DAN Announced STEEM 2.0!

in steem •  7 years ago  (edited)

How different Steem2.0 going to be from STEEM?

Question about Steem 2.0 Blockchain

Question about EOS wallet

Feels like it's the reply to @ned's Aggrandizement comment.

I know it will be much better than Steemit.

I know it won't be biased towards early adopters.

I know it won't be biased towards early investors.

I know bots won't have any place on that platform.

I know the talent on that platform won't be weighed on the basis of money in their wallet.

I know artist/writer will get deserving rewards on that platform.

I know whale orgies won't happen there.

I know people won't be characterized as whales/planktons/minnow/dolphins, but by the talent they have.

How could I assure all this?

Cause unlike @ned, @dan really care about the community and take everyone's suggestion into account.

Problems on STEEM could have been taken into account but the GREED and @ned ignorance towards community resisted it from happening.

Man, I used to think that SMTs will change something but it won't, as long as we are running on the same system we following on Steemit, nothing could have been changed.

@ned It was your community with 0.6 million people standing behind you and you didn't even care to know what the pain points of the community are.

People still are not clear how the SMTs will work, when are they going to be launched? You were answerable to every user of the Project because everyone has played their part in the success of this platform. Whether by writing, investing or creating dApps.

We don't see you active on Steem, the curators and communities could have been empowered but none such thing happened.

We still have time, things could be changed if you consider each steemian to be the asset to your success. But you won't, you will be inactive for another 20 days waiting for a chance to downvote @dan again.

Follow Me: @tanishqyeverma

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  ·  7 years ago (edited)

my Steem2 prediction based on @dan 's old posts:

  • he will have "proof of unique identity" (biometrics, oracles, civic key, community verification etc). Which means no sock puppets, no anonymous accounts.
  • airdrop will be on Steem2 directly, and it will be 1 SP per day to each account ("1 share of Natural Resources") equally distributed to all verified accounts.

It will probably have a better name than Steem2 and thanks to the scalability research he's done the blockchain might be able to store not only text but also media.

"proof of unique identity" sounds really interesting, but I'd like to see how he'd go about doing that in a decentralized environment. Also don't be fooled to believe that will solve every problem we've previously been facing with alternate/faceless/anonymous/mass accounts. Whatever is going to be needed to verify someone will sooner or later be bought for less money than they'll eventually make with the platform. But it's interesting non the less and I'd really like to see what Steem could look like if upvote- and other bots wouldn't heavily skew what we get to see.

That is a good prediction... I can see the scalability part being true, the first one will turn off a lot of people, people who like to keep their privacy, not only the bad ones but the good ones as well.

yes those who wish to stay anonymous will remain on Steem or other platforms . But to have a system which is not rigged for monetization you need to have 1 account per person, and the only way to verify that is through Identification.


Perhaps an anonymous solution could be offered as a tool for SMT Distributors in the least. The idea was floated in an old blog posting of mine. A link to the post is included below for your reading pleasure.



hello spot light

May I know what group those screenies were from? I want to join and keep track of when 2.0 will materialize.

hey @allmonitors,
These screenshots are from official telegram group of EOS. https://t.me/EOSproject

Well, I guess this will take another 1-2 years to make it a reality - until then many things can happen. I would always prefer a network lead by @dan over one lead by @ned, but @dan is a genius and years ahead in his thoughts and development - he will always move on to "the next best thing", so also Steem 2.0 will then be in the hands of someone else.

I agree with that, entirely. @dan is a creative genius, and I know of very few creative geniuses who are even remotely interested in "running" anything. They create things and build them... and that's the point at which they are "done" and move on.

I don't think he will be moving on to something else, I mean Bitshares and Steem were just dApp, EOS is the foundation project of such dApp. He could create as many dApps as he wants over EOS. He is looking to create a dApp based on STEEMIT, DECENTRALAND on EOS. EOS is a huge project in itself with the partnership worth in billions with three popular VCs Mike, finlab.de and Tomorrows Opportunities, I feel he gonna stay this time. And the news is that he confirmed "He gonna Stay" himself and EOS is ready for a launch in June.

I love EOS too. I mean, what is there not to like about it.
The only reason, why I haven't moved all my funds over to EOS is simply, because I can earn STEEM in the meantime and my EOS just sits passively in my wallet, waiting for June to happen and what the market will do.

I feel yes that's a logical thing to do, but we need to get ready for EOS. I mean invested users of steem need to exit the platform at right time. Delaying could kill all the funds. Dunno what this news will do it steem, but launching of similar platform where everyone would jump without thinking twice will definitely affect the funds.

Sure, but Dan announced his Steem competitor already some weeks ago - I don't think, that this will have a huge effect on the Steem price.
In the end, facts don't count much in crypto at all - if they would, Steem and EOS would be the absolute top 2 currencies in the market.
Many Steem traders don't even know, that there is something like Steemit or what this blockchain can do. The ignorance of the masses can sometimes be an advantage...

Totally agree with what you said.

I think that @ned and @dan were a really good tandem - they were balancing each other. Like greed and altruism. The only thing that worries me about Dan's new child is business model. Who is going to invest if they do not have any chance on earning with it?

Since the balance was lost in STEEM, it has become a palace of greediness. Lets see what the competitor offers.

Yeah you are so right, people are buying a pegged currency without giving a thought what it does lol. If investors were smart enough we wouldn't have enjoyed $5 sbd. AGREED.

The Market moves based on FUD and FOMO, for the lows and highs.

Yeap, Dan can't handle anything other than development...

Man, that's so wrong to say that. Sorry but I believe he is handling community in a much nicer way than anyone else.

Well... name me one community he stuck with.

In a way his code will always make him connected to different communities, not unlike Linus having a connection to every Linux subgroup.... yet your point is well taken, @spiritualmax.

But in some interview he said that he was creating EOS for himself,and he his other projects will be on top of EOS.

And when he left Bitshares, he said he was going to stick with Steem. lol. I don't think Dan's a bad guy, but he doesn't "run" anything.

When he left here, in a snarky post with no concern of those of us who were holding at 7 cents, the price shot up not down.

I am not hateful of dan and I am interested in his new project, but he isn't a magic cure for a business model that struggles. Rewarding content creators has been tried many times. It isn't easy

I joined steemit pretty late and missed all those drama/developments, now I can only hear from others, but there's clearly two groups; who supports dan and hate dan. So most of those thoughts/views I see here are biased in one or other way. So I really have to wait and see before I jump to the conclusion.

I know it won't be biased towards early adopters.
I know it won't be biased towards early investors.

Sounds like a bad place to me... not rewarding people for investing or adopting while the risks are high.

Hey @spiritualmax, I am a fan of you man. Thanks for reading and very thanks for commenting. As far as the point of investors go, no one will be going to invest on that platform. Token will be airdroped, investors who have invested in EOS will be taking the rewards as dividends. I hope that makes it sound a great place.

Then it is biased towards early adopters, and that's a good thing. So is being biased towards early investors.

Thanks for being a fan :D

Competition is just good crapitalism.
As it is, those that can get to rape steem while the freedom to do so is still there, just more good crapitalism.

Could not agree more.

Competition is just good crapitalism.

Perhaps we need the CooperaCoin, where one is rewarded for cooperation. 😎

Lol, id cooperate with that,...

Another platform better than steemit.That i got to see.

Yes, Absolutely it will be much much much better than Steem :)

Yeah it should be. That's if he learns from the mistakes of the platform and adds what not to do and what to do on his version of steemit.

That's a good idea!

Where are all those screenshots from?

hey @dedicatedguy
These screenshots are from official telegram group of EOS. https://t.me/EOSproject

Thanks for the link!

why dont we try to list each problem and offer potential solutions? Ned's one person, how is he going to solve things on his own, or even with a 15 person team?
waiting for the next big thing versus working on what's there does not sit well with me. I look forward to seeing EOS and what apps will be able to do.

There have been discussions going on all over the steemit, you could see people discussing the problem of bots, whales, visibility and sbd peg, no one fucking care to take them into account. The witness got their solid votes from big investors no one could do a shit regarding it. If a fork happens which empowers minnows it would definitely be declined by witnesses. EOS/DAN are the only way out :)

I am with you on the problems and inherent flaws of the current ecosystem. I just don't feel that, as a community, we should give up. If we do not see "things being addressed", it does not necessary mean nothing is getting done. What would have happened to BTC if the early developers gave up 2 years into it? Correct me if I am wrong but in the early years of BTC no one was getting anywhere fair value for the hours spent. It is all a social experiment at this stage! Have you tried to talk to @andrarchy by any chance?

I am currently working on a project called Imageconomy, which will bring high quality content onto steemit. We have a landing page (imageconomy.com) and are working on our app. I know of a lot of other projects, over 200 of them, being built on this platform. We have to keep building and if it does not work out, the communities can move over to a new chain that best suits their needs. seems like a natural evolution.

I tell you man decentralisation was all about volunteerism, I know that and I tried taking some steps towards it and didn't want to give up, until I got to know that steemit is far away from decentralisation. I was happy that we would be having something like SMTs where we could have projects like imageconomy.com Tripadvisor, lynda and what not. Every content website could have been shifted on this chain. But fuck it man, seriously people have ideas/suggestion and want to work towards creating something good but when no one listens to them all energy goes down the gutter. When people stop working as community and CEO starts to ignore the pain points, people starts giving up.
The reality of Steem community is people want to earn something that's why we all are here, people are posting crap comments every day in order to gain some visibility, they know working with communities and tribe will help them leaving their job or whatever the fuck they want. But who is helping, are you, is @ned thinking about supporting the fucking community?. He got like 51% of Steem stake with him if he starts supporting different communities like picture, fiction, travel, history, design etc. The real content creators won't look at any other fucking project and forever stay here. They all are fucking dependent on Steemit god and goddess who luckily got the chance to know about steemit and take dem selves as the owner of project. I am not saying everyone is the same but most are.
I am happy that you launching your project and hope it goes well. Hope all other 200 projects around steemit goes well. I still think SMTs could create wonders, but that would need a lot of delegation to empower such projects and communities. Sorry but I don't see that, people supports bots here, they are happy earning money like everyday delegating to them and who won't? Even if I had that amount of SP, I would have done the same. The problem is in the core of the system which could only we taken care by core members of STEEMIT INC. @ned needs to come in front and start addressing the issues. Just look at him man, it's going to be like 30 days and we don't have any update from steemit inc, he is inactive most of the time. And just at @dan on other hand, working on launching of block.one, addresses community like fucking everyday, take suggestion work along with cause he fucking know whatever he is today is because of the people around him.
Man I hope everything goes well, no didn't know anything about @andrarchy, if he working towards creating value for Steem then we need more people like him to stop the platform from sinking.

Fully understood. I am not making excuses for anyone here. Ned should be more active, or at least rely on a team who can do so.
Definitely let's find a way to get to @andrarchy since I am pretty sure that it is part of his new role.

Okay but I am not interested anymore @liotap, I am just tired of messaging people asking to know things and look like a fool :)

Let's start with getting the price of EOS back on track.

man, do you even follow coinmarketcap?

EOS back on track? How

I think prices are back on track already :)

ok thanks

Well, I wouldn't say that was an announcement, more of a tease.
I read your wish list and it made me smile. I hope it turns out as nice as you envision it. :)

I promise it will have it's own set of problems.

I have no idea where to begin with eos. I have looked into the servers and chat rooms on social media. Hard for me to follow. Maybe I'm just low brain power these days, but not really getting where to put a foot in the shoe. Can't get some airdrops and things here because I'm in the US and don't have a dedicated vpn.

This post got all the resources to get you started to learn about EOS. If you are thinking about getting a project started, I say you should learn something about EOS as it might create a thousand opportunities for Entrepreneurs. Can't wait for the launch!!
Sorry, I couldn't say much about US and VPN, I don't know how this thing works out there. Maybe you could use tor browser?

@tanishqyeverma Thanks, I'll read right now.

You cannot assume that everything in steemit 2.0 will be 100% better. It is a very hard business to setup governance and reward systems. Every change has trade-offs and unintended consequences. Not saying it won't be better just saying it is far from a sure bet.

Yeah, you are right, I cannot say that steem2.0 will be 100% better. But it will feel 100% better in comparison to Steem to every steemian.

Do you know when this Steem v2 will come out ?

By end of this year I think. Like they have not announced that officially but according to some people it will be launched in Q4 :)