Idea @vote2ico from a technical point of view is fantastic, from the point of view of steemit users also is interesting because without having technical knowledge they can invest in the upcoming ICO. It would be great to see @vot2ico post for token ICO.
However, the first project that they advertise causes me not to be interested in their services. Neoboost -, first of all there is no website for neoboost, mentioned in the post does not work, second of all their contract code which you can check here is very old using solidity 0.4.4.
I was trying to find where they took code from and i found 1 year old post from steemit - StandarToken and HumanStandardToken sources from the solidity github are using 0.4.8 solidity version.
And what is the most important, it wont be ICO at all because their contract rejects all ether transfers, contract sender assigned all created tokens to himself, so buying process is not automat hence you dont know whether you will receive your tokens.
BTW. what will happen if someone downvote vote2ico post?
My advice is - do not upvote Neobooster post.