How to overcome bad experiences and memories.

in steem •  6 years ago 

Bad things happen all the time even to good people.The negative impact of a bad experience can be hard to push off,especially if it allowed to linger or the victim wallows in the feeling of loss for too long.
It is good to grieve and be angry so long it is a process that would lead to healing and coming to terms with the bad experience.Moving past the bad experience is really hard but also very important and herein are ways you can get over them.

Stop blaming yourself

Most people who suffer a bad experience often blame themselves .This sometimes is right as the person might be at fault,and at other times is so wrong it defies logic.Irrespective of the feeling is correct or not,wallowing in it is entirely counter-product.It keeps you permanently in the past and unable to move on with the rest of your life.Accept what incident had occur and stop blaming yourself for it.You see that you come to terms with the part,if ant,in the tragedy without beating yourself up.

Focus on positive things

When one has a bad experience or suffers through a tragedy,wallowing seems like the easiest opinion .This is the mistake.Doing this would cause you unable to see different things that may have positive impact on you.As much as it is productive to analyse that why a bad thing happened,it would never be done to the point that you lose focus on positive things and thoughts.

Help a person in need

This can be therapeutic.Always remember that you are not alone and that other people are also in pain perhaps more than that you are facing and might need your help.
When you give this help the exchange usually trigger s a feelgood feeling which would overcome over showed your desire to wallow in your pain.

Turn that pain to the driving force for the good like,you may have heard,people lose close friends or relative due to cancer and end up funding cancer research so others would not feel their pain.

Focus on achieving your goals

We are not in full control of our life but we can shape it.What we cannot shape,change or control is what have already occurred :the past is close to us.After a loss and the period of coming to terms with it,you need to focus on your goals.Apart from mental strength it builds,you also get to have something to do,something to take your mind off the bed/painful incident.You also get to have achievements to cheer and milestones to reach.

Do the things you love to do for fun

Live.Yes,live and not just exist.
This is especially important when we are hit by tragedy or negative experiences. Such thing make fun seems like a bad thing.This is false impression.Do what makes you happy but be careful not to do partake in activities that are detrimental to your physical and mental health.

In all you do,do not internalise the pain or guilt.Let it out and give yourself a chance to heal.

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