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thank you

It's an honor


Pretty epic gifs lol

@stellabelle I have read through your several works on steemit and I discovered a unigue factor about you. 1. You are so real that you dont fake it 2. You have developed yourself so much that people follow you with ease.

These two factors above are all function of pne word "Influence" .

You are a leader here and the 10000 feat is not easy task all the way buy it actually took you dedication. That is why when i came into the community last week. I started scouting out for people with real content and information i stumbled int your write via google i decided to visit your blog since then it has always been sweet for me. Each i visit i see new thing. I made up my mind to follow you.

Rolee models are hard to come by but when you see them make sure you learn everything you can from them. That is exactly my case where you are. I look up to you on steemit and that's why i am gradually building my momentum.

I am just 8days plus but i have been able to achieve some little feat too courtesy of studying how you do things here. I have been able to build some level of followership to the tune of over 70+ and reputation of 39.. To me it is good because in the long run something good will emerge. Your model is a roadmap for me.

Congratulation the QUEEN OF STEEMIT..
I am sl happy for you.
I am me @brightfame

Very insightful so thank you for your feedback and I hope you learn that being yourself is the way forward.

Thank you so much @stellabelle.. That is just the way I am.. I keep it real..

I am me @brightfame

That's great to hear, I had to pull back because it took so long but after 2 months I see you are going strong!!!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Many many CONGRATULATIONS to you Respected @stellabelle. for 10000 Followers.My best wishes for your future plans. I am glad that I am also a one in those Folowers.

For Respect my UpVote as Support.

images (3).jpeg

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote!

Amazing milestone! Congratulations!

Congratulation @stellabelle ! 10.000 followers is really a LOT of people ! Wish you a lot of succes with your new art community on Steem ! And in all your project!

Congratulations @stellabelle.
I'm one of your followers.
Love ya 😍😘

Congrats your 10,000 success and i'm quit happy to have people like you on steemit working hard to make this platform even more fun ,,

Congratulations friend..

Congratulations ! I wish you continued success.. :) I hope that your success will be an example to me..... @stellabelle

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Your hard work, Enthusiasm and dedication is commendable. Many congratulations to you! Hope I witness achievements like this.


Congrats! :) @stellabelle

Wow, it's finally here: 10,000 followers!

Thanks to everyone who ever upvoted any of my posts! It's really true that I would not be here without you. Sometimes I lose sight of this fact, but in times like today, it's important for me to say Thanks.

Congratulations dear, you truly deserve it and it's good to celebrate it too.
I've learnt so much from you on steemit and your posts are always wonderful and educative.

Following you is one of the best decisions I've made on this platform.

Keep up with your good works and keep shining and becoming better and better.

Happy Steeming

Congratulations dear.keep counting,i just make it a plus one!

We love you @stellabelle. You are an inspiration to many of us! Congratulations!

@stellabelle Congratulations. It's a really big success. You deserve this. I hope you will be even more successful. Let's celebrate this. How to celebrate. Cheers

cheers @stellabelle

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Congrates stella.. God bles you and have a nive journey ahead.. Its big achievement.. I really wonder how you did thiz.. Actually its your kindnes that pplgathered around yoy

Congrats! 20k next ? :)

Congratulations @stellabelle

And herewith the obligatory "Congratulations" @stellabelle! Certainly a well-deserved milestone, given how much you have done for our community!

You also get the daily award for coffee spewage, as that top gif is quite brilliant and frakking hilarious! Because-- ultimately-- we are all anal preeners around here! (j/k)

Ah anal preeners....never heard that one!

Congrats ! :)

Wow. Congratulations are in order.

Congratulations friend! You were one of the first people I followed and such an inspiration always to keep Steeming on! I’m wishing you a lovely day!

Congratulations !! Cheers 🥂 @stellabelle

A dog licking another dogs butt.....Classic. Congrats @stellabelle on all the followers.

It says everything you need to know about Planet Steem but were never told: butt licking leads to rewards.

hahahhaha. Yes. I agree.

Thanks for your valuable and informative & informative post.
We gather a lot of information by your post.
I always visit your site.
i will wait for your upcoming post.

CONGRATS! You have been a great champion of the platform you deserve it!

Congrats! I've been following your journey since you joined Steemit, awesome stuff :)

Hearty congratulations for the success. You are fantastic and genius woman, I feel very proud when I meet your type of strong lady in this community. Thanks for sharing such a beautiful post, your hard work and dedication are the greatest inspiration for the people of the community. Wish you good luck.

10,000 is a huge number 100k soon? :D Keep being awesome!

You are always welcome.
I'm so happy for following you, because most of your articles always get me informed.

Once again, thank you very much. One love.

Wow! Always appreciated all your post it worth resteemed and upvote. Interesting content.

happy for you wish you all the best

Very nice milestone indeed ...
But I must admit the pics you chose are maybne not the best to say thank you lol :-)

Moving onto bigger and better that’s a huge misltone and congratulations on every step you have taken to make this community and paltform a better place and as well as helping others out

Congratulations mentor stella but instead of giving us free access to your gif store how about if you help us create gif that will suit our taste...

Congratulations. It shows Steemit is growing. Imagine where you will be in another year! It's a little scary to think our little platform could be taking over the world by then. Keep on having fun

Congrats! 10k followers milestone is huge :) 20k soon? :P

for me 10K followers seems amazing,
but for you,

Big congratulations on this important milestone! Keep up with great work! :)

Congrats Stella!! You are doing an amazing job here, helping everyone, adding value, being selfless... 10k followers will multiply this year!!:D

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I stumbled onto your blog and read a few post. I like your style of writing @stellabelle.
Congratulations dear ,you deserve more than 10,000 votes for real,keep winning dear.

Congratulations @stellabelle indeed you're hard working.

Huge congrats! You're an inspiration.

I hope one day to be one of those who carry a reputation score of 75. Not sure how you did it, but if you have any tips and pointers please lead the way! Congrats on your 10,000 followers.


I recently celebrated 5000, 10000 is off the charts!

Loves ya, take care of yourself and find the time to be away from all the screens, phone and all por favor!


Best wishes from Reunion Island, my new home :) (Still looking for Spinach but the rest is bang on!)

I'm glad to be one of those 10,000 from my first week at #Steemit. That's amazing!

Well, I don't have that much time either, but I love following your publications, especially when you do dissertations about Bitcoin and its peers.

I see my inventory of followers and I have not even reached 100 yet D: , but surely with dedication, I can one day emulate your success!

Congratulations @stellabelle! SteemOn!

Big hearty congratulations on reaching such a huge following. Your mentions would require a team to handle now :)

Wooooow! Congratulations! Duly deserved. Many more to come. I sincerely wish to get to that point too and know how it feels. Your influence spreads like fragrance. Well done. More to come.

Some way you manage to make even your 'obligatory posts' worth reading. Or is it perhaps the GIFs? ;>)

Obligatory congratulations!

I appreciate you! I’m going to catch up!



ha ha! the butt licking one still cracks me up.....

Congratulation on this milestone

When @bania asked me to follow you sometimes in August Last year when I wrote my introduction post, I never knew why and how important it was to have followed as he suggested. I must let you know I have never lost inspiration whenever I read from you. Thanks so much for making the community worth staying in, especially for Africans Like me. Thanks for those encouraging words you give and those post topic suggestions you drop once in a while.....Am still your loyal fan @stellabelle

I still remember the first I encounter I had with you when the I encountered my very first of the many Steem community issues on the rewards system.

I remember commenting on another person's post about how it was troubling for some whales sell their delegation to bid bots for profit. I was a lot more naive 3 months ago and ego easily hurt.

I remember you saying that not all whales are like that only here to make a quick buck and never mind the community.

I remember that you a call out to find some people that you would delegate SP and make a difference. I think it was Stella marauders or something that would disrupt the status quo.

You choose a couple of great individuals who in their own way tried to gove hope, reward and strengthen the community.

You have also written a lot of things about your pain and depression making you very authentic. Very Human and you have always had a good word to anyone that drop by.

More than the upvotes people receive from you, more than the possibility of currying favor and patronage, which is unfortunate a lot of people are after from you, more than the exposure that you can give. People go to you because you provide authentic human interaction.

You don't only have followers you have engagers that listen, provide commentary and is called to action.

You have a lot of wonderful projects going on that further enrich Steemit.

P.S. thank you for the link to the GIFS, now i can place awesome GIFS on my posts haha.

wow :P nice followers base. I might of been the 10 000 th one as I followed you recently hehe :P Thanks for all that you do here. God Bless. Peace and Love.

Happy 10K!

Congrats Stella!!!!
Biiig PLASTIC hUg !!!!
Steemitri The Mannequin

✔️ Congrats!! 10K is a great number
All things are possible as you are showing us.
Here's to your future growth; you are just getting warmed up.


Congrats, dear Stellabelle!

Once again this reminds me of the early days of YouTube. It was about the same time period after launch that the pioneer YouTubeStars were hitting this level of number of Subscribers. I know this because I kept an independent chart of the Most Subscribed YouTubers for many years.

YouTube started on February 14, 2005 and you can see the top 20 Most Subscribed from January 2007 in this post of mine:

Steeemit is approaching the same age and the follower numbers here, from what I can see, are comparable to what YouTubers had.

Now imagine how well the Steemit pioneers, ALL of US currently here now, will be doing soon, if Steemit follows the same growth in popularity as YouTube!!! Personally, I do see this happening!

@stellabelle I was stunned soon after I joined Steemit when I saw the number of followers you had. That was a couple of weeks ago and now you have reached 10k and I am not even at 100, lolz. No comparison off course, just an indicator of what dedication and good work in the community can help one achieve. You and some of the other Steemit seniors inspire newbies like us to grow. Thank you and congratulations.


Congratulations on reaching 10k, that's one heck of a milestone for a Steemian. Best wishes on the next 10k!

i know it hasn't been an easy road so far...Thank's for everything you've done for the steemit community..congrats!!

THANK GOD I follow up regularly on some people , just discovered the Gif library , coooolllll :)
Merci !

Congratulations, hoping to be like you someday,

congrats!!!!! I'm sure this next year will be great for you!

If you like the absurd GIF above, remember, I built an entire library full of Steem GIFs for you to use in your posts. You do not have to ask permission to use them, as they are Creative Commons. (when we share everyone wins)

Where is this library located?

This is my contribution for you in Spanish and many congratulations for your achievement @stellabelle 👍👍🎉 👏🏻

Obligatorio 10,000 Seguidores Se hizo historia: GRACIAS

Wow, finalmente está aquí: ¡10.000 seguidores!
¡Gracias a todos los que subieron alguna de mis publicaciones! Es realmente cierto que no estaría aquí sin ti. A veces pierdo de vista este hecho, pero en momentos como el de hoy, es importante que diga Gracias.

Si te gusta el GIF absurdo anterior, recuerda, construí una biblioteca completa llena de GIF de Steem para que puedas utilizar en tus publicaciones. No tiene que pedir permiso para usarlos, ya que son Creative Commons. (cuando compartimos todos gana)

Hay mucho sobre lo que podría escribir, pero creo que lo guardaré y lo mantendré simple:

¡Gracias a todos!
Si eres un novato de Steem, realmente te sugiero que consultes la publicación de @overkillcoin sobre Cómo hacer amigos. Se crean muchos problemas cuando operamos como silos y no nos consideramos parte de una comunidad. No puede esperar que haya mucho en el camino de votaciones ascendentes si no proporciona valor a otras personas. La belleza de este lugar, a medida que crece, es que puedes encontrar todo tipo de personas diferentes. Puedes encontrar a tu tribu aquí ahora (a diferencia de los primeros días cuando era como 10 personas publicando).

Aquí hay otro año de crecimiento y oportunidades para mejorarnos a nosotros mismos y a la sociedad. Creo que podemos hacer esto.

Una gran aclamación !!!

Congrats on your milestone. I am happy to be one of your followers. I wish you more success in your everyday activity

Congrats Stella! I know the feeling! The follower numbers if one of the most addictive thing about Steem! You totally merit all your followers!

Thanks. I am glad we are continuing to be Steem friends! It was so weird in the very beginning, so you helped me so much and continue to do so today! I am lucky to know you.

I wish to get some help too :)
how can I talk with you?
there is one girl who needs a medical treatment.
her both kidneys stopped working and she is looking for help
she is 21 years old and a singer too. I am trying to get help from the steemit community. trying to find some generous people.
shall i need to make a post.
i have promised her parents that i will be back with some help

Congratulations! What an impressive milestone. You're like the primary rock of planet Steem though :-) That allegory would also match with your profile banner (very cool).

hey, what program do you use to make your gifs?

Giphy. I use the built-in ones provided by Giphy, nothing else.

Congratulations @stellabelle, to reach 10,000 followers is not an easy thing ...
Congratulations ...

Congrats 👌

Felicitacioneees, aspiro poder llegar a lo mismo :3

Thank you Stellabelle for creating us free GIFs to use on our post. Just got to know that. Am new here.

Congratulations dear @stellabelle. You are a role model to someone in Nigeria.. Smile.
We are coming up the ladder too.

Wow wow wow... It's a big fit getting up to 10,000 followers. A very big congrats to u @stellabella. Hoping to attain your height someday as I am still trying to get up to 300 followers as a minnow.


Instead of focusing on follower count, focus on creating value, any value for humans. To be honest, I never paid attention to number of followers, instead, i focused on how i can create creating GIF libraries for people to use, etc. This is how it is done.

@stellabelle, I am just friends with you, I will see all the gift him, thank you friend.

Good grief that's an epic milestone for sure. Congrats.

Nothing is sufficient to congratulate you. Anyway, a little try :)

Congratulations on this milestone....we are indeed blessed to have you here

Nice post @stellabelle up vote me please

I see on this link that there are many custom ones with diff users account names taged on the GIF how do I go about getting one with @isteemithard ?

oh yes, I charge 3 SBD for those to be custom made. If you're interested, you can send me the 3 SBD and will make one for you. List three things you like so I can get the tone correct. Let me know if you're interested.

that's a great service will let you know and others about the service

I like this one

the other option is that you can easily learn how to make these for yourself. I use the Gif maker directly on It's actually very easy to do.

oh thanks thats why I love this platform I always learn something new like ever few minutes.

I made those at a certain time, but i am no longer offering the service due to my new project slothicorn eating up all my time.

Congratulations and no comment

Congratulations @stellabelle

Next stop for you is 20,000

Congratulations bro... Its true that we are meant for each other as you said.

You're so nice for commenting on this post. For that, I gave you a vote! I just ask for a Follow in return!

Your posts are amazing ..

Congratulations @stellabelle

Wow congrats! 🍾🎊🎉

This is nothing else than the good work of your hand being exhibited by your informative and educative post.

You deserve more, you kind heart cannot also be overlook.

Steemit community has really grown and thanks to the founder and those that took the early risk in developing this community

Happy for you, it great!

Congrats on the 10K @stellabelle!!!! Here's to 10K more!

Congratulations you have been a really motivation for me. So happy for you.

Congratulations.I just make it a plus one!

That's a MILESTONE. Congratulations my friend