I'm going to give away 1,000,000 STEEM for my TRUE followers within the STEEM world

in steem •  7 years ago 


A fit body, a calm mind, a house full of love, my 1,000,000 STEEM. These things cannot be bought — they must be earned

I'm flying to San Francisco now and more details coming soon...

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Omg !!! You’re nothing but a Philanthropist of our time.
True friends cannot be bought you’re right
Thanks for this amazing announcement
You’re much appreciated brother, I wish you a safe flight .... safe

Thank you fam :)

yummy good luck acquiring 1,000,000 STEEM! I gave 100% upvote just for the prospect.. doubt will see it though lol

I already have it, just finishing off the details for how to give it away


That's a huge announcement. I need the details

Details are coming soon..

I'm sorry for keep you waiting

Excellent. How was your flight?

It was quite long but I'm super excited to be here for my followers :)

I'm glad to hear that. Where are you from anyway? I don't know that.

lol. I'm a global citizen and I want to live in border free world, So I refuse to answer

Ok, now I'm going to call you Big Boss, for you Outer Heaven vision. That's a video game reference by the way

Yes I'm my own Big Boss.

Be your own Big Boss @ikar59 :)

Oh my god! The big announcement is announced already :D This is truly a great news dear 😍😍

You’re the first person to comment on my announcement.

More details are coming soon.

Keep on Steeming !!

My honor that I could do it. Keep on Steeming :D

Thank you!!

And the big announcement is finally here. Can't wait for the details to come.

I wish you save trip on your journey to San Francisco

I’m here in San Francisco because I want to the best for my true followers!

Thank God you arrived safely. How was your journey?

It's long but it's worth it for my followers :)

Thanks for doing this for us

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I wish you a safe trip sir. Enjoy your stay in San Francisco.
I hope you will be steeming from San Francisco because I would not want you going offline on us.

I won't go offline with Steem. If I do then I'm dead. lol

That's the spirit. Even on what I just went through I still find my way to visit your blog. And met the big news.
Sir I humbly wish to be a beneficiary

Be humble and keep on Steeming :)

Doing just that sir


I could not help but noticed you changed your display name to STEEM Angel .. Awesome

Yes I’m Angel investor and you’ll find more in my next post:)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is really a big bold and selfless step to take.
The love you have for your followers is unmatched and unparalleled to any I've seen before. Looking forward to being like you man, I never saw this coming.

This act indeed captures the depth of your display name.... Steem Angel
Happy travels.

Yes I’m an angel searching for my true followers and contributers :)

Happy Steeming!

Keep up the good work man. You definitely will get rewarded

Thank you @gamsam :)

who gives away 1,000,000 STEEM? That means you have 2,000,000 BUCKS! ;)

And here I thought I was grinding posts for another 10 years ;)

Me and I've more than 2,000,000 BUCKS.

But I'm not going to give it away easily....

If you worked hard for it, why should you give it away. I have worked all my life very hard. Good luck my friend, at least you have a chance to do some charity.

It’s kind of charity and you’ll find out all the details soon!

Hello friend, how come you always surprise us with your ads? I am very happy that you always think about helping your followers, you are a man with a good heart. Everything we achieve with effort and determination are the successes that fill us with joy. Happy day

Thank you @taybel

Yes we help each other and build a successful global Steem community :)

Have a nice day :)

friend unfortunately most people only think about their own interests and do not think about others.


Wishing you safe trip and many more blessings.

It's only a good heart that can think and do what you want to do. My God will provide and enrich you with more steem.

Thank you man.

Thank you @donnest and I appreciate it man :)

Eagerly waiting for details
i would like to earn some definitely.
You are really motivating us out here
You are showing us the true potential of this platform.For a while i thought steemit is all about bussiness but that is not true,some people still want to see good content ,encourage engagement and respect true followers.
have a happy journey!
Lets love steemit like a family

Lets love steemit like a family!

Thank you for part of this amazing family :)

1,000.000 steem !!!!!!!
That's huge amount of giveaway ...@nathanmars
Hope that i will be your lucky giveaway person

Dream on fam !

Great new @nathanmars. It's so wonderful to be one of your followers and following your vision on steemit.

Please, look at my dlive introduction video and know more about me https://steemit.com/dlive/@jona12/a2c845c0-6e3b-11e8-8587-fb4bcb1f0470

Thanks....greetings from Rwanda.


Thank you so much for sharing and I was super happy to see you @@@jona12

Thanks @nathanmars

You're welcome @Jona12

Wwwooooooaahhhhhhh... I knew it was going to be such a massive news and its here now. Wow i just hope this doesnt pass me by.

Safe trip on your journey @nathanmars

Thank you!

You've good instinct my friend :)

Keep on Steeming !

Things must be earned as you say, if everything were simple in life I figure the essence of the exertion would not be so sweet. I figure every one of your devotees will know about the conditions or terms, be that as it may, it is an incredible activity on your part. I will take after your articles of course.resteemit

Earning my 1,000,000 STEEM will be not be easy but challenging.

I believe in my true followers and they’ll be ready for the challenge.

More details coming soon

Great contest.i am new Steemians.
I follow you. I am really excited and can't wait for more details..
I witting for your contest.
So, upvote resteemit

Me too I'm super excited :)

Excellent, message and it is very true what you write of a calm mind, when we are in that state everything flows in favor, with your positive attitude and that desire to help your neighbor you exalt yourself, and your aura is very beautiful. happy trip and good return, greetings @nathanmars

Thank you so much your sweet words.

My true followers give me this calm feeling!

Keep on Steeming:)

That's a great project ..
Actually I think that you provide true flower to get great reward and I follow your all post and some time ago I not seen your some post but I seen your post and I happy now.
Carry on dear..
Upvote and resteemit done..

I’m glad you’re happy.

Keep on Steeming:)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

OMG this is realbig.... sothis was the announcement man!!!! safe journooo...

The challenges are even bigger, so get ready !

More details coming soon:)

well nothing big comes easier bro.... Glad u had two O'z in soon this time around :p

I'm still a beginner...

I am so excited... It is a big witness initiative...How to distribute the huge amount .. Do you arrange any contest.. ?? @nathnmars

Thank you.

All the details are coming soon.

I just can’t wait to share :)


i hope i wil be that lucky steemian.

best of luck. Hope can find a good one and i am waiting for detail...

It’s not a lucky draw or lottery ticket.

You’ll find out soon:)

Great i am waiting

It won't be too long :)


This is so lovely @nathanmars, safe journey to San Francisco Sir, patiently waiting for more details. God bless your hard work too

I’ll be safe with your love :)

Amen Sir, regards

Thank you :)

OMG!!! Is this the big announcement? I bet this would be the biggest giveaway ever on the STEEM Platform. Question: why this decision? Anyways, I hope I become a beneficiary should it come off.

Probably the biggest. To be honest I don't care how bis it is.

I care how much positive impact this going to make.

If you deserve it then why not you ??

It will certainly make lots of positive impacts. Where I'm from for instance, Ghana-West Africa, one steem can buy at least two decent meals a day. Most people including me sometimes or often thrive on less than $3 a day. So imagine the relief I'd get when I receive a portion of your generous giveaway... knowing that I can be able to afford food and other necessary things in the near future or in times of dire need.

I completely understand the positive impacts.

I'm extremely understand humans behaviour and I just cannot give away the money to the wrong people and they might spend it on gambling. Or I don't like spoiling people. Same goes to my very own family members.

All my 1M STEEM has to earned.. Details coming soon and I'll make sure it'll go the right people :)

Yeah... You ought to be careful with such giveaway. There are lots of hungry predators out there who are willing to present themselves as sheep just to earn some.


Lol.😂😂..it's Saturday tho

Just checking if you’re a real human. lol

Great news and a very tempting offer, I'm ready to work for myself and for all of us! Thank you @nathanmars

I'm so happy to have you @megafart :)

What do you mean by true follower?
I think true follower mean the person who know yourself so closly as like as your girlfrend,brother,sister,best friend,junior,playmate..
In this platform true follower are so rare in this eyesight..This is depend on you ..
True person,Real account,Real and attractive comment,always like to your content; this??????There are many fake,selfish,greedy person who always try to flatter you..so,,
How can you judge your true follower???
Tell me!!

Oh well, You'll definitely find out my definition of true follower.

My very own definition of "true follower" is coming soon.

Hope you can wait a little more!

Have a safe journey my man

Thanks a lot @mistakili :)

Wow! That is really huge. There really is no one like you. Who could do this on steemit? We are all waiting for the details.

There is absolutely no like me and no like yourself.
Everyone is unique and Steem is the best place for being unique.
More details coming soon..

We are waiting. Seen the latest post and hope to send an entry soon.

Almost 90% done. Won’t be too long :)

I got a witness vote for you if you ever need it

Thank you @fruitdaddy!

I don't need it now and you never know in the future..

Happy Steeming :)

I believe

I think 40x'ing than giving away half should be light work for you. I'm hoping it's more of; launching a company on the Steem blockchain and rewarding steemians millions of steem. :--) Let me know how I can help.

Thanks for the offer and I'll let you know :)

@nathanmars, I've big doubt what will your big announce in future. But I know only something. It's you definitely try to help your real followers.
Be safe you journey my friend.

Thank you @madushanka

I'm always trying to help from the day one!

It won't be too long my friend :)

Oh friend this is great news we are careful to see what it is about

Have a nice trip and get well to your destination!

Thank you and my destination is already set with Steem world- $100 STEEM

I’ll go around the normal world to reach my steem destination:)

Thank you and happy Steeming!!

Oh 1,000,000 of STEEM this is a great prize will help many of your true followers have a happy flight

Waiting soon to hear from you :D

Great work and great contribution deserves great prize :)

Be happy and keep on Steeming!

Many successes in your trip my friend@nathanmars,I am attentive to your upcoming news.

Thank you for your attention:)

I won’t keep you waiting so long !!

That will really be nice, it will really help the community and the deserved individual.. I wish you safe journey

Helping this Steem community was my goal from the day one!

Yay! This wil not pass over me....

I'm on the look out for this awesome generosity.

Save trip.

Thank you!

I’ll be safe because i’ve your love :)

You have the love in masses...

1 million that's amazing, lOoking forward to more update from you!
I've an innocent question If i have not Dlive videos yet, so i'm not your real follower? :(

Thank you.

My definition of REAL and TRUE followers will be released soon.

May be Dlive introduction is one of them.

wooow am waiting too and a safe journey to sanfrancisco

Thank you!

I’m in San Francisco because I want to do something for my followers and you’ll hear more details soon.

Keep on Steeming :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow....this is a really huge step. Can't wait to see this come to realization.

Here's a link to one of my videos. I commented earlier but you must have missed it.


Thank you.

I’m so sorry I missed it. I’m checking out as typing :)

Happy Steeming!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

This is indeed a very big news @nathanmars. I am really glad to hear it because for me and many other minnows out there, this can be of great help.

Although new but I am a pretty serious Steemian and thus I like to throw caution to the winds. I have followed you for few weeks now and have seen only good content from you and have heard good things about you.

So my next question is the logical one: how is this going to work? Do you have particular method you want to do it with (for example a competition, etc.)............ I am really excited and can't wait for more details.

Thank you so much for expressing your excitement.

How is it going to work ?? I guess you’ll hear from me soon

Keep on Steeming:)

Will do man, will do :-)

Thanks @hashcash :)

Things must be earned as you say, if everything were easy in life I think the taste of the effort would not be so sweet. I think all your followers will be aware of the conditions or terms, however, it is a great initiative on your part. I will be following your articles as usual.

Yes all 1,000,000 STEEM must be earned from me and I’ll be the one who is going to give it way.

All my real followers will be happy:)

Waiting for your giveaway terms and conditions. Sounds more than interesting.

Thank you!

Yes my very own Terms and conditions are coming soon.

It’ll be challenging

Wow, my friend.

It's wonderful, really Thank you. Congratulations. God bless you for your great heart and good wishes.

Wherever you go, God be with you and protect you. A big hug.

Thank you so much !

Big hug from San Francisco:)

Thank God, you arrived well.

Succeed, in your mission.


😳😳😳😳 this is really a big announcement... no one couldn’t thought about such big announcement

Big announcement will demand big contribution from my followers.

Get ready and Keep on Steeming :)

My friend.... I’m waiting for your future datails

Friend @nathanmars this is good news that would make many of your followers happy

Many of us are waiting, waiting for more, you do a lot for your true followers

Thank you

More contribution = More STEEM rewards

Amazing we got a gift coming .. yay bless me Lord

It’s kind of gift and it’s kind of not a gift.

You’ll find out soon :)

Unexpectedly, one million is a huge amount, wish you a safe flight to San Francisco.I am always looking forward to positive information from you.

Positive people can only give positive vibe :)

Happy Steeming !

I am a new follower, and I find your topics very interesting that speak very well of your human side, I will follow you to learn from your point of view always in positive. @ Nathanmars

Thank you and welcome @valenlove

We learn from each other and spread positivity to everyone around us!

Happy Steeming :)

That is really what we need for our planet, many positive people emanating good energies. God bless you.

Friend, thanks for the video, a great way to start my weekend. As they say there, "the brightness of each day, does not depend on the sun, but the smile that comes from the heart", so today will be a day full of splendor.

Waooo what news! You have a great heart and full of love @nathanmars God keeps blessing you and always prospering, Happy journey that you reach well to your destiny. Greetings and blessings !!

Thank you for your sweet words @rosaimm :)

Finally on dlive....

After so many attempts, I now get it right, thank you for he push @nathanmars.

Thank you for telling me to keep trying, here is the link to my introductory video


I was super happy to see your video :)

thanks so much friend...
I'm glad to have gotten it right this time around too, thanks for the push... smile

I believed in yourself from day one!

Thanks for your kind word, you are such an amazing personality.

You're welcome @emmakkayluv :)

Here is the link to my response to your question.


I've been missing not following this man.


wow you're one of the generous people have ever seen on steemit for the months have been here. I'll always follow you.. well i wish i could be one of them.

Thank you for your kind words!

I hope so too and you could be one of them :)

Omg, i can do anything good to gain this. 100 steem is all i need to buy my self a good guitar so i can always play open mic. With 1000 steem will get a very good camera to shoot my video and promote it. 30 steem is enough for my project in school. If i can win this, ill make a song about nathanmars on how he sold hus house for steem, and now he is making life easier for steemians .

I'll remember this words from you..

"I can do anything good to gain this"

Oh my God ! this is big announcement my friend. I bid you journey mercies(safe trip)

Thank you so much @adeyemidrey :)

sir nathanmars, you are bursting my mind.
safe trips.. come back soon

Thank you @trojan4

And I'm always thinking about my followers.

Hope you will enjoy their.
Stay safe and cautious

Thank you my friend :)

You are most welcome dear

Really! Wow that's a very big initiative. Looking good, I suppose your true followers have gotten a big prize. Would it come as a delegation or liquid steem maybe?
Either way that's really great help for many of your followers. Will keep in touch and thanks for such an initiative.

I'm finishing off the final details and will be released soon.

True and real people always win BIG :)

That's amazing @nathanmars hoping to get updates soon. Am happy for whoever will be a lucky true follower selected. Bravo.

Hi.. It is an impressive amount of steem. I suppose You must have a great idea in mind.

I hope it is not be randomly and you have some project in mind :)

Good luck in your trip

I've my true followers in my mind and they deserve special project and attention :)

Looks like it's a good news for many. We'll this is really amazing @nathanmars, and you saying some big announcement coming soon and then you are in your way to San Francisco, I am curious now haha.
Well I say good luck dear and will hope everything goes great.

I'm so happy to have amazing followers and I need to give something big :)

Hi @nathanmars it's a great thing you are doing. I believe in your ideas and you always bring something interesting through your posts.
I am excited about what is coming next, San Francisco, it sounds like the next post is going to be amazing my friend. Good luck will wait for the next one.

Thank you my friend.

Be happy and keep on Steeming:)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

really its a great announcement from you,,, and its a great achievement for us ,, i am lucky that i am a new follower of you my dear friend...please keep me in your touch. @nathanmars

I'm lucky to meet you :)

You have a big heart sir and I wish there could be a lot more of your type on the blockchain.. We always making a difference and setting the pace for others to follow.

Safe trip boss!

Thank you and making positive difference matter to me so much!

Wow!!! Thanks for being kind hearted @nathanmars. Many people must be smiling and excited to see such a post from you. We are really proud to have you on steemit. You are such a blessing to us your followers. A hand that gives is a hand that receives. May the Almighty God give you more steem since you are willing to also give away. Can't wait for the challenge. Thank you.

I can't wait to announce the challengeS.

this news is something completely unreal, I think it's very cool and this makes me happy a world I wish you a good trip friend

My followers are very cool too :)

Oh my oh my,

This is jaw dropping.
Best thing I have seen on steemit in a while.

Lemme get my cameras ready to get rolling.

Thank you @jacobite!

Yes please get ready now!!!

great, have a good trip!!

Thank you so much !

Your followers increases by the day because you have earned the respect and love of almost everyone here.

I wish you a safe flight. Hope you doing fine my friend.

Thank you!

To be honest I never look at the number of followers I've. I care of about how many people are really following my vision.

I suppose you have arrived at your destination. I can't speak for others but I for one is following.

Thanks @yungchief! Yes I've safely arrived in SF.

More details coming soon :)

That is good to know. Take your time, we can wait for the details anytime

Wow. This such a great news. Have a nice time at San Francisco. More news

I came here because I want to make my followers happy :)

@nathanmars, How can i be participant of this my friend?

And wishing you safe journey.

Keep on Steeming and I'll share the details soon :)

Wow wow, this is so great just as you are...... Enjoy your trip, keep it safe.... M.. You're wonderful @nathanmars

My followers are wonderful :)

For real?This has to be the biggest announcement I've ever heard!!!
Actually you can be proved as a life changer @nathanmars
Really looking forward for more details
God bless you mate

Probably the biggest.

More details coming soon :)

wow! @nathanmars that is 1 million steem... 1 million steem (6 zeros) and close to 2 million dollars... That's too much money, The money is so much so that I wonder how possible that is, even the whales here havent thought of anything close to this.

Yes 1 million steem (6 zeros)

I'm not selfish and I care about others .

Even if I'm a whale or not, I care

I can not believe this, it's really the best ad, I'm very aware of all your ads.

Have a good trip and many good ones arrive for you.

Thank you so much @josuerebolledo

I do not know if there is such a noble, honest person like you at Steemit. You will give 1,000,000 steem to your real followers, that why I did not say this word.
We have seen you from the very beginning that you are very sincere to us. we find you as a lovable person.
i think you don't have to give 1,000,000 steem to your real follower brother. its a huge expensive!! we do not deserve it brother even though if we are real followers...
but we will love you always brother.

My brother, Everyone needs money and Love to live a good life :)

yes brother. everyone needs money as well as love. :)

Woow😱😱.....OMG this is [email protected] should say am too lucky too be your follower and as well as blessed to have seen this give away. Am readily waiting for the the more information

More information coming soon.

And me too I'm lucky too have you in my family :)

it turns out and it happens that I am new follower of yours :( it does not matter? hehe.

Of course not.

New or Old, if you're real follower then everything is cool

I will be faithful follower of you my friend.

I’m happy to hear!

From your most recent post I liked this "https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@nathanmars/q-a---where-would-you-invest-yo-2018-5-6-13-25-33". In short, waiting for your next publication

Thank you @josuhimovic :)

You won't be waiting too long..

I hope you have a good day, friend...

This has been the best publication I've seen

Thank you :)

Are you always like that of good people? God bless you always

I'm blessed with my true followers :)

That is very good :)

Can you imagine winning that prize? wow my economic life exchange hehe


Active to win my dear friend

Yes I born to win together !!!

Correction, we were born to win

Well I hope you choose me haha. regards

I hope so too...

Ready I saw that you uploaded a new post :D

it seems to me a completely amazing news. @nathanmars

I've amazing follower and they deserve amazing news :)

Oh really this is great from you @nathanmars
Do have a safe flight

Thank you @pelvis

I have made a post with @dlive.
It was okay .
I will make another one soon.
Will make sure i give you a mention,
Because you preached it to me.

Family is most important of the world.
families make the mind calm, and can live life calmly.
Be careful on the way @nathanmars
Have a goo day @nathanmars

Thank you @aulnyaksyabandi :)

Yes I 100 % agree families make the mind calm and my Steem family make me calm :)

You are welcome.
You are a good person @nathanmars

May be something exciting for us all of us. We will wait for his results.
Thanks @nathanmars

I'm super excited too!!!

I just followed you I'm a new friend follower is a great figure in steem

As a follower of mine, you must share your Dlive video introduction with me.

I’ll be waiting to see you.


This is an amazing announcement, it's like my dream to have 1,000,000 SP. me and you ever discussed about my dream, in a comment. I appreciate my brother's kindness.

may I be a lucky person to receive the kindness of my brother

We are a big family. tranquility will always be present in your every life. do not forget to be happy my brother

Yes We're one BIG family :)

I really like you my brother

Me too, I really love my Steem family :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Are you going to create a Steem angel project?

I strongly support if that's true

I'm an Angel investor and I'll announce more details soon :)

may I become part of the goodness of my brother Steem angel

Everyone can become part of the goodness.

But there is only one Steem Angel and it’s me. Sorry brother

This is really really big anoucement...
OMG i cant wait for this momemt to happen ,,waiting for further details..

Thank you and the details are coming soon!

I am going to what...


I could hardly count these zeros to some nearest comma. That is crazy as it is generous. But, why would you and what would you be left with? Even though i feel excited to earn rewards but, I think i am not very glad to hear that because its your hard earned capital

hahaha I'm worth more than this 6 zero's

Yes it's my hard earned money and I'm giving opportunity to earn this 1,000,000 STEEM for my real followers

Of course mr nathan, you are actually priceless. You are so generous and motivating :)


Oh..here comes the big bang.
Waiting on

Thank you :)

1.000.000 woa big money, i like you, I admire you.

My Real followers deserve something BIG

WTF!!! What a great way to start the day reading news like that. You @nathanmars have the great gift to keep us excited!!! Have a good time in SanFran! Cheers from Barcelona

I'm super excited too and I can't wait to share more details...

@nathanmars sir this shows your love towards the community.
Supporting from the bottom of my heart.
Cheers .

Sorry I couldn't see your Dtube video, May be you need to uploaded it again...

yes i think there is some problem, i don't know what happened. But i am uploading it on Dlive .

Check this out, I hope this works @nathanmars sir

I'm happy to see you @clicked :)

Thank you

I am grateful for your support.
Thanks Man :)

I'm grateful you're part of our Steem family :)

How was the trip to San Francisco? Sure, you're safe. Waiting for more details. Respect!!!

Flight was Awesome and I'm safe and well..

More details coming soon...

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow!, this is indeed huge man. I never expected less from you. I'm really glad to be a true follower of yours.

You did said well, the steem can't be bought but it will be earned. And we all will work together in achieving this goal.

Hope you had a safe trip to San Francisco. We all wish you a nice stay there.

Check out what I have here for you at dlive.

Link1: https://dlive.io/video/k-banti/4522f240-6ffc-11e8-8587-fb4bcb1f0470

Link2: https://dlive.io/video/k-banti/a4a419a0-7007-11e8-8587-fb4bcb1f0470

My other followers should follow your Steem-work and learn how to EARN.

Wow!, I'm glad you can say such of me sir!. As you did said earlier on. Have also been trying my possible best to explore the community in various ways.

I guess it's time I start to mentor some followers also. Smiles ☺

Thanks sir!

Let your Steem-work mentor others.


Yes sir that's true. It's also like planting a seed then harvesting it in the nearest future. What I put in is what I will definitely get. Thanks for the motivational quote.

It's high time I put in more effort in my steem-work so my followers can start benefiting from my works.

I like your Attitude @K-banti :)

Thank you sir!

Those words makes me feel like I'm beginning to make an impact in a follower's steemit journey already. Smiles ☺

whao!!!!!!!!!!!!............this is huge, I can't believe this is happening....... Men Mr @nathanmars, you are the man....... I hail ooooo......
Great things are done by great people.......... I mean people who are destined to fulfil in life.....words cannot express enough what Mr nathanmars Is doing here.......indeed it is a big and huge step you are talking here............the love you have for your followers can't be overlook......it is indeed impacting Beyond expressions....... Love you my man.

I love you too @asoju :)

thanks........ So much........ U have been a source of encouragement to everyone.

This is massive ,l can't Wait to be among the people

Thank you :)

Wish you a safe trip to san Francisco man! @nathanmars you are truly doing great here. Only a few have such big heart as you.

Thank you @princeemmanuel :)

1,000,000 steem giveaway!!! This is very wonderful and very exciting. I have never witnessed any whale on this platform who has ever done such a thing.

@nathanmars, i wish you all the best in San Francisco am eagerly waiting for more details to that.

Thank you so much @yohan2on :)

Mehn that's something huge.
Have a safe trip. Cheers

@sirdeza my good friend has told me a few good things about you. happy to meet you.

Happy to meet you too @fortune-inyang :)

You are an inspiration♡your generosity will ripple out into the universe :)

Thank you and I appreciate your kind words @alexa.janell :)

Is he truly a friend? You really are a very generous person, really since I've been in steemit, you're the first person to do something like this, the universe blesses you and with this you're going to do the universe will open the doors for you, and wonderful things will happen in your life, good vibes brother.

fher solo (1).gif

Yes It's TRUE my friend :)