Why I won't support Jerry Banfield anymore - JerryCoin

in steem •  6 years ago  (edited)

Everyone who knows me is aware that I am not one to start fights, to defame someone or anything of the sort. I believe above all that kindness can go a long way. However, I cannot in the name of peace justify not doing my absolute best to put this message out there. Hopefully the information on this post will give everyone enough references to make the right choice.

Some History and a small Disclaimer

I was one of those users that found the platform because of Jerry Banfield. In this sense I'm grateful that he made enough noise so that I could find Steem relatively early in my crypto venture. Its exactly because of this fact, that I used to defend Jerry in the very beginning. I always assumed innocence, lack of proper communication skills and an overall quirkiness to his way of interacting with other people.

Because I felt grateful to participate of Steem, I was always too quick to turn a blind eye. Meaning, that even though some things were obviously shady, like the $50 account creation service, I would easily believe the story behind that ridiculous fumble.

But, lets start from the top...

Why is Jerry Hated so much?

I used to ask myself that very question all the time. It made absolutely no sense to me. He was someone promoting Steem, onboarding users to the platform indirectly, making videos about Steem with an enthusiasm that was probably unmatched by any other youtuber.

As a matter of fact Jerry would tell people in his videos to sell all their crypto and buy into Steem. As much as that might be a bold thing to say, It also meant, at least to me, that everyone participating of Steem(holding bags) would be grateful to Jerry for being the biggest promoter outside of Steem. (Promoting Steem inside Steem is silly)

Very vocal Steemians constantly attacked jerry, and this made it hard for me to be objective. Maybe, the idea that a good guy was being wrongfully accused was obfuscating my objective pragmatism.

And then, it started to make sense...

I decided to do some research on Jerry and find out if there was something I did not know about him, something I needed to know to get the whole picture. I found out that before coming to Steem he was kicked and Banned from Udemy and later on the Dash community.

Without me having to explain any details regarding those interesting expulsions from two different platforms, two different communities, It becomes obvious that assuming that Jerry has always done right by the people he claims to care about, does not really compute.

Ask yourself these Questions?

If Jerry was making Udemy money, if he was a top selling author for Udemy: Why Would Udemy work against their own best interest? If Jerry was making them money hand and foot, Why would they cut him off?

The following is an excerpt from a key piece of information regarding that unusual decision, as told by someone who is currently participating of Udemy.

When Udemy hit the 10m user mark things changed. they no longer needed to leverage the power of get rich quick schemes for growth. The networking effect was well in play and the snowball was rolling.

Udemy banned all get rich quick courses, kicked jerry off the site with a thanks very much for all the users, although shit quality, it ranked us well and aided in the growth.

What about Dash? Why would Dash reject Jerry too? - I dug into these questions as well, and found out that he was never kicked out per say. He might claim he was to some people, but this was not the case.

What happened with Dash is that Jerry's proposals did not get accepted by the community. In very much the same way that he comes up with proposals for Steem, like the Peer to Peer project and the Steemfest 2.5. Jerry had some ideas regarding Dash Budget Proposals, and since they did not pass muster, he felt compelled to retaliate and attack the integrity of the Community.

In other words, he decided to attack, to FUD the one thing he was supposed to help, because he was not getting his way. He sold his masternode at this time too.

How is that for some context and history?

Get rich Quick Schemes is the name of his Game

Now Jerry's profile started to make a lot more sense, the whole point was not to work for the betterment of the communities he was participating in, the plan was for him to make a ton of money first, and if that helps others, well that is fine, but that's never been the focus.

With this new contextual lens the videos on youtube made a lot more sense. When he talked about being so bullish on Steem, and the "hacks" and the "tricks" he was both appealing to the hot words, and riding high on his dopamine train. There are quite a few videos on how to beat the system,with all the dodgy language you will expect.

I realize we might disagree on this very aspect, but I happen to think that teaching people how to game the system, how to squeeze every last penny of you VP, being that the focus of the lesson is pretty dodgy. Instead of teaching people how to interact, how to grow within the communities, he chooses to dangle the carrot on the stick and appeal to greed and the fear of missing out. It's a shit tactic in my opinion, but I digress.

All of the sudden the accusations from good natured witnesses like @drakos made a lot more sense to me. There was no way Jerry did not know he was not acting in an honest manner, he just thought he could get away with it, and that is a giant difference.

I call this the "Banfield Effect"

It's when you basically commit harakiri by acting dishonestly, get caught and then immediately backpedal using the "I didn't know any better card" aided by prayers and family pictures.

In none canonical order, here are some of the remarkable Harakiri moments.

Bribing Whales

Soon after launching his witness campaign, Jerry started to send a lot of steem to whales and dolphins so he could get their support. All the information is on the blockchain for anyone to see, this is not hearsay by all means.

Some would call this corruption, and I'm one of them. But of course, he said he was sorry and he stopped. He did not know it would be frowned upon for some reason.

Selling Free Information & Lying about Earnings

When Jerry was caught doing this he of course removed the course he was selling. Let me be perfectly clear about what happened here. Jerry was helped by other Witnesses, he gathered all the information needed to run a witness server from free sources, including other people, and then put it on his website for sale for $180 bucks, telling everyone that they could be witnesses too.

You can look at these videos yourself. He would tell people pay me $180 dollars for this course, and you will be able to make $295 dollars per day mining Steem.

A job he did not clearly understand pretty much at all, but regardless decided to sell for a steep price.

Steem Account Creation

So here is another scenario were Jerry thought he could swoop in, save the day and make tons of money. Most of us who participate of this platform are aware that Steemit Inc at times takes weeks to approve accounts. This bottle neck was a golden opportunity, so Jerry decided to start his own service.

For the modest sum of $50 he would give you an account worth (at the time) less than $10 dollars. It was a great deal, you did not have to wait of course, and that is why the whole thing was justified. But just like his previous mishaps he all of the sudden found out this was not right. He was claiming he was the only other option out there. A big OOPS!

He wrote a post apologizing, telling all the witnesses who called him out, he did not know.

@ats-david who is a Steemian Witness that does not mince his words, had a few things to say about this.

As you can see, there was some obvious inconsistencies in his apology. Jerry both knew, and also did not know. He had to come clean and tell everyone a very ugly (in my opinion) truth. Jerry was not writing his own posts. In other words, Jerry had hired someone to do the work for him, thus he was ignorant of the information the posts contained.

Steemfest 2.5 then renamed Steemsummer

This one was pretty epic. Basically, Jerry did not talk to @roelandp about this at all, and he decided he would run his own version of SteemFest 2.5, use Steem and Steemians to help him fund it. His original post has been edited of course, but the comment section basically illustrates all the reasons as to why this was such a fumble.

This is another classic case of "oops, I didn't know that I could not steal your idea". Because, we've all done it, right?

Please note, he was not going to do this for free or anything of the sort. The event was going to be a paid event, a way for him to make money. I only clarify because someone told me otherwise once, and I had to point out his declared intention to sell tickets.

I think this was the first time I've ever seen @anomadsoul flag anyone. He is one of the kindest dudes on this platform, so this seemed out of character for him.

His 21k Steem Prediction

This post was the one that broke the camels back for me. After watching his video, I removed my witness vote from Jerry and had to painfully admit, that as much as I may dislike @berniesander's choice of words, he had been right all along.

This is basically Jerry's version of Carlos Mattos. The viral video of him screaming Bitconnect was the only thing going through my head as I watched this video. It was propaganda, wishful thinking and a video that without a doubt hurt the legitimacy of Steem.

You might not know this, and I would not blame you, but Steem is constantly being attacked by FUDers as a scam. They call it a PONZI, because of how the initial system was setup, otherwise called ninja mining. I won't go into that subject to deeply, but I will simply say, that how steem began is not what it currently is. The people who have joined, the people that have built communities and projects are a testament to that.

However, we can't fail to see how these types of videos, made to bait people with unrealistic promises hurt our platform. Cheerleading from a podium of unrealistic ignorance is not going to help us in the slightest.

Why am I making this post today?

Because I care, because I really do. And Jerry's newest Harakiri cannot go uncontested. I can't be silent about this, not anymore.

I know that even though I'm making this post, and I'm going to talk to everyone I can about how the math of his idea is skewed, and how he is basically making a power grab, there will be some that will ignore the warning signs and start sending him STEEM. That fact won't stop me from trying. If I get some flags for this, so be it, I'll take them and move on with my life.

Let's start from the beginning....

SMT's are a Promise, not a current reality

I'm not trying to attack Steemit Inc, but the truth is that nothing in life is guaranteed. I could die tomorrow simply by eating a pizza. So to make plans on top of the promise of "SMT's are coming soon" is naive to say the least.

What I'm trying to say is that the possibility that Jerry Coin never exists is out there. There is absolutely no guarantee that it will ever happen. If you can't accept this fact, then we can't have a rational discussion on the subject.

You are giving him the keys to a tank

By people sending Jerry liquid Steem you are effectively helping to create a whale that does not have to care about absolutely anything anyone has to say about him. I think we need to learn from the recent history and come to grips with the fact that if he feels justified, he will act in his own self interest without taking into account anyone else.

So, having jerry become a megawhale is basically giving him the political weight of @blocktrades without any of the ethics we would all like to see from someone with that much stake. Imagine if @blocktrades goes rouge and starts upvoting a wife, because F it... This would be a ranchorelaxo on steroids.

You are also allowing him to control more of the witness allocation pool. He could effectively vote for himself and keep himself in the top 20 if he becomes a megawhale. Who is going to stop him? Who can stop him? Do you see the problem with this?

You are not getting anything special

I don't know if the post was written poorly intentionally, but because of Jerry's history I happen to think it just might. When you first read it, it seems to imply you are going to be getting 10X your investment everyday. This of course made very little sense to me, but after reading some of his replies to the questions on his post I finally understood what he meant.

If you send Jerry 1000 Steem Power he promises to vote you back with 10k Steem Power once a day. Please not he does not specify VP when he does so, he just says he will vote you back with 10K Steem Power once a day. Now, here is how this gets really interesting. You could vote for yourself 10 times, and basically achieve the same result. You might have to vote for yourself 11 times, maybe, but it would basically be the same and you would not have to send Jerry a penny.

Now, he does promise the disguised self-upvote(because that's what it is) to be forever. If you do the math, it would take more than a 1.3 years for you to recover your investment meanwhile you are not exposed to the valuation of Steem.

To summarize, you are out the money, you have a "promise", because that it's all it is at this moment, and you won't be exposed to the increase of valuation of Steem. But, he will.

There is no smart contract to protect you

There is absolutely no way Jerry can be forced to fulfill the end of the bargain. He could easily stop upvoting you, and there would not be a damn thing anyone could do to make him do it. If you naively think that Steemit Inc, or @ned would step in to protect those who got scammed, if such a thing would happen, you might not be aware of Zeartul a top 30 witness who got away with thousands of stolen Steem claiming he was hacked.

I remember @neoxian doing his absolute best to help the victims, but don't be fooled. @neoxian is not Steemit Inc, and he had no obligation to do anything. He just did it our of the goodness of his heart and that is how he got my witness vote.

So, to make this absolutely clear, you have absolutely no protections, none.

We are all adults

I can't tell you what to do. You will read the evidence I've presented, read the comments of trusted people on this platform and make up your mind. However, do not say you were not warned. The chances of this working are so slim I'm flabbergasted by the fact that I'm seeing people jumping aboard the titanic feeling invincible.

@tcpolymath added some notable remarks to the conversation

In conclusion

I'm willing to accept the repercussions of my actions. Honestly, this was too much for me to just stand around and do nothing. If this information helps 5% of his would be "clients" walk away from the disaster, I would feel like It was worth spending all day writing this.

Much love to you all...

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He has been kicked off almost every platform he has been on.

He has said he doesn't even write his own posts. Who knows who is pulling the strings to run the Jerry puppet.

He is constantly coming up with ideas that are not only not very well thought out but are very scammy.

He has been orally satisfying himself for 17 years, so long in fact that his back has scars and the back pain in the only reason he stopped.


Full Version

He believes flagging should be removed from the platform so everyone is free to make money however they want without anyone interfering.


Why everyone is so excited to make him a top 20 witness?

Jerry has been promoting money-making scams on the internet for so many years now I can't believe people still fall for it.

He did do a post a while back explaining that he doesn't write his own posts. What he does is make videos and pays someone to transcribe them then uses that as his post. That technique is very effective for ranking on the first page of Google for a topic. A 15-20 minute video transcribed creates a huge amount of text. Sprinkle it in with a bunch of keywords you want to rank for and do it consistently and before long you're ranking on the top page, especially if it's a fairly new topic like Steemit for example.

He has used this method before to gain traffic and position himself as an expert on money-making opportunities and it does work. The thing is, Steemit is different and better than that, focusing on building real value and communities. His pitch always seems to revolve around getting rich quick and he builds a sales funnel to lure people in, first with free content, then with paid content. It's as old as the internet really.

I'm sure his idea to charge people $50 to sign up to a free site was just another one of his scams to leverage anonsteem to sign people up who may not know about it and pocket the difference. That's just what internet scammers do. But he must have know about anonsteem and talked about it in his video or it would not have been transcribed into his post.

While I personally have nothing against Jerry when I saw him on Steemit and saw how popular he was becoming it did make me a bit sad because I really didn't want that kind of promotion being done about Steem. It just makes it look scammy and we don't need that. Steemit is better than all that noise.

That's why he's never had my vote as a witness. I did try to say hi to him at Steemfest last year but he ran away from me like I was the devil himself when he saw my name tag, Luzcypher! Muahahaha!

Jerry is looking for a way to cash in on new people coming to Steemit. It's just the way he operates. Though he may have a lot of YouTube followers that will come to Steemit because of him being here do we really want those kinds of people gravitating to the platform?

Anyway there is to make money on the internet is going to attract a certain level of scammers, but do we have to help them and fall for their BS? I don't think so. Of course, he believes flagging should be removed so he can't be called out on his scams.

What he calls helping people is really helping himself first. I have helped people create instant accounts on Steemit using AnonSteem more times than I can count, but I do it completely differently than Jerry.

What I do is sign them up with AnonSteem and pay for it myself. Then I make a post about them and direct my followers to their intro post. Once my post pays out I transfer the SBD it earned to their new account. That's helping people. And when they ask me why I would that my answer is always the same, "Because I can and that's how Steemit rolls."

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Aside from the cringe things you've shared here (which I'm still processing a week later) I can't disagree in the slightest with you.

I don't understand it, I simply don't... I applauded @pharesim when he voted his conscience and stopped playing politics on this issue.

We can't as stake holders, no matter your wallet size... we can't be so myopic. This is not about today, this is not about next week... this thing we are working for is for years to come.

I had to process this too and you inspired a post out me about it you can read here:

How To Charge $50 To Help People Get A Free Steemit Account --- by @luzcypher

Hahaha Senpai, a minute after you posted I was already reading!!


This post needs to sit aside his on the trending tab. Great work and I couldn't have said it better myself.
Except, no one probably noticed Jerry hasn't been on trending for a while, because he was in the top 20 witnesses.

Now he's dropped out of the Top20 again he's back.

He has a method to his madness, it's just a numbers game to him.



wait I have one more lol :)


I can't understand that people fall for his shit

Most new people here on steemit, they don't know something like this, especially for someone that just enter the cryptoworld, so they're easy to manipulated by someone like jerry.

They thought a post with $1k++ rewards and long words is a good post, so they will follow advices from someone who created that post because they want to get big rewards too.

It's like phishing attempts, make ridiculous claims to sell ebooks or online courses, and the more retardedly scammy they sound the better, that way you filter out any people with enough intelligence to stay the fuck away.

I promise you he is not powered by the Tooth Fairy's dust.

People fall for Nigerian scams, why not his too :-)

I think from someone who hasn't been around as long he seems like a go getter and if they don't know that much about crypto investments or the STEEM platform he is able to seem harmless enough to pull enough mental strings for people to think that he is leading the way to profitability for them.

I looked in @jerrybanfields wallet to see who sent him money for that SMT and was embarrassed to see some of the usernames in there.

I hope you can get into a top 20 Witness position but a lot of what goes on here doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

100% agreed dude.

I just learned something today that I never wanted or needed to know. Ever.

Damn you freedom of expression! Is it too late to eat that blue pill?

beats me, always had a weary air around him, I can't stand fake positivity,

out of him I got 2 things, I will paraphrase in my words:

If your conscious is killing you, do positive gratitude in the morning and thank everyone and anything that you are alive ....

If you want to live through the crypto dip, buy bot upvotes and pat yourself on the back, preferable, use his bot...

I don't know how he got there and who actually saw something beneficial, I mean hype is nice, but it's as nice as there are stupid people around to buy it.... also called suckers ....

This. comedy. is. deplorable.

It isn’t really comedy.

Here, I improved it slightly.

Because people are stupid.
That's one thing I learned the time I am on steem.
They seem to falm for every trap there is.
Because, well, in real life there is government to protect them.
Here they are on their own and open to... Attacks from quacks and snake oil sellers like Jerrybanfield.

You know best what stupid things users are upvoting. And this will not change. It seems te be in human nature to fall for scams and such.


Steemit was actively marketing to populations that are economically disadvantaged and people that have low skills/IQ. Hopefully the South Korean market balances this out

This kind of marketing makes it tough to curate and help people....sigh

So many things wrong with this picture... i do think the solution though is around the corner.

I hope so; I am keeping an eye on developments, that is why I am posting on this kind of article @migcrypto.

tbh i believe that the solution has more to do with abandoning steemit as the dominant social media platform of the STEEM blockchain and using one from of the coming wave of SMTs

That is what I see as well @mlgcrypto, many times sites have tried to pay bloggers, and they have failed. I've always seen our social media site as a test for scalability, documentation, and lighting fast transactions. Steem Inc has one of the best Blockchains out there. I do hope our social media site improves its user interface and develops and sound economic plan with free markets. That's why I came here because I am an artist and I want to sell my paintings and other artwork for cryptocurrency and get out of the mafia banking system.

Thanks for you

super disappointing that once someone brainwashes their way far enough into the community it is very hard for us as a community to get rid of him. Even with all the hate etc against him now hes still peddling in hordes of money

herd mentality and general disconnection, nobody around here bothers with anything, except the fact they could be making more money .... 70% of people are lazy to even care about anything ...

That's why I wouldn't say there is a community, there might be a subconscious arising from the trending page people seem to be frequenting for some retarded reason, ...

His Autofellatio is probably his "own business" ..

Rest is on point !!

Well I've been "kicked" out of YouTube because I was telling hard truth and some people put feelings over facts. Well... FUCK your feelings.
FACT: clicked one of his videos and what I heard was some nonsense and ass licking (mostly his).
50 $ to make an account?? Either he is a scammer or an idiot... Not sure which maybe both.

If I remember correctly, it was 50 STEEM plus a high pressure 10-20 STEEM "optional" donation.

optional donations are always nice to hear, we kind of have an optional mandatory tax .... very funny when I heard of it ... double speak ftw...

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment

He put up a sob story how much work it was and how he was doing such a great thing and that it's good to help out with a donation. He sold it pretty hard.

The great thing about dang is I never know if he's being serious or it's perfect deadpan.

Oh shit... i thought that the "sucking his own dick" thing was something like a metaphor...

Oh shit... can't take that image from my mind now...

Yeah I thought it was all just smack talk but it seems like Jerry repeatedly fucked up his back sucking himself off and then would pray to the Lords of Cobol to make himself stop but he kept doing it. I guess he only hurt himself though. lol


I just laughed my ass off. I'm surprised Jerry didn't end up in a wheel chair trying to deep throat himself. I could see his rib cage crushing under the pressure and then him puking on his own dick when his ribs and lungs imploded.

where did that come from .... too much maybe :D

That is funny!

WTF!!! How could someone be suspended from LinkedIn, for "actively using"?! It's clear that this is a turning point in the Steem community and we all should take action to discourage this type of behavior/thinking. Spreading this word out will save many innocent people from being fouled.

I feel bad for some reason for laughing too much about Jerry's self servicing habits. If he got a sex change people would be saying he was "brave". Since he folded himself in two and sucked himself dry for 17 years he is looked at as a sick perverted savage. LOL

I honestly think his Steemfest 2.5 pitch and this SMT pitch is worse than him draining his own balls into his own mouth. Hhahahah. At least I was entertained listening to his admission of this. I was all frowns when I read about the SMT pitch.

yeah everything else was like.... "dude you're a fucking idiot" but now its just impossible for anyone who can view things objectively to defend.

Yeah...... Like before we would hear his pitches and thing he is probably a delusional geek but there is too much of a pattern. The SMT pitch takes the cake.

He is lucky he didn't land himself in a wheelchair folding himself in half to suck on himself and ultimately he just hurt himself. With the SMT and these other pitches are worse because he is hurting others financially.

If his rib cage imploded and he choked on his own dick that would be a Darwin Award right? LOL

Thats another things that too many of these blockchain dev turned thieves dont realize is that there are serious consequences for stealing the kind of money that they are taking. Personally I would look at money that I got scammed out of as a lesson learned but there are plenty of people here hat would not be so nice if they lost enough

Yeah a lot of these ICO scammers make me want to puke and gurgle my own puke and spit it in their faces.

Like I want to launch my own project but one of the reason I don't is for a few reasons. I want to know 100% I can deliver on the promise and also I want to make sure that it doesn't somehow land me in Club FED for breaking some obscure law.

I'm surprised Jerry didn't think of that more when he made the SMT post. I mean he was basically going to take everyone's money and make more money with it while pitching the future promise built on a mechanism that doesn't exist at this point yet.

I'm no legal expert but that kind of sounds like a security if you are taking people's money for the promise of something in the future especially when there is no existing code for what he is pitching.

Because I'm not willing to be a greedy little savage I feel like that is why my STEEM wallet isn't as fat....... but oh well I guess.

yeah same. I almost came to that point but id rather make my money honestly. At least my first billion.

It is tough to not break bad for sure. I have seen so many sketch balls getting rich right before my eyes. Sometimes it is so clear they are shady scammers but it is like they just make a living taking advantage of people and lying right to their faces.

I just can't do it and I can't keep my mouth shut when I see bullshit scammers at work. A lot of times there is no reward to call it how it is unfortunately.

wait, what????? "orally satisfying himself?" How did this get drudged up? I am scared to click on that link.

its just audio... but its real unfortunately.

He did an hour audio blog where he talks about it, he also came on to voice chat and "came out".

He did it from 13-30 and had to stop because it hurt his back too much and gave him scars. Occasionally he does a “test drive” and prays he doesn’t finish.

whaaaaaat are we talking about, is this really important, why do we care....

anyone asking those questions,

still cut the guy some slack, let him rest in pepeorni ... and learn from your mistakes, because 80% of people here hopefully haven't voted him in, but there seems to be a silent majority of stupid that is kind of running half the platform...

I shouldn't have listened to Jerry's comedy routine, I stopped looking when he mentioned self-pleasuring. I kept having intrusive images pushing their way into my mind when I was trying to paint yesterday. The link should come with a warning. @themarkymark. Funny how my gut knew about the character of this person just listening to his first video's when he first made trending.

usually, but most people are quite disconnected from their "gut feelings" usually over stimulated to feel the slighter sensations.

I think I watched 5 minutes of one video once... and once I think I skimmed a post from him, then decided to not ruin my day and hate on a bullshit excuse,

I think the common perception, or misconception, is that Top 20 is consisted of a circlejerk.

Somehow, a lot of Steemians thought Jerry would be some sort of "wild card" to upset the balance of that circle. Unfortunately, his history disqualifies him from being such dark horse.

@themarkymark Speechless.

I learned from here that Jerry is worse than I thought.
It also brought to my attention that a certain long time shitposter is a satanist:

But so are Donald Drumpf, Engela Merkel, Craig Grant, almost if not every rapper, politician, bankster that was and is, Big Herc and Shaun Attwood so nothing too shocking here.

can't you fuck off with your self satisfaction with bot votes .... go join her church then .... smart guy ... "you learned", you mean you heard something that sounds good to you and are willing to say whatever bullshit you think is right, without thinking because your mind is shattered ...

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You got a 35.29% upvote from @sleeplesswhale courtesy of @stimialiti!

You got a 83.33% upvote from @luckyvotes courtesy of @stimialiti!

@youtake pulls you up ! This vote was sent to you by @stimialiti!

This comment confuses me. You learned from "where" that "whom" is a Satanist?

The answer to your "whom" is in screenshot that I uploaded.
The answer to your "where" is: this thread.

This post has received a 35.71 % upvote from @kath1 thanks to: @stimialiti.

This was the vote that I got initially

This post has received a 3.84 % upvote from @kath1 thanks to: @stimialiti.

And then you destroyed it with this vote

You got a 36.70% upvote from @proffit courtesy of @stimialiti!
Send at least 0.01 SBD/STEEM to get upvote , Send 1 SBD/STEEM to get upvote + resteem

theres nothing wrong with being a long time shit poster and satanist... also if you really believe that Donald trump and "almost every rapper" belong on your shit list then you deserve to be kicked off the platform with Jerry as well.

At the same time i do agree with you that about @Stellabelle being bad for steemit. I dont really follow her and have nothign personal against her. But there is no way possible that she can work for Steemits direct competitor, and still have Steemits best interests in mind. If you disagree with me I urge you to find any fortune 500 company that would hire an executive level employee and let them keep their executive level job at their competitor

As long as shes not running for witness though i don't see a problem, same with Jerry. I could care less about the wealth they amass as long as they keep it out of politics which is easily verifiable thanks to the blockchain

Impressive use of Bidbots on your comment. I never knew this was possible. I really only thought you could use them for posts. Is this the future of the comments section? Will it go the same way as the trending page?

I was thinking the same thing... lol

You got a 80.00% upvote from @voteme courtesy of @stimialiti! For next round, send minimum 0.01 SBD to bid for upvote.

Do you know, you can also earn daily passive income simply by delegating your Steem Power to voteme by clicking following links: 10SP, 25SP, 50SP, 100SP, 250SP, 500SP, 1000SP, 5000SP.

You got upvoted from @adriatik bot! Thank you to you for using our service. We really hope this will hope to promote your quality content!


Thanks for shedding some light on this subject meno. This reminds me of another system ive heard of where people elect others to have their best interest at heart and then out of nowhere they try and screw the people who elected them. Then when its politically safe to go against this elected person everyone comes out with their torches and pitchforks. I guess our learning curve is a little slow.

I really dislike the fact that you are 100% correct on this one... we are very slow to learn.

Well a lot of your points are true . Thanks for the heads up and the courage to bring this up. I will be looking into it some more . For the time being the witness vote has been removed.

Excellent post. I prefer not to take sides in any conflict and to remain neutral - which helps find the path to balance. That said, when there is imminent existential threat - we need to take sides.

In this case, I don't currently feel such a serious threat - but it does need to be said that we are discussing a power grab using exploitative methods and that can very much lead to a serious problem for Steem. When people see that the highest profile people in a community are pulling scams, they just assume that the community is no better than any other (or might even be worse). This is a sad thing for Steem since it really is different and offers so much potential.

If anything good can come out of this, we can all learn about the ways that we are commonly the victim of mind control techniques and confidence tricks.

Jerry has actually sent me 300 steem previously as part of his program of helping witnesses below the 80 mark and so I am thankful for that (though it seems that few people actually heard about it and claimed it - he didn't just auto send it out to every witness under #80).

I am torn though between wondering if he is a split personality with an 'angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other' - or whether he might even just be a front for someone else. He could easily use his position to do real good but for some reason he nearly always seems to find a way to 'cock it up' (as we say in Britain).

Jerry, if you are as sincere as you claim to be, then why do you keep repeatedly trying to harness the power of the entire community to boost your own power and why do you keep misleading people - generally who are the new users who don't know any better?

There are a few witnesses that jerry helped with liquid steem to cover their costs. I honestly won't sit here and say that was a bad thing to do.

However, I'm comfortable with the idea that one can do a good thing for the wrong reasons.

So, this is to say, that it might be an attempt to sway support, a manipulative tactic, and not that he actually cares. I would not know if this is the case, I obviously have no evidence to back it up, at this point in time is speculation, simply because of other things he has done in the past.

He is comfortable with bribing, that's plain and simple, and the evidence is there.

Again, I'm not saying he was doing it that with ill intent. But I'm not willing to remove my skepticism from the equation.

I was ( @castellano witness) one of the ones he offered 100 steem or so to help cover costs, as much as i was temped to reply I stuck to principles and just ignored that post.

If he really want to help cover costs he could rotate his humungus proxied vest between witnesses above 100 that he thinks are doing something useful and go unnoticed or something.

The is no charity or free money on the table in this environment and specially not from our beloved used cars salesman Honest Jan

Creo que por cosas asi es que te ganastes mi respeto hace mucho tiempo.

Gracias hermano, pero también debo reconocer que esta cadena me ha echo torcer muchos principios.

Es difícil encontrar un equilibrio entre el compromiso individual y el bienestar general cuando creamos comunidades.

Lo importante es que muchos (al menos en mi caso era así) pensábamos que estábamos solos y eramos pocos y no es así... Aquí nos encontramos y aprendemos entre todos.

PS Joke: Por usar el corrector ortográfico no me gane ningún respeto rayos tenia 6 errores en el comentario en ingles.

Agreed. I might be less cynical if I hadn't spent the last 15 years studying the world of politics and the psychology involved!

money will make people do weird shit

Thank you, @meno, I keep trying to give @jerrybanfield the benefit of the doubt --especially, with his expressed interest in spirituality-- but I must admit that I also continue to get the sense that "Get rich Quick Schemes is the name of his Game". Living in Florida, I nearly signed up for Jerry's Steemfest 2.5 but pulled out once I heard from @roelandp. Much information to digest in your comprehensive post and I appreciate your daring to care enough about our community to share these valuable findings with us. Will resteem, so that newer, more trusting souls are not also deceived.

You are welcome brother, and thank you for your help spreading the word.

It's a saddening and sobering message, but I feel obligated to share it. Thanks, again, for following your conscience. _/|\_

interest in spirituality does not imply enlightenment or balance.

Not, but it implies (at least) seeking to lead a life of integrity...

Technically everyone actually IS a spirit - so depending on the nature of the pursuit of understanding of spirit, it can in some cases be that being a 'spiritual' person is actually a sign of delusion, since it is really impossible not to be a spiritual person. I am not commenting on Jerry, you or any specific person here - just on the logic of the situation in general.

Here’s a short interview & spiritual aphorisms of mine if you’re interested to know where I’m coming from : https://idriesshahfoundation.org/interview-with-yahia-lababidi/

Peace 🙏🏼

I wasn't around for the account creation thing, but I read the apology post and this sticks out today:

The part I am specifically sorry for is taking almost no time before making the post to consider what else we as a community were already doing about this and making my own offensive solution.

@steembasicincome is essentially an identical plan to Jerry's except that it has community benefit in the sponsorship portion, and the account growth feeds into the system rather than being handed over to the owner. It's about 2x as efficient as Jerry's program even at the most-basic level. (Disclosure: I work for SBI on a small level.)

@qurator is a slightly different system but it offers a vote in return for delegation that is essentially identical to Jerry's between 500 and 4000 SP, and better at 5000. Plus you get to keep ownership of your SP and your witness vote.

So if you're looking for a service that behaves like Jerry is saying, there are ones out there being run by people with solid track-records, and offering better benefits.

Not only did his "apology" make $200+ and was full of shit, he removed witness votes from 3-4 people that called him out on his bs.

He also lied about not knowing about other options, a few weeks prior to the creation service, he actually mentioned the competitors.

Sbi is a great program, i also use @Silvagoldbotty best roi for delegation.

You try and google anytging to do with steem and a youtube video will pop of him.

Honestly Poly, do you think Jerry doesn't know about SBI or Qurator? I mean, he might tell you he's never heard of them, but this is a Crypto Expert, a Steem expert at that.

It's shameless brother... I'm serious, I'm not trying to pick a fight, but if we don't defend the platform, then Who Will? it wont be Ned....

I have no idea what Jerry knows. I don't follow him, that one just got resteemed into my feed and I started commenting because I seemed to be the only one who the math made sense to. (Probably because I did a lot of it before joining SBI.)

lol... it won't be Ned... truth!

Wow i know of @qurator someone was telling me about @steembasicincome it was totally madness. Can you imagine.. I wonder who still votes him as a witness though. I am looking for people to vote to complete my 30 witness just not jerry.

Hi, @etemi, you could also consider @comedyopenmic for witness too. They're a happy bunch of people looking to make the best out of this place. and yeah, just so you know, this message isn't spam. I'm a friend of @jamesub. so i listen to your covers in the studio.

The only witness I'm voting for and you aren't already is @followbtcnews.

oh yeah right @tcpolymath will see to that. Thanks for saying

If you don t know 30 witnesses to vote on, you can set someone that you trust and does good work for the community as a proxy. Thats what I did.

I personally have found SBI to be quite helpful. It makes a difference in my post payouts.

Trending page worth, very well and RESPECTFULLY written.

Thank you kubs... <3

I feel the need to state, although I've never been a Jerry fan, I have defended him.

He's gone crazy and if he doesn't understand the system, he should by now.

Nicely written point of view and discription.

Thank you resteeming this. Wow, so much for a "redfish" to learn. I was semi-aware of Jerry and just got an odd sense of the Jerrydom he was building. I'm probably still too uneducated to have opinions yet but reading posts like this go a long way to changing that. So, thanks to @meno too for taking such a strong stance for the community. It seems like that can come with some risk.

Without a second phone, I realised last year that I needed another way to open a second blog. I discovered Jerry's smiling visage, he only wanted how fucking much to set up an account? It took me a while to find @someguy123, but it was well worth the wait. The difference between going without food for a week and going without coffee for a week. I can live without coffee, but I really like to eat. Nearly as much as I like to nap.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

For a long time I have mistrusted Jerry's intentions but could not put my finger on why. I see he has cancelled now, so maybe your post had the desired effect. Good job.

Jerry is the #1 threat to the long term potential of Steemit. I saw him for what he was when he threw a fit because DASH didn't accept his proposals. I wouldn't have either, why would DASH want Jerry as the face of the crypto. It would have been the death kiss, and now he's trying to kill STEEM.

I came to Steemit thanks to his youtube videos but quickly realized he is harming this platform when started understanding more. He is bringing people but from start giving them wrong expectations and attitude. Now this, another way to just take the steem from uninformed. He should be removed from witness list for this scam.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Just finding a reference to your post here this evening and I've now read it @meno. I admire the courage displayed to write it!

New to online blogging in general and our Steem Community in particular, I have had some serious questions in my own mind about one of the most basic aspects of human relationships. Who do you trust? Challenging enough "out there," but "in here!?"

Well, I "don't know you from Adam," @meno, but in "the real world," I know about the character of a man who would do what you have represented yourself as having done for our Community in writing this. All efforts to maintain the highest integrity in any enterprise will always have my full support.

So ... Short and sweet. I am now following you (don't slip up 😉! ), 100% upvoted, and resteemed to my legion (219 and counting ...) of followers. 👍

Steemin’ along and on the move ... Posted using Partiko Android

hey @roleerob thanks for commenting, your comment made me smile!


Wow! That was a fast response @meno! 👍

I've been stumbling around "in here" trying to figure out how to follow through on my commitment to resteem your post. I did it exactly once before and thought there was a button somewhere by Reply ... Not seeing it now ... I think maybe "time's up" and I cannot resteem this post now.

Is that right?

Steemin’ along and on the move ... Posted using Partiko Android

yes, after payout it won't let you anymore!

but I appreciate the gesture!

Blast! 😞 So ... Note to self, on sequence for the future, resteem first, then upvote ... OK ...

Well, I know it's going to "hurt," but guess you'll have to pass on the "legion of followers" part. At least for now. But, I am following, so I'm sure there will be other opportunities.

Keep up the good work @meno! 😊

Steemin’ along and on the move ... Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for this. Resteemed. I wanted to call Jerry to talk about this, but don't have 810 dollars free at the moment for a phone call!

Screen Shot 2018-06-09 at 11.24.55.png

Wow... my wife was one of the world's TOP "telephone psychics" (national TV and all) and she only got $8.99 a minute!

That's totally ridonculous... megalomania at its finest!


Holy crap!! hahahahah is this real? You have to be joking, please tell me this is not real... please...

Nope. It's real. https://jerrybanfield.com/call/


Screen Shot 2018-06-09 at 11.46.44.png

All that with a prayer shirt.... do we need to say more?

$16.67 a minute better get you the highest res fucking images of his colon lining or something, man.

Unbelievably true!

What does this guy do? predict the future?

@meno i must say it took you alot of courage to write this after analyzing these things and making out research i didnt know of these accusations but i believe they are true. When i first came on the platform i followed just anybody and gave my witness vote to just anyone, i studied jerrbanfield and found out he was just some greedy guy who couldn't even upvote his followers or people commenting on his post that is my own imprrssion and conclusion for someone who is greedy. They have alot of steem power and do not suppport anyone with it, once i knew this i immediately removed my vote from him. Infact you saying this i went back to make sure he wasnt part of my witness i hate greedy people who use other peoples success to achieve greatness. I love the fact you had to say everything and to think that they are other good witness am friends with @neoxian and @prc other good witnesses @pfunk who deserve to be in his position and even higher position do not get there because someone is stepping on other peoples success is making me go mad. Jerrybanfield just find a way to manipulate peeople into making money for him. His end is near

It's really really good to see that Jerry is finally getting called out on. This guy is just like you mention 100% money focused and at least as well in my opinion not bringing any good to the steem community. Thank you for this great & detailed article!

I'm grateful everyone helped me get the word out... thank you as well.

This is a brave and well thought out post dude. I am glad you are saying what a lot of us are thinking.

we can't be afraid to do what's right because of the fear of retaliation... i mean.. I wont lie, i know i might have made an enemy today, but I hope that my intentions are clear.

Its not about jerry, its not that i want people to hate him. I want people not get scammed, i want for this project of ours, this blockchain of us to make it.

Thank you for calling this out today @meno, i always wondered why he was hated for all the promotions he does. I did spend a lot of time going through each link on this post and the finding were quite irritating. Claiming to help a community when in fact you're doing it for your pockets is a big phony. More users need to see this before they get scammed. I will be resteeming.

It's just sad that we have to brave in this platform to stand against whales. Decentralization is still really a far fetched idea. I really hope one vote system will soon change the landscape of steemit. And perhaps a more democratic system can be implemented. Just by casting your votes, you'll have say on the platform.

what are you talking about. this entirely is the way things are supposed to happen. Abandon this idea that the ideal utopian system is ever going to come about. People are not nice by nature and anytime you let up your guard for even just a second, instantly there will be an evil actor bent on taking everything you have

It's entirely irrelevant to my reply. I'll just let it slip. Have a good day.

the one vote system is not the answer. The one vote system is entirely the opposite of the answer. Do you understand the reason why staking was invented? The weighted staking is a security measure to ensure that the network cannot be attacked easily. without it all one would would need to do to screw over the system is create a ton of spam accounts to have them rape the reward pool by givnig themselves an artificailly inflated stake meanwhile they will be downvoting your content while upvoting theirs. the 1 person 1 vote system was ruled out originally for a reason

Ok now there's some constructive argument. well obviously weighted stake is not working. People will same interest will only upvote among themselves. If there's a way to combine both will be great. I'm no expert but I think it can be solved with account creation limits? For now, I don't know if KYC is the way to go. But I'm happy to hear some opinions.

the problem is that you want something for nothing. Life doesnt work that way hun. You want to get paid for "creating" content.... then go out there and hustle up a damn following who has money and wants to support you, just like everyone else who gets paid for their content has been doing since content began getting paid for

You clearly have no idea what you're talking bout. I've been talking to an idiot.. Bye.

Most big exchanges that deal with SEPA and other withdrawals rely heavily on kyc, it just wouldnt work here.
The way it could possibly work is weight votes against an already set mechanic on the steem blockchain.
A hybrid system that takes into account reputation and stake, for example. Pure 1 account/1 vote cannot work if you are unable to determine a bot from a person.

That way you create a system of where the community is the one that determines based on consensus how valuable your vote should or should not be, along with the investment you put in.
Ofc for this to work youdd need to get rid of bots.... Anyways. SMTs are coming, and i dont think the 1 account/1 vote will be as simplistic as it sounds.

Says the guy thinking about kyc on a blockchain...

thank you @pharesim any chance you can upvote my comment so it shows up

When you smell a rat, it's usually a rat. Upvoted, resteemed and all that.

Next mega whale to slaughter is coming up. Soon.

not only that, he was even banned from posting facebook ads, he is giving bad ideas of get rich scheme, specially youth watch these type of channels like jerry , because they dont have patience and want to get rich as quick as possible which is not true. And jerry is teaching how to get rich with spamming people. I like to call him the father of bots, if you would take a look at his history, you will see numerous numbers of transfers to bots, because of those his shit goes on trending. while others dont have that kind to money to spend on it.


Ah, so this is the witness you were eluding to that doesn't belong in the top 20...
Makes sense.
I never got a good 'vibe' from him, but didn't know why. Intuition is always right.
Anyway, thanks for the heads up.

PS. I can't help but notice that Steem is still very much a ponzi/pyramid scheme/system. Whilst it isn't technically multilevel marketing, in that you don't need to outlay cash, like with Herbalife, Dotera, etc. it is a pyramid and those that were part of setting it up or in very early are at the top and likely to always be at the top regardless of how many of us climb the ladder up. Just a thought. I love Steem and it still has immense potential.

the climb is hard, but its not impossible. there are literally 2 witnesses I can think of that go in the game late and are killing it... one of them you know, Crimson.

Oh, for sure. I am certain that we can wealth here and unlike most Ponzi schemes, it isn’t (or at least doesn’t yet seem to be) at the expense of others.

im sick and tired of this notion everybody on steemit has that just because things arent fucking easy for you that the game must be fucking rigged. get over your lack of skills and learn to play the fucking game. The only part about Steemit that was scam was the mining drama. But looking around the cryptospheer right now, I almost like the fact that steemitINC still hold such a large share of the wealth. It ensures that they will have the funds to keep working on steem until its actually ready for it to be in the hands of the people. Currently its nowhere near ready... the fact that Jerry Banefield is a top witness proves this entirely

Careful padawan. There wasn’t an iota of complaint in any word that I said here. I was stating the obvious. It’s a pyramid, but that doesn’t mean we can’t reap rewards here.
My rep and SP is vastly higher than yours which likely means I am working harder than you are. That is exactly the same for @meno. We are both here for the community as well as the financial potential.
But mark these words, just because we love Steemit doesn’t mean we have to love everything about it nor does it mean we can’t thinktank together to improve it.
That is why Meno posted this.
There are witnesses that do the right thing AND earn money. Jerry doesn’t seem to be one of those.

Ive only been here for 2 months, and yes i agree that the current whales and early adopters have an advantage but thats the case in literally every single economy that has ever existed.

I keep hearing the critique of the wealth centralization like its a bad thing, and i just don't see it that way because like you said were still at the beginning of all of this. the only way for those extra early stakholders to profit tho (which is why they invested) is if they cash out. It will happen, just not tomorrow not next year maybe not in the next 5 or 10 years, but the longer they wait to cash out then thats good for all of us because that means less steem is available to be sold and the price increases.

Yes. Every monetary system has been set up as a pyramid to benefit the few. It’s not something to venerate.

But you’re right, those original whales could all suddenly decide to withdraw and 13 weeks later (unless, like most oligarchs, they have a special loophole and can do it sooner) the platform disintegrates leaving hindreds thousands or more people empty pocketed. That’s the potential negative ponzi of it.
I like your positive thinking. Let’s hope you’re right and they stick with it for the long haul and we create an incredible community that supports each other.

ive spoke to many of the people who hold the wealth you speak of and they all understand that its not in their best interest to do that. Sure they could all sell at once and destroy the platform, but if they're here to make money why would they sabotage what is making them money?

Wait until they have been here long enough to feel part of the "Early Adopter Advantage". They will be fighting tooth and nail to keep it. :)

You could actually look at any job or company on the planet and relate it to a Ponzi scheme if you wanted. There is a reason CEO’s make the most money ;)

No arguments there. We live in a pyramid system. It’s shit, but that’s how it rolls.
CEOs don’t necessarily make the most money because of any special contribution to society though. Most of them get there because of the wealth they were born into, some of them because of the heads they trod on to prop themselves up, a few because they worked smart.
An intelligent, compassionate person doesn’t venerate dysfunctional systems. We try to invent better ones that will inevitably replace this archaic one we’re existing in and we start by identifying the problems in it.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

You are wrong. Majority because they worked smart and was humble. But that is too painful for you to hear so you tell yourself a fantasy story. I'm sure you know a genius better system? Let's hear it. Let's hear the genius system that you want to use that is better than capitalism.

Haha. Well, not only am I friends with CEOs of massive corporations, but my uncle was a CEO of one of the largest pharmaceutical companies in the world and I’ve hung out with Richard Branson. I think I know what I’m talking about. It’s not fantasy buddy.
There are far better systems than greed capitalism. We don’t have to resign ourselves to what we have now because we have the intelligence to create better systems, but we can only do it together when we aren’t complacent and apathetic.

Better system but you didn't mention any? Haha.

have you ever even attempted to manage or run your own business. Things just don't work that way. Every single CEO of a successful company is there entirely because of their skill. Sure many of them came from rich backgrounds but the money itself doesent help them one bit. If they don't know how to actually be a CEO then the business will fail and they will be sued into poverty by the shareholders

The reason why the offspring of the rich and powerful tend to do well is due to a number of reasons, first being selective breeding(having standards) over time favors the strong, creative, intelligent, and beautiful. The second reason why is because they grow up around a bunch of rich and powerful people. These children get first hand knowledge of something that the rest of us are only able to speculate on form the moment of birth. You should read "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" the author may have not been entirely truthful about his life, but who wouldn't embellish certain things a bit while writing an autobiography

The misnomer that most people make about being born into wealth is that it has to do with the money itself that creates and perpetuates more wealth. But no, that’s not the case, it is knowing the underlying game and having access to the processes and the people that make that game function at its core level that make those born in wealth attain skills. It is because they are taught those skills and anybody born Into any other class doesn’t get taught those same skills. When you went to school did you get taught how to do your taxes? Did you get taught how to even budget and finance? That’s what the book rich dad poor dad alludes to, that there is again there are loopholes and it is not shared to the meeting it is kept in the hands of the few.

I am very happy that there are people like you who cares about community. I also was invited by this guy and was supporting him and even voted for him as a witness, but after he became an upvote bot and after I saw his non profitable partnership and after I saw him gathering money for those steem meetings, I also removed my vote.

His partnership that cost 23 steem per month gives even less upvotes and in fact if he will upvote everyday with $1.6 we got only about 0.7 steem dollar per day and it's about 21 steem, so we give even more than we get, people don't understand that because they count the total upvote and it's 1.6 x 30 thinking that they will earn more, but it's a trick he even don't explain all the details.

The other think, making a new coin called j-b-c is not supporting steem but clear that he thinks about his own interest.

I also was invited by him and joined steemit almost at the same time when he joined, and watched a lot of his videos and did everything to grow, but nothing was working for me, poor people don't understand everything about steem and they just join the guy because he has a lot of subscribers on youtube. I hope we will have more people in steem blockchain who explain the truth to the crowd.

I am also doing my best to help people grow, to show them that upvoting bots are not profitable, to make them interact more and bring value to the community. Lately I moved to dtube because it's the only solution for me to grow on steem blockchain after writing articles for 11 months and not being noticed by whales. I am more than one year on steem blockchain and I will do my best to make people understand who is the good guy here and who is not.

I am not against Jerry and I wish him the best and I wish that he understand that this is a social network and he has to care more about the community not about him self, especially about the future of steem. He never answer and it's almost impossible to talk to him, but I will write here that I don't hate anyone but I believe that everybody can change, we all do mistakes, the most important is to fix them before is too late !

I don't have a big steem power to upvote this and I decided now to support only dtubes video because dtube is paying a bit for our upvotes and I need to support my community, we all make videos, but I will resteem this to my almot 4600 followers wishing that more people will know the truth !

Thanks again for caring about the community and for making this hard work, analysis is not that easy. Followed by @Clixmoney , cheers. ☺

thank you for your support, for your kind reply... You won a follower, just checked out your videos, pretty cool...

Thanks, I am doing my best. ☺

@clixmoney is great @meno. Glad to see some affinity here.

The amount of politics that exists in this place never ceases to amaze. It can be entertaining at times thot.

It's one of those things where you get a good insight into the human psyche. M because you can't hide on the blockchain, so anything you do is there to be called out on either today or tomorrow.

That is very true, tip! 0.5 hide

Thank you :)


WTF! This post change the way i see Jerry. From his videos i find out steemit for the first time but didnt cross my mind he is so shameless.
He does everything he can for his own interest.
I did a post 4 days ago talking exactly about this type of habbit through whales where they do anything for more and more money, not giving anything back. Just business!

No comment.

I feel like I am in the same boat as you. I have ignored the sketchiness for a while because I thought he had good intentions but that can’t be assumed anymore.

One Friday night a month ago Jerry’s YouTube ad for STEEM came on between videos. I thought to myself “hey why not watch this and see what his recruitment is all about”. I let the full 40 minutes play and I was shocked at the number of false claims and apparent lack of knowledge. The one claim that he made that STEEM would surpass BTC market cap is obviously impossible.

Your post has help me see the reality that I knew was there but wasn’t admitting for some reason. Thank you.

It will be interesting to see what @freedom does with their delegation and witness vote(via @pumpkin proxy). @freedom’s support has launched Jerry into the top witnesses. Now that Jerry has shutdown the voting bot I expect @freedom will remove support which may cut Jerry’s witness income.

any video that talks about surpassing BTC market cap discredit the coins which is just sad bc steem is awesome. :)

woo hoo! i have a newfound respect for you @meno and thank you @eonwarped for sending this my way. you my friend are one of the best things that has happened to em on steemit!

@underground thank you for sending me this too as a backup and for always being there for me, you are forever my UndyZZ

dearest meno, you really outdid yourself in this post and to think i was on my way to doing something i moght regret. i’m totally in awe of your knowledge, writing, argument and proof. this is an amazing post and im honored to know you.

from the bottom of my heart, i thank you.

i have been so confused as to why everyone was picking on jerrry and had gotten flagged today by bernie just for being in jerrys room! wtf

all said and done bernie took the flag back but shit got hairy. this brings a lot of clarity to the situation and that is my main reason for my gratitude. additionally, i always had a nagging feeling about jerry but could never put my finger on it. hes still made money. still smart, but all the facts presented show that its all in harm of the platform. ugh!! a behavior i cannot support.


Speak of the devil.

Muahahah!! Who da debil?

(wow, the eyes are orange)


@meno btw not sure if i mentioned it but Jerry Coin was redacted. I was in the room when he took it back with Bernie hovering and lurking his room --- just in case you hadn't heard.

great news indeed.... well, I think the community reacted on time, that is something to celebrate.

i'll share the convo with you if you want .. maybe in helpie. shit was crazy ... just sayin, and yes apparently ppl who know a lot like yourself really buckled down and cried out. it was heard! :)

I am clearly one of the stupid ones. Phished first, and then sucked in by Jerry Banfield. I cannot begin to say that I understand the finer details of this, but the broad brush strokes I get. Somehow, and I don't recall how I came across him - possibly when I was phished - and was vulnerable. That said, I had a funny feeling about him. Call it a sixth sense, intuition, whatever, but I voted him as a witness and now wish I hadn't! How can I unvote him?

I used to think I was quite savvy. Some of my encounters on @steemit are showing me that I am just a babe in the woods, never mind a red fish!

Thanks though for this: found it because it was re-steemed by @therneau, founder of the #teamsouthafrica discord server. I, too am going to re-steem.

Thanks and much appreciated - to you and all who commented. Enlightening....

Thanks for the mention @fionasfavourites :)

I did a post many moons ago on Jerry. Had to go scratching through the dusty archives to find it ;)

I'm sure you and @meno would appreciate it.


Please feel free to check it out.

@therneau thanks so much, I will!

Crypto is still the wild west, and honestly everyone needs to just to their best to stay safe and always be skeptic.

Don't put yourself down either, at least you recognize there was something fishy about it.

And, you are now here, you are learning and moving forward... so all in all, you are winning.

Yip, it does seem a little like the wild west and mostly unfathomable. I do have to listen to my little voice more - in the virtual world. I listen to it in real life, so why not, here?

Anyhow, I am learning all the time and wrote about my experience having been phished, hacked and recovering my rep and hope that others will have learned from that.

Thanks for the encouragement and yes, I do get the sense that I am winning - one little step at a time!

And I thought this was bad.


This man is just so full of crap it's not even funny anymore. The little good that he does in cover some Witness server costs is nothing compared to the enormous amount of bull he's pulling.

And ffs, who the hell pleasures himself like that?

This was the video that broke the camel's back as they say... I took my witness vote back after this.

Regarding the self pleasuring, its really none of my business... I hope, and I say this respectfully, that people are making their decisions not based on that.

The point was the dishonesty, not his sexual quirks...

This is not good. I already have un-followed him and resteemed your post so that others may learn about the things what you mentioned in this post. How horrible was the case of Zeartul and bellyrub! This platform is not free of scammers, some of them are big names.

I have seen a few anti-jerry post, but I have to say, Thank you. You made it very clear, showed the evidence, and explained the case very well. I never liked late night infomercials, and they all seemed pretty dodgy, but some people liked them.

So thanks for the very good clarification of the issue.

Welcome to the good side.;)
We also have cookies.
And we don't try to scam yo:)

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I don't mean this to sound shallow and mean, but I go with this gut feeling all the time and I usually am right. I have never trusted @jerrybanfield or wanted to read his articles or invest in his ventures because of his goody-two-shoes wide open eyes and glib smile, while bragging I'm a vegan so believe my shtick because my shit doesn't stink. I don't dislike the fellow, I don't know him, I would have to get to know you before I like or hate you. I don't trust people who copy others ideas and promise easy success and think eating a certain way will make a person character pure and their shit taste like rainbow icecream. Vegan food smells the same as any other food at the end of the day as it ends up being flushed down the toilet.

I've seen plenty of these kinda hucksters in the Dharma Sangha circus. It was his face looking so open and angelic like he has a direct connection to all that is holy. I never read what he posted because I don't visit the trending page that much. I mostly look for updates for Steemit improvements. The rest of the content is not my kind of reading content.

This is the sad thing about bidbots anyone can buy a bid, maybe that isn't sad, perhaps that's fair, we all have access to high rewards if we have the funds but isn't that like the real world? Only the rich can buy advertising. Look at corporations that poison the world can buy advertising and buy off governments to look the other way and at the same time give corporations tax-free favor status because politicians need corporate funding to run for office.

Steemit has no rules, so I give everyone some advice,

"Buyer Beware," and grow up.

Until you can make a system that everyone has an even playing field to trend or be totally ignored and is safe from scammers stop whining and bickering. That's is why I don't watch the news anymore. Too much complaining and talking shit about everyone while nothing productive gets done!"

One cool thing about the bidbots is the trending page there is more variety, the circle jerkers and whales don't write anything unusual, they push content out every day, and it is the same old stuff over and over and over... At least @yallapapi is funny, and that gold dust guy was hilarious because he was so obvious, over the top huckster. I don't agree with flagging the abuser's comments to silence them while you are flagging their article, that's playing dirty. The accused person isn't allowed to defend themselves.

I'm afraid those with the power to flag people into oblivion will flag per personal views rather than have a set of rules everyone has to follow when flagging. I think bidbots should have a set limit of how much an account can buy per post, per day, and per week.

the bidbot conversation probably won't ever be resolved with our current system. The platform's users can't seem to find a common ground and even though facts can be presented, most of them like to go with how they feel.

Regarding the trending, I don't like 80% of its content, but I'm under no delusion there was ever a Golden Age of trending. I've seen the past trending posts.

I think the trending page needs to go and one can find trending posts under tags.

I believe white-list, black-list, and vote buying ability based on the quality of posts per Smartsteem vote buying system is an excellent way to go for bidbots if we are to keep the system we have.

Although Smartsteem has been caught selling votes to the characters that are in hot water with the Steemit Gods and protectors right now.

However, we need a set list of rules for all bidbots and flagging bots/people, or I see people and bots flagging competitors or people's personal/scientific/religious/political views they don't agree with out of existence.

I can't think of one service that is 100% right all the time, and I'm not only talking about crypto, but I hear you, and I share your frustrations.

I happen to think that Oracles might be the ones to save us from ourselves, as long as we are smart enough to stack the different levels of approvability and lever them against a databases of consensus.

Now this would operate parallel to steem, trading against it, so that we could effectively attempt to create a healthier environment, not by completely eliminating the ugly, but by controlling it, removing some incentives (the ego driven ones mainly) and effectively building a wall (triggering words there) between quality content and gaming of trending.

Have you by any chance watched the video shared by SteemitBlog?... it gave me a bit of hope, it really did...

I am looking forward to the new systems just because I like learning, we are in beta.

I'm not a technical person and have no clue about how systems work until I get into the system and work with it, I learn from doing.

I've read about SMTs and oracles, but I haven't watched the video. I will check it out @memo.

My gut and reading history tells me you can't regulate morality or greed through math/algorithms and government enforcement. I think that makes black markets and criminals. The only thing that works controlling greed is fear of going to hell, and some people don't care whether they go to hell.

If someone can come up with some math and a system that can even the economic playing field here on Steemit while mitigating scammer-easy-money mentality we can apply it to all economies, it would change the world!

If you do the math, it would take more than a 1.3 years for you to recover your investment

My math says it will take 2.5 yrs. Its 35%-40% ROI per yr if you vote yourself 10 times a day.

I estimated a conservative growth on steem valuation, following its current trend. But if it stays the same, then yes, the number would be much higher.

Aha. So this is why I was named in steem.chat a month or so ago because I voted for him as witness.

Sad news indeed. Oh well, so much for him being adorable and a nice guy.

I'm right with you on this one. If it smells like a dead fish, it's probably not a juicy steak...
Just 1 more scam in a line of scams...

I intended to bring this up on our meeting monday, but I felt like putting this out there was almost urgent. (see his wallet, steem is coming in)

Oh, I don't doubt that he's pulling in the steem. He's good at it, always coming up with some new way to fleece the sheep...

it's crazy how people would jump in on anything because the name behind it has a fairly high SP. doesn't make it better than a crappy idea.

Thank you, I read his post earlier today and it seemed like a lot of money and I was pretty sure SMTs didn't exist yet. Thanks for the heads up, resteemed.

Thank you for putting this information together!

I'm grateful to you for not playing politics and doing what's right those weeks ago. It took courage to put your position in the top 20 in jeopardy. That did not go unnoticed by me. I may be a small stake holder, but I believe in this place and I want to make sure that everyone who stands in the leadership has goals that align with my own.

i'm greatfull to you and thank you very much dear @pharesim
your vote is very benefited for me
i will be playing to god for you
stay well and healthy every day and every moment

Get this Jerry fraud off Steemit & Respect for your honesty

Just waiting for another SOB story from Jerry...

I once were a fan of him until I realized how full of shit he is... And that didn't take long.

A perfect example of a person in a leadership-position doing nothing for others, at least if it doesn't benefit himself. What amazes me is that so many people still fall for all his bogus.

I hope this post makes it to the trending page, it would for sure deserve it for the effort that was put in and the great information!</b<

Jerry his video's a year ago also were the reason why steem got my attention, I used to follow him and have him in my witness voting list but that changed a long time back when he changed his account to an upvote bot.

Holy cow, I don't want to make judgements based on this one post but... yeah. Thank you for the research and, what seems, a very balanced opinion. tipuvote! 20 hide

Excellent and informative assessment. I did not know about his adventures on other platforms. I doubt I'm the reason this post happened, but I think I remember asking you for it over in Discord. I was eager to hear the opinion of someone who had actually chosen to stop defending him, rather than the same stuff I hear from the huge anti-Banfield sentiment everywhere in the community.

I mean, I get that it's the Internet and we're supposed to be our worst to each other here, but I like to have a bigger reason to hate a guy than "he is capable and willing to fellate himself." That's all I've heard about Jerry for a couple weeks now; it's become a bit of a meme on here and everyone's been joining in the fun about it, and honestly it embarrasses me a bit.

Why should I care; why should we care if someone enjoys that? I don't want to get too political but it seems to me that one of the defining values of the crypto community is liberty. I'm not saying it's not funny. I just don't understand why we pick that as an attack surface, when there is so much more about this man to attack.

I have always placed a higher value on the opinions of those who have changed their mind. I think this is just how it works. For me, using the topic of religion as an example:

  • Listening to former atheists' conversion stories is far more interesting than sitting in church listening to an evangelist waffle on about Jesus.
  • Listening to former evangelists' stories on why they became atheists is far more interesting than spending an afternoon listening to an established and lifelong atheist on how right they think they are.

It's just how it works. So thank you for your perspective, and I am now more certain than ever that none of my stake will ever touch this person in any way reasonably preventable.

tl;dr. try getting to the point next time faggot LOL jk

i used to be a commie, now im a libertarian

Respect what you highlighted here! One more use of his Liquidity STEEM Request, he is using it to pay for bid bot curation rewards to the delegators! Somehow you might noticed that, some how not! But every vote bot owner must keep liquidity STEEM to pay curation profit daily! So, this is a must!
I think it's a really bad idea to invest STEEM in others account! Like you said, there are no @neoxian's who can help people who got scam by f#$king scammers!
One other thing, if anyone want to make a STEEM account within 10 minutes you might follow @timcliff's guidelines!
At last I already muted this guy, I feel so annoying with his articles which earns thousands of STEEM for nothing at all!
Good job done!


Yes!! This post is excellent and well written. It is so thought out and clearly you have done the research before making this decision. I give you all the props in the world for speaking the truth and trying to save at least one person from falling victim. When I first joined Steemit I quickly seen his face all over the place and seen a few nice post. I thought from the outside, it looked legit. That is his goal though, isn't it?

I would follow along keeping an eye out for post on Steemit. I then found him off of Steemit. This partners info was the moment I knew he was out for himself. Get rich quick is all he cares about and it is so obvious. Okay yes we all want to get rich one day right? However, I quickly realized he does not care about the community and is obviously "secretly" self centered.

After word got out more and more about his mishaps I did notice the increase in pictures of his child. What a way to attempt to steal those vulnerable steemit hearts huh. I did give him the benefit of the doubt at first because I mean, let's be honest here, majority of us want to get rich too. I thought ok this is sketchy but the dude clearly knows what works so props to him. It wasn't until I realized the cost it took from so many others losing for him to get rich that I backed away compeltly. I will stick to being poor and actually helping others succeed than to be rich by taking a ton of their money on hopes of a false dream.

I haven't been paying attention to much else outside of what I seen. I also don't fully understand all of it so I have to say that my opinion could be way wrong but for now it does look like he is a get rich and rape everyone else kind of dude. I would be extremely disappointed to see him as a top witness.

Thank you for taking a stance in defense of the Steemit community. Calling out someone who is successful usually comes with risk. But for new(er) users such as myself, information like this incredibly helpful. I've looked at who the top steemians are, so I've seen Jerry's blogs and what-not and wondered why he's been successful. And of course, a person might want to join forces with or emulate the actions that led to success, or just believe that the transparency of a blockchain system people will conduct themselves honorably. Maybe that's a silly way to think, as many times the most successful people are just out for themselves and ethical behavior is lost in the quest for $$$. I will take you at your word that there is some cause for concern, of course, I will also need look a little deeper myself. Regardless, thank you for another course at Steemy-U. Posts like this are the building block for greater strength and accountability.

I think this is as good a reason as any to remove the ability to self vote as a witness. I'm still puzzled as to why this option is even available.

the only way this could be enforced would be to come up with a system that could enforce 1 user, 1 account.

How to achieve that, while keeping the level of anonymity people would like to have. I have absolutely no clue.

In other words, a witness could create a @fakewhaleaccount - clean his holdings thru an exchange like binance (obfuscating the source) and vote himself back as a witness, and no one would ever know.

Of course! Doh!

I wonder if a negative vote to say you really don't agree with a certain witness' policies would work to balance things out.

there was a proposition for that, it was thrown off the table, people could not agree on it.

Because the witness account doesn't need to be the one you hold your coins in

Doh! Of course!

You get my full upvote on this one mate (even though it's only worth 20 cents or whatever).

Thanks for writing such a comprehensive post about why JB is such a douche. From the day I joined Steemit, I knew this guy was all kinds of wrong.

Thankfully, it was Chris Coney (@marketingmonk) who introduced me to Steemit rather thank the douche that is JB. JB will only give people the completely wrong impression about what Steemit is about and how to do well here.

Steemit is about building long lasting relationships where we support eachother. JB is only about supporting himself, and looking out for himself.

We can't effectively change him, but we can help other people know his true intentions. Maybe, thats good enough.

Exactly right. And we can also do our best to keep him out of the top 20 witnesses.

Damn. Sad. Lotta interesting info here. So much I was an still am unaware of. I will vouch for @anomadsoul being a super awesome dude though. Lol.

I was already pretty wary from the beginning, but wow. Absolutely disgusting. I was here for some of those dumb stunts but did not know how far back it went or some of the other stunts also.

And I'm glad someone broke down his latest idiotic scheme because my eyes were rolling to the back of my head long before I had any patience to analyze what the hell the post was talking about. At least it looks like it backtracked though.

Like I said, I suspect he kept it vague intentionally... @futurethinker made the same comment, and what motivation would he have to defame Jerry?

Great post. I also gave Jerry the benefit of the doubt a few times, called out his pitiful actions at other times and finally removed my witness vote for him.

As you say, his actions speak louder than words and it is clear that he only has his own interest at heart. It’s really shitty that he has a large following and continuously dupes his followers. Hopefully posts like this from people who once believed in him, will help to lift the curtain on this elaborate game he is playing where the only winner is himself

I appreciate your response. But I think we have to give him the benefit of doubt? He's apologised and accepted his mistake. Yes I came here listening to Jerry too. So I sort of feel bad coz he did put in a lot of effort.

We don't know what his challenges are but I sure think he was not trying to be dodgy. Anyway, I like your passion man!

Honestly I 100% sympathize with you.... I was in your position 3, 4 months ago.

Like I've said, this is not about me trying to make people hate Jerry, that is not my goal. My goal is for people to be careful with their choices.

That is all...

@sidsun that would be ok if this was his first time doing the whole, "sorry guys, I didnt know" thing, but how many chances do you give a guy before you take action

I looks like he has decided to kill the Steem transfer part of the plan, and is blaming the US tax system for it. https://steemit.com/steem/@jerrybanfield/ten-100-upvotes-available-daily-upvotes-indefinitely

He's still doing the delegation part, but changing from a bid-bot to a subscription service is probably a good change for the platform overall even if he's not offering a good deal to his users compared to the competition.

well, that's a step in the right direction. I'm happy he is backing off from this. I don't believe his reason, but I'm happy he started to refund.

This is exactly why I asked my original question off the back of Bernies top comment as I knew the people in the know would come out in force and explain in more knowledgable ways than I could and dump the other comment lower and out of immediate visibility. And it worked. Had loads of response from the people I respect here who give straight answers.,Cheers to all on that thread, and thanks to you for speaking up...thats REALmi now support, stopping them blowing their hard earned cash on 'jerrycoins' ffs !

Well I can’t hate the guy since he was the one who introduced me to the platform but yeah I agree with most of what you’ve said. Most of his content is downright cringeworthy and shady to an extent. Great post @meno !! Not a lot of people willing to pen out what they think of a big timer like Jerry with such a large audience.

Thanks for putting this all in one place @meno.

Although I have had no personal run-ins with Jerry, I have generally steered a somewhat wide berth around him. I somewhat remember his "arrival" here, but I distinctly remember thinking "uh-oh" at the time because his whole approach reeked of the same type of "talking heads" that used to promote sketchy "systems" in network marketing programs, when I was part of that circuit 20-30 years ago: Lots of words that sound "expert," presented in dissertation length chunks... often interspersed with spiritual woo-woo and disarming photos showing themselves to be "an ordinary family man."

In the snake-oil business, few things "sell" much better than tossing a ball with your kid... right before you steal someone's wallet.

That said, I did support him for bringing a lot of people to the platform. Took me a while to dust off my old marketing knowledge and conclude that he might be bringing "a lot of people" but they are not the right people. This platform doesn't NEED a bunch of opportunist "Money-for-nothing seekers." We have too many of those, as is...

he might be bringing "a lot of people" but they are not the right people. This platform doesn't NEED a bunch of opportunist "Money-for-nothing seekers." We have too many of those, as is...

I could not have said it better.

I happen to be among the minority (I think) of people that believe the biggest problem with Steem is the culture and not the code. If more and more people are trying to find the "hacks" the "tricks" the how do I get all the steem i can without putting in the work.... Then we are happily floating towards the giant waterfall, pretending out little kayak is going to make it.

Steemit has issues, in the greater sense; far greater than the Jerry Banfields of the world.

The open-minded part of me wants to believe that — in its original planning phase — Dan, Ned and company were simply too naive in their assessment of the sheer depth of greed inherent in human nature. That happens a lot... people start ventures and are a little too idealistic... people will behave properly when given a great opportunity, they think.

No. No they won't. And whereas you can argue all day long that "this system is different," what will NOT be different is human nature.

The more cynical side of me believes that when you have already made as much from the project as Dan and Ned, you can afford to not really CARE very much whether the users are going to behave honestly and ethically. Your $10 million is already in the bank... so "who cares?"

Fortunately, there are enough "mid-sized" users like you and I that a mass vote OUT of one witness and INTO another can influence who gets to be in the top 20. And that's where we get to be "heard," and can use our influence to change the course of our kayak.

Thank you so much for this post! He always rubbed me the wrong, way, but I didn't really have time to do solid background check on him, which is what you did!

I obviously resteemed this!

...I'm flabbergasted by the fact that I'm seeing people jumping aboard the titanic feeling invincible.

My hope is that Open Source will offer us, all, a lifeboat @meno. 😎

you and I both brother, you and I both!

Hey! Thank you for this post. It is already too old to upvote it, but I appreciate the sharing of this information. I came into steemit before this jerry banfield subscribed and I didn't mind to approve him as witness.
I have always been out from the power games played here, however I'm glad to know what you wrote and I'm going to disapprove this guy as witness.
Thank you so much for informing people who are not in the buttons room.

Great article, @meno!
I'm a bit late (catching up with the blockchain after my vacation), yet I was still on time to resteem this..:-)

Who are actually the ones that still vote @jerrybanfield as a witness? Can't imagine how anyone could be so irresponsible.

The Steemfest 2.5 action was my personal highlight. After this one I didn't even ignored him anymore...

Thanks for the shout-out!

hey there @surfermarly hope you had a great vaca...

to be honest, i think if @freedom removes his vote, he is out of the race, he must have his reason, his stake (assuming its a he, sorry if im wrong).

Yeah, I had a blast!! Thank you :-)

It's always impressive to see how some individual accounts - such as freedom - are able to have so much influence here... There should be the possibility to deselect/downvote witnesses - as we have flags on steemit.

there is a thread somewhere on github, I might try to find it a little later. Long story short, the idea has been proposed, but it got shot down by other influential people on the platform.

I happen to think its a great idea... I really do. But we would have to push for that change as a community or it will get ignored.

Oh, nice to know that it was proposed already!

I happen to think its a great idea... I really do. But we would have to push for that change as a community or it will get ignored.

Sounds like a good topic for a blog post...:-)


LOL, you just pulled up all his story and loved reading it. I got scammed by him when I purchased three of his courses for $50. It may sounds a little money for those who are living in the US but in a country like Pakistan, it's actually PKR 5,500, 10% of my basic salary :)

I guess he should make a new account and start helping people genuinely but I don't think he would so that. His blood is full of greediness and his soul needs more, more and more everyday.

The courses were crap? I'm seriously asking... I never thought about purchasing one, so I've never had a first hand opinion from a customer per say.

Crap? Is there any other word in the English dictionary that describes more than a garbage/crap thing? Nothing learned from his courses, he just used to talk about his past experiences and starting some shitty campaigns on Adwords, Youtube and Facebook.

When I joined Steemit in June, 2017 and saw his post on trending section, I was like Yeahhhh, he is here too, scammer! Udemy banned him because he started uploading his Udemy courses on his website which was a violation of their rules/policies.

well, the information is out there.. if people choose to ignore it, then its on them!

Yeah, you did a good job, though it would be like a cry in the wilderness but still, you played your role as a human. I guess this is the first good thing I read after I wake up today at 5:00 PM :)

I see that you wrote an article about bots as well, looks like you are a human like me, will be in touch with you :)

One question, have you heard about ONO?

I have, as a matter of fact @clayboyn made a really complete video about the whole thing. So everything i know I learned from him

Awesome dude to follow too, great writer.

Yup, he is. You can follow @onosocial account on Steemit and just poke me on Discord if you are interested in joining and building this platform. We need genuine people like you.

I've never been too sure about Jerry. I met him at Steemfest and he seemed a bit odd in person. I accept that a lot of people in crypto are not that social really, but he seems to have been building his virtual persona. Just running his vote selling service from his own account seems odd as it looks like he endorses all those posts himself. It looks like he ends up backpedalling a lot when people call him out. I don't think I'd get involved in anything he is selling

that's the smart move my friend... if the idea comes from jerry... triple check his sources.

You don't even have to be grateful to him, you would find out about steemit one way or the other.
The sad thing is that a lot of people got ripped of before he got kicked out.
Especially on Udemy with their "allow everything at first" tactics

thats seem to have been their play... it really does.

Or maybe they teach us that crime does pay well :-)?

Unfortunately most startups start with shady tricks and work.
For example AirBnB. They spammed people on craigslist, used pics of hot chicks to gain their attention, scammed them to join etc.
Today's entrepreneurs have a serious problem with ethics.

Wow fam... I'm pretty taken back by this.. Sad that we have people doing this on such a platform that promote honesty and user authenticity... ReSteemed as well

This was genius. Best thing I've read on Steemit in a long time. Thanks.

thank you for the support stella... I'm happy the word got out and he backpedaled on this whole thing (as he usually does).

I even saw refunds already...

I have not publicly disclosed this, but I did witness Jerry explode in the Dash community when his proposal didn't pass. It left a very uncomfortable taste in my mouth, seeing his very immature behavior.....

Look. how is this news to you? have you people watched any of his videos before? or bothered to sift through the barrage of drivel that he posts?

It's just buzzword after buzzword. He loads up the 'crypto jesus' for the christian vote, and pretends to promote steem and bitcoin by ranting.

Frankly, I thought he was mentally-ill when I first saw how he posts. The deluge of selfies creeps me the fuck out.

I mean, have you all never encountered a charlatan before?
It's just so obvious.

Dude and his cult-coin are just one of hundreds of scamsters milking this site for all the crypto they can get.

I could be one of his victim if I didn't read these post. A while ago I wanted to delegate 250 SP which is I have. Besides, I plan to buy on jerry coin. Now seeing the bigger picture, it's a big NO to jerry coin and his project.

Love this post. I am away till wed @meno so i can look at the math a numbers then with you. I have been in the same circle as jerry for years now and believe the false hope he gives people makes everything he touches look like a scam. Did you know he also tried to rob the steemgigs idea too last year.

However one of the problems is the support he gets from steem inc. my hope is that they are using him to gain traffic. Pity @ned wont clarify the situation

Talk on my return 😎

it makes me smile to know i got your support on this paula... thanks for commenting.

And if i was home i would also add some math....

I keep saying that I have little in this platform and I really believe, it was made to help those people who do not have the economic resources to live their day to day, I think one of steemit's ideas was to help, the new members who have no ideas to arrive something new, this similar stupid one appears to say that it is going to give you improve your gains, but you have to give him a percentage of profit, where the fuck you will give your yas earnings if you are new. because you do not make a video saying how to make your posts are better and have better gains.


The worst thing is that he seems to be teaching that it is OK to do stuff that will destroy your reputation if you aren't at least a dolphin. I first thought this guy was a bot. Turned out he was just a friendly guy who listened to Jerry a little bit too much.

oh wow, crazy story... he was jerrified

I was iffy abouy Jerry but thankful for him bringing me to the steem platform. Like you though I do think his newest proposal is scammy. I will stay away fromm him. Thanks for the post.

I actually wanted to make a post on this topic as well. I unvoted jerry a couple of weeks ago. You pointed out everything perfectly and you´ve put way more research into the details than I would´ve done. So there is no reason for me to write about that anymore.

Great post!

The guy seems like a scam artist for sure.

This is news to me! I am a few months old on this platform and I have seen his name come up a few times (I know he runs a bot service and I did know he was asking for witness votes) But I did not know all of the rest of this! Very informational and it sounds like this dude kida sucks ass... Honestly good for you to have the stones to write a post like this about someone as powerful as he is. I hope the whole Steem community reads this and thinks long and hard before getting into something that he is selling or voting for him for witness.

One of the most helpful posts I have read today! I am not sure how I landed on this page but I am glad I did!

@meno With 348 comment I doubt you will see this and maybe you will and won't care (I get it ahaha) but awesome post!

believe it or not... Anne... I curate almost all my comments. I think of it as being respectful!


thanks for reading, and thanks for the compliment.

Dude! Ok... so you are more bad ass than I thought! ;)
Its good to see someone with hundreds of comments taking the time to read and respond

Damn! First of all thank you for providing all the links and examples and @overkillcoin for resteeming. I don't check trending so I'd totally miss this.
I'm rather clueless, but I'm definitely removing that witness in the morning. I don't even remember why I voted him in the first place :S feelsbadman
Thanks again for spreading the info!

Going to resteem before post expires :) sry can't do sooner to not bury my only post.
Good luck!

Woa.. Love you man, you are one of a kind saying something so clearly, truly and especially exposing such a shark. Even in his last post where he is selling his crap SMTs named JBC something. he is so much confusing and i couldnt get whats he saying like .. give 100 SP and you would like get unlimited voting power to get as many as... freaking bla bla.. Supporting your cause and resteeming your post.
These people are blood suckers of communities

I one of those oblivious to the witness power struggles that go on in the platform, however I have never thought of Jerry banfield much except that he was promoting Steem. After seeing this well, I know the story runs much deeper than what it is.

I’ve been in too many schemes not to. Believe that if you put in 1000 Steem you’ll make 10k back because I reality your not just putting Steem you are also putting your trust in him that his model works.

Because steemit is a platform where you are all alone, i would advise people not to put their trust in schemes where other members make huge promises without showing actual proof that their model works.

Honestly, what turned me off about him was his odd hat. Why would anyone wear a hat like that and how could you take them seriously?

oh god ... i am only 3 months in this system.
I do not know much about steemit and people in the system.
knowing the reality of the evidence you provide, I believe this is the truth.
Thanks @meno .

I knew of some of these but never knew the extent of Jerry flaws. He lost my witness vote a long time ago but this post made it so I will never even think of voting for him again.

This was my first fear when i came on Steemit to see that Jerry Banfield was there. I had to know him first on Udemy where i got one of his course i never finished because of so much hype and useless content. These guys never change.

It took you this long to come to the conclusions that many have had all along...

i'll assume that jab, I deserve it... but better late than never...

You don't deserve it, it wasn't a serious jab. You are right, better late than never.

I just unapproved him as a witness added a few others. I think there should be a separate tag about all such scams and about things done by witnesses. A section which holds those with power-witnesses, accountable so that people can vote/unvote for them. For steemit as a community to work better or even survive, there needs to be an institution like an unbiased media is needed for a democracy!

Thank you for the information. I'm quite new but luckily I read a few snippets about Jerry Banfield early on that made my alarm bells ring and I knew kind of instinctively that I wanted nothing to do with him. Glad to have that feeling confirmed and backed up with plenty of evidence.

I stopped following Jerry weeks or months ago. But in general terms this doesn't seem to get solved. I mean he and probably a whole bunch of others continue there behavior. Sooner or later most people will get discouraged by these kind of things. And I see this as a big disadvantage of a decentralized platform.

Damn did you see how much Jerry earns? 😳
I earn only 0.1% of what he does 😥

I never made the mistake of trusting him. He always seemed sketchy to me. The fact that he's all about himself was apparent as soon as I knew anything about him. But all of this info collected in one place is highly beneficial to everyone that doesn't know the whole story, especially anyone that might get fooled by him. Upvoted 100% with my tiny vote as a result. GJ! Clearly you put a lot of effort into this.

I think jerrybamfield is a top witness because of corrupt whales and shit-head users and spammers in the steemit. One thing is sure this guy is going to reap lot of wealth. I still see a lot of support for him from users here. :(

Oh man seeing that transfer to Craig was enough to make me cringe. Is that the same Craig grant I'm thinking it is? I appreciate @jerrybanfeild but this is pretty interesting. Hopefully we see his response!

I don't see that, when was it? I can't help but notice the 8000 liquid steem headed to bittrex three days ago though :/

nm found them

same one, bitconnect dude...

@jerrybanfeild tell me its not so! That isnt cool.

Are you trying to virtue signal to this group that you're somehow almost displeased with what he's been doing yet intentionally misspelling his name in the hopes he doesn't see your comment?

No, thanks for letting me know of the misspelling. I'm sorry, my comment aroused such suspicions, paranoia and what can only be construed as anger. I actually just recast my vote for @Jerrybanfield and I would love to see his response for exhibiting behaviors that represent about everything thats wrong with American Society. Its hard to blame him for acting in this way, as its what is taught in America to win, if your paying attention, but its hard to vote for him knowing his moves. So before I uncast my witness vote for him I would love to see his response. Sorry for the misspelling. I just saw your


Description that was cool!

I was just fucking around with you rofl, and yeah hard work is taught to be a sucker's game in the states so you're right about that. That's what happens when you stomp out a collectivist mentality over the generations and teach everyone to fight over some scraps.

i dont know what you're talking about dude. theyve been pushing the collectivism pretty hard over here. Just not as hard as in Europe LOL

Who is they.

In 2016, there were 14.6 million members in the U.S., down from 17.7 million in 1983. The percentage of workers belonging to a union in the United States (or total labor union "density") was 10.7%, compared to 20.1% in 1983.[1][2] Union membership in the private sector has fallen under 7%[3] — levels not seen since 1932. From a global perspective, the density in 2013 was 7.7% in France, 18.1% in Germany, 27.1% in Canada, and 88.9% in Iceland, which is currently highest in the world.

I should have not used the word collectivism, yes there have been race-based things to distract from the class-based notions.

Wow, what an interesting Steemit rabbit hole to go down.

I am certainly not as worried about saying what I see.

All your points and research are fanatatic and back up The fact that he is a dirty little weasel so no need for me to say any ore on that.

The only glaringly obvious trait you missed was the fact that he looks like a prick, sounds like a prick so.........

It i

I saw that post and it just made me plain mad. I hope that the no one sends him a dime. I do not downvote very often but I did this post. I know that the little 4 cent downvote is nothing when he has bought upvotes from all the bid bots on this one. I hope no one falls into this trap! I think it is safe to say, He is one arrogant piece of crap for this one too.

I stopped following him when he started making 'music', which he couldn't do, lets be honest here, of which he started making a fair bit of money from due to his already over-bloated following.

He's like the kid in the playground that wants ALL the other kids toys and marbles for himself and will stop at nothing to get them.

I never liked this guy.

five star

Thanks for opening my eyes!

Serious? Wow, there so much to know about Jerry. To be honest, I come to steemit because of his encouraging video from youtube. I have nothing to say anymore after reading this.. Well, I am new and there so much to learn..