Clubs, Burnsteem, Engagement Challenge, Newcomers Achievements, Community Curators...
Are these good? Are these bad? Should they stay the same...
Or is it time for a change?
Steemit Support
After the big split in March 2020, there was one major change on Steem.
Steemit Inc got actively involved on the platform.
Prior to the split Steemit Inc took a very hands-off approach to the community. They didn't organise events or challenges, they didn't support community curators or country reps, and they certainly didn't vote on posts with two big steemcurator accounts.
All these interventions by Steemit Inc almost certainly saved Steem after the departure of such a large part of the community (and nearly all the whale curators) to Hive.
That large scale support from Steemit Inc saw a whole new community grow up on Steem.
It also brought with it a whole set of rules and guidelines, protocols and procedures - that are perhaps now becoming a little too restrictive and constrictive.
Certainly most would agree that the support from Steemit was necessary and very valuable in keeping the community alive during the very difficult times after the split.
There is now though a growing feeling that changes are needed in how Steemit supports the community.
Steem Debates
There are often comments and posts about the various Steemit Inc activities.
However these thoughts and criticisms are adhoc and scattered, and seemingly not picked up by Steemit Inc.
I therefore propose that we should collect all this feedback into one set of posts that can be presented to Steemit Inc.
The topics that need to be addressed include...
2. Burnsteem25
4. Newcomers Achievements
5. Community Curators
6. Steem Reps
7. Booming
Anything else?
I will make a separate post for each topic outlining the current status and the key points of discussion.
Anyone interested should contribute their views in the comments on each post.
We should consider what does work, what doesn't work, what should be kept and what should be changed.
To keep it all positive if something isn't working well we should come up with better alternatives.
Out of all the comments I will produce a summary post of our views and ideas that hopefully Steemit Inc will be able to take on board to guide their future support activities with the community.
I hope this will be a worthwhile exercise.
There will no doubt be many differing views on some of the topics.
It may be that the consensus is to keep some things as they are.
If there are areas that should be changed I think it is important that we can offer up positive alternatives.
We are in a unique position with the level of support we do get from Steemit Inc.
Let's make the best of it.
Thank you
Hello friend, what you propose is very intelligent, it is a good idea to be able to collect opinions from the community. However, it is very important, in addition to collecting opinions, to offer alternatives as you propose:
For this to be a productive and creative exercise, we should each be able to offer alternatives and ideas that are feasible and good, to what we think should be changed.
I will be attentive to the publications.
Greetings and blessings.🙏🤗
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Yes, having good alternatives if we want change will be very important.
And they must be alternatives that are achievable without development or hardforks.
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Yes, I understand, they must be things we can currently do. I'm trying to organize my thoughts so I can give answers to this.
I can tell you in advance that something has been built and I think that the key, or at least what we need to be clear about, is what the objectives and needs of the platform are, before generating the answers. I am thinking about that...
I will wait for the development of each thread to participate.
(Apologies for the error in the previous comment.)🙃
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This looks like a good idea.
We will be following with interest...
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I like the idea of a debate, more than a comment, I will be generating a publication taking these points into consideration.
It is important to promote participation in a harmonious way and considering a general point of view, since one's own vision sometimes does not comply with the statutes.
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Hola amigo, creo que es mejor exponer cada punto en cada hilo individual, porque así podemos ser más específicos e incluso más exhaustivos con las opiniones que queramos dar en cada punto. Aunque es libre la forma en que lo quieras hacer, por supuesto :-)
Es cierto que muchas opiniones individuales no van a seguir el status que se desea, pero podrían servir como una lluvia de ideas...
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Please do link me when you make the post.
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Greetings friend, I share the link to my publication.
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FYI, In order to make them accessible in the future, the Suggestions Club might be a good community to host these conversations.
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Thank you for the suggestion !
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If you are interested, I have expressed my thoughts here.
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A good analysis of all the points.
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Indeed, there needs to be a dedicated place where these topics can be discussed under a single banner—a community. This could be a platform where like-minded individuals share insights and experiences, fostering genuine understanding and growth.
Ps: Adding to the list of topics to address, I'd suggest focusing on improving the Steemit interface and developing blockchain-based games on the Steem network. Enhancing the user experience on Steemit could attract more users and increase engagement. Meanwhile, blockchain games can introduce innovative ways to interact with the Steem blockchain, potentially attracting a wider audience and adding tremendous value. This could mark the beginning of something significant, creating a vibrant network that leverages the strengths of blockchain technology
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Improving the Steemit interface (see work of @the-gorilla) and developing blockchain based games are both very important but beyond the scope of this initial set of posts.
I am concentrating first of the areas of support that Steemit Inc provides to the community.
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I'm eagerly awaiting debate #4.
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Me too :-)
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Hola amigo 👋
Esta es una muy buena iniciativa para evaluar cada area de Steemit
Para mi las reglas son necesarias, pero es cierto que hay usuarios que no están contentos con ellas del todo, esto dará pie a una conversación interesante!
Solo deseo que a este hilo no aparezca personas solo a quejarse de las reglas, si no personas que sean capaces de otorgar opiniones constructivas para el beneficio del ecosistema
Saludos, traeré palomitas en la próxima publicación 🍿
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Yes, I hope we can have a constructive positive discussion on all the topics.
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Hi @pennsif.
The idea of holding "Steem Debates" is very relevant. I will be happy to write my opinion, maybe it will be useful for the Steem community.
1. The Club system
Brilliant idea. Without any exaggeration. It is difficult to say how much it affects pricing, and it has a very strong effect on engagement and "interest" in staying on the platform.
In my opinion, this is a good way to weed out those trying to "milk" the reward pool. I was like that in 2017-2018. That's why I know what I'm saying 😅
The only thing is, I would make corrections to it. For example, I would create an additional club for those who keep all their earned STEEM without using power down. For example, if a person does not turn on power down for 3 months, it can be Club3; 6 months it can be Club6; 9 months it can be Club9, 1 year it can be Club12, 2 years it can be Club24 and so on. I think that after one year, you should not add the number of months and limit yourself to 12-fold digits only. Club24, Club36, Club48, Club60, Club72 ...
And another, important nuance, club100 imposes too strict a framework and does not give opportunities to hold raffles, contests (any sending of funds to another account will be a violation of its terms). I would remove this club in general, since membership in it is, most often, a way to quickly collect rewards and then turn on power down.
Hmm, something I wrote a lot. I will describe the following topics in other comments. See you soon 😅
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Some good ideas on the Club system. It would be good if the club 'badges' could be assigned automatically.
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I can't say anything against it, the only thing, as far as I understand, its use is sporadic and often represents a direct manipulation aimed at "demanding" a vote from the curators.
I've never used this tag, so my personal opinion is very subjective, and it's this: if Burnsteem25 goes away, hardly anyone will notice…
Engagement Challenges
Here I have a biased attitude. Since I have never taken part in this challenge and due to the fact that I myself regularly hold my own contest Question AI Contest aimed at creative Steemit users.
And so, I think, the time when Engagement Challenges were very necessary as a strong incentive to create quality content on Steemit is behind us.
In my opinion, it would be more appropriate to use the resources used to conduct it, through the activities of steemcurator03-08, to encourage those users who hold their contests and @disconnect, who perfectly and regularly summarizes them. I think it wouldn't be too difficult for steemcurator03-08 to monitor quality, ongoing contests held in various Steemit communities and curate their participants.
Next will be 😅
Я ніколи не використовував цей тег, тому моя особиста думка дуже суб’єктивна, а вона наступна: якщо зникне Burnsteem25 – майже ніхто це не помітить…
3. Engagement Challenges
Тут у мене упереджене ставлення. Так як Я ніколи не приймав участь в цьому челенджі та із-за того, що я сам регулярно проводжу свій конкурс (стартує вже 20 😅) Question AI Contest, направлений на креативних користувачів Steemit.
І так, думаю, той час коли Engagement Challenges був дуже потрібний, як виражена стимуляція до створення якісного контенту на Steemit позаду.
На мою думку, ті ресурси що використовуються для його проведення було б, доцільніше використати, через діяльність steemcurator03-08, на заохочення тих користувачів, що проводять свої конкурси та @disconnect, який прекрасно та регулярно їх узагальнює. Думаю, steemcurator03-08 було б не дуже складно відслідковувати якісні, постійні конкурси, що проводяться у різних спільнотах Steemit та займатись кураторством їх учасників.
Далі буде 😅
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Thank you for your thoughts on these topics.
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Newcomers Achievements
Support for new users is very important!!!!! People are the most valuable resource of any social platform (Steemit, in my opinion, is a social blogging platform). That is why the attraction and support of new users is perhaps the most important thing that can be.
Of course, there is the issue of fraudsters who want to "milk" the reward pool. I don't really understand how the identity verification process works on Steemit, so I could be wrong, maybe it already exists. I think it should be done by steemcurator03-08 curators from the region where the new user appears.
Community Curators
These people are mega cool and mega important. They do a tremendous job of giving those people who create quality content an understanding of what supports them. In my opinion, these people (steemcurator03-08) can increase their resources for more quality and weighty moderation by partially reducing their resources (steemcurator01-02).
Just to be clear, I think steemcurator01-02's votes should not exceed 2 per week. I may be wrong, but in my opinion, voting more often is too much.
If I understand correctly, this topic is about buying votes from bots that vote for received STEEM or (more often) SBD. This is a double-edged sword. It is thanks to Booming SBD that I have the value it has now, on the other hand, it is possible that it is because of this that the price of STEEM does not rise more than it already is now.
I have not used since returning in 2023, before that I had experience until 2020, I think the fact that accounts using Booming will not be subject to curation is not enough.
Of course, there is a tool in the form of downvote steemcurator01-08, and how the economy of STEEM and SBD will behave if it does not become Booming, I am not ready to predict.
Ці люди мега круті та мега важливі. Вони роблять колосальну роботу, даючи тим людям, що створюють якісний контент, розуміння того, що їх підтримують. На мою думку, цим людям (steemcurator03-08) можна збільшити ресурси для більш якісної та вагомої модерації за рахунок часткового зниження ресурсів (steemcurator01-02).
Коль вже на чистоту, то я думаю голоса steemcurator01-02 не повинні перевищувати 2-х на тиждень. Я може помилятись, та на мою думку голосувати частіше – то занадто.
Якщо я правильно зрозумів, то ця тема стосується купівлі голосів у ботів, які голосують за отриманий STEEM чи (частіше) SBD. Тут палка з двома кінцями. Саме завдяки Booming SBD маю ту вартість яка в нього зараз, з іншої сторони можливо саме через це ціна STEEM не піднімається більше ніж уже є зараз.
Я не користувався після повернення в 2023 році, до цього мав досвід до 2020, думаю того факту, що акаунти які використовують Booming не підпадать під курацію вже не мало.
Звісно, є інструмент у вигляді downvote steemcurator01-08, та як поведе себе економіка STEEM та SBD, якщо не стане Booming я не готовий прогнозувати.
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This will tell you more about the Booming support from Steemit Inc...
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Suggestions Club was created for this purpose but these conversations are always scattered in different communities. It's a cool idea to suggest alternative ideas under one thread. When do we start?
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Glad you like the plan. First post coming up soon.
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Hola amigo, excelente propuesta, de todas las opiniones y sugerencias debería salir la idea principal, cambiar, mejorar o seguir con lo que funciona, estaremos atentos a las publicaciones de cada punto.
Saludos, te deseo mucho éxito.
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I look forward to reading your thoughts on each topic as I make the posts.
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Listo, ya pasé por tu publicación, tienes mucho que leer jejeje
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Hola Pennsif
Sin duda será un gusto leer cada una de las publicaciones, ver qué puedo aportar desde mi experiencia como creadora de contenido y también como moderadora de una de las comunidades.
Es excelente poder autoevaluar todo lo que hoy tenemos vigente y conocer las opiniones de los Steemians.
Miles de bendiciones.
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Thank you for your support.
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Hi, here is my opinion
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Thank you.
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This post has been translated and reposted in the STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE Community
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Thank you.
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You can add one more question,
@pennsif what do you think is that question also can be include?
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That is really outside the scope of this at the moment as it is about the ways Steemit Inc provides support to the community.
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Thank for your reply. Appreciated 👍
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This post has been upvoted by @italygame witness curation trail
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Hi @pennsif,
my name is @ilnegro and I voted your post using steem-fanbase.com.
Come and visit Italy Community
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I just wanted to give a specific view on the Steemit Engagement Challenge.
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Thank you for your contribution.
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Hi @pennsif
Changes and maintenance will be good for the platform. But we need to change only the necessary and important trams. My opinion is that I completely agree with what @alejos7ven posted. Thanks I'm sharing the link of his post here. Steem on.
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Ohh, thank you for mentioning it
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How to reduce the prominence/visibility of overvalued posts that do almost nothing other than harvesting votes from delegation bots? Without expressing support or opposition to any of these, here are some possibilities that I'm aware of for consideration:
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