Steemit Is Ruled By A Communist Party - Flags Wars Look Worse To Investors Than The Rampant Abuse They Claim To "Fight"

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

Commie 1.jpg

The current flags wars going on across Steem are a terrible look for investors, especially in light of the fact that they are based wholly on reward amounts without even an attempt to analyze quality. They are run like drumhead trials, with little evidence provided and much of it fabricated.


At least this guy attempts to follow due process when possible.

My fundamental problem with "reward pool rape" as a concept is that it's basically Communist. Absent any logical argument wherein you analyze the quality of the work in question and provide actual auditable evidence, any accusation that someone is "raping" the reward pool, outside of plagiarism/actual shitposts, is an arbitrary opinion puffed up with deliberately provocative language to paint the "target" in the worst possible light, hoping to create a dog-piling effect.

The entire argument rests on the fallacy that there is some arbitrary amount of reward that is "too much", and the abusive anti-abusers are the apparent sole arbiter of how much that is. (Oh, and they won't tell you what that is before you cross it, either.)

Transisto Hypo.png

Don't worry, the rules don't apply to them. They're better than you, just like the PARTY.

Flaggers, you've made it impossible to support you because you fail to respect those you claim to be protecting enough to provide even a shred of unbiased evidence that what you do is right. You type out all-caps rants with foul language, and you promote them to the #1 spot on all of Steemit, yet you look like nothing more than an autistic child. While operating this way, you remain many of the single largest and greediest voters on the platform, and no doubt rake-in more than the vast majority of posters combined between your hypocritical services and your self-voting buffets.

Your morals are also transparently self-serving, and instantly for sale when a price feed changes.

Transisto Hypo 4.png

"Sometimes when I try to understand a person's motives, I play a little game. I assume the worst. What's the worst reason they could possibly have for saying what they say and doing what they do? Then I ask myself, "How well does that reason explain what they say and what they do?"

Transisto Hypo 3.png

There are like 10 more of these, at least. You are being played for fools.

It quickly becomes clear why these "champions" of voting abuse want to control the actions of others - that way, they can do it a lot more themselves. It's called barriers to entry, and I covered it in Code Is Law.

Barrier To Entry.png

To properly justify taking an actual action (flagging) one must make this argument about reward vs quality, in a capitalistic fashion, or essentially render oneself a communist Comrade who assigns resources "to each according to their needs." If one fails to do this, one creates a result where all top talent will go elsewhere, and you will be left with the mediocre dregs without ambition.

It's called brain-drain, and it happened to every single Communist country. Ever. It's fucking obvious to all but the most idiotic. Einstein don't work for Gomer Pyle pay.

Transisto Sucks.png

I took my brain elsewhere for 3 weeks after this. It was too good for Steemit.

In the most recent, highest-profile disagreement currently still underway, not only has lip service not been paid to an argument against quality, but the actual rewards being earned by a certain individual (Haejin) have been (deliberately or accidentally) overstated by a factor of 10x, which "coincidentally" serves the purposes of the "attackers" just perfectly, since logic, reason, and due process appear to be the furthest thing from their minds.

The closest anyone has come to an actual analysis of the quality of the content in question is mocking charts and TA, but no argument analyzing numbers and results has been proferred. I know, because I looked into it myself, and the facts would lay waste to the attackers arguments. (Note that I do not have a large enough sample size to prove statistical validity.)

Haejin ROI Calls 12-20.png

Actual ROI of ~25 previous calls from "the Flagee".

The result is that both sides of this argument are now off the rails, and the followers of the "attacked" are now lashing out at random targets without doing their due diligence or proving their points. This is no surprise, as their "man" was subjected to this treatment first.

Now, witnesses are losing support because they are afraid to come out on either side. They are held captive by large votes from these same "anti-abuse abusers," in a sort of soft-terrorism.

These "anti-abusers" cloak themselves in "doing good for the reward pool" while offering no logical argument supported with evidence, just base appeals to emotion. This conceals what they do in the appearance of support of the masses, who are mostly idiots and lacking any knowledge of the facts anyway.


They should join these guys; they will fit right in.

They knows this will work because almost everyone on the platform thinks they aren't getting the rewards they deserve, so if a "bogeyman" can be constructed they can blame for it, populist political tactics can be simply applied.

Had evidence been produced that showing Haejin's calls were no better than picking at random, I'd likely support such "anti-abuse" work, as a lack of objective quality would have been established.

Regardless of who is right in this debate, I can tell you exactly what it looks like to an investor.

Any investor that looks at Steem sees almost nothing but negativity towards them. If they choose to sell their vote, self-vote, or run a bot for profit, they receive plenty of crap from various members of the community, including those who flag solely for bot use.

In other words, the main thing that ANY INVESTOR WILL LOOK AT, POTENTIAL ROI, is shut-down by Steemit's Social Justice Warriors at every turn.

Now, they can't even expect to vote on content they like and support an author without being subject to witch-hunting and massive drama, actually hurting the author they initially hoped to support.

Why the hell would you invest here if you weren't an author, instead of one of the (literal hundreds) of other coins that have next to no drama and are performing massively better?

The market is wondering that too, as Steem is outperformed by nearly every coin on the Coinmarketcap list this last 6 months.

Investors pay the rewards. This toxic culture must end, or Steem will.

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Copyright: Jerusalem Post, Uncited Antifa Morons,, ComicsAlliance

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This is your best piece yet. Well done.

For me there is a single word that describes what is lacking on STEEM - Integrity

I've now been here long enough to be able to identify that a lot of the "upstanding" members here are really just using a facade to serve their own interest. No different from the mainstream I guess.

Yes, I am an investor. Yes, I am powering down. I am also an aspiring author, which is the only reason I'm still here.

Words. From my mouth. You stole them.

Except maybe this part:

"This is your best piece yet."

I hope I produce/have produced something better at some point!

Well, some of your posts certainly have more humour and I have perhaps enjoyed those ones more. But for hard hitting substance this is perhaps your high water mark ;)

I guess it's good that I took the opportunity to mostly go out on a high note, then.

Notice that my "best piece" got flagged into almost providing me a loss, after I account for the bids on bots. I would have actually made more posting a blank blog and just getting my autovotes.

Which is, ironically, why this post needed to exist in the first place. However, I'm done taking any for the "team" (aka Steemit).

Man this is so spot on, this little war has been so toxic to the platform. Its at the top of trending everyday. People really love control and right now it's easy to have control if you have a lot of SP. I'm not sure what could be done to alleviate the issues, but I think some action needs to be taken to squash this kind of useless behavior. We need to brainstorm possible solutions! This platform needs to stay alive, it has so much potential

This is the only solution I know of, short of the extreme that some other users are attempting of starting their own fork of Steem:

The flaggers oppose this solution, as it would allow their power to be neutered.

As Dan said:

bytemaster commented on Dec 27, 2016
"I still think that the first principles are right on this concept. Unfortunately, having logical first principles and appealing to the masses are two entirely different things."

Of course they do... they want that power to control

That was a great read, looks like Dan has already put some thought into this haha, hopefully this can be implemented and function well. I'm not sure I followed all of his logic, seemed like he was saying one user could cancel another user out, but what if one user was more active than another.

I read quick, but I'll take another look later, tanks for the reply

Yes, precisely. This would even work to help the flaggers in their stated goal, but of course, if their stated goal was their true goal they would not act the way they do.

With vote cancellation, they could simply neutralize the stake of the voter they feel is over-rewarding content, rather than attacking an author with flags simply for receiving votes, then falling back on a Marxist cry of "he's getting too much!" when confronted.

These damn haijins are trying to take our jobs!

Ahh I see, so a whale could cancel a whale on single posts and comments, that sounds really doable actually.

I wish you massive suckouts in this here poker game

disclaimer: there were jokes in this comment, bad jokes, but jokes

"I wish you massive suckouts in this here poker game"

I've been getting my fair share of those lately!

Ah, they weren't so bad...I just didn't come back and see the comment until now.

Why should it stay alive, it's not even technically a good platform, and the content is mediocre - well guess why. I would expect that steemit will serve as an example for better future platforms I'm eagerly awaiting. They will have to be moderated ones as the human primate is clearly incapable of self-regulation without pre-established hierarchy - as an anarchic sort of hierarchy will then establish itself instead. This is all so dreary...
What would I want to stay on steemit for except just to see posts from about five people, which is exctly why I came here ? Ah wait, to earn money - that exactly is the one and only reason and it will stay this way.
So steemit is stuck with the hopeful money-earners, and you can see how that works out. Circle closed.
Hell, I would even have to PAY to post here if I just wanted to take part in any sensible discussion, they only allow tow or three comments a day ?
I can do that way better on other platforms, and steemit won't see a single penny from me.

"They will have to be moderated ones as the human primate is clearly incapable of self-regulation without pre-established hierarchy "

It's funny that we continue to need examples of this, despite all of human history clearly implying that some degree of rule of law is almost always preferable.

Anarchists just can't give up trying to go Galt.

"Hell, I would even have to PAY to post here if I just wanted to take part in any sensible discussion, they only allow tow or three comments a day ?"

If you're referring to bandwidth restrictions, you don't need hardly any SP to get enough bandwidth to post pretty much all day. Point well taken, however.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Double-standard at its best. The same whales pretending to defend the system are abusing it themselves to prove their point ?

P.S. I'm giving my comment 100% self-upvote because it's super important and it's above everyone else. I encourage you to upvote it with hundreds of dollars because I'm worthy. I also want to prove my point.

Don't worry, it will all "go to funding Steemit development".

You know, after it hangs out in Transisto's wallet first. For a period of time he deems fit. Which is not open to debate.

Interesting seeing transisto calling for more steemit development when his tool steemittools, or whatever the fuck it is called, is unsupported (the link to contact transisto leads to a dead end) and non-functional (you are required to upload images via a single image host, WHICH NO LONGER EXISTS! Doh!). And what's worse is that it's in the menu. Why the hell is an unsupported and broken website in the fucking official links??

I found this comment very interesting. Methinks Transisto has some connections to Sting/the Dev team.

That would certainly explain a lot.

Thank you for your investigative work!

Gonna make you're head better off with bread than red we aint no Communist!!

It's terrible how many ruley rodrigos are on here trying to invent bullshit rules that only help them and hurt the community. Hopefully the culture soon takes a stand for the community. Thanks for your leadership lex!!

Thanks, fatkat. I always appreciate your liberty-based perspective and your content is relievingly (sic) unique.

Like nothing I've ever seen before!

The one guitarist looked a bit like Ned to me at first!

I feel you've hit the nail on this one. I do feel however that Haejin has been wrongly accused of sucking the rewards dry, his was not of the best content (in sole written format) but it doesnt lack utility. I wish they could come to terms as we are one big community. The thing with being decentralized is that there is no one clear leader. I'm not pushing the responsibility on anyone, but I feel these are are one the few times that the Witnesses should come fort and make the most rational decision.

"I do feel however that Haejin has been wrongly accused of sucking the rewards dry, his was not of the best content (in sole written format) but it doesnt lack utility."

I agree with you here. I am of the opinion one needs a rather high bar to call abuse and flag. Haejin doesn't meet it for me, unless a statistical regression of his past calls proves that his results are as bad, or worse, than throwing darts at CoinMarketCap. Even then, I would need to see a significant sample size to make such a judgment.

I've seen some very mild commentaries get flagged in the crossfire, even posts that I totally did not see it coming for... So it will be interesting to see how this develops on your post. Hope you don't get hit, but kind of expect you might be (as you are too like you wrote above). The proof will be in the pudding, I guess.

I am starting to wonder why we need a flag/downvote option at all. Isn't the whole purpose of upvoting to be a 'filter' for good content to float to the top? Why then do we also need to downvote content to the bottom? Shouldn't they naturally appear there? This goes for spam as well of course.

It does take away any way to deal with abuse... but, if the cure is just as worse as the illness then maybe it's no cure at all. A different approach may be needed. Since Steemit operates on DPoS and we have Witnesses, I propose that we alter the system in such a way to increase the powers of Witnesses to include moderation abilities. If they abuse or screw up, we vote them out of business. In the meantime, they could be our 'elected government' to keep some level of order on the platform. It sounds a lot like our current political system, I know, but I feel like DPoS is that anyway so why not take one step further as well?

"I've seen some very mild commentaries get flagged in the crossfire, even posts that I totally did not see it coming for..."

Yes, often from very diplomatic and friendly posters with no axe to grind. Pure bollocks, as they might say across the pond.

I've given up any hope of mediating the dispute.

I like the idea of no downvotes. Crap comments and posts disappear.

If a post starts conversation, regardless if I agree with the OP, I usually give that post an upvote. For the sparking of discussion. Or you can walk away from a post if you disagree with it.

What drew me Steemit in the first place was that it wasn't "fair".

I agree with this, and I think Dan did too. The removal of the exponential voting power curve made this difficult to implement without widespread abuse.

Same here.. I pretty much upvote everybody with whom I interact on Steemit. It's my way of saying 'Hey, thanks for giving me your attention!' I guess? :)

And yes, stuff that you disagree with.. just walk the other way? it's what I do.. no sense in picking a fight

I almost wrote an entire post entitled "the value of upvoting opposition viewpoints during debate". I never got around to it before I gave up the battle around here.

Excellent commentary. I wrote yesterday a similar comment with respect to why down flagging is even necessary. It seems like a lethal weapon in the hands of those whose DNA was build to control other people while at the same time making it a cover while they get some kind of advantage. This is really not so different than the kind of people who are drawn to the power of the government and in being an elected official.

If we can't use something like steemit and all of its potential for good to create something of value without all of this down flagging crap, then there is no hope for this platform.

"It seems like a lethal weapon in the hands of those whose DNA was build to control other people"

Such as certain socialist politicians that may or may not have been screwed out of a recent political nomination...


I am not sure if Steem always had flagging, or if this feature was introduced later to combat abuse. However I've always felt that it contradicts the whole 'We're leaving Youtube because of censorship' argument that's going around here. There's arguably more censorship and demonetization on Steemit than on Youtube.

"There's arguably more censorship and demonetization on Steemit than on Youtube."

Funny how around here demonetization and hiding your content aren't considered "censorship" by a large portion of the "in-crowd".

Thanks for always being one of the best commenters.

As a novice author, I'm sad to hear that the idea of decentralization does not work in STEEMIT (

p.s. I noticed that you have not written in your blog for a long time.

Yeah, it's really funny how that works! But not much to do about it.. half-truths and public opinion is more important than real truths, on Steemit :)

Thanks for your compliment on my comments, I really appreciate it! It's good to know that I stand out a little bit from the other posters out there :)

P.S. check out my profile! I know you've been away, or not as active on here lately and you may have missed it but I vastly improved my blog with branding, layout, etc.! Kind of proud of my blog at the moment! It's gaining some traction finally! :)

I second the idea of no downvote. Its being abused by childish whales

I would like to see this option tried as well.

You might be interested to learn that the exponential voting curve was designed to render downvotes not necessary for controlling abuse, which tends to be the main argument for keeping them around these days.

I agree completely. And I am a whale.

I appreciate your vote on this post. Thank you for chiming in.

As I always reiterate, Steem first and most important priority on-boarding new users and retaining old... We have a circulating supply of 246,165,195 STEEM, lets focus on getting active daily users to that number and create a platform that is inviting and user friendly... I have been here since April and I know all the drama of last year and it often spills, I have over 100 dead followers, some of which have been flag out of the platform....
We have a beautiful platform, if we can epitomize the theme of this platform, we would be within the TOP10 in less than no time....

I had to go back in time to find you being this positive on Steem...bummer.

Hope is a mess up thing, if you hold on to it, it can either kill you or give you the strength to fight another day.... With Steem its an interesting experiment, driven by emotion and rationalize by those who think they understand those emotion

I agree with so many points in here. But...I don't want to say anything specific since I can't afford to get flagged.

Touche, my good man! I'm eagerly awaiting the first flag, myself.

It's fun to think of times when we were still at the "comma" stage, and not at the "sending the FBI to each other's houses" phase.

trippin' down memory lane eh?

You're not the only one.

Gotta protect that almost made it to 70!

Note: not mocking, I know it's tough to get past the 60s.

The communist angle is exactly what I kept coming up with when I was reading the comment on some of @Haejin's posts.

The cry of forcing everyone into the same level of mediocrity becomes a true siren's song to the regrettably average / below average.

This is true. I have posts I know aren't worth more than $1 and I'll randomly get a nice bump in the rewards above there "worth", but that's how a market works.

There is a large element of variance and random chance to such things.

As an investor in this platform who is looking for it to reach its true potential, I've also thought this week what an awful scene it has been for other potential investors or even new members to have to witness this garbage. I'm quite embarrassed by the down flagging control morons and the power they have set for themselves.

Excellent and well written article! voted and resteemed.

I appreciate your resteem!

This is exactly how I'm feeling as an investor too. I came here to support one of the author who encouraged his twitter followers to read his posts here and invest in steem to upvote his post as an appreciation. That I did, but I'm beginning to regret converting my half of my 1200 steem into power which gets locked up for 13 weeks - because of the drama here.

Anyway, this is my reason for investing here as a non-author : "Why the hell would you invest here if you weren't an author, instead of one of the (literal hundreds) of other coins that have next to no drama and are performing massively better?" - yup, perhaps I should be taking it elsewhere if things doesn't improve.

Thanks for the write-up, which answers the questions on my very first post on this platform....

I really wish I had more positive news to report. I used to be rather bullish on Steem, but it looked a lot better at $1 than it does now, I'm afraid.

Those numbers of his profits in isolation dont' quite help either. Showing that crypto calls make money isn't that big of a deal. What we need to do is look at how the rest of the market did during the same period. Is he outpacing the overall bull trend or is he just calling shots in bull market and having success?

I think flagging has it's place in this community to decide community rewards. Every stake holder has a say of where it should go and you have the right to upvote and downvote.

I'm not sure I'd call them stalin for down voting. I don't think the distribution is totally warped on this platform.

"Showing that crypto calls make money isn't that big of a deal. What we need to do is look at how the rest of the market did during the same period. Is he outpacing the overall bull trend or is he just calling shots in bull market and having success?"

This is exactly what I am calling for. Evidence offered before attacking these authors. If this analyst is a charlatan, it should be easy to show, and then flagging can commence. All I see is mudslinging and "too many rewards" being thrown around, with no definition of what is too much.

Haejin isn't even buying votes, presumably, but merely being voted a lot. Flagging him with the cry of "this person is making too much", and offering no evidence, is precisely a communist attitude.

There is no such thing as too much, only too much relative to merit, and no argument has been offered on this point.

His posts were getting 3000+ views and 200+ votes. He brought new people to steemit, and encouraged many of them to purchase steem power.

There was no plausible evidence that he was rancho relaxo upvoting himself. So all the rest is a bunch of people who think they should decide who get what and how much.

People like @haejin grow the platform and make the pie bigger for everyone.

Are we going to attack @davidpackman next for bringing over a youtube audience to steem and posting multiple times a day if his posts start earning "too much" money? If we don't grow the platform then its just going to stay the circlejerk of 10k people and 490k bots that it is right now.

I totally agree with everything you said, and great example.

The answer to your question at the end that you probably hope is hypothetical is that yes, yes we are. We've done it before and we'll do it again.

I sincerely hope that if there is a conversation to be had, a debate, its done so in the spirit of finding a solution. The division of us vs them, that toxic rethoric is going to lead this platform down the wrong path, and the last thing any of us want, is to be deemed toxic for investors.

Can we have disagreements? Yes, lets have them, lets debate them, lets use facts and not feelings as the bricks to build a long term solution.

It's not easy to do, of course, trying to remove ourselves from emotional reactions is probably the one thing none of us ever master. But if for nothing else, lets attempt to stay civil because of "money" because in this once instance our actions will affect our investments, our pockets.

You might catch a flag Lex, and if you do... it's OK, I for one think that you bringing up these "facts" was very needed to have a conversation with all the cards on the table.

There is no such thing as too much, only too much relative to merit. Otherwise, we're talking communism.

Flaggers should at least have evidence to provide.

Using proof-of-stake for upvotes is a very dangerous game that allows for very centralistic manipulation of the rewards. I am not talking about the current situation flag situation but about a future danger from the establishment or big corporations to censor unwanted content.

Instead it should be a smarter system where other factors play a role. I am thinking reputation but that is also to easy to manipulate so more like a meta-algorithm that takes many factors into consideration.

I have suggested this very idea - rolling reputation in as a coefficient, or even creating a separate, second reputation that would better handle this task. Unfortunately, all those options make an already overly complex system even moreso.

Maybe a counter-balance would be good. Like the need to have way more flags than likes on a post, so it makes sense that there's a problem with the content, but that would still make it possible to eviscerate smaller accounts into rep-hell ...

Great post ! :)

There actually is a solution - but it was "not popular" enough, it would seem:

Seems like it would've been too easy

It harmed the interests of certain large stakeholders, so like all other changes with that characteristic, it failed.

"not popular" enough

I'm almost yielding to the premise that these 'wars' are being allowed to limit payouts in some cases.


That is an interesting theory, but who is the party "allowing" them? It would have to be large, idle stake, and STINC's stake always seems idle so I doubt that is the (direct) "culprit".

in steem • last month

Heyyyyyyyy @lexiconcial! It’s been a minute since you’ve posted! I figured you were busy behind the scenes with other projects, or taking a break from the battle…lol…I was a little sad to know you were in the middle of the storm; but,…decided not to focus too much energy on the ‘wars’…

Investors pay the rewards. This toxic culture must end, or Steem will.

You’re right. As I’m watching the numbers plummet, I can’t help but wonder if it has something to do with some of the negativity on the platform (unrelated to the wars, though that probably doesn’t help either ;+)…

Then, I noticed the majority of crypto is currently in the red. It’s good to see the cap market value for STEEM remains steady; unlike some shares where investors are cashing out.

idle stake, and STINC's stake always seems idle

Yep…but…perhaps that is what will grow STEEM ultimately. This could be a huge AI experiment to see how long it will take before people, left to their own devices…will implode/destroy ‘themselves’, i.e. the Steemit community. (lol) They will either auto-correct; or, tumble back into the abyss of nothingness.

Best regards!

I’m so glad to hear from you!!!! Prayers that all is well!


Very important post. I think all of us moderate our content a little bit because of the 'fear' for being flagged for now reason. Flagged for promoting btrash without reason remains me of the concept of thoughtcrime in 1984. It is kind of a hilarious that a decentralised libertarian (Dan is very anti-state) place like Steemit has some strong IngSoc-tendencies.

"It is kind of a hilarious that a decentralised libertarian (Dan is very anti-state) place like Steemit has some strong IngSoc-tendencies."

True, but we must also consider that he is no longer involved, and has essentially left over disagreements about core concepts. We can even find him and Ned flaming each other in certain threads, if we bother to look...

I had heard of the flag war that was happening in steemit. It is clear that the network needs some type of regulation, it is frustrating that a photo of a puppy can reach thousands of dollars, while a content that took the author weeks of research, more hours of writing, simply is not worth anything.

but of course, I can not judge, those who get thousands of dollars simply because the rules of the system allows.

Finding a balance is not easy and usually leads to confrontation

Very true. These are difficult issues to resolve without centralization, which is anathema to crypto.

Interesting post. I believe that only posts which should be flagged are some kind of "hate speech"posts otherwise it does not make sense to flag, but hey I am still a newbie so maybe I am wrong.

I think that would be a lot better than the current paradigm. The whitepaper itself notes that even "abuse" is at least as valuable for coin distribution as PoW mining would be.

Everyone needs to just chill and take a deep breast, I mean breath.

Steemit is supposed to be fun, remember?

Ah, well, you know what happens when you mix family/friends with goes badly.

This is the BEST article I've read on this subject since the current war stared. Thank you for putting this out there @lexiconical.

I appreciate your effusive praise.

This is a great perspective. Unfortunately the horse must both choose to be led to the water and then choose to drink it.

The real problem is not even educating people to the problem, or getting them to want to change the problem. The real issue is that the problem can only be changed by those with the stake, and they benefit the most from the status quo.


So what is left to say... these flagger actually have evidence? because even if you disagree with the method, and I've seen a couple steemers who do, still it might be usefull to see in order to explain the reward disparity.

If they do, and they present it convincingly, then I would potentially support their efforts.

Salut your writing, dream is something that definitely get tomorrow, if we always pray and work

This article reminds me to keep digging and keep searching for information and new things.
But I have not understood the substance of the positive thought itself as to what and how to make our minds become positive. Maybe in another article can explain a little bit the meaning of positive thoughts.

Despite being longer and more thorough, this is still essentially an interchangeable spam comment.

if you care about the platform do something about this abuse...grumpy cat is gaming the reward pool

You must have missed my several posts where I was doing exactly that. Nobody cares. Not even the CEO:

Abuse 3.png

Ned Self Vote 6k.png

"I am making Steemit safe for the masses."

Careful how closely you follow Martin Niemöller's example, I believe he spent time in Dachau despite being an "ardent nationalist".

I'd hate to see you banished to facebook.

"I'd hate to see you banished to facebook."

I'd simply be banished back to obscurity, I guess, as I have avoided all other social media as of yet.

Nice/disturbing photo reference there.

Nice/disturbing photo reference there.

There are some rather chilling similarities to those glory days of yesteryear that people seem hell bent on ignoring.

Watch out when it takes a wheelbarrow full of US $$$ to buy a loaf of bread.

Next thing you know, the gubmint will be annexing Canada.

what a wonderful piece that is. I wish i had that kinda power to share around. It will be up to the ones that keep it real to keep these guys in check. What can you do when all the power is in your hands and things are skyrocketing. Cash in and use your power. The future of steemit is in flux but the users will decide the future.

"Cash in and use your power."

Problem with this is you can't sell and use your "power" at the same time, as it has to be powered up to vote.

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Not sure if you've kept up with the drama that has transpired over the past 24 hours at the highest levels of Steemit, but it's disconcerting to say the least, and echoes the concerns that you and others have expressed about the direction this platform is heading in.

Dan Larimer posted a developmental update about EOS yesterday and it was downvoted by Ned "for aggrandizement." Mind you, Dan denied a payout for his post. Yet Ned's comment was upvoted to the tune of nearly $3K.

Well, it seems like that comment and downvote was the final straw for Dan. He has since posted publicly that he is no longer going to support Steemit or Steem and will work towards establishing a better model for an internet community on EOS.

Reward pool exploitation is an evident problem that has remained unaddressed on this site. It is further exacerbated by the fact that the highest levels of Steemit Inc seem to stand by it and even engage in it (as Ned's above referenced comment portrays), while downvoting the content of the founding architect of this blockchain. I am simply at a loss for words, as I expressed here.

I know you have largely checked out of this place, but I'd like to hear your take on all of this. I too have checked out and will not be contributing original content anymore, especially after seeing how Dan has been treated.

Excellent. Virtual "reality" mirroring "reality". The older I get the more I am starting to believe that FASCISM/COMMUNISM is the DEFAULT order of things, and like the "Founding Fathers" stated, it is a CONSTANT battle to RISE ABOVE this default state. Time for a drink...

It makes sense. On numbers alone, communism appeals to the majority of people that just don't want to have to work too hard, but still want equal stuff.

You make some good points.

I thought he might be lying about the percentage of the pool, but I didn't see the numbers before him and others started flagging. I myself flagged a few that I agreed were overrated in my own personal opinion, and up-voted others.

People need to use their own viewpoint on whether or not they should flag, and why. It was put in the users hands, and they can use it how they want. This includes for disagreements on rewards, which is right in the pop-up window.

Now, should users mobilize armies to flag users? Fuck man...that is really stupid. It kinda maybe needs to be done for some that are being extremely overvalued, if you want something done, but it definitely is fighting abuse with abuse.

And some of those currently controlling these armies are just as guilty of "raping" the reward pool at times as many.

The only thing that people can do currently is to use their own personal vote as wisely as they can, and not let other manipulate them. That includes flags. Flags are a tool you can use, against spammers, and people getting $600 per post for shit.

"I thought he might be lying about the percentage of the pool,"

Seems to be a lot of confusion on this point. It's possible it was unintentional. The people involved don't seem to care much about the facts.

"And some of those currently controlling these armies are just as guilty of "raping" the reward pool at times as many."

This is often a grave understatement. I would argue they are, in fact, generally the largest abusers of all.

I'd have to see a breakdown of statistics to see if they were the largest abusers. :P But personally, I think $600 payouts should be reserved for EPIC posts.

I got a $300 curation from currie for the first chapter in my book. I really don't know if it was worth that TBH, but it caused me to continue the story with fervor, despite never getting a payout anything close to that for the following 14 chapters I've now done. SBD was $11 at payout if I remember correctly, so I'm fine with some chapters earning less than $1 even, and others getting $10 or $20. I hope by the end that people will see it as undervalued, but I honestly don't even know.

After writing some of those chapters for multiple hours, and feeling like I was going to bleed out of my eyes after writing some of them, being utterly exhausted, and literally pouring everything I have into them. Even with that, I honestly don't know if it's really worth the rewards I've gotten from it. I can't imagine how people feel entitled to insane rewards for things they don't pour their everything into.

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Fantastic post buddy. I agree with you that some flaggers just try to use their muscle power i.e. SP to bully minnows without any decipline followed. This is definately not good for the steemit platform. Regards Nainaz.

I wish we had more pleasant, well-mannered users like yourself.

thanks for post :) @lexiconical

These low effort comments are liable to get you flagged.

Yeah, there seems to be some mass hypocrisy going on on the side of the flaggers. It's good that some people are willing to speak out boldly like you have. I would resteem except the anti-commie rant is about as helpful as bernie shouting in all-caps. I think we need less hyperbole from all quarters.

"I would resteem except the anti-commie rant is about as helpful as bernie shouting in all-caps."

I'm not being hyperbolic, this is exactly the thought process. It's textbook communism - arbitrary deciding what is "too much" and keeping it all for the "party".

I suspect you are just correctly identifying that such strong language laying out the facts may get you attacked.

This post has received gratitude of 1.18 % from @appreciator thanks to: @lexiconical.

You got a 7.04% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @lexiconical!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Humans haven't stopped being vindictive, so flag wars reflect this. I'd still like to know why for instance @markboss account was flagged so heftily. Strange, if someone considers it spam, then they should remember that spam is unsolicited email which you can't get rid off. This certainly wasn't he case. OK, he picked the posts he curated and packed them in one post. He didn't ask the posters, but this could be considered as sort of promotion or as sort of feed or rss. No-one got his posts unless following his account. Why downvote if unfollow is fully operationable???

Without delving into this particular case, I suspect the reason given on this one is post-plagiarism.

No, he didn't plagiarize, he justmade a collection and summary of posts he suggested to Curie.

Up voted for reward pool rape

This post has received a 14.96 % upvote from @aksdwi thanks to: @lexiconical.

This post has received a 13.95 % upvote from thanks to: @lexiconical.
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This post has received a 17.26 % upvote, thanks to: @lexiconical.

Interesting article, didn't consider the political side of steem

I suggest you do so, if you plan to invest any money here.

Just did this week. I like the idea but a bit worried now.

But you're still sticking around.

Guess it's too late for you to get out now

This is precise and educative! Every part of truth rest in this piece.

Keep steeming.

This is a generic, cut-and-paste style comment. You might draw the ire of certain users for posting like this.

afraid to come out on either side.

Thanks for this passionate post @lexiconical. I’ve been hit by a flag bully; for citing a need for a NSFW tag. This wasn’t the work of an innocent noob; but, someone trying to lure people in.

I agree flagging a post comes with great risk; and, I shiver in frustration when I hear people speak of not flagging because of the fear of retaliation.

There should be a penalty in place for those who bully-flag. If they are deemed as doing so, it’s time to start zeroing-out their current posts and putting the payouts into the Wallet of those whose work they’ve obliterated.

Investors pay the rewards. This toxic culture must end, or Steem will.

I’m not 100% convinced that the investors want this to end, as many have made suggestions to improve the process; but, the dilemma persists.

Lastly, “God has not given us a spirit of fear…” (2Timothy 1:7).

When fear becomes the reason for failing to do what is right out of FEAR of retaliation, while cowering from the push-back against evil-doers, the foundation and pillars for a Communist structure really are being put in place.

I’ve observed the flag wars, most notably against Haejin, ironically at a time when I discovered his fascinating ‘Elliott Wave’ tutorials. I sense that more than anything, envy is at the root of tainting his endeavors.

I value your opinion @lexiconical. If I’m wrong, please enlighten me.


"This wasn’t the work of an innocent noob; but, someone trying to lure people in."

I'm sorry to hear that. It's almost like forcing you to pay your time and voting power to handle abuse for no reward is a bad system and complete failure of game theory...

"I’m not 100% convinced that the investors want this to end, "

And there you've hit upon why I've powered down while I decide what to do next.

"When fear becomes the reason for failing to do what is right out of FEAR of retaliation, while cowering from the push-back against evil-doers, the foundation and pillars for a Communist structure really are being put in place."

Agreed wholeheartedly, that's why I used this analogy. The "party" are Bernie, Grumpy, Transisto...and they get to "decide" what everyone else is worth.

Thanks for sticking with the blog, sorry I missed this comment.

And there you've hit upon why I've powered down while I decide what to do next.

Yaaayyy…on behalf of all of us who've had our STEEM on lockdown due to various exchanges undergoing ‘maintenance’, I’m so glad to know you’re not having to watch your earnings ‘bleed out’…lol…

I really became a member to teach myself how to invest/trade; so, powering down would defeat my intentions.

The "party" are Bernie, Grumpy, Transisto...

Whaaattt????? Lol…I thought you were one of these…You’re not?…. Oh dear…I really thought you were comically playing both sides of the drama…Dang…It was so much more fun thinking

they get to "decide" what everyone else is worth.

They’ve certainly targeted the good, bad and everything in-between. And yet, amazingly their Wallets get fatter and fatter with those negative numbers…lol…smh…ha!

Thanks for sticking with the blog

I’m thankful that it exists; but, I genuinely question whether those at the top are really interested in promoting/growing it. It remains 100 times better than say, FB, etc.

sorry I missed this comment.

No worries! Just glad to know you’re well.

Best regards!
