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have fun!

This ot to be very interesting, I bet you will be benifitting quite a lot due to the bid increasing and you get rewarder each and everytime a new bid comes in, but why would someone buy an account that already exists?
Doesn't that defy the whole objective of building and branding your own Identity?

but what if you are greg hunter or mike cernovich, and you want your own name...?


durr! - of course. I know that! lol -

I was replying to crytopscout, who didn't seem to understand the dynamic of you selling names.

I understand, guess I viewed it in the wrong way, it is the same with me. I wanted the name cryptoscout but was already taken on twitter, tried the domain but it is taken too. then I found steemit and there I got my name...

Hahaha. I'm sorry dude :D


I know - I've done exactly the same thing - too many times to count! lol

Like Justin Bieber or any of the Kardashians...

Now I get the whole point...


I like the way you think, you now have my mind going as well. I can think of a few...


Sounds like a "whale" of an Idea...

Always creative and engaging... Uhmmmm fun indeed. Can i be a part of this? Hope its real...wink

do it

Uhmmmm sound so intresting

Well I see I wasn’t the only one around for the Dot Com market of 90’s, they had a multimillion dollar market for the top domain names. If I remember correctly, I believe “insurance,com” sold for $36 MILLION US! I’m making @cocacola right now! Just kidding.

I'm only asking a few millions for my them while they're cheap! (I might be joking now..but in 5 years? hmmm?) :)

I think it's a smart concept ! But you should keep the best account for yourself hehe I wonder is someone has @trump yet hehe


And I have read an article a couple of weeks ago where Donald Trump refered to steemit as an example. Realy enjoyed the chat everyone, was great fun...

Interesting experiment. Any expectations of some sorts yourself?


That is a good point. If something is not hardcoded, that shouldn't have much value since it is transferrable anyway...

Innovation level infinity. Great thought man. Definitely worth it.
It is as good as buying
Remember someone bought domain when it was accidentally available for sale. Google did pay that guy some million buck I read.
markzuckerberg is already taken. Don't tell me you own that too.

Haha..good arguments man! Damn..Maybe I'm auctioning away way too early..I'm just checking the weather dude..

You can simple make a post from those accounts saying out for sale. Comment the price you are willing to buy it at.
I bet you will still receive spams like Nice post., because that post will be connected to the account forever. I want the account to be pure for the potential owner. I will also urge the person that buys it from me to do the same..not post anything on it..But, the owner does what he/she wants with it :)

Also, I would ONLY get spams if I posted with a virgin account..One must have reach for people to see the auction. So that's my next service..holding auctions for people who want reach :)

Thanks for the idea (noted)!

That makes a lot of sense. Did not think of that. Sell the account as clean as possible.

You just came up with 2 business ideas. One of auctioning famous handles and second is facilitating auctions for those. Interesting.
Great minds think different.

Great idea here man!
While I don't think you're going to see fantastic results with this first auction, I think you have made a stunningly great move by locking down the @accountauction name!

In five years you will probably find yourself swamped with work just managing that handle and all that comes with it!

Cool, thanks! :)

Yeah, actually..helping people settle bids and help them get reach for their auctions could be a big deal. I suspect trading accounts will be huge in the future. I could also work as an intermediate for settlements.

It's a good idea, but you are asking the buyer to have an amazingly good deal of trust in you! You would have seen the master key.

It might be okay for personal accounts, but it might not be okay for the more crypto obsessed. We are a very security concious crowd!

By the way, I'm not commenting on your personal reputation. Likewise, I'm not suggesting anything untoward would ever happen.

No no. You can change the master key once you control it :D No problemo. I give the new owner the master key, then you as the new owner just change it immediately.

Keep in mind. Why on earth would I purchase a bunch of accounts, and then rip off someone..and no one would ever buy an account from me again. Makes no sense :)

Ah, my mistake. Sorry, didn't know you could change the master, I thought that was permanently attached to the address.

No it wouldn't make any sense. Until it was worth it! Think Mt Gox, it's not worth ripping everyone off until it is worth it!

No worries :) Well..I can only give my word. But that's also one of the reasons I want to start out small. To build trust etc. Also..It's absolutely a possibility to share the risk if the price is high. Transfer half first, then receive master key - change it, then transfer the second half. I think that would be possible. Perhaps with some sort of reputation minimum. (say you'd have to have at least 50 reputation to be able to transfer half first) reputation + number of previous transfers with happy clients would be my proof of trust.

You've given this some thought! I think I will head out and pick up a couple of cheap SIM cards!

Maybe a stupid question..but why SIM cards? :D

I don't know how else to get a phone number, and they are free!

You are so smart, I never even thought of this before! lol! Maybe someday I will park a few that I have in mind when I have some Steem to spare ;) I hope you do well with it!

Maybe I should have waited a little longer to tell everyone about No one is bidding..everyone is just trying to buy as many accounts as possible for themselves :D Good thing I thought about the fact that I can work as an intermediate or charge a small fee to broadcast auctions for other smaller steemians who doesn't have the same reach :) Misa cleva :D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

5 steem bid for 3 SP account?
With no follower.. I think u counting more...
I think one thing can gate u more sbd/steem from purchaser..
U get 200+ follower to that account.
Agree to get that accounts reputation to 45+ after selling
The above will give u more income if u wish... And Trust is other factor.. What u think?

Nah, I think the name is what's important. And you want a PURE virgin account. If a cryptocurrency wants to use the cloakcoin name they don't want it with posts allready hardcoded into the account. They would probably want a clean account.

And they probably would want the exact name cloakcoin. Not cloakcoin123. The account name is hardcoded and not replicable.

That's where the value is IMO

Sure, there is value in for example MY account as well. But that's much easier to price. The future value of a cryptocurrency or youtuber on Steemit..who knows? Thats why auction.

your post so interesting..thanks for sharing..

You can have a lot of fun.

  ·  7 years ago 

This is very good way of doing work by the help of other people's feedback it will help to modify your work.

You got a 20.43% upvote from @mercurybot courtesy of @scandinavianlife!