I'm revising my ways, Thanks Paula

in steem •  6 years ago 

Its a special moment when you connect to a rant at a deep level, when you are finding yourself agreeing so hard (if that is even possible) you are wondering if you've been mind hacked. Well, just yesterday @paulag shared a post that I absolutely loved. Yes of course, we could add some nuances, a couple of caveats and some anecdotal couches, but I absolutely found it as effective as a bucket of cold water. Hence the infographic supplied.

Missing the Couches and Caveats

Some of the thoughts @paulag put forth might be hurtful to those who default to anecdotal exceptions. But, the idea that the rant was invalid because of this, might be a little too unfair. If you have not read her post, I invite you to give it a good read before continuing.

If you've returned from that post, and you've decided the color t-shirt you are wearing for this argument, lets continue. In my personal experience, I relate more to @paulag than anyone else on this platform. I spend quite a bit of time trying to help others grasp a long term vision for the platform and I find this work, this effort, to be essential to "protect" if you will, my own future. You could say, and you would not be wrong that my drive behind this is both selfish, and selfless. As an investor of Steem, I want this platform to succeed and thus, operate and act towards that goal in the way that I believe I can be the most effective.

The idea of sharing the long term message with other people is also because I would like for others to also partake of the beautiful possibilities to come. I've grown to love and I'm not using this word because its pretty, so many people on this platform over these past months that my connection to Steem, and my investment in all its dimensions is hard to estimate with numbers. I've made so many good friends, that the idea that we can one day be sharing a drink at SteemFest 18 with heads full of gray hairs makes me smile like a fat kid with cake.

You could call me an idiot, you could say that I need to grow up and I would forgive you for saying so. But, I'm not denying my own thoughts on the matter to fit what anyone believes to be "the smart type of investor".

However, this much is true...

The shame game is not necessary

And on this, on this very point I will give my dear friend @omitaylor her well deserved ninja points. What I'm trying to say is that because all situations are different, because in the end everyone has different needs, a different life experience, not everyone can or even should adopt the:

"Long term Vision"

But... you just contradicted yourself Meno

Yes, well no, well I did, but that is not the point. Anyways, if you allow me to explain it a little better and bring out some more nuance, caveats and couches, it will all make sense, I think. I like silly examples because it allows me to explain what otherwise my language knowledge impedes me from doing. So, in the fashion that seems to be a style, let me give this a go.

User X has 1000 SP on his account, he has been working really hard building up his SP for 3 months, but due to a mishap in life, User X needs $2000 to keep his home. What should user X do?

a) Well, man up, because powering down is bullshit.
b) Maybe power down a bit, but post a lot more to make up for it.
c) He should power down exactly what he needs and that's it.
d) Power it all down and take care of his life

If you are sitting there making a choice for User X, you just proved my point for me. Its not up to you, its not up to me, it's up to User X to decide his future. Yes, my biases and I lean towards (b), but that is me and my circumstances. I can't assume my mold of life applies to absolutely anyone else but me, because even In my own case I might be completely wrong. The mistake however, if I'am actually committing one, is mine and only mine to make.

What about my ways?

I also try to delegate as much as possible to small accounts. I do this for the same reasons @paulag and @abh12345 do it, and honestly believe that this is the best way I can help the Steem ecosystem. However, a time or two I've delegated to someone who did not have in "my opinion", his/her best interest in mind. Since I was the enabler of the situation, the healthiest thing for me to do, is to remove "me" from the equation.

I just turned into a very thin street, but we will make the logic cart get to the other side. What I'm trying to say is that if I decided to help someone, to help a User X do better in the platform out of my own volition, I also have the same right not to. Depending on the situation this could make me the proverbial bad guy, but in the instances where I would remove myself from the equation, I would probably have enough evidence to support my decision.

I'm not saying I'm going to tar a feather someone who is powering down, or anything that pathetic. I'm simply talking about cases where I've clearly identified a taker, someone who know only how to sing the "Me, Me, Me" song but pretends to know the lyrics to all the good ones. Without remorse, without shame and without guilt, I will proceed to make myself absent as an enabler. That's it, that simple. All this, I repeat if I believe that User X is acting outside of my preferred ideals.

The phone works both ways as they say. Does that make me a bad guy?

Other posts by yours truly

• one of those mornings
• if I lost this account, would you care?
• This is how money works, kinda - A story told to me by a Ghost
• An Ode to Spam
• grandpa, grandma and their kids

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hi @meno and thank you for this post, not just because its agrees with mine but because it wasn't the bucket of water that I poured.

Investments are for spending and enjoying and using when needed. Lets face it, I am not going to be here for ever and will power down at some stage...I may even power down some to get me to steemfest.

I started on a little math last night after my post, hope to get back to it tomorrow. but I am hoping to prove that will just a small investment of time, things can be very different for people on steemit, and I am not talking long term at all....stay tuned and thanks for the post

I'm looking forward to reading it! :)

hope you don't mind me adding a link, this might help people see how they can personally benefit by thinking a little further down the line, like 13 weeks down the line

Dear Paula... my comment section will always be at your service... you drop all the links you want!

tips his hat

Why would you care about anyone having the "me me me" mentality unless they are whales? I personally unfollow everybody who doesn´t give upvotes to good comments. I followed people who did not even respond to any comments at all. A waste of time. Throw them in the trash.

I used to follow a guy who was on trending regularly. He didn´t give a single upvote to any comment and since he was in trending so often he got like thousands of comments overall. On the other hand I follow a game dev who is giving some nice upvotes on comments all the time and he gets like 5 comments per post. You know who I unfollowed and who I like to upvote and engage with.

I am personally more motivated to read a blog post if I know that I might get an upvote if I make a comment and of course I am not talking about the "hello friend please upvote" kind of comments. If you are a content creator and you don´t upvote comments on your blog posts why should your readers be on steemit and not on any other kind of social media?

They are hurting themselves by their selfish nature. I think the "me me me" guys are idiots. Let them make their posts and see them exhausted when they realize that they are not going to see any wealth with their low SP upvoting their own stuff or by using bid bots that have more often than not a negative ROI.

It doesn´t matter on which platform you are or if you think blockchain is going to crush the current banking system or if you think steemit is going to annihilate facebook. Reciprocity is a thing on steemit as it is everywhere else. On steemit this is just more transparent and I guess it is more relevant to grow than on other social media sites.


Join me in my struggle with alcohol addiction

Please feel free to come make great comments like this and get upvotes on my blog.

I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want to invest in building a quality comment section. A lot of small users can't upvote comments reasonably but those of us who have the voting power to do it sure ought to be.

I get your point, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I can help someone grow, someone build their stake on the platform. But maybe my time is not well spent on those who are part of the "me me me" culture.

Ones that if they where to gain a big delegation, this delegation would just enable the behavior.

Like I have said many times before: My readers are my most valuable asset on Steemit.

However, most established Steemians, (authors making $50+ on each article they publish) seems to ignore their readers.

I don't know why and I will never understand such behaviour. I understand that you can't respond to all the comments you get in case you get 50+ comments on each article... But seriously? - One response or a 1% upvote would be a great start for most of these people.

this boggles my mind... this whole thing would mean :poop: if I had no one to challenge me on the ideas I put forth.

Thanks for posting this. And I find @paulag post refreshing also. I also appreciate the mention.

Unlike Paula, I did invest money from my own wallet (ugh, when it was almost $4/coin + fees, ouch my head.) My investment was still shitty by comparison to many accounts and may as well have been nothing, but it's what I could afford. 🐟

My current "voting donut" is 7.5% outgoing, 0.5% incoming "self-votes" and I also "smart power up" which is a technique another account taught me. I hope to post the chart at my 1000 follower mark. My only regrets right now is that I don't make enough time to post 2x a day on my own page enough. I don't remember to use my signature space enough as well.

Let me ask you directly, and perhaps you could DM me, how do you judge my reinvestment decisions?

I often ponder on the wisdom of the dolphins that support me. Should I be copying what they do and focusing more on "trickling down" at the moment, or focusing on becoming a dolphin myself — too — first? Where are they placing their faith me?

Here is my conundrum. Circumstantial ethics make sense to me. But if ethics are circumstantial, are they ethics at all?

Behave like who you want to become makes sense too, except my question is, what if doing that has effects that contradict what the spoken or implied "directive" is? What if 20 different people all claim to have gotten to their same position in different and seemingly contradicting ways?

Two random unrelated but informative posts.

Vlog 310: I think in the future Steempower held by investors will be used to fund individual projects instead of individual content creators.

dippity drop, steemit.com drops below 1000 on alexa ranking + the obvious connection between steem price, post counts, post engagement and steem shilling

Thank as always Dear Omi for sharing your crazy head with with, and reporting on your donut (as you call it) truth be told you know much about the paying it forward mentality, and it might even be intuitive to you.

I am going to check out those links...


@meno I should print my donut on a shirt, self-votes and all. Steem donut shirts hahaha 🙏 😱 👍 😀 😍

Where are they placing their faith me?

Well, I'm only occasionally upvoting you at this point so I don't know if I count as "dolphin support" but I just want you to keep being here and keep being interesting.

Thank you @tcpolymath and I appreciate that very much more than you realize. By that question I more meant I wonder what's expected of me.


Does that make me a bad guy?

Definitely not! I read @paulag's post as well, and @hitmeasap just wrote one along the same lines too, and I have to say "Bravo" for saying this. Like anything worthwhile in life, you get what you put into it. There are no 'gimmes' or 'freebies' here; work hard, be genuine and care about this platform and its' users...that is the recipe for success. And it's a "slow and steady wins the race" kind of thing too; it's a shame that so many come here with "get rich quick" schemes running through their heads.

Thanks @meno for a great read!

Nice family and very happy, i like this photo

Did you even read the article...?


thank you for the posting greed

thank you for the posting greed