Too early for predictions?

in steem •  5 years ago  (edited)


Playing it safe and waiting for the trend is not the way of a true Seer. They shoot from the psychic hip. My sincere hope is that some of these predictions will prove wrong. You will be welcome to rub my nose in them should that end up being the case.

The total amount of crypto that has been sold for fiat by me is 1 BTC which was caught in a price spike in 2015. All and any other crypto of mine have been HODLed. So this is a new dilemma for me; the contemplation of selling crypto.

Steemit Inc. will roll on...

Right from the beginning Mr. Sun had plans to bring STEEM into the TRON ecosystem. He could care less about 100,000 +/- crypto geeks. All the open source dApps will run on his version of the chain. He can pump and dump STEEM until his prick turns blue, so long as the token is required for casinos, streaming and/or porn. My advice is to never go all in with a billionaire. He even owns an exchange for fuck's sake to pump and dump in. Word is that STEEM transfers to some exchanges have been halted today. The man is the fucking crypto version of the New York Stock Exchange!

His million users on TRON don't seem to mind his centralization. Hell, FB has a few billion who could give a shit. Maybe you're one of them?

Hive will tank

STEEM already was well on the road to being a shit coin. It was not @ned's dumps that was doing it. It was all the gold diggers that were dumping their rewards as quick as they would pay out. Just look how they left like rats from a sinking ship once the price started falling. The old geezers like myself didn't notice the pain so much because of the snowballing effect of inflationary pay out. The concept was flawed. There was hope though that dApps would put value on STEEM for its utilitarian aspects. Gamers do not herd easily. They will just get pissed off and distracted elsewhere.

With usership falling in the toilet, does anyone think that splintering the user base is going to make things better? Hive will become the AOL of DPoS in my opinion. The average age demographic is about right.

To hear the predictions of a $1 HIVE on Discord had me pissing my pants with laughter. Maybe during a pump. But long term? Not a chance.

My Approach

Power downs have started on my accounts on both STEEM and HIVE.

It's been a fun 4 years. ✌️😎

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People selling the token isn't the problem; that should be part of a healthy economy. The problem is investors are hesitant to buy. Over my years here, I have pitched steem in some of the anarchist crypto groups I've been part of, and was laughed out because mainly because it was perceived as a centralized chain via Steemit Inc, even way back then before all this.

Now we're able to make a fresh start without that centralization. There are still problems that need to be fixed, and I really think HIVE needs to go to a utility token after SMTs are released, significantly lowering inflation and allowing different reward mechanisms for unique communities, but we're well on the path to keep on going much longer than the steem pump and dump will last.

That latest airdrop blacklist should comfort new investors. 😆

It will make for an interesting 13 week and then a watch as the dust settles on HiveAOL. The dApp people have been given a lot of water to carry.

Thanks for dropping by. Your standing up to the pressure of the V.22.2 Cabal will forever impress me.

To put things in perspective, @ned got the hive tokens, known phishers got the tokens, and some of the most universally hated people on this platforms got theirs. The "airdrop" was objectively defined by actions on a transparent ledger, and most (not all) supported the centralized control of the chain, something hive wants to get away from. The funds that weren't "airdropped" are now in a community fund, and the community can give them back to anyone via the DAO.

The funds that weren't "airdropped" are now in a community fund, and the community can give them back to anyone via the DAO.

All stake based voted upon is my guess. The circle jerks are in full swing in Hive Trending.

Cabal shit dude. Look away! Look away! 🤓

P.S. Please don't tell me that you are paying for your witness server with your own fiat that could be buying BTC.

I fully expect some, like @truce and possibly even @steemchiller to get theirs via the DAO, but I could be wrong.

ur too pesimistic.... we the real community are the real majority stake holders and as we power down we dump the steem to hive, steem will need a long time to recover... u might see a fall of steem price now very friday ;) as we power down... they cant even keep their steemit page stable XD but the blockchain its self is too usefull to be abandoned. the whole dpos system i think would be useless if it was not for social features that allow us to get to know the witnesses :D and with dao i hope to see more features in steem, atleast my vote on proposals went to openseed and steem engine aswell so that they can improve hive... wouldnt that be nice if steem engine made writing any smartcontract possible? or implementing in future cross chain smart contracts :D

SMTs should be what the community supports. Let steem-engine reinvest some of their steem monsters' profits. HiveAOL is only a clique away.

wats hiveaol? AOL like the email client?

That is a pet name of mine for Hive. It reminds me of that small group of an older aged demographic, much like the old AOL crowd. Die hards if you will who, in my opinion, are doubling down on a broken governance.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I hear yah brutha!

I'm going to stick it out for a bit and see how this story ends..


Yep. Doin' 13 without parole unless Warden Sun gives us a pardon. 😎

Stick with DeVCoin. Nowhere to sell those might as well stay on. :)

My debt of 10k DVC to you has not been forgotten. Installed a BTC wallet today to trade off some HIVE. Will try to get the DVC wallet up soon and make that transfer.

Don't sweat it man just stick around :)