Strangest tribes in the world Maasai tribes
There are many strange tribes around the world that rely on incomprehensible customs and traditions, such as the Masai tribe, for example, there are some tribes that rely entirely on cannibalism, and there are some other tribes that do not eat any meat at all. Strange tribes are many, and their population may exceed millions, and they live completely isolated from the world.
Researchers and experts have classified the Masai tribe as the strangest tribe in the world, due to their strange customs and traditions. Most researchers describe the Masai tribe as the most brutal tribe ever. Their hair is always dyed red and their body is very thin. There is rarely a person from the tribe who weighs more than the normal weight. The Arabs, in ancient times, controlled the Maasai tribe in conquests and invasions near their region
The Maasai tribe originated in the upper Nile Valley, next to a lake called Victoria, next to a mountain called Kilimanjaro, and the area of the tribe is about five hundred square kilometers, and the population is more than three hundred and fifty thousand people, and they live in Kenya, Tanzania, and their main language is the language of the suns, and the sambweh
The man marries more than seventy women, and all the inhabitants of the tribe believe that the creator of the world is the god Enkai, and they are divided into three groups, the first group called the Maasai, the second called Trobua, and the third called Kiyoyo.
The Maasai tribe members celebrate their main seasons, “Tokkoa and Ultma.” The first is called the season of long rains and the second is called the season of drizzle or short rains.
But the celebrations of the tribe are characterized by brutality and violence, and some forbidden things that carry a lot of pain, and for the man the test for manhood begins at the age of four, and the test is done by removing all the lower incisors of the child with a sharp knife, and when the child reaches puberty, the chief of the tribe draws a tattoo On the stomach and arms of the child.
From the horrific brutal celebrations also, all the inhabitants of the tribe pierce the ears of boys and girls from the top of the ear cartilage through hot iron, and a large hole is drilled in the ear, and that hole is gradually enlarged in size by inserting some rolls of leaves made of wood
The youth of the tribe must fulfill all the requirements of the inhabitants to protect the tribe, and this causes the youth to live a long time in the jungle so that they learn to defeat lions, snakes, and vipers, and they also learn how to divide property and cows with others.
Decisions within the family are made by the men, and the elders decide the big issues and decisions of their community.