 20 random accounts to the governance and tricked 3 big exchanges into supporting your charade, now you are in an incredible hurry to do a 3-day power down so that all these exchanges get back the steem they used without permission from the customers to vote your stupid decision.

I guess Poloniex hasn't withdrawn the vote because of coercion on your part ;)

You have an ambiguous and somewhat communist concept of how things work. Very much in the style of Chavez Frias or Nicolas Maduro, and I say this because I have 20 years living under a dictatorship and I know how the mind of a communist dictator works.

"First you try to take power by force, then you convince everyone that the others are the bad guys and you're doing good for the "people", they give the power to you and when you least expect it you end up with everything the same people built and you blame the others for your own damage."

The good thing is that there is no military army here to support the tyrant and it's the same democracy that you hate so much that takes you out of the game. In the end, the blockchain talks and everything that's done get written down showing how alone you are in this game that you're making up.

Regarding your questions. You're not a leader, you're not someone who comes to "liberate" the blockchain or anything like that, you don't have the right to demand that people choose a side when you have proven yourself that you don't seek the good for this blockchain.

You are a liar, a controller, and a child with delusions of grandeur who thought he could manipulate the community.

Where does the line for #11 start? Are we all drawing numbers to see who goes first or is it going to be stake weighted? Those with the larger stake get to fuck him first and longest?

I really don't want to fuck Justin Sun. 100% no fucky fucky!

just the tip?

Only if you join.

looks like there is plenty of space on top 20 list :)

he is totally into soaking

which is fine by us...

Dado que mi inglés es pésimo prefiero expresar ideas en nuestra lengua,
Soy de El Salvador Centro América, se que ni siquiera sabes que esto existe, ni mucho menos donde está pero no importa quizá ni siquiera tengas oportunidad de prestar atención aquí pero no obstante aquí lo dejo.

Por que es importante para nosotros esta plataforma y esta blockchain, por que ha alimentado a muchas personas en Venezuela hoy que han estado en crisis, ha sido el modo de vida de muchos por allá, y ha sido el medio para educarnos para conocer sobre esta nueva tecnología que esta en evolución constante, para muchos que queríamos entrar al mundo de la criptografía ha constituido la puerta de entrada, la forma en que pudimos aprender los principios básicos necesarios para ser autodidactas y también contribuir a incorporar personas reales en este maravilloso mundo, para aprender y conectarnos con el mundo de forma diferente totalmente diferente con todo tipo de culturas, aprender, enseñar, para muchos es un repositorio de información una grandiosa base de datos de consulta fidedigna, nuestra propia biblioteca personal para enseñar sobre foraging y cualquier cosa que queramos.

Por ende debemos cuidarla y eso es lo que hemos estado tratando de hacer en estos últimos días y por eso hemos apoyado a los que la han estado tratando de retomar el control de los abusos, reúnete con la comunidad escúchales tienen algo bueno que decir mira el largo plazo, no solo el cortísimo plazo de algo que compras hoy y vendes mañana y te quedas con la ganancia y listo, aquí hay personas interesadas en crecer has asustado a todos, sabemos que tienes experiencia en los negocios, desde el momento que eres el discípulo de Jack Ma sabemos la grandeza que puedes traer aquí, somos la puerta de entrada a un mundo maravilloso que se esta construyendo pero debes respetar los cimientos iniciales que fueron puestos, y no simplemente arrancarlos de raíz y botarlos a la basura está bien muévelos pero reutiliza y ve donde los colocas para que te sirvan de soporte en lo que tienes pensado construir, si es que piensas hacerlo.

Te has topado con una gran barrera que no esperabas estoy seguro de ello, un gigante contra un puñado de pulgas, pero que están plantando cara firmemente luchando por los objetivos e ideales en los que creemos, así que por favor toma en cuenta la comunidad, estoy muy feliz por lo que has hecho por que el merchandising que has generado tiene mucho valor, hace 15 días pocos sabían de steem, ahora medio mundo lo sabe, estamos en boca de todos gracias a ti todos los foros, twitter esta inundado de steem, si eso es el objetivo pues lo estas haciendo muy bien déjame decirte pero hace falta más, no somos un puñado de hacker como has llamado a todos, y si es así pues aquí tienes mucho potencial que deberías estar aprovechando reuniéndote con ellos y ver que ideas y que grandes proyectos hay en la comunidad que podrías tomar y darle impulso con tu gran poder, tienes un gran potencial como empleador puedes reclutar grandes talentos que te ayudarían en tu crecimiento, no simplemente pelear con todos.

Espero leas esto y si no pues al menos ya lo dije.

"Do you have a dream to become one of the Top20 Witnesses? This is your chance!"

All we have to do is bow down and consent to exactly what you want eh? Well fuck that, get stuffed Sun.

Gonna have to bribe a bit harder than 'Become a Top20'. Maybe try offering us the 2M steem you gave to the exchanges to fuck us with. Maybe that bribe will do it.

Ah.... you stupid prick.

You turned our blockchain into a Steemy pile of shit Justin. Your reputation on blockchains has been stained forever.

Hi @justinsunsteemit. I must point out that the reasons you put forward to support witnesses are reflective of a poor understanding of Steem, and will poorly protect the community, the token price, and the blockchain itself from the actual threats each face.

I won't belabor the details, because there are nearly 600 replies, and no one will see this one.

You do not understand Steem, but you are a billionaire and must put forward your agenda, so your nescience draws panderers, as you intend, and this combination of bad understanding and sycophantic worship acts as a toxic poison on society. I strongly recommend you stop acting like a billionaire and act just as a human being new to social endeavor about which you much learn. Quit posting as @justinsunsteemit, open a new account that no one associates with you, and start asking questions as a nobody to get straight answers that are not degraded by economic pressures.

I presently completely oppose the things you support, because they are the result of nescience and misunderstanding, not because of any personal disregard or antipathy. You may not be able to accept this truth because of the panderers and yes-men you are surrounded with that have skewed your view of reality. That is not my fault, and does not benefit you.

I will speak forthrightly, from which a rational man with an open mind could benefit. So, understand this: no one here opposes you because you will make them money. Insofar as you are opposed, it is because you are doing things that will cost them money.

Do think about that.



"11.Do you like Justin Sun or you just want to fuck him?" you are very funny indeed and I do like a bit of humor. But.....

sounds like you have a change of heart again, you said you had no plan to vote on witnesses? Like what - now you want to?????

i want tron and steem to be able to work together, but as long as you do shit like this, were all fucked