Let's get Steem on Coinbase

in steem •  6 years ago  (edited)


What is Coinbase?

Coinbase is one of the most important exchanges for cryptocurrencies due to its ease of use and creditability. It might not be the cheapest one due to its fees and I know that some of you are against centralized exchanges, but I believe that we, as a civilization, are not yet ready for fully decentralized exchanges.

For full adoption of crypto currencies, we need to attract the normal humans, who are not necessarily able or willing to deal with a decentralized exchange or even private keys.

And Coinbase is in my opinion an extremely important tool for mass adoption.

STEEM on Coinbase?

And recently, Coinbase announced that they're looking into multiple other cryptocurrencies (besides their main rooster) for listing.

One of them is STEEM.

STEEM has by far one of the biggest userbases in blockchain world. And what if we could leverage this userbase to show coinbase, that there is real demand from real humans for STEEM.

Imagine what would happen if STEEM were officially able to be bought and sold on Coinbase - could it look like this?


I must confess, I gave that image above a little bit of photoshop love, but why shouldn't STEEM be able to reach such a level? Why not?

So, what can we do to make this goal a reality?

"Vote" for Steem

There is a new page on coinbase.com which lists the main 5 cryptos in addition with 45 other cryptocurrencies (incl. STEEM): https://www.coinbase.com/price

And I initially got this idea from @gray00 (muchos gracias at this point), but on the right site, you're able to click on a little star, which activates this cryptocurrencies gadget on the dashboard.

Meaning: since I favourited STEEM (clicked on the star), I'm now able to see the price and history of STEEM right on my Coinbase dashboard.


And it makes a lot of sense for me, that Coinbase is probably monitoring this data to determine if a cryptocurrency has demand.

Which could mean: the more users on Coinbase favourite STEEM, the higher the chance it will get listed.

So, to leverage this knowledge I came to the following idea.

Make a vote & receive a vote

Everyone who is favouriting (voting for) STEEM on Coinbase will receive a 10% vote by me.

Simply do the following steps:

1.) Go to https://coinbase.com
2.) Login or Signup first
3.) Go to https://coinbase.com/price
4.) Click on the star
Info: If you don't see the stars, it seems that this is a somewhat common problem. At the current time, I'm not aware what the solution could be. But you could write a ticket to coinbase, mentioning that you'd like to see Steem on your dashboard but are not able to do that.
5.) Make a screenshot similar to the image above
6.) Create a comment under this post with your screenshot to proof your action
7.) Get a 10% upvote.

And that's it, easy right?

Let's work together and show Coinbase how big the demand for STEEM truly is!

I'll be waiting for your comments!

All the best,

Do you believe that my work is valuable for Steem? Then please vote for me as witness.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE STEEM!
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good idea but actually i think we need to get SBD to exchanges, even those that have STEEM. imagine SBD on binance

Amen brother!

Binance claimed that they are going to announce their listing fee. They posted it on Steemit. If it is not too high, I think the community can pitch in to get it listed. However, since Steemit Inc won't communicate with the exchanges, I'm not sure how to get it listed.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Sorry but thats a negatory. Before @adept died he told me how back earlier in the year when He got Steem listed on Binance, it cost $200,000 USD around, and they made them buy BNB tokens and screwed them over the way they made them buy the exact amount in US dollars when first they said they wanted BNB tokens, THEN instead of just adding SBD since its the same blockchain and it doesnt take them much extra time like adding a whole new chain, they still wanted another $200 grand .... but then adept died and now we may never know all the secrets of why we cant add sbd to binance.... and the way he talked about it it just sounds like one big fleecing and we DONt need SBD on exchanges, we have the inernal market, it doesnt maintain its peg, no point, we need steem on exchanges, and we have bittrex with sbd

what we need is pressure on @ned to fucking fix account registration and make him ADMIT the TRUTH i got from other users who also talked with Ned about account creation, which is that ned is "protecting the name space" yeah hes afraid if its too easy to make an account that all the "good" names will be taken

at least THATS NEDS EXCUSE as to why hes allowed account creation problem to FESTER like PUSS in a sore... now people are just USED to steem being shit and impossible to get an account for... its just as bad as fucking Golos where you have scumbags out there who try to make it seem totally normal to spend 10 or 20 bucks on a fucking ACCOUNT, A FUCKING ACCOUNT! You would NEVER pay even ONE dollar for a bitcoin wallet!

(haha ok Rant continued down below in new comment )

Good call - SBD on binance would help quite a lot.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

ok come on man, steem is already being added to coinbase, you dont have to pretend to be doing "work" here, its gonna happen, its all predetermined like everything on this timeline

dont jinx it man, its gonna happen lol the feds have to use steem, nothing else works. its all just project xanadu bro, gotta have plausible deniability

@therealwolf @smartsteem i have mistakenly bid 2 time for same post however 1 bid is accepted and other one is stuck in bot healthexpert transfer 5.100 STEEM to smartsteem https://steemit.com/health/@healthexpert/sweet-potato-shakar-qandi healthexpert transfer 5.250 STEEM to smartsteem https://steemit.com/health/@healthexpert/sweet-potato-shakar-qandi so 5.25 bid accepted but 5.15 bid stuck please refund 5.15 Steem for double bid mistake

You got a 76.15% upvote from @minnowvotes courtesy of @healthexpert!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

This is excellent initiative @therealwolf.

We will support your initiative and request others to extend their support too. Below is how we suggest to strengthen this initiative:

  1. You give a comment that it is a valid entry, when yr vote power is drained too much, and invite supporters to upvote
  2. Supporters upvote till the valid entry has reached to 1$ as rewards

That way we can manage many more entry and keep motivating and rewarding the contributors.

We are upvoting this comment so that it reaches to top and come to the attention of all. And if felt right then all go out and support this excellent initiative taken by you.

We will upvote each entry with 5% if it is already upvoted by you and rewards are less than 1 $.

1$ is coming

That's a great idea! But I do believe that the main motivation should be to support Steem, the upvotes are a nice goodie from me :)

Your support is still appreciated and if others want to support commentators with votes as well - feel free to do so!



muy bueno!!!

all right

vote this comment so i can make my first cents :D

This sounds great!

that's will be so good

Thats Greats!!!!!

That's very good of you. :)

Yes, thats a so good suggestions. We are happy for your reward @actnearn

Posted using Partiko Android

thank you

@actnearn ? if i had to guess what that was in a game show id say it was some thing like the Earn app where you can earn small amounts of cryptocurrency for doing random tasks. (I want to get a bunch of people hired to animate cartoons)


Hey man ! Awsome initiative for pushing Steem into the heads of all cryptopeople! This would fire up the price a lot and hopefully soon they are accepting Steem for trading on coinbase ! I am very happy to see that people like you have the same wish and plan for Steem like I have! Unfortunately I can not vote right now because I can't see the star. Eventually it is because I didn't traded enough on coinbase. Perhaps this is the reason why some people see it and some don't.
But yeah I just want to say:

Thanks and keep up your great journey here !

I noticed that the star doesn't show up if you're not logged in. May be a silly mistake, but just wanted to point that out!

No more $1 vote?

1$ was too optimistic, otherwise, my VP is drained too fast. I want to give everyone an upvote :)


we are gonna resteem this and rewrite it to add extra emphasis on how this can really help steemit gain exposure as a platform.

seriously this is a great idea and we are happy to see coinbase is possibly going to embrace steemit!!

Great idea! I have been using Coinbase for months but not sure if I would ever notice this possibility to vote for Steem there :) Thanks for telling us.

Bez názvu.png

Bez názvuafs.jpg

Lets vote for steem on starbucks.

Love it!!!!

Steem for All!!

I would buy coffee with steem if they would let me

I would prefer sbd for starbucks :)

Posted using Partiko Android

that is a great ideia, I go on starbucks every day if I can pay with steem will be very nice
I upvote on this

Upvoted, Resteemed and Star'd STEEM! Great initiative! powering up what I can, creating projects to help this initiative and more!
Coinbase - Google Chrome 10_10_2018 6_42_39 PM.png

Let's Get Steem on Coinbase!!

And here is my little steem-star xD



Upvoted and resteemed

you are doing awsome ..

I am with coinbase Europe and put steem on the watch list now:


Oh WoW! What I'd do with that Steem Price would be Amazingly Life Changing, I know we will get there, it's just a matter of When. This is actually such a noble and great Idea, we should make it a movement as a community, thanks for initiating it. Here's my contribution...


Done! go #steem go!!! :D


because i care for steem

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Even I want steem to get listed on Indian Exchanges. Resteemed this post for more exposure.

I really thanks you. I resteemed your post.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Happened!!!!!!! steem golos.png

Great idea - would be fab to see it on Coinbase!

Here's my screenshot of the starred STEEM, yay!

Image 2018-10-10 at 2.06.21 PM.png

Just did, thanks for the idea and vote!


Thanks for this motivation, I just opened my account with Coinbase and did as you instructed. It worked perfectly well with my cryptTab browser. Steem will make us proud!

Below is the screenshot 👇

hey @therealwolf done :)

Already did this yesterday, but thanks for the upvote ;)
Screen Shot 20181010 at 20.29.08.png

Well the stars are not there as you mention, but I clicked around steem a bit and on the web site link, I;m sure they monitor that activity too!


Nice to see it's up over the month.

I clicked on the star!
スクリーンショット 2018-10-10 21.20.40.png

This is my Dashboard :)

スクリーンショット 2018-10-10 21.30.43.png


I didn't think to organize others around this idea when I starred STEEM and a few other coins on CB when the feature first came out. I love that folks are getting organized to build momentum behind the idea. Awesome idea.

Of course, nothing will happen no matter how many of us star it if STINC doesn't submit the form at listing.coinbase.com to request that they be listed. So hopefully they are also doing that.

Seriously! STINC needs to appoint one of us as a delegate to communicate with exchanges. I don't know if they will even do that :(

I think it has to be someone from the development team, looking at the site. But they certainly have people they could have do it. I hope this campaign reaches up as well as out, and that they are in fact involved.

I have been saying we should get on more exchanges for a while.. Great idea!

Screen Shot 2018-10-10 at 9.41.34 AM.png

This is a great ideal, I hope it work soon.

This mine check it

Posted using Partiko Android


Done @therealwolf sir

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Steemit will soon overtake all other social media


Bin schon länger bei Coinbase aber Steem hab ich da nie gesehen.
Danke für den Hinweis und natürlich gab's ein Sternchen!Coinbase.jpg

P.S. Tolle Aktion von Dir!

That's such a great idea @therealwolf. Thank you ! LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN GUYYYYYYYSS !

Screen Shot 2018-10-10 at 9.33.51 AM.png

Great idea

Dude! Freakin' great idea!

Done @therealwolf - agreed Coinbase is key for mass adoption or at least broader awareness for the Steem Blockchain

Screen Shot 2018-10-11 at 06.49.31.png


I am doing this for our community ...

girishpal steem upvote.JPG

Proof of star.
proof of star making.JPG

Thanks for the tip! Looking forward to trading Steem on Coinbase.

Let's hope we have steem on coinbase soon!

Done....hope steem get listed



It's a good idea


I did it


Glad on steemit..

Posted using Partiko Android

I had no clue about the star thing, it would be great to see Steem on Coinbase and i can't think of a better candidate tbh.

Screen Shot 2018-10-10 at 15.42.45.png

Great idea... done!
Screen Shot 2018-10-10 at 7.39.56 AM.png

I just Voted it

I do create a post also HERE making others to vote steem at coinbase!


Let's go!

Did it!! Great work with positive vibes


Screen Shot 20181011 at 10.55.53 AM.png

A long distance to cover. Good start.

Upvoted and resteemed


Yes! Let's do this! STEEM on Coinbase!

2018-10-10 (2).png

Done IMG_20181010_225622_591.jpg

Great post @therealwolf thank you for sharing! I just voted for Steem!! :D



Let's vote for Steem!

I am here for some of that sweet upvote lovin. :)


This is realy excellent initiative!

What a great idea!! I love this!!

Screen Shot 2018-10-10 at 9.21.40 AM.png

This is an awesome idea! Resteemed!


I "voted" hope this helps get Steem on Coinbase so we can all become millionaire's. This one post has done more for Steem than anything ned has done over the past year. Keep up the good work man.

Watching and waiting.
Hopefully we can see €6 again soon.


Kudos for the great initiative and the upvote love!

I'll say that Steem will "to the moon" one day ;)

Stars not appearing in Firefox.

There we go !!!!

One shining star for Steem. Hope we will make it.

Oh man, if Steem hits coinbase that will be a huge rush of interest that will be incoming. Not just investor interest but more importantly user interest.

I have starred from the mobile app.


Done :)
Neue Bitmap (2).jpg

When STEEM will be listed on Coinbase that will be a game changer 👌👌👌

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

This is great, of course Im supporting STEEM to get listed on Coinbase!
I can´t see the star button in the moment and tried with three different browsers, but I will try it again tomorrow.


  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thanks for this. Upvoted and resteemed <3

Will upvote later on coinbase when I return from work.

@remind-me in 24 hours


Is this bot reliable? Seems super handy.

Normally yes. Seems that the RC system made it stop, but delegated 100SP to it and it just commented under another comment of mine.

Hey @therealwolf, I appreciate your delegation to the project! It is also nice to see some people takes an advantage of the bot and use it.

Your reminder has not been registered due to the few minutes server offline window. I will address this issue by the end of the week to provide you more reliable service.

I may suck at taking photos but I never break a promise XD


Nice way to show some love to steemit 👍



Captura de pantalla 2018-10-10 a las 8.07.03 p.m..png

#steem go go go

There is my Star for STEEM.

I love this idea, if Coinbase listed Steem I think it could be hugely beneficial for us. With all this whining and begging, they'll either think we are a committed bunch... or an annoying bunch haha


Nice idea! =)
Here my proof, hopefully, they add STEEM!^^

I can't do that with my phone...
I will try it tomorrow with the PC.

I did not see d star. So I opened the chart. I tried all I could to vote. Well I got dis

This was a wonderful ideal from you... It will be a great benefit to all steem lovers to see steem reflecting when you visit coinbase. This should be a move for all steemit lovers to ensure that this dream come true. Invite friends to ensure the ideal of the movement is accomplished. That will be a boost to steem popularity and more. Brilliant ideal @therealwolf

I have no stars, used chrome, edge, firefox, brave browser,

Upvoted and resteemed too.

MMMhhh... just checked, but I can't see the stars :-(
I used Chrome.
Edit: and Mozilla too

I've given you an upvote regardless. Once the stars are available in your account, make sure to fav. Steem :)

Thanks! I already forwarded this post to the italian community: SteemPostItalia SPI on Discord ;-)
Have a great day!

Just curious. Are you using Mac or Windows?

I tried with Android and Windows... but I think it's a Coinbase issue.


are you logged in?
mine works on chrome

I logged in and had no option for stars. I did however write them an email, explaining why STEEM would be a good choice to add to coinbase.com


Screenshot_20181010-144911_Coinbase.jpgScreenshot_20181010-144921_Coinbase.jpg you can do it on the app too which is cool, this is on android, so ios must be ok too

whow! Would be cool to have STEEM at coinbase. Added to my favs.