What its like working on an offshore drilling rig in Norway as a 19 year old!

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hey everyone! This is my first time doing this, so i do apologize for any bad experience! I'am a 19 year old boy who's currently living in Norway. Im an apprentice working offshore with drilling.
That means that we are drilling for oil and gas out one the sea.. We work for 2 weeks straight, then we have 4 weeks vacation, and then back to work over and over again.


So my first impression when I got out on a jack-up rig was wow.. This thing is huge! Everything out here is gigantic. I spent more than three trips just to get familiar with the whole rig, thats 42 days where i went around 12 hours a day not knowing where anything was. Of course I learned more and more afterwards. This should tell you something about the size of it!

What I like about this job:
We are getting payed very good, specially when you think about the fact that we only work 1/3 of the year every year. Thats alot of freetime! But with all this freetime you either need a hobby, a positive social life or something to do otherwise you will get bored! Myself, I'am trying to travel around the world as much as I can! Most people out here is good people, we care for each other and we are always helping each other out. We have fun working and for me thats really important!

What i dislike out here:
The few people that aren't nice.. My mindset says that even as an apprentice i'am here to learn, while some other think that all we are good for is to wash and do the shitty jobs that no one wants to do. I've found out that if i keep my distance to theese people i'm having a good time at work.

If this had anyone interested let me know and I will make another post with more details!

Source for photo: https://www.offshoreenergytoday.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Submerged-Hawk

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Welcome to the oil industry and steem! I spent the first two years of my career in the oil industry offshore on jack-ups. They are amazing. Definitely ask questions and enjoy your time offshore! We were always so jealous of the schedule you guys had in Norway