Hi Steemians,
As an update, one issue we have started to address is lessening the expense of running Steem hubs. We are glad to report that we have gained some headway by previously acknowledging upgrades that have empowered us to decrease the quantity of hubs we are running and the size of the cases. Simultaneously, we keep on working out a more drawn out term procedure for decreasing the size of full hubs and their expense significantly further.
Pitchforking Steem was disposed of as a possible choice and on second thought we are zeroing in on Hivemind and RocksDB. Utilizing these bits of programming is very muddled and comprises of incalculable little stages. However, progress is working out in a good way and we are hopeful with regards to our current guide and capacity to convey the vital upgrades.
While we are picking the easy pickins identifying with hub size decreases, we keep on assessing the benefits of delivering a SMT-light convention just as any expected chances for creating income.
We like your proceeded with help and tolerance, as this has been a difficult time and the work we are doing is profoundly specialized. We comprehend individuals have been baffled by the shortage of correspondences, yet the group is sound, stimulated, and anxious to assume the difficulties in front of us.
The Steemit Team