How Much Have You Spent on Entertainment in Your Lifetime?

in steem •  5 years ago  (edited)

Entertainment is supposed to make us happy.
Would you be happier today if all of that money was still in your bank account?

NoNamesLeftToUse - Name Tag.jpeg

I Stumbled Upon a Blog Post Today

And inside the post, was a simple question.

I nearly wasted my time formulating an answer to place neatly under the blog post.

Anywhere else on the internet, once finished reading an article, one can scroll down, read a few senseless comments praising the author, but for the most part, nobody pays attention to that drivel — not even the author of said article.

On, they do things differently. is where I stumbled upon this blog post I speak of. Rather than writing this up as a comment and talking about it under a blog post, I've decided to write my own post on the topic.

Written and produced by Steemit's very own local master of controversies, @berniesanders:

I've asked many times now and nobody ever seems to have an answer, why would anyone buy Steem and power up just to reward others?

And my answer to that I'd like to share with everyone today is simple:

How much have you spent on entertainment in your lifetime?

The averages dictate $2,504 annually.

The average American spent $2,504 on entertainment in 2010, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported in August 2012. Entertainment spending dropped 7 percent from 2009 as consumers tightened their belts in an uncertain economy. People spent less on concerts, movies and sports events, and fewer visited theme parks, bowling alleys and golf courses. However, at the same time, Americans spent more on home-based entertainment such as cable television, hobbies and pets. source

That amounts to billions, globally, every year. Billions.

Americans spent more on home-based entertainment.

It's now 2019 and much of that 'home-based entertainment' now catches a ride with us, everywhere we go, in the form of a smartphone.

The numbers, the year, the habits of the consumer; it's all irrelevant. The fact is: People spend money on entertainment.


The money, gone, forever.

In 2019, not only do people purchase forms of entertainment, they now donate directly to independent content producers all over the internet. From artists and entertainers, gamers; everyone in between.

That money, gone, forever.
A cheap thrill. Throwing dollar bills at a pole dancer.

So to answer Bernie's question:

People will buy STEEM and power up just to reward others because now, all the money people spent on entertainment is NOT gone, forever.

If you're familiar with how Steempower works, then you'll know, even if you spend...

(video linked to source)

a million dollars on entertainment in a year, you will NOT be out one million dollars.

Subscriptions, Donations, Onetime Charges

All a thing of the past in the entertainment industry, because of STEEM.

Some folks like to say this STEEM blockchain lacks vision; but are you seeing it now?

Investing. You're now given the opportunity to invest in the entertainment of your choosing. Not in a blockchain, or a token, or a platform, or a technology. Consumers didn't buy into HBO because it has potential, solid leadership, and seems like a cool platform; they bought it for Game of Thrones. They bought it for the content or, without really knowing it, they bought it to reward a content producer(s).

Rewarding a content producer is not a new concept.

Many content producers out there now rely on advertising not of their choosing and donations. You might think something like 'tipping' and donations are the way of the future but if you take a good hard look at the entertainment industry as it stands today, you will know that method of financing content is as old as time itself.

Picture a man in the park, strumming a guitar, singing a song; as the folks walk by, they throw money into an open guitar case. Maybe you heard this as a child on television: "This program could not be here today without the help of sponsor 'A', sponsor 'B' and YOUR DONATIONS to the Public Broadcasting Service. We thank you for your support."

A Snippet of My Mind

Some folks out there will end up spending thousands "donating" to their favorite streamers or content producers. They get nothing in return, monetarily. People seem to think this behavior is the way of the future. I personally think it's idiotic when we have a platform like this place(STEEM). Why throw that money away like these content producers are strippers working the pole when one could simply INVEST in a platform, support their favorite content producers by voting, get a return on their initial investment, plus have the opportunity to pull out with no strings attached at any time. That's like buying a lifelong subscription to HBO, for free, plus you get paid. How is this simplicity consistently flying over so many heads? How is it the professionals here have trouble cleaning up that thought and selling it? That's the future of the entertainment industry right there, in my mind, and it shouldn't be so damn hard to get it right.

I'm a content producer on STEEM

And this is how I've been seeing it since day one.

Day one was way back in late September of 2016.

I've witnessed a lot of folks out there scratching their heads, wondering how to market this STEEM stuff.

Allow the content and content producers to do that. Allow the content producers to SUCCEED and thrive. It's that simple.

Have you ever seen an HBO advertisement? You'll see thirty seconds of clips taken from the content only available on HBO. Nothing about the technology behind HBO. The only thing attracting people to HBO is the content. Youtube, same thing. You went to Youtube because someone shared content from Youtube. Nobody wrote a fascinating Facebook status update detailing how they've found a video platform that has content on it, then went into detail on how they managed to place pixels in front of your eyes; they simply shared the content, you went there, and you being there pays the content producer.

You get nothing

but entertainment.

Entertainment is supposed to make us happy. Would you be happier today if all of that money you spent on entertainment was still in your bank account?

Here, provided you've purchased some STEEM and powered it up, you get paid to hit the "like" button. Millions of people hit "like buttons", daily. It's not a new concept and history shows us people like like buttons.

With that money now invested into content, content producers are then able to increase not only their output but the quality of their craft as well.

Maybe your favorite content isn't the most popular or doesn't have the highest production budget but since the STEEM platform is designed in a way that allows all content producers and consumers to work together towards a common goal of making money, even the things you don't like contribute to your bottom line. So what if I absolutely hated that makeup tutorial. The fact that content producer attracted investors who are interested in that kind of thing and willing to support content producers means they're my new best friend.

Your investment in the content producers of your choice leads to the success of the content producers of your choice, and everyone else involved directly or indirectly, including the entire platform. That's just how it goes under any entertainment industry business model, except now with STEEM, the consumer is not throwing that money away.

Does STEEM lack vision?

Or do we have a shortage of VISIONARIES?

Emulating the competition is pointless, futile. Fearing a new social network on the horizon or viewing it as competition is silly as well because a content platform and all social networks go hand in hand. What would Facebook be without people sharing links to content and what would Youtube be without people sharing links to content.

On STEEM we currently have a shortage of link sharing content consumers. We're lacking the free advertising/marketing potential successful content producers naturally bring to the table. STEEM does not need to set aside money to get the word out, STEEM simply needs to attract more content consumers willing to embrace the benefits of investing in content under this new model rather than throwing the money they spend on entertainment into the trashcan.

Are you currently a content producer on STEEM who heard a rumor there may be a change going into effect where curators could potentially share in 50% of the rewards your content generates? Does that make you feel afraid or ripped off?

Did you know this:

Screenshot (504).png

We need to attract those who would enjoy a share of 50%

In my humble opinion.

Instead of a handful of "corporate leaders" taking 50% and becoming incredibly wealthy, here, that 50% still sticks around and contributes to increasing the value of the other 50% that would be yours as a content producer. That's a far better deal than Youtube and honestly, down the road, far into the future (a place where the visionaries look), the way this place is set up, a content producer could easily make bank on a 10% cut provided that content producer attracted enough investors in content.

Today, here, the way I see the situation goes something like this:

From one content producer to another, I just want to suggest you give it more thought and some time. You need eyes on your work and by the sounds of things, this plan could help with that. Right now, too many potential curators choose to be paid to look away (vote selling). The proposed changes offer incentives to get paid to look.

In the arts and entertainment world, these changes are much like offering a standup comedian a smaller cut on a slow night because the venue is offering consumers drink specials. The drink specials are there to fill the house, the performer ends up earning more by accepting a smaller percentage because the seats are full. Had the venue not offered the drink specials as an incentive for people to show up, the performer would have taken home far less money, even if offered the full cut, because the seats were empty.

We have too many empty seats here at the moment. Too many performers, not enough content consumers. Everyone is in the back, waiting to go on stage, to perform in front of an empty house. Back room is packed. Something needs to be done to change that, or we go out of business. I've been saying this now for a very, very long time. If it works, it works. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Personally, I prefer to see people succeed. Standing room only. People hanging from the rafters.

Content Producers

You're nothing without an authentic audience/readership/viewership.

Don't be the one who got all dolled up to take a selfie in front of the bathroom mirror for the likes and faux pas generated by the purchased 80000 Instagram followers, only to wipe it all off and replace it with the reality of a fast food restaurant uniform.

Majority of the platforms out there where content can be found find ways to pay content producers. Simply marketing this place as a location online that pays content producers is like saying, "Hi! I'm just like everyone else!"

So, whatever.

Try something like:

STEEM! Where you can spend a lifetime going to work and on the side being entertained enough so when you retire, you can actually do something with your life... or maybe put the grand kids through college.

STEEM! Where you can invest in your downtime and turn that down upside.. down... ? Something like that!

STEEM! That time you didn't waste thousands of dollars on entertainment, but still left feeling entertained, and had money for pizza.

In conclusion:

I think you get the idea.

Have a nice day.

Youtube video linked to source.
All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
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"STEEM! I'm not very good at writing slogans!"

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.

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I would like to say this was really far down in my feed but it wasn't. Maybe I need to follow more folk. I suspect though that is the general quietness.

We need visionaries and we need content producers to produce and to do that they need to be rewarded.

One day!

My post yesterday was quiet but I expected that due to the shocking nature, or whatever. That was an experiment. I take risks, and I'll probably do it again. Today though, dude, I sat here for three hours wondering where everyone was and like I said earlier in so many words, it was an eerie feeling. It's slow here and since I was gone for five months, I didn't have a chance to become a product of my environment. It's hard to notice something like a slow down happening at a slow and steady pace but just showing up like I did and jumping right back in, I can both see and feel the difference. Quite a shock, I'm a bit concerned, but there's still hope. One day.

Yeah, I noticed the slowdown in interaction starting from a few months ago. People seemed to be leaving and not just the fly-by-night'rs. People who I recognised and talked with just disappeared. It did coincide with the price hitting rock bottom but had never really recovered. I super you should say the price hasn't much either.

It's on the blockchain. Back in late 2017, I returned from a long break of about five months. On that day, STEEM started its run up to all time highs. I was kinda hoping that would happen again.

Ha!! Maybe it will! Maybe your are the one in the prophecies!!!

We'll never know. They will though. Those people from the future.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

{STEEM simply needs to attract more content consumers willing to embrace the benefits of investing}


Without a doubt steem is my source of entertainment. It used to be drinking - maybe market it to all the ex drinkers who now are bored with spare cash! lol

I think it's brilliant that even the simple action of reading your comment, which was a form of online entertainment in itself, then upvoting it, like I'm about to do, pays us both. Simple.. and it's done everywhere else online, except those folks get nothing.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

Can we put you in charge of marketing? I’m dead serious.

I have over a decade of experience in a related field. That's kinda like something I put behind me though. If I had to clean it up and wear a suit, I'd probably just lose my passion for it.

On a sidenote. The silence around here is deafening today. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I do a fine job of proving my point when I said we're performing in front of an empty house. Never, in the history of me on this blockchain, has something I produced sat dormant. Maybe I do a better job when I'm entertaining but part of that is the business side, in the background, where it shouldn't stay if we want this place to be awesome. So, I spoke up. and crickets.. LOL!

You wouldn’t have to wear a suit.

It’s only been about 3 hours since you posted. Maybe give it a bit more time. I was thinking of promoting your post with an Upvote bot, but figured you may not appreciate that. Perhaps this is a time to buy an Upvote for visibilities sake, or not.

I'm uncomfortable purchasing votes. As I said, all I'd be doing is paying potential curators to look away. I've been behind the scenes dropping links, attempting to do some networking. It's not like I gave up.

I hate suits.

I love birthday suits.
but they don't look good on everyone

Some folks have style.

At least that. But we can do more.
Also, gamification FTW, am I right, @arcange?
(FYI: MIA Marlene ;-) )

There's that famous "I don't want to be a deadfish" story.
Incentive could be as simple as that. but IMHO it should be much more than that.

Sure. I think the best part of this whole thing is I'm saying, "Hey! Here's a way to tap into billions of dollars." That's only those billions though. There's a lot more out there, and plenty of ways to get it.

I agree in terms of the long term vision. It's like we can all see the mountain in the distance we want to get to,(Well most of us, there is that camp that thinks this BC shouldn't be about content :/) but I think it's just a matter of how do we get there.

There's some inescapable hurdles we have to get over like

  • People not knowing anything about crypto.
  • People having never heard of Steem(No Marketing)
  • Across the board poor user experience on applications
  • etc

I think if I could magically inject what Steem is and how it works to the world, the internet would explode and everyone would want to be here.

Also, I think better incorporated donations would be good for the interfaces here. Something like this
I think it just gives people more options and I think it would be more popular for new users especially as this place starts to scale. Steem Power will get more and more scarce and expensive, and it take a lot of money to have an upvote worth say $1. But it's no big deal to just give someone you really like a dollar. To have a $1 upvote here would cost something like $17k. When we start to onboard the masses, most don't have that much to invest and I think donations(on content) gives them more options to reward what they want to reward. In my ideal scenario, there would be an SMT or something like that that rewards people for giving donations as well.

People not knowing anything about crypto.

People don't really care about how Youtube works or pays, as content consumers. Many people drive cars and have no clue what fuel injection means. There's a lot to this place that doesn't really need to be explained, it just needs to work, like a car.

17K is a lot of money, but less than what you'd spend in a lifetime on entertainment.

Having the option to tip on top of everything isn't a bad idea, we already know it helps content producers, and combined with everything STEEM can offer, that would only make the place even more appealing. People like options, this I know. The more, the merrier.

I should probably add: Not making it about content at all would be a fine way to lose out on those billions people spend annually on entertainment. I hope people don't think 'content' means only blog posts on Steemit. STEEM is so much more and covers all forms of media. The online magazine or 'blog' part is just that.. a part.

Well...we can already tip... This will be a standard tip but the tipper can make it whatever they want.


🎁 Hi @nonameslefttouse! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dreemsteem!

@dreemsteem wrote lately about: Fireflies: Pupa (Book 2, Entry 22) - Summoned, Again Feel free to follow @dreemsteem if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

You got it! Like Patreon, GoFundMe, etc. Steem is a way for content creators to monetise their content and for consumers to reward good content. Unlike most mediums the initial investment can be retrieved and with Steem a successful creator can in turn reward other creators without withdrawing funds to redeposit, which is awesome!

The biggest set backs in my opinion are, like you said, fake votes, via bots, rewarding lazy/bad content creation and hiding good content from the trending/top tabs.

Posted using Partiko iOS

They would never put the late night infomercials and paid programming we see on television, in the primetime slots, and put the awesome shows in the late night slots... but that's basically what the paid votes do here. Any network on television would go under in a matter of weeks if they put the crap in the best slots. This is incredibly basic common sense stuff. Why those behind this disaster continue to hold the STEEM blockchain back is baffling. Darwin Award candidates, all of them. I hope to see changes that even out the playing field for ALL, so we can get the ball rolling again.

It’s one of the main things holding Steem back in my opinion. Ironically the people making money off bots are the same people holding back the value of Steem. If we get rid of bots and start promoting actual content I think $100 Steem could be a reality in under 5 years.

Posted using Partiko iOS

When you factor in the fact this is only one way to tap into billions of dollars and there are plenty more ways to tap into a few other stacks of billions, sure, $100 is actually possible. That value would be more in line with what would be typical of the entertainment industry. There's always money in entertainment. It's a given.

Yep! Services like Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, YouTube, Snapchat, etc. are all worth billions and Steem is so much more than just a social media platform!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wow, now that's a lot to actually think about... interestingly enough, entertainment is often referred to a amusement which literally means "to NOT think."

Very good points, and excellent answer to the question at hand! Keep it up!

I'm using the term loosely here. It covers a broad range of things. Not many folks ride the bus and stare out the window anymore. We always see those earbuds in. Content is always being consumed. Content producers are the thinkers.

It's good to see you again!

Here on Steemit, we are entertainers who also own a piece of the venue.

Totally fact!

Does STEEM lack vision?
Or do we have a shortage of VISIONARIES?

Nice bullish post. I had been letting everyone drag me down with all the recent FUD but you put it back in perspective.

Does anyone read these? lol

I do my best to ignore the noise. I've been here a long time so I've become desensitized. There will always be FUD.

People do read this blog, but I'm not usually so serious and talking about business and STEEM.

A bad joke, to be sure.
Was just referencing the op with the whole "worthless" comments angle.

Decentralize the desensitized.

Now I'm just talking nonsense.

The worthless comments are found under promoted and fake trending posts here but for the most part, under the real content, excellent discussions and a lot of joking around can take place. The rest of the internet does not have that, it seems. Even Youtube. It's a list of random words not many read. Sometimes someone will say something that bugs people, and then under that it's another list of random words. No discussion. Just people yelling at clouds. I suppose I should have done a better job of explaining what I meant about that in the post itself, but at the time I didn't see the need to go into too much detail when the post was not about that at all. In writing class, they'll teach everyone to make it clear, precise, to the point. Screw ups like that though, in this world, more often than not lead to comments. Maybe I did it on purpose? Who knows...

The feeling I get recently...

The slow down is very noticeable but it seems to be "industry" wide as most of the social chains are sputtering along. There are ebs and flows of interest and the hardest part of this whole thing is how to make the interest become a flood and not this measly trickle.

Entertainment value is completely subjective and what one considers valuable another will flag. The thing most people don't seem to grasp is that we are paying for entertainment on Steem, it just doens't come out of our fiat wallets.

That image looks like home to me. A valuable post rarely gets downvoted even when those who do not see the value in it stumble across what they view as unworthy. The downvote is there more to stomp out anti-social behavior.

A great point of view that I had not considered! I spend much more than the average on entertainment every year and considering how most of it goes, when given the option, I would definitely prefer putting it into Steem Power or even liquid Steem for content! This is eye opening and should also include the potential for what could be a successful deployment of SMTs in the future as entertainment is always looking to become more engaging.

Posted using Partiko iOS

The big players in the entertainment industry will have a lot of fun with those SMTs. I wrote a post awhile back talking about it. Instead of purchasing singles or albums, consumers can invest, get the content only available to investors, get discounts on merchandise and tickets, access to direct communication with a famous public figure persona. Possibilities are endless.

Does anyone read these? lol

Yeap, I have a tendency to be one of those people. I like to post, but I love to read and comment and look.

Trending page? Yes I look on occasion.

Whenever you're finished with this guy, I'd like you to have a look at this post:

That's how I first saw the post posted here, and yes this should be on the trending page, and with a lot of natural votes, so I will be resteeming it. Not that that will do any good, but it will make me feel better about it.

The initial question has been answered a heck of a lot of times in steemit/busy/partiko/esteem post and in other places. He and others like him just do not want to understand why people would pay to consume content on the steem blockchain. You get to choose what you want to see, view, or read. You get to say if you liked it, thought it sucked, or were neutral about it if you want. You can give a vote of varying size and type to indicate that more like this or less content like this from that content producer.

Okay done, out of steem for this round.

Steem needs more content consumers, everyone here is a creator, no one is reading though

Basically, yeah. People do come to my world and read. I'm grateful for that, but it has slowed down a lot. I'm not looking out for number one when I bring up the issues though. I'm looking around and what I want to see is others doing well. Everyone needs an audience. Tens of thousands, millions, of low to mid level SP accounts voting and viewing would be awesome. Your average consumer.

Thank You for saying what I think but saying it much better than I ever could :D

And here I am thinking I could have said it even better. As @midlet said in a comment here:

I think if I could magically inject what Steem is and how it works to the world, the internet would explode and everyone would want to be here.

I feel the same way. If I could send how I feel about it just using some brainwaves and an antenna, I'd be all over that, and feel quite confident a lot of people would get it.

I have tried with people I know to get them on Steem... It's not easy to explain the whole concept. Plus people don't want to work at anything anymore.

My niece is a great poet but she was only here for a short time and didn't 'get' that you have to go out and meet people here to get the whole experience.

it's too easy to 'turn something on' and throw 5.00 at google play store so someone can stare at their phone some more instead of reading interesting posts about everything and anything.

I don't know how to fix it.....

I have told people on Planes and gave them my number and said call if you need help and they are all excited but, like one lady, her granddaughter talked her out of it.... you can not compete with a Granddaughter LOL they fix their phones and computers when things go wrong.

sorry rambling now...

I've reached to as many as I possibly could, including some actual content producers out there. Artists, musicians, youtubers... I've been knocking on doors. Some respond, many do not (and I think part of that has to do with fame and distancing themselves from common folk), those who've responded seemed interested... but I had to be honest and explain that trending page, often. It's always a deal breaker when an established artist finds out Joe Nobody can push the quality stuff out of ranking with garbage nobody cares about. Every time. Some of those conversations lasted for weeks.

the sad part is most of the Steemians I know never even LOOK at that stupid trending page

What's a trending page?

Just kidding.. but I don't ever look either lol

That's a place for the Joe Rogan's of this world, not the Joe Nobody's.

Many people don't get it, including many content contributors.

Rather than seeing steem as a point of extraction, it should be a point of subscription. Steem power travels across the Blockchain and can and later will increasingly be used as the key to doors of entertainment applications and information.

Impatience killed the brat.

We gotta get outta this funk. Tens of thousands of actual upvotes from actual people, even if those votes are worth half a penny each, adds up. The entertainment can't be the only audience forever. We need to find ways to sell out the venue. I sat here for hours wondering where everyone was today. That never happens to me. If it continues to be quiet like that, it's not impatience, there's something wrong, and I'll be concerned. Since I'm the most patient guy I know, if I become concerned, then there's a problem. I don't want to perform in front of an empty house. If you're on the road doing shows, those are the venues you skip. It's a night off.

I do think that at the very least, there is going to be a lot of interaction generated if the EIP comes in and, the free DVs are going t make things very interesting as this place again becomes unpredictable and risky for some actions.

That in itself should increase eyes.

At first, there will be a few issues. The dust will eventually settle and the situation can then be assessed. During the initial shit storm, I won't say a word. It'll be business as usual for me, just like every hardfork before. One worst case scenario I can see is downvote abuse by those against downvotes, just so they can say, "See, I told you this would happen." LOL!

Happiness has a value, difficult to measure in dollars or in STEEM. Entertainment is one means to happiness. Investment in entertainment can be measured in dollars, STEEM, bitcoin and time spent.

All I'm really saying here is we'll make it much easier to tap into those billions spent on entertainment yearly if we market the place to the content consumer rather than the content producer.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

For me Patreon model feels very wrong. I have been supporting one prominent Steemian on Patreon who abandoned Steem during the bear market and I do feel like I'm throwing all that money away. Whereas on Steem I could upvote him quite decently every day, if only he understood the beauty of the system. Plus he doesn't need to leave Patreon, he can do both if his other supporters don't get the joke yet.

On Patreon it's like content producers are begging for money from patrons whereas on Steem patrons become investors in your content.

That Patreon system is abused and exploited as well. A junkie can just say they're sick, put on a big act, collect the money and run to the nearest drug dealer, never to be seen again. With this model here, if they stop performing or get found out, they lose the money, and nobody got scammed.

I want to say thank you for putting this more eloquently than I could possibly have on my own.

It's really all for the lolz.

The best part, having that SP means you get to have comedy gold for years to come, and maybe recycle some values while you are at it. It's obviously not attractive to people who are keen on making money, but it's totally not too bad for kicks and giggles.

Congratulations @nonameslefttouse for your profound and insightful analysis!
This is my modest experience:

Congratulations @nonameslefttouse!
Your post was mentioned in the Steem Hit Parade in the following category:

  • Comments - Ranked 9 with 52 comments

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.
@c-squared runs a community witness. Please consider using one of your witness votes on us here

Came here to read the article which was 37 times better, but was entertained 370 times!! :)


I wrote a book only available on Steemit (and now the sequel only available here)

Also made a family project that is a through Steemit!

@fundition has been supporting our family project updates and helping us grow! And I have a handful of subscribers that have been enjoying the book (and sequel!)

Its a nice concept to have things exclusive to Steemit...and I hope it can be sustainable...but who knows what the future holds. Time will tell.

It has been quiet here, and prices aren't going up
But after 2.5 years (with snippets of time away also) I've never powered down, I'm about to be dolphin (only 70ish SP away.. I could power up some steem I've been holding for contests and such, but I kinda want to earn it on post payouts lol) and I've been a member of some great communities and even founded one that helps newbies.

Is that enough? Eh. Like I time will tell.

People need money, and a lot of people use Steemit as a short term investment (meaning they invest their time, earn and take out cash.)

We will see how long the platform can withstand that kind of pressure. Hope it changes for the better! But... Time. 😉

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Free porn is free. Some women live stream their nakedness to the world, as the donations pour in, after someone spent money to subscribe to the site in order to be able to interact with their fetish of choice. A magazine is fucking free if all you do is stand by the rack and read...

Why are you getting downvoted now? Trolling?

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Well that was dumb. Kinda like running head first into someones fist and wondering why you got punched. He threw you in the corner for a bit to cool down, so just play it cool.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment